All is not sunshine here at Corgi Hollows.
The skies are overcast and the air is cool. I'm a sky watcher, and the clouds have been unusual this summer. "Angel" clouds are almost always there. I've been trying to find out why, and all I come up with is conspiracy theories. Everyone has a different idea.!
At least it gives food for thought, while we wait for our summer skies. Everything is very green, unusual for this time of year. Much mowing much ensue.
We're pretty much recovered here.
-Rested up from the trip to Voyageurs National Park
-A bridal shower for my oldest son's fiancee
-Chinese student guests for the weekend (until yesterday)
-A church picnic, where I met some like-minded Bible prophecy buffs
-Painting and flooring a bedroom (It's beautiful!!)
-A visit from my brother and his wife, some of his children
-Wrapping up a "Cooking Merit Badge" obligation for scouts
-Cleaning (that is ---"extra" cleaning)
I had a real prayer request for last Friday. I was seeking to do the impossible. Did you know that all things really ARE possible with the Lord?
He is so wonderful. He answered my----our prayers----and I saw more things happen that day, effortlessly, with His wonderful strength. Really herculean tasks were attempted, and fulfilled in time for all the many activities of the weekend.
So I thank you for praying, and I thank the Lord for answering.
There has been some talk in the prophecy world of the Blood Moons coming in the next two years. Also the alignment of the planets to form the "Star of David" in the sky this afternoon.
My husband, the eternal skeptic, came in from the garage this morning and asked if an alignment of long lost screwdrivers had any prophetic significance !!
Apparently ALL of the pieces of a favorite (and apparently long missing) screwdriver set appeared in his toolbox this morning!
Yes, I said. It has significance. It proves that alignments are really amazing and interesting, and that we can expect GREAT THINGS! :)
What a happy Wednesday it is already!
Now if the sun comes out....