"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Standin' in the Need of Prayer
Thank you, readers, for praying for us when we need it!
We have illness here at Corgi Hollows. It's affecting all of us, and it has to do with exhaustion on the part of Ed.
When you mature, your heart and mind go through stages of development, and spiritual needs arise that require action and healing.
For most of us we can weather the storms of growing older, but for some it requires a little more compassion and energy.
Ed has a vivid mind. He needs your prayers, and he needs sleep. (So do we all!)
God is good, all the time.
We have illness here at Corgi Hollows. It's affecting all of us, and it has to do with exhaustion on the part of Ed.
When you mature, your heart and mind go through stages of development, and spiritual needs arise that require action and healing.
For most of us we can weather the storms of growing older, but for some it requires a little more compassion and energy.
Ed has a vivid mind. He needs your prayers, and he needs sleep. (So do we all!)
God is good, all the time.
Monday, September 23, 2013
Sometimes life throws angles at you that you would never suspect, but exhaustion can play a role that is schedule-changing.
So much fun, now so much rest.
We've all been quietly sleeping, resting, from the hyper activity of the beginning of September.
Yes, it's all fun, but now we pay the piper.
Today we sat by the fish pond in the late summer sun. Tomorrow it is fall.
The tomatoes need to be gathered. I'm allowing the buttercup squash to ripen just a little more.
The grass is somewhat greener from our "wedding rain."
It won't need mowing.
Car work has become my husband's main focus. Ironically we own a "Focus."
His mechanic skills are a welcome money saver, but time is still spent.
We are being quiet. Fall is here. It's time to reflect.
At least a little.
So much fun, now so much rest.
We've all been quietly sleeping, resting, from the hyper activity of the beginning of September.
Yes, it's all fun, but now we pay the piper.
Today we sat by the fish pond in the late summer sun. Tomorrow it is fall.
The tomatoes need to be gathered. I'm allowing the buttercup squash to ripen just a little more.
The grass is somewhat greener from our "wedding rain."
It won't need mowing.
Car work has become my husband's main focus. Ironically we own a "Focus."
His mechanic skills are a welcome money saver, but time is still spent.
We are being quiet. Fall is here. It's time to reflect.
At least a little.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
The Wedding (Ours)
It's still fresh and we are basking in the sweetness of a very happy event that took place on Saturday.
Plan B took place, as rain was forecast, but we all had the audacity of planning the event sans rain.
The sunset timed vows, the woodland path through the thicket, the big-sky setting, and a relaxed and open reception was not to be.
Instead there was a pearlesque quality to the air. The bride glowed. The flowers were dew dropped and the rain hugged us all together under our canopies and umbrellas.
Yes, we got soaked, but it didn't blow, and it wasn't uncomfortably cold.
It was beautiful. It was happy. It was magnificent in its own simplicity.
The wedding cake and cupcakes were darling, the flowers (procured at the farmer's market that morning) were stunning. The bridesmaids, carrying lanterns, were sweet and smiling. The cello processional and recessional added the right touch. The pastor said exactly the right things. The assorted tents covering the tables became cozy rooms to visit during the reception. A white horse made an appearance next to the ceremony location. (No, that wasn't planned!)
It was wonderful to have such a collection of our nearest and dearest.
The bride and the groom were speechlessly happy. She beamed, he had that satisfied contented look.
I've never seen so many friends and relatives collectively buzz around so efficiently! Things happened almost magically.
It all came together, and it is now a precious memory. Laugh with me.
Plan B took place, as rain was forecast, but we all had the audacity of planning the event sans rain.
The sunset timed vows, the woodland path through the thicket, the big-sky setting, and a relaxed and open reception was not to be.
Instead there was a pearlesque quality to the air. The bride glowed. The flowers were dew dropped and the rain hugged us all together under our canopies and umbrellas.
Yes, we got soaked, but it didn't blow, and it wasn't uncomfortably cold.
It was beautiful. It was happy. It was magnificent in its own simplicity.
The wedding cake and cupcakes were darling, the flowers (procured at the farmer's market that morning) were stunning. The bridesmaids, carrying lanterns, were sweet and smiling. The cello processional and recessional added the right touch. The pastor said exactly the right things. The assorted tents covering the tables became cozy rooms to visit during the reception. A white horse made an appearance next to the ceremony location. (No, that wasn't planned!)
It was wonderful to have such a collection of our nearest and dearest.
The bride and the groom were speechlessly happy. She beamed, he had that satisfied contented look.
I've never seen so many friends and relatives collectively buzz around so efficiently! Things happened almost magically.
It all came together, and it is now a precious memory. Laugh with me.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Who & What Is The Illuminati?
A Note About This Subject
Some of you know that I helped to start a church in a German town, Ingolstadt. It's about an hour north of Munich, and it's the home of Audi.
Ingolstadt is also known as the birthplace of the Illuminati.
I've had an interest in the subject ever since I lived there, and I've watched it develop and flourish, influencing pretty much all of our culture. (Disney, for example)
Harmless it is not.
It's good to be aware of how different organizations sway our collective mindset as a world community. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes blatant.
As a believer one should ALWAYS be wary of "secret" societies.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is NO secret here. We need to live our lives in the open, with the power of Christ Jesus on full display, lighting up the world.
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden.
Don't hide your light under a bushel!
Expose the darkness, it cannot exist when there is light.
Some of you know that I helped to start a church in a German town, Ingolstadt. It's about an hour north of Munich, and it's the home of Audi.
Ingolstadt is also known as the birthplace of the Illuminati.
I've had an interest in the subject ever since I lived there, and I've watched it develop and flourish, influencing pretty much all of our culture. (Disney, for example)
Harmless it is not.
It's good to be aware of how different organizations sway our collective mindset as a world community. Sometimes it's subtle, sometimes blatant.
As a believer one should ALWAYS be wary of "secret" societies.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. There is NO secret here. We need to live our lives in the open, with the power of Christ Jesus on full display, lighting up the world.
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill can not be hidden.
Don't hide your light under a bushel!
Expose the darkness, it cannot exist when there is light.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Wedding

Exhausted, but SO glad we had such an adventure!
The bride was beautiful, the groom weeping for joy. What sweetness to be witness to such a perfect event.
My dear friend's daughter is happily married, and it was an outdoor garden wedding----with weather to be grateful for. Not a breath of breeze blew a bouquet over, the air was cool and delightful. I am sure the photographs by the official photographer are perfect.
The train ride to and from Spokane, Washington was uneventful, as it should be. Yes, the train was delayed by track issues, freight trains with the right of way, and one passenger who seemed to think he was above the rules....but that's to be expected.
I can report that train travel is probably the least stressful type of travel I've experienced yet! You MUST give yourself a 24 hour cushion of time to your destination, however. The delays are simply part of the whole experience.
You meet an entirely different slice of the population! There were Amish farmers, hipsters, down-and-outers, friendly Harley Davidson types, and many, many elderly folk.
The staff was friendly, fun and helpful. Very personable.
It just isn't like flying, or like riding the trains in Europe. There is a hominess to it all, as if every traveler is in the adventure all together. Lots of talking, sharing, and meeting going on.
We sat in the "lounge" car, with its surround windows, during the stint through Glacier National Park.
Yes. Beautiful!
They even had a National Park Service volunteer riding the train and explaining to us what we were seeing! Craig Wilkie. He's a friendly fellow with plenty of knowledge to share. He pointed out pronghorns and told us about the wolverine population, his favorite!
In Shelby, MT we saw the pens of wild horses waiting for slaughter. A new friend on the train, Katherine, and I shared a few tears. Neither of us could believe that those gorgeous, healthy horses-----and numbers your heart would quake at----were destined for the packing house.
But they would have been doomed to starve.
I saw a young stallion skirt a small band of mares, right there in the holding pens. How little he knew---that he would be unable to take them back to those sage green hills where he grew up.
So much beauty on this earth. I can find comfort in my faith---as animals and environment suffer---but the human situation is so profoundly worse.
My friend was the premium hostess for our stay in Spokane------AS she mothered the bride! We all were treated to a new coffee----Dutch Brothers----and a new doughnut shop---"Dawn of the Donut"---a zombie themed place, and we spent a pleasant day at her friend's ranch. This rancher friend has a nice pool and 18 horses, of which four were Percherons, and two Belgians. Cherie was enchanted with those gentle giants!
We're home again. Not yet rested, but tomorrow we should be in working order!
It's off to prepare for our own event. More to come.
The dogs were ecstatic to see us.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor Day
Today we will labor, heavily, as we embark on a journey of great proportion tomorrow morning.
My dear friend's daughter, and she's like a niece to me, is getting married----and we are taking the train to the wedding.
We get home just days before my son weds the love of his life---at his grandparent's house! (You know, where our bees live.)
Yes, things happen for a reason. It is joyous that my friend's firstborn, and my firstborn are getting married just a week apart. What a great event to share! I'm so blessed.
Yes, that is if we are all still here :). It's heightened "Watch" week, with Rosh Hashannah happening on the 6th---the Feast of Trumpets---long believed by many to herald the return of Jesus for His church.
As Zola Levitt said, "Jesus ALWAYS kept the feasts!"
He sent His Spirit on Pentecost, and now the next feast is "Trumpets"----and many scholars believe that signifies our home-going.
I love the expectancy every year at this time. Those of us who truly love our Savior have watched for 2,000 years--passing on that love to the next generation--and waiting with patience.
How beautiful to watch for our dear Lord and Savior, a reminder that He IS coming, a freshening of our expectancy each year.
And the world grows darker, our yearning for the Lord grows stronger.
Much talk of the degenerate last week. Some of us are not surprised. What I find even more disturbing than the sexual innuendo is the satanic horns and tongue of Khali, a pagan demonic entity on FULL display.
The triangles and cornas that seem so blatantly displayed, the pentagrams and pyramids, the stars and bull's horns----are you seeing them? Satan has taken over so many people, and I'm thinking they don't even know it. On practically EVERY record cover there is some sort of triangle or pyramid! Or an all-seeing eye. If you look you can't miss them!
Do just a little research on occultic symbols, and you will see the rampant usage of them in this age. You may be surprised at those that turn up linked to "nice" things too.
Satan, that old deceiver. He's up to all his tricks because his time is so limited. He's going to be bound for 1,000 years, according to Scripture, coming up here "soon."
The references to Shamanism and paganism, even outright Satanism and Luciferianism---are so blatant--it's amusing people are so blind----if it weren't so tragic.
People are in bondage to the devil, spreading his evil everywhere.
Black and white, dark and light, bad and good, hell and heaven, evil and righteousness----the War is raging in the Heavenlies right now.
Who is on the Lord's side?
And we will be marrying and giving in marriage....
I keep thinking of that phrase from the description of the end times! I can't help it.
Be Ready at Any Hour
…37"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.…
Matthew 24:37-39
SO: to work! ---Packing and cleaning and wedding prep! Off we go!
I may need to blog some to keep my sanity over the next two weeks, but we'll see. It looks pretty busy!
My dear friend's daughter, and she's like a niece to me, is getting married----and we are taking the train to the wedding.
We get home just days before my son weds the love of his life---at his grandparent's house! (You know, where our bees live.)
Yes, things happen for a reason. It is joyous that my friend's firstborn, and my firstborn are getting married just a week apart. What a great event to share! I'm so blessed.
Yes, that is if we are all still here :). It's heightened "Watch" week, with Rosh Hashannah happening on the 6th---the Feast of Trumpets---long believed by many to herald the return of Jesus for His church.
As Zola Levitt said, "Jesus ALWAYS kept the feasts!"
He sent His Spirit on Pentecost, and now the next feast is "Trumpets"----and many scholars believe that signifies our home-going.
I love the expectancy every year at this time. Those of us who truly love our Savior have watched for 2,000 years--passing on that love to the next generation--and waiting with patience.
How beautiful to watch for our dear Lord and Savior, a reminder that He IS coming, a freshening of our expectancy each year.
And the world grows darker, our yearning for the Lord grows stronger.
Much talk of the degenerate last week. Some of us are not surprised. What I find even more disturbing than the sexual innuendo is the satanic horns and tongue of Khali, a pagan demonic entity on FULL display.
The triangles and cornas that seem so blatantly displayed, the pentagrams and pyramids, the stars and bull's horns----are you seeing them? Satan has taken over so many people, and I'm thinking they don't even know it. On practically EVERY record cover there is some sort of triangle or pyramid! Or an all-seeing eye. If you look you can't miss them!
Do just a little research on occultic symbols, and you will see the rampant usage of them in this age. You may be surprised at those that turn up linked to "nice" things too.
Satan, that old deceiver. He's up to all his tricks because his time is so limited. He's going to be bound for 1,000 years, according to Scripture, coming up here "soon."
The references to Shamanism and paganism, even outright Satanism and Luciferianism---are so blatant--it's amusing people are so blind----if it weren't so tragic.
People are in bondage to the devil, spreading his evil everywhere.
Black and white, dark and light, bad and good, hell and heaven, evil and righteousness----the War is raging in the Heavenlies right now.
Who is on the Lord's side?
And we will be marrying and giving in marriage....
I keep thinking of that phrase from the description of the end times! I can't help it.
Be Ready at Any Hour
…37"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. 38"For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, 39and they did not understand until the flood came and took them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be.…
Matthew 24:37-39
SO: to work! ---Packing and cleaning and wedding prep! Off we go!
I may need to blog some to keep my sanity over the next two weeks, but we'll see. It looks pretty busy!
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