"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Amen, Sister
Saturday, January 21, 2017
New President
I didn't watch the inauguration yesterday. I was working all day---first teaching science at the high school, then at the deli until 8.
My unpleasant coworker was not there, so I had a wonderful shift. By myself.
Don't you wonder sometimes who doesn't like you?
It's a good question, and I do. I know that we are supposed to love everyone, but some people are just naturally lovable. Others, not so much.
I know that there are some of my own family members that I would prefer inhabit other parts of heaven in the next life, and I'm sure they wish the same of me.
How mean, right?
Isn't it wonderful that God is going to make us all new? We'll actually like each other in heaven!
Happy thoughts.
I suppose that some people are reconciling themselves to President Trump. Maybe they think he's going to be in hell.
I don't know, and I can't care. It's beyond me to have an impact on Trump. I know that Barack Obama will be somewhere where Moslems go, as they claim him. Unless he repents and follows Jesus.
Donald Trump? Who knows?
WE are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
I love Bill Gothard's "Commands of Christ" series. I don't care how bad Gothard is as a human. I don't know. I know that his series on Christ's commands is perfection.
Follow Me.
Humble yourself.
Check it out. It's what keeps me loving those that aren't loving to me.
Following Christ is the ultimate passion, the ultimate life path.
My unpleasant coworker was not there, so I had a wonderful shift. By myself.
Don't you wonder sometimes who doesn't like you?
It's a good question, and I do. I know that we are supposed to love everyone, but some people are just naturally lovable. Others, not so much.
I know that there are some of my own family members that I would prefer inhabit other parts of heaven in the next life, and I'm sure they wish the same of me.
How mean, right?
Isn't it wonderful that God is going to make us all new? We'll actually like each other in heaven!
Happy thoughts.
I suppose that some people are reconciling themselves to President Trump. Maybe they think he's going to be in hell.
I don't know, and I can't care. It's beyond me to have an impact on Trump. I know that Barack Obama will be somewhere where Moslems go, as they claim him. Unless he repents and follows Jesus.
Donald Trump? Who knows?
WE are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.
I love Bill Gothard's "Commands of Christ" series. I don't care how bad Gothard is as a human. I don't know. I know that his series on Christ's commands is perfection.
Follow Me.
Humble yourself.
Check it out. It's what keeps me loving those that aren't loving to me.
Following Christ is the ultimate passion, the ultimate life path.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Corgi Thoughts
It's been an interesting weekend.
I'm dealing with a person who could be classified as mentally ill, but it comes across as harassment and verbal abuse. It is trying to "put up" with these attitudes, but I am in awe of the lessons God is teaching me---responding in love, quietly, with a quiet spirit (last year's lessons!), and patience.
It's unusual for me to be called a "stupid idiot." Every few minutes. Over and over. That, and other choice things.
I'm not, so it's just interesting. My responses must be Christlike, so I pray for the right words to say. It is a lesson in feeling how Christ feels. He was abused, scorned, mocked, and there are no promises that we won't be either!
I just thought it would be for standing for righteousness. Right now it is because I exist.
The mocking comes constantly, undeserved, and predictably (always!)
I would wish this on no one.
But I'm dealing with it. I'm rubbing shoulders with the untouchables, the forgotten, the working poor, the hopeless, the lost.
And, because of Christ, I'm not that.
So, I can take it.
I come home bruised. Wounded. Hurt. Not physically. In my spirit. I lay awake trying to pray for this person.
I am troubled for him. I take on his needs, his thoughts. He has opened up to me in spare moments, and I can see a checkered past. I know this person is what he is because of dysfunctional family background. And because of sin.
It's always sin. Iniquity.
I looked up the definition of iniquity today. I read something about the distinctions between iniquity, transgression and sin.
All are sin. Transgression is a specific act, and iniquity is the moral failing state of being that results from sin. So, sin.
He was bruised for our iniquity. Our moral failing---to a deep degree.
Our pastor had a little illustration a week ago, and he repeated it this past Sunday. He would not have needed to repeat it. It stuck in my head.
A man was asked what he did for a living. He replied that he was a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he funded his ministry by being a butcher during the day.
I love it.
We have such a high calling!
My friend, Jeremy, has so much to offer. He just released his second book. He deals with the outcasts, the untouchables, of our society. You know, America has them. Jeremy is living a life that is completely and utterly dependent on God's provision. It's absolutely stunning. His spiritual mentor is George Mueller, and he brings each and every need to God. God provides. Always. It takes great faith, but he is teaching the poor and broken souls of this world to do the same. He is teaching the dysfunctional to live.
My brother just visited Cuba. We have it SO EASY compared to Cuba!
People earn about $16 a day there. Free health care, but only about 4 medicines are ever available. Pharmacies are mostly closed. He met a scientist who only makes about $150 a year. It's unreal. They are happy people, in a sunny land, but so, so poor. Americans are beginning to travel there and money is starting to flow in the country, but many Americans are taking advantage of these destitute people.
Here in the US there are people who work hard and never can get ahead. America has these untouchables, poor, stricken folk as well!
There are truly inequalities that exist.
Perhaps you read the article below about 8 people controlling half the currency in the world. This is a gross inequality. We all must see it.
I think we needed someone like Donald Trump to shake them down.
The little person, mentally ill, struggling, no healthcare, broken, poor----what voice does someone like that have?
I am absolutely against Obamacare. I wouldn't want to be like Cuba!
I truly believe the entire healthcare system needs a financial reboot. Oh!--- for the days when doctors were community stalwarts, helping those who couldn't afford as much and those that could as well. Insurance is wonderful, but the loop-holes and over-charges are enough to stymie any industry.
Let's pray that Donald Trump will be true to those that elected him and right the cabal of controlling elites that have reigned for centuries.
Maybe he's one of them. But maybe not. We'll see.
God is in charge.
To those who are horrified by Donald Trump, I'd say that you are seeing what an unrighteous society degrades to. By ignoring the Bible, the righteousness promoted in the Bible, we have all been guilty of bringing this on ourselves.
Point the finger at yourself. Admit that we all need repentance and Christ's commands to live righteously.
Sinners will always be around. It's human nature to be iniquitous. But we have JESUS CHRIST to save us, the HOLY SPIRIT to convict us, and our Heavenly Father to forgive us, and be merciful.
LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY. It is the only answer to this sin-sick world.
And please pray for me and my wounded heart. Help me to love in return for hate. Help me to turn the other cheek. Help me to serve the servant. Pray for this poor person who is so desperately needy.
It could be that I got this job just to help in this life.
BTW, I love subbing. I'm a grandma now, and I don't take any guff. I could care less what the students think of me. I learn with them, and we appreciate each other. I'm already learning names of the students! I get to work with the choirs in both the Middle School and the High School again this week and next.
This is a balm to my spirit.
I'm dealing with a person who could be classified as mentally ill, but it comes across as harassment and verbal abuse. It is trying to "put up" with these attitudes, but I am in awe of the lessons God is teaching me---responding in love, quietly, with a quiet spirit (last year's lessons!), and patience.
It's unusual for me to be called a "stupid idiot." Every few minutes. Over and over. That, and other choice things.
I'm not, so it's just interesting. My responses must be Christlike, so I pray for the right words to say. It is a lesson in feeling how Christ feels. He was abused, scorned, mocked, and there are no promises that we won't be either!
I just thought it would be for standing for righteousness. Right now it is because I exist.
The mocking comes constantly, undeserved, and predictably (always!)
I would wish this on no one.
But I'm dealing with it. I'm rubbing shoulders with the untouchables, the forgotten, the working poor, the hopeless, the lost.
And, because of Christ, I'm not that.
So, I can take it.
I come home bruised. Wounded. Hurt. Not physically. In my spirit. I lay awake trying to pray for this person.
I am troubled for him. I take on his needs, his thoughts. He has opened up to me in spare moments, and I can see a checkered past. I know this person is what he is because of dysfunctional family background. And because of sin.
It's always sin. Iniquity.
I looked up the definition of iniquity today. I read something about the distinctions between iniquity, transgression and sin.
All are sin. Transgression is a specific act, and iniquity is the moral failing state of being that results from sin. So, sin.
He was bruised for our iniquity. Our moral failing---to a deep degree.
Our pastor had a little illustration a week ago, and he repeated it this past Sunday. He would not have needed to repeat it. It stuck in my head.
A man was asked what he did for a living. He replied that he was a witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and he funded his ministry by being a butcher during the day.
I love it.
We have such a high calling!
My friend, Jeremy, has so much to offer. He just released his second book. He deals with the outcasts, the untouchables, of our society. You know, America has them. Jeremy is living a life that is completely and utterly dependent on God's provision. It's absolutely stunning. His spiritual mentor is George Mueller, and he brings each and every need to God. God provides. Always. It takes great faith, but he is teaching the poor and broken souls of this world to do the same. He is teaching the dysfunctional to live.
My brother just visited Cuba. We have it SO EASY compared to Cuba!
People earn about $16 a day there. Free health care, but only about 4 medicines are ever available. Pharmacies are mostly closed. He met a scientist who only makes about $150 a year. It's unreal. They are happy people, in a sunny land, but so, so poor. Americans are beginning to travel there and money is starting to flow in the country, but many Americans are taking advantage of these destitute people.
Here in the US there are people who work hard and never can get ahead. America has these untouchables, poor, stricken folk as well!
There are truly inequalities that exist.
Perhaps you read the article below about 8 people controlling half the currency in the world. This is a gross inequality. We all must see it.
I think we needed someone like Donald Trump to shake them down.
The little person, mentally ill, struggling, no healthcare, broken, poor----what voice does someone like that have?
I am absolutely against Obamacare. I wouldn't want to be like Cuba!
I truly believe the entire healthcare system needs a financial reboot. Oh!--- for the days when doctors were community stalwarts, helping those who couldn't afford as much and those that could as well. Insurance is wonderful, but the loop-holes and over-charges are enough to stymie any industry.
Let's pray that Donald Trump will be true to those that elected him and right the cabal of controlling elites that have reigned for centuries.
Maybe he's one of them. But maybe not. We'll see.
God is in charge.
To those who are horrified by Donald Trump, I'd say that you are seeing what an unrighteous society degrades to. By ignoring the Bible, the righteousness promoted in the Bible, we have all been guilty of bringing this on ourselves.
Point the finger at yourself. Admit that we all need repentance and Christ's commands to live righteously.
Sinners will always be around. It's human nature to be iniquitous. But we have JESUS CHRIST to save us, the HOLY SPIRIT to convict us, and our Heavenly Father to forgive us, and be merciful.
LIVE RIGHTEOUSLY. It is the only answer to this sin-sick world.
And please pray for me and my wounded heart. Help me to love in return for hate. Help me to turn the other cheek. Help me to serve the servant. Pray for this poor person who is so desperately needy.
It could be that I got this job just to help in this life.
BTW, I love subbing. I'm a grandma now, and I don't take any guff. I could care less what the students think of me. I learn with them, and we appreciate each other. I'm already learning names of the students! I get to work with the choirs in both the Middle School and the High School again this week and next.
This is a balm to my spirit.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Saturday, January 14, 2017
A Week in January, A Year Older
I had a lovely birthday this past week.
Many kind wishes, contact with old and new friends, all made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
My dad turned 90 on the same day. He always said I was his best birthday present ever. He's so kind!
I get self analytical around my birthday each year. I know my failures as a wife and mother, and I certainly know my own sinful thoughts---but I'm struck by how thankful I am for God's presence in my life. As I get older I see His hand in almost everything.
It's truly amazing.
I realize that Satan is in charge of this world, and brings about many trials and tribulations through the sin, darkness, disease, and evil here, but God's power is evident in creation itself, and in the lives of believers. He has conquered death.
That is the ultimate.
I've been reading a book by Julie Ferwerda. It's called "Raising Hell" and it is a Universalist rallying cry.
Universalists believe everyone, Everyone, is going to heaven. No exceptions. Hell is really just a literary concept, conjured up by the linguists and interpreters of the ancient Biblical text. Julie gives a very thorough argument, and she quotes Scripture at length. She really worked on this book!
I think she really wants to believe in the Candy Land of eternal bliss for all life forms.
I get that. But I don't buy it.
You see, I bowed to a form of Universalism as a younger woman. I just wanted everyone----"the heathens in Africa"---to be in heaven after life on this earth.
I wanted all of us to be made new and well.
The Lord has been showing me that I was wrong, especially during these past two decades, as I've journeyed spiritually away from this happy place of NO CONDEMNATION. I finally had to realize that I was practicing idolatry, and changing the meanings of Scripture to what I wanted instead of what was plainly written.
Here's part of my journey away from Universalism, the steps, that is:
Idolatry---What is it? It's creating a god that I like, that I approve of
Scripture--It's true, reliable, inerrant, powerful, life-changing, and tremendously pivotal in the life of a Christ-follower
Genesis and Revelation---The two books Satan hates the most. To actually know them is to be immersed in truth that counteracts the counterfeit
Supernatural/Spiritual Interaction---A believer has had spiritual eyes opened, a supernatural act. This requires a repentance. A humiliating experience. Pride cannot play a part.
Hell/Heaven---Real places, real eternity, a truth that is only supernaturally experienced. Eyes MUST be opened to see it.
Jesus/Yeshua/Messiah/Christ---The Son of God, God, The Person we know as the Savior---This One we must come to know, personally. To have a personal relationship with Him is to be saved, to be free from the past and the law of sin and condemnation. He is completely unnecessary if there is no hell.
God is LOVE, God is JUST---The love side is the happy side of Scripture. Julie Ferwerda likes this, as we all do. God's justice is another reality. We are obligated to study this side of Him, to understand, to not dismiss this. I remember a fellow student in college who simply could not face this side of God. I think she was like many people. God is the righteous judge.
Election? Choice?---Both are true. John MacArthur labels it "God's Sovereignty, Man's Responsibility"
Two conflicting ideas, an age-old argument, divisive because people lose their balance. BOTH ARE TRUE, and God is beyond our comprehension in this truth. God IS Sovereign. Man must choose.
Sanctification---It's real. It's daily. It's what we do. We are sanctified in Christ when we choose to repent and put our trust in Christ. We begin a process of spiritual sanctification daily thereafter. Some people are changed by the filling of the Holy Spirit instantly, addictions are taken away, strongholds are broken!
But some have a slog of a daily battle. No one can judge the spirit of anyone except the God of the judgment seat. He is the ultimate judge. It sure is exciting to see transformation, though!
Hell---God, the righteous judge has condemned ALL OF MANKIND. It happened in the Garden of Eden.
If you don't believe in HIS PATH to salvation, you are condemned.
You've been warned. I love you too much to let you slide down that slope toward hell. To write a treatise denying hell is part of paving the way of eternal destruction to billions.
God is holy. This stands as fact. He defines Himself. No one is forced to believe this, but it is truth as defined in Scripture. (I didn't make it up!)
I urge you to get right with Him. There is nothing more wonderful or truthful in our existence.
Many kind wishes, contact with old and new friends, all made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
My dad turned 90 on the same day. He always said I was his best birthday present ever. He's so kind!
I get self analytical around my birthday each year. I know my failures as a wife and mother, and I certainly know my own sinful thoughts---but I'm struck by how thankful I am for God's presence in my life. As I get older I see His hand in almost everything.
It's truly amazing.
I realize that Satan is in charge of this world, and brings about many trials and tribulations through the sin, darkness, disease, and evil here, but God's power is evident in creation itself, and in the lives of believers. He has conquered death.
That is the ultimate.
I've been reading a book by Julie Ferwerda. It's called "Raising Hell" and it is a Universalist rallying cry.
Universalists believe everyone, Everyone, is going to heaven. No exceptions. Hell is really just a literary concept, conjured up by the linguists and interpreters of the ancient Biblical text. Julie gives a very thorough argument, and she quotes Scripture at length. She really worked on this book!
I think she really wants to believe in the Candy Land of eternal bliss for all life forms.
I get that. But I don't buy it.
You see, I bowed to a form of Universalism as a younger woman. I just wanted everyone----"the heathens in Africa"---to be in heaven after life on this earth.
I wanted all of us to be made new and well.
The Lord has been showing me that I was wrong, especially during these past two decades, as I've journeyed spiritually away from this happy place of NO CONDEMNATION. I finally had to realize that I was practicing idolatry, and changing the meanings of Scripture to what I wanted instead of what was plainly written.
Here's part of my journey away from Universalism, the steps, that is:
Idolatry---What is it? It's creating a god that I like, that I approve of
Scripture--It's true, reliable, inerrant, powerful, life-changing, and tremendously pivotal in the life of a Christ-follower
Genesis and Revelation---The two books Satan hates the most. To actually know them is to be immersed in truth that counteracts the counterfeit
Supernatural/Spiritual Interaction---A believer has had spiritual eyes opened, a supernatural act. This requires a repentance. A humiliating experience. Pride cannot play a part.
Hell/Heaven---Real places, real eternity, a truth that is only supernaturally experienced. Eyes MUST be opened to see it.
Jesus/Yeshua/Messiah/Christ---The Son of God, God, The Person we know as the Savior---This One we must come to know, personally. To have a personal relationship with Him is to be saved, to be free from the past and the law of sin and condemnation. He is completely unnecessary if there is no hell.
God is LOVE, God is JUST---The love side is the happy side of Scripture. Julie Ferwerda likes this, as we all do. God's justice is another reality. We are obligated to study this side of Him, to understand, to not dismiss this. I remember a fellow student in college who simply could not face this side of God. I think she was like many people. God is the righteous judge.
Election? Choice?---Both are true. John MacArthur labels it "God's Sovereignty, Man's Responsibility"
Two conflicting ideas, an age-old argument, divisive because people lose their balance. BOTH ARE TRUE, and God is beyond our comprehension in this truth. God IS Sovereign. Man must choose.
Sanctification---It's real. It's daily. It's what we do. We are sanctified in Christ when we choose to repent and put our trust in Christ. We begin a process of spiritual sanctification daily thereafter. Some people are changed by the filling of the Holy Spirit instantly, addictions are taken away, strongholds are broken!
But some have a slog of a daily battle. No one can judge the spirit of anyone except the God of the judgment seat. He is the ultimate judge. It sure is exciting to see transformation, though!
Hell---God, the righteous judge has condemned ALL OF MANKIND. It happened in the Garden of Eden.
If you don't believe in HIS PATH to salvation, you are condemned.
You've been warned. I love you too much to let you slide down that slope toward hell. To write a treatise denying hell is part of paving the way of eternal destruction to billions.
God is holy. This stands as fact. He defines Himself. No one is forced to believe this, but it is truth as defined in Scripture. (I didn't make it up!)
I urge you to get right with Him. There is nothing more wonderful or truthful in our existence.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Prophecy Stuff
We are on the fast track now, friends. As Donald Trump becomes president of the USA we have no idea how this will look, how it will turn out.
Prophetic events are on high speed, and it just went up a notch with the passing of the New Year.
Earthquake activity has ramped up. The evil Illuminati under Lucifer is becoming more blatant in talking about the New World Order (i.e. the anti-Christ system).
We can read the news of the day with full assurance that the Bible is truth.
Our study last evening began with the lesson about the Bible's reliability.
We wouldn't have anything but our imaginations to rely on without it.
Chris Pinto has put together 3 documentaries on the reliability and importance of the Biblical text. They are very well done, and thoroughly examine the archaic texts which are reliable and those that are not. I greatly encourage you to find his DVDs and order them.
The Text of Scripture is so pivotal that our entire faith stands on it. It's pretty important.
As I read about more universalism becoming popular among most mainline Christian-in-name-only churches I see a direct link to Biblical illiteracy and criticism of text.
God's Word stands.
So, we can move from that established fact to what it prophesies.
We had a good time with discussion last evening. I hope you will feel free to join us in two weeks. We plan to meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings from 6 to 8 until the end of April. Here, at Corgi Hollows.
Ed and our friend were making fresh bagels so we all got to have a treat. Delicious.
I can assure you that there will be delicious treats planned for each time! I will have soup, too, so you can be nourished as well.
I listened to this talk about the Illuminati this morning and it really capsulized many interesting events in the history of that demonic organization. If you want a quick overview you can listen to this. The YouTube clips have little to do with the narrative.
Illuminati Explained
Fascinating. This was recorded years ago, and Lucifer just keeps perpetuating his plans. They do play a huge role in the Tribulation to come.
It's time to wake up.
Watchman Tell Us Of The Night! Rene Clausen
A powerful song. I think it is a message for our age.
Bless you, Dr. Clausen.
Prophetic events are on high speed, and it just went up a notch with the passing of the New Year.
Earthquake activity has ramped up. The evil Illuminati under Lucifer is becoming more blatant in talking about the New World Order (i.e. the anti-Christ system).
We can read the news of the day with full assurance that the Bible is truth.
Our study last evening began with the lesson about the Bible's reliability.
We wouldn't have anything but our imaginations to rely on without it.
Chris Pinto has put together 3 documentaries on the reliability and importance of the Biblical text. They are very well done, and thoroughly examine the archaic texts which are reliable and those that are not. I greatly encourage you to find his DVDs and order them.
The Text of Scripture is so pivotal that our entire faith stands on it. It's pretty important.
As I read about more universalism becoming popular among most mainline Christian-in-name-only churches I see a direct link to Biblical illiteracy and criticism of text.
God's Word stands.
So, we can move from that established fact to what it prophesies.
We had a good time with discussion last evening. I hope you will feel free to join us in two weeks. We plan to meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday evenings from 6 to 8 until the end of April. Here, at Corgi Hollows.
Ed and our friend were making fresh bagels so we all got to have a treat. Delicious.
I can assure you that there will be delicious treats planned for each time! I will have soup, too, so you can be nourished as well.
I listened to this talk about the Illuminati this morning and it really capsulized many interesting events in the history of that demonic organization. If you want a quick overview you can listen to this. The YouTube clips have little to do with the narrative.
Illuminati Explained
Fascinating. This was recorded years ago, and Lucifer just keeps perpetuating his plans. They do play a huge role in the Tribulation to come.
It's time to wake up.
Watchman Tell Us Of The Night! Rene Clausen
A powerful song. I think it is a message for our age.
Bless you, Dr. Clausen.
Sunday, January 8, 2017
Saturday, January 7, 2017
It's late on Saturday night, but I wanted to write a little. I'm so excited to start the end times Bible study tomorrow evening. We tried to start in December, but the holiday rush interfered, also health and other issues. Tomorrow we plan to actually begin the book, and I can't wait.
I was able to substitute teach one day last week. A nice, tender beginning to the work-world. I have also worked 3 shifts in the local deli, and I'm happy to say I can now fry chicken. I'm still afraid of the big deep fryer---I don't allow fried foods at home---but I can figure out a working relationship with it.
I'm so happy to be in the deli. It's mostly cleaning, and it closes earlier than the store it's in, so I can get home at a reasonable hour.
My New Year's resolution is to actually paint and do some art everyday that I don't sub.
Of course I started my Bible reading, Cherie and I have our School understanding down pat. The cats are a little lonesome for me, but they can handle it. Ed will drive to school on his own next week (PLEASE PRAY!) and all should be well----24 hours at a time, right?
We just never know.
My cousin died two weeks ago. My uncle died last week. We all know things happen in threes, right? Superstition or coincidence? I can't help think that the supernatural dimension plays a hefty role in each of our lives.
These two went to be with the LORD.
I wonder when our time comes?
Last night Ed and I listened to a young man tell about a horrible vision he had. It was so awful that he sought help. He wasn't a believer. Yet.
The vision proved to be rather apocalyptic, and he had no idea about what he as seeing. The believer he told about it did recognize some aspects of the vision as being part of the Tribulation. It was horribly frightening to the young person---he saw terrible things, blood, war, nuclear destruction, fire, savagery. He wept in absolute panic!
It must be soon.
We're headed to a banquet in the presence of the LORD. Soon.
This year? Next?
Maranatha! Come soon, Lord Jesus.
I expect Him!
Those of us who have knowledge of God's Word know that it anchors us, informs us, calms us, helps us. We know that we need spiritual eyes, given by God Himself, to be able to understand this sacred Word. We know that we must repent and ask forgiveness, tell Him that we need His salvation.
We know this. We have this expectation for gaining eternal life with the most important Person ever.
Don't wait. Turn from your sin, follow Christ. Ask His forgiveness! Believe and put your trust in Him. You must repent.
And experience your spiritual eyes opening!
Expect it. His promises are sure.
May the Lord give you a blessed Sabbath.
I was able to substitute teach one day last week. A nice, tender beginning to the work-world. I have also worked 3 shifts in the local deli, and I'm happy to say I can now fry chicken. I'm still afraid of the big deep fryer---I don't allow fried foods at home---but I can figure out a working relationship with it.
I'm so happy to be in the deli. It's mostly cleaning, and it closes earlier than the store it's in, so I can get home at a reasonable hour.
My New Year's resolution is to actually paint and do some art everyday that I don't sub.
Of course I started my Bible reading, Cherie and I have our School understanding down pat. The cats are a little lonesome for me, but they can handle it. Ed will drive to school on his own next week (PLEASE PRAY!) and all should be well----24 hours at a time, right?
We just never know.
My cousin died two weeks ago. My uncle died last week. We all know things happen in threes, right? Superstition or coincidence? I can't help think that the supernatural dimension plays a hefty role in each of our lives.
These two went to be with the LORD.
I wonder when our time comes?
Last night Ed and I listened to a young man tell about a horrible vision he had. It was so awful that he sought help. He wasn't a believer. Yet.
The vision proved to be rather apocalyptic, and he had no idea about what he as seeing. The believer he told about it did recognize some aspects of the vision as being part of the Tribulation. It was horribly frightening to the young person---he saw terrible things, blood, war, nuclear destruction, fire, savagery. He wept in absolute panic!
It must be soon.
We're headed to a banquet in the presence of the LORD. Soon.
This year? Next?
Maranatha! Come soon, Lord Jesus.
I expect Him!
Those of us who have knowledge of God's Word know that it anchors us, informs us, calms us, helps us. We know that we need spiritual eyes, given by God Himself, to be able to understand this sacred Word. We know that we must repent and ask forgiveness, tell Him that we need His salvation.
We know this. We have this expectation for gaining eternal life with the most important Person ever.
Don't wait. Turn from your sin, follow Christ. Ask His forgiveness! Believe and put your trust in Him. You must repent.
And experience your spiritual eyes opening!
Expect it. His promises are sure.
May the Lord give you a blessed Sabbath.
Friday, January 6, 2017
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Monday, January 2, 2017
January 2017
Last night I went to the jail as I do on some Sundays. I work with Pilot Outreach, a jail ministry in the Sherburne County Jail.
It's always a blessing for me. The inmates that come to our meeting are seekers, sweet, and lovable. Many are in jail as illegal immigrants, many on drug charges. Some we simply don't know, and we never ask.
There is so much pain there. Weeping is normal.
Loss, loneliness, sorrow, regret, fear, anxiety, and sometimes little hope plague these women. They express their gratefulness when we show up---something different in their mundane lives.
They are truly a "captive" audience. Out of about 80 female inmates around 20 show up each week.
We sing several songs. We pray. We share. I read Bible stories.
It's pretty simple stuff, but how it affects all of us!
It was New Year's Day yesterday, so we talked about resolutions. We talked about good habits. We talked about living, and how to live. Two of us prepared something to share, and per usual, unplanned, we dove-tailed in the subject. God always does this!
We both talked about servant hood and our purpose in living. It struck a chord, as they nodded-- and "Yes!" was exclaimed over and over.
It's a message for me today.
I am called as a servant. Servants are all about their masters.
My master is Yashua HaMaschiach, and He commands me to serve EVERYONE. It's not about me, it's about everyone else.
This is hard for me. I am learning. I fail. I tend to be self-oriented.
But the LORD knows my struggles, and He patiently teaches me this lesson over and over.
I'm starting the new year with this book again. I took a hiatus from "Discovering the Bible" but I am excited to begin it again for 2017. It was written by a friend, Gordon L. Addington, who just happens to be the dad of two very important women in my life. They are the sisters that God gave me----not biologically, but spiritually.
We meet for coffee once a month, and catch up on EVERYTHING.
But we major on the things that God is doing in our lives, and I can tell you it's exciting!
All three of us are not immune to troubles. We have loads of them. But we all can attest to the power of God in getting us through unbelievable circumstances! Really.
I am beyond blessed to have these sisters.
I was reading in the fourth chapter of Genesis this morning, and I wanted to share this side note about the names of the first genealogy from Adam to Noah. I've shared this before, but it is worth repeating over and over:
(I got this from Chuck Missler at www.khouse.org)
Now read the meanings of the names as a sentence.
So beautiful. The message of the Gospel in the first chapters of the Bible!
Nothing is by chance. God is lovingly drawing you unto Himself.
As I start working two jobs tomorrow---subbing and working in the local delicatessen (come and see me!) I am encouraged by the BIG picture.
Our cancers, our poverty, our disappointments------they are all a part of God's beautiful plan to give us eternal hope and rest.
Believe it.
It's always a blessing for me. The inmates that come to our meeting are seekers, sweet, and lovable. Many are in jail as illegal immigrants, many on drug charges. Some we simply don't know, and we never ask.
There is so much pain there. Weeping is normal.
Loss, loneliness, sorrow, regret, fear, anxiety, and sometimes little hope plague these women. They express their gratefulness when we show up---something different in their mundane lives.
They are truly a "captive" audience. Out of about 80 female inmates around 20 show up each week.
We sing several songs. We pray. We share. I read Bible stories.
It's pretty simple stuff, but how it affects all of us!
It was New Year's Day yesterday, so we talked about resolutions. We talked about good habits. We talked about living, and how to live. Two of us prepared something to share, and per usual, unplanned, we dove-tailed in the subject. God always does this!
We both talked about servant hood and our purpose in living. It struck a chord, as they nodded-- and "Yes!" was exclaimed over and over.
It's a message for me today.
I am called as a servant. Servants are all about their masters.
My master is Yashua HaMaschiach, and He commands me to serve EVERYONE. It's not about me, it's about everyone else.
This is hard for me. I am learning. I fail. I tend to be self-oriented.
But the LORD knows my struggles, and He patiently teaches me this lesson over and over.
I'm starting the new year with this book again. I took a hiatus from "Discovering the Bible" but I am excited to begin it again for 2017. It was written by a friend, Gordon L. Addington, who just happens to be the dad of two very important women in my life. They are the sisters that God gave me----not biologically, but spiritually.
We meet for coffee once a month, and catch up on EVERYTHING.
But we major on the things that God is doing in our lives, and I can tell you it's exciting!
All three of us are not immune to troubles. We have loads of them. But we all can attest to the power of God in getting us through unbelievable circumstances! Really.
I am beyond blessed to have these sisters.
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Gordon Addington's Discovering the Bible |
I was reading in the fourth chapter of Genesis this morning, and I wanted to share this side note about the names of the first genealogy from Adam to Noah. I've shared this before, but it is worth repeating over and over:
(I got this from Chuck Missler at www.khouse.org)
Now read the meanings of the names as a sentence.
So beautiful. The message of the Gospel in the first chapters of the Bible!
Nothing is by chance. God is lovingly drawing you unto Himself.
As I start working two jobs tomorrow---subbing and working in the local delicatessen (come and see me!) I am encouraged by the BIG picture.
Our cancers, our poverty, our disappointments------they are all a part of God's beautiful plan to give us eternal hope and rest.
Believe it.
Sunday, January 1, 2017
I was amazed at many friends sharing poetry last evening.
I guess New Year's Eve inspires the poet in each of us.
I attended my cousin's funeral. He was not old. Death came unexpectedly and unanticipated.
Death brings out the philosopher in each of us. We all die.
"Ten out of ten," said the preacher at the funeral.
I just happened to bring home a collection of books by Agnes Sligh Turnbull last week. I really like one of her novels, and I wanted to see some of her other work.
She wrote historical fiction mostly.
One of her things was a booklet about the death of a soldier. Written in 1943 the Second World War was in full operation. This book poetically compared the death of a young brave man to the death of Pheidippedis, the runner that inspired marathons. He died young and at the greatest moment of his life.
So died this young WWII soldier. I'd say small comfort, yet patriotism and love of country are truly worthy of sacrifice.
But only if eternal destinations are sure.
Hell is a place I'd want no one to go.
Death is a surety (unless the Rapture!) and hell is to be avoided at all costs. How do we avoid hell?
Simply believe and repent. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and let God transform your life by His grace.
You can't earn it. You are offered a gift. Accept that truth and you will be different.
God has His gentle and infinite ways.
But you must "play" by His rules.
So, please, for 2017, change. Repent. Come to the One who takes away all fear of death.
Death is beaten, conquered.
O Death, where is thy sting?
O Grave, where is thy victory?
Death is swallowed up in victory.
Happy thought. Happy 2017.
I guess New Year's Eve inspires the poet in each of us.
I attended my cousin's funeral. He was not old. Death came unexpectedly and unanticipated.
Death brings out the philosopher in each of us. We all die.
"Ten out of ten," said the preacher at the funeral.
I just happened to bring home a collection of books by Agnes Sligh Turnbull last week. I really like one of her novels, and I wanted to see some of her other work.
She wrote historical fiction mostly.
One of her things was a booklet about the death of a soldier. Written in 1943 the Second World War was in full operation. This book poetically compared the death of a young brave man to the death of Pheidippedis, the runner that inspired marathons. He died young and at the greatest moment of his life.
So died this young WWII soldier. I'd say small comfort, yet patriotism and love of country are truly worthy of sacrifice.
But only if eternal destinations are sure.
Hell is a place I'd want no one to go.
Death is a surety (unless the Rapture!) and hell is to be avoided at all costs. How do we avoid hell?
Simply believe and repent. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and let God transform your life by His grace.
You can't earn it. You are offered a gift. Accept that truth and you will be different.
God has His gentle and infinite ways.
But you must "play" by His rules.
So, please, for 2017, change. Repent. Come to the One who takes away all fear of death.
Death is beaten, conquered.
O Death, where is thy sting?
O Grave, where is thy victory?
Death is swallowed up in victory.
Happy thought. Happy 2017.
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