"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, March 19, 2017


I am grateful today.

Grateful for friends who have prayed for us.

I'm thankful for all the gifts that demonstrate the love you have for Ed and our family. The many containers of food, the flowers, the cards with words of encouragement. The DVD and gift cards!

I'm overwhelmed.

It is a privilege to be a part of God's family and see how caring and wonderful it can be when you go through deep waters.

It is a joy.

Thank you, friends. You are a gift to us.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Quick Updates

Ed is doing great. He's feeling pretty good, walking around with his walker. We are on Ed-watch, 24/7 for another few days. Then he can do things on his own.

He's been good about doing exercises, eating right, and generally watching out for his healing.

I'm not doing quite as well. I guess the stress is getting to me.

Kiwi's passing didn't do any favors for Corgi Hollows.

A pet. Even a pet's death can be a sobering reminder that we do not know what a day may bring!

I'm working my two jobs with the help of Cheri being home with Ed. She takes on Ed's watch while I'm away at work.

I'm becoming accustomed to the politics of workplaces. That is not something I missed as a home-school mom. Social constructs based on the personalities of the employee pool. It's there. It's real. It can be unpleasant. I'm tired of it already!

But I'm a good little worker bee, and I can keep my head down and busy myself along with the best of them!

It's been nice to have a little financial cushion again. It's not much, but enough. It's the timing of everything.

Blackberry moans in the night, she struggles to get up in the morning. I wonder, "How long?"

The day after Kiwi passed I went to the humane society and picked up a cat from rural Minnesota. He's all black with Topaz eyes. (Kiwi's were green)

It's uncanny how he has melded in to Corgi Hollows. It's remarkable how different two black cats can be! Topi (we call him) has a muscular farm-boy body. He's all black, no white markings. He's sweet and friendly. He and Predicate kiss when they meet in the hall. They still have their moments, but overall he has fit in purrfectly.

Somehow it distracts us from our grief to have him. Not needing grief-stress these days! There's enough stress to go around a few times, everyone with a heaping helping.

But we are fine, and looking for signs of spring.


Spiritual Concerns

Why do people even read Corgi Hollows?

My concerns are the same ones many have. I am a common thinker, a common soul. I think like the people of common sense. And I write.

It was the common sense thinkers that elected Donald Trump to be president. Sheeple? Perhaps, but they were discerning enough to recognize the cabal of globalism in Hillary Clinton, (or saw her distastefulness) and prevent further progress down that slippery slope for now.

So I'm sharing some concerns today. I'm going to share some things I'm learning, and I feel the need to warn my fellow believers, and my friends who are not believers. Things are happening fast.

I grew up with a critical spirit. That's not very nice. Some people would call it by its euphemism: discernment.

But it is what it is. "Everyone's a critic!" my husband likes to say. Well, it's a truth.

We all like people who are perpetually wonderful and never say a mean word! Would that we were all perfect.

Perhaps we can never say a mean word to someone's face, but we could still express our divergent views in a non-confrontational manner?

Well, that's me. That's what I do. At least I try.

I have opinions about everything. I don't hide them much because I write.

Boy, does that get me in trouble!

But there must be some of us who learn and wonder, share and change. Why write books? Why discuss? Why report anything? It's all just controversial and unpleasant. "It's not Christian!" ---as a character from the TV series "Anne of Green Gables" exclaimed.

I know that God changes minds. I also know that I make decisions based on what I know. A circular comes in the mail to advertise a bargain on spinach at the local grocery store. I buy it on that information.

These days the big story is "fake news." I think discernment is called for on a much deeper level than ever before.

The six big media corporations in America are owned by globalists.

What's a "globalist?"

Quick definition: Entities that support the New World Order---One government, one economy, one religion, all controlled by the tiny group of elites that have garnered power over the rest of the world by incremental measures, all under a Luciferian mindset. Think United Nations, Paganism, Club of Rome, Bohemian Grove, the Federal Reserve.

That's hooey conspiracy stuff!


It's not.

Discernment is a much-needed character trait in this epoch of time. It's so easy to be sucked into the master diabolical plan.

Since November I've been watching this argument play out on the national stage with Donald Trump's election to president. Most interesting is seeing the globalists frenzy. They hate Trump. I have to admit that I did not like him, and still do not like him, but I'm beginning to see his election as an act of God, and nothing less. I know that God raises up rulers. In that sense Trump is His pick. But why?

I'm beginning to see it. God is giving our society one more chance at becoming spiritually discerning. It's a wake up call.

See these globalists? See their Machiavellian plans? See their cabals? Their Luciferian dictates?

God is working. People ARE seeing the reality of spiritual warfare and waking to the dichotomy that has existed from the Garden of Eden.

It's God's way, or man's. And ne'er the twain shall meet. One must cross over the gap by faith from the natural man to the spiritual man. There is no in-between. No sitting on the fence. No impartial stance. You are in one camp, or the other.

That's Biblical.

I'm waking up to the liberal theology that permeates the religion also known as Christianity. It's so pervasive it has contaminated the Reformation, the Evangelical church, even the English Scriptures themselves. Translation wars. (But read your Bible, the one you have! There's truth in it that cannot be contained.)

Well, the evil camp is pretty smart. And deceitful. People just cannot conceive that they wouldn't be fooled by its master.

Even in the church.

The core problem is Biblical illiteracy. If one doesn't know the righteous standard, one follows the thing that sounds good.

But the Bible is an authority that goes against human nature.

All that introduction to give this piece of information gleaned from a guest we are hosting at Corgi Hollows this weekend. He's an expert in the area of paganism and globalism. We're privileged to have him, to ask him questions, to learn things. He's a committed Christ-follower.

I have been wondering about Mike Pence and his spiritual background. I wondered if he had any Jesuit influence, and if he was a pretend believer.

Our Expert thinks Pence is the real thing, that he became a Christian as an adult, and that he has a believer's mindset. That's huge. He has a great deal of influence, even as the Vice President of the USA. He has the ear of the president. He could be a tremendous influence of good.

The political left thinks Trump and Pence are the embodiment of evil. That's clear. But whose camp are they in? Baby sacrifice? That's diabolical. It's the watershed issues that define us. Common sense thinkers recognize this.

(Meals on wheels, education, the homeless, the EPA----The left is desperately trying to pin on Trump anything that colors him as a tyrant. These things have always been concerns of Christ-followers! There's no need to worry about them if Pence is a true believer, and Trump listens to him.)

We must be discerning, right? If the mainstream media is against Trump (like NPR) we must conclude that they are globalists. Trump seems to be anti-globalist in a refreshing and canny way.
He has the money, the chutzpah, the personality to take on the elitist cabal.

We'll keep watching him, evaluating his actions and plans, discerning his secret motives to the best of our capabilities.

Someone has to do the research.

Someone has to report the details.

Someone has to learn the truth.

That's why I listen to the radio, the podcasts, the teachers at prophecy conferences. I want to be alert to the trends that are infiltrating the church. And I feel the need to pass on this information---this criticism---to those I care about. That's why I'm grateful to the experts that ferret out information that changes the course of my thinking. It's about being willing to change and discerning the righteous path.



Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Good Day

Ed is in the hospital recovering from knee replacement surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester.

Yesterday was a rollercoaster type of day, with the surgeon asking hard questions. Ed is not a complainer, as you shall see.

When the doctor asked him if he could tolerate pain in his knee Ed said yes. The doctor sent us out to lunch to discuss whether or not we should go through surgery since Ed could still tolerate the pain.

The X-ray showed a damaged knee. The doctor said some people would have had that knee replaced three years before!

Yet, he encouraged Ed to hold onto the knee as long as possible.

Ed wavered.

My husband and I both felt that the surgery should go on, also despite low white blood cell counts. They were below even the lowest margin for surgery.

That wasn't a show stopper. The surgeon had done other patients with similar counts due to chemotherapy. It just wasn't optimal.

Ed agreed to go forward, and we showed up at the hospital this morning.

After the surgery the doctor told us that the damage in the knee was quite significant. The surgery was absolutely necessary. The bone was in terrible shape, pockmarked, worn.

God is good.

Ed was watched carefully by EXCEPTIONAL medical professionals.

He came out of recovery with the same light-hearted attitude. Yes, he is in pain. He said it was an "8" at times. It's down to a 4-5 now.


We're going to get him up tomorrow morning.

We're praying for a good night. Join me?

Many thanks for all of you dear ones praying.

Prayer has sustained us.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Liberals be Like


They Hate




Saturday, March 4, 2017


Just a little milestone to comment on. Corgi Hollows has had almost 110,000 page views since it started. It gets about 100 everyday, so I am amazed at the interest it has generated.

I sound like a broken record, most of the time. I have one message----FOLLOW CHRIST!

I believe it to be the only truth worth talking about.

My husband is doing bee box work today, getting ready for the new bees. Newbies.

Bee stuff is always interesting, as is almost all of life, to me. Bee people will start relating to my blog again more as the bee season kicks in.

Since Misty passed I am woefully Corgi-less. Her memory is sustained in my thoughts. I dream of a new pup every day. Right now is not the optimal time. Blackberry ages. I'm working outside the home ---some weeks more than 50 hours. It depends on my subbing schedule. I work the deli two nights a week and every other Saturday. A new pup isn't a possibility right now. I intend to rescue any Corgi that needs me though, so that option is totally open. Corgi Hollows would be perfect for that!

I am getting to know the locals at both of my jobs. On a rather grand scale. It's interesting.

Next week we'll become intimately acquainted with Mayo Clinic.

Please pray for a successful operation. Ed's professors have been wonderful at North Hennepin. They have set up cameras in the classrooms for a live feed for Ed! It's spring break next week, but he plans to take the week after spring break off as well to recover.

Yesterday he went in for final blood counts at Children's Hospital. Things look good for surgery. He also got a type of chemo that won't be hard on his body's healing powers next week. All other chemos are on hold right now.

Complicated. Just hoping for few complications!

I tell my students about Ed when I sub. It makes a connection with them. I hear cancer stories from them, and there is a great deal of compassion from all of the kids. I'm touched. To think that Ed had a such a rough journey and is doing so amazing is to the glory of God. God is so good.

Must get some organizing done. Happy weekend!
Thanks for praying!

Writing Like Mad

It's Saturday. I'm working at the delicatessen this afternoon. I worked all week.

Next week Ed has his left knee replaced at Mayo Clinic. Immanent change ahead!

I had a most interesting week with two hard days teaching. I met a four-year-old who has completely comprehended the new education system and defied it to the best of his abilities. You can ask me about the sordid details when I see you.

I met a sullen, unhappy teacher who cannot smile, and exudes hopelessness.

Her unhappiness is expressed in officiousness.

I subbed in Industrial Arts this week, and I'm scheduled to go back to that in a month. Of course I was not authorized to oversee machine usage, but it was still interesting to be in that environment. The students had a worksheet/quiz they had to complete. I learned that Industrial Arts programs are virtually a thing of the past in Minnesota and that this school is one of the only ones left.

I took "shop" in high school. I was one of those girls. I enjoyed it! How sad that that program has been shelved for the most part.

Can I say this without sounding completely jaded? With so little to do each hour in school these students waste 4/5ths of the time they spend in school. It's true. Yes, I'm a sub, and I have to oversee study hall after study hall---but they don't study. They look at their phones or computers and few read books. Just saying.

I enjoy getting to know the kids and suggesting productive activity---even if it's an exchange about life goals!
But I weep inside at the wasted time.

I'm a home-school mom. Remember?

There has been a theme developing in my mind these past two weeks. It's a leit motif singing "Come Apart!"

We are wheat. We are sheep. We are separate. We are in but not of.

Alcohol. I've had several conversations lately about alcohol usage. Interesting ones. I asked a woman I've been acquainted with for years how she got her children to not use alcohol. Her kids are just older than mine.

They all have roommates and friends who habitually drink.

"What's your secret?" I asked her.

"We never had it in our home," she replied. (Check, outside of flavorings)
"We talked about the abuse of alcohol." (Check)
"We lived it. No drinking." (Check)

I guess it works sometimes. This morning David Wheaton had a guest pastor on his radio show. This pastor mentioned the most difficult thing about pastoring people is waiting for change. Being patient with people.

We all know people who have been transformed overnight, in an instant. (Caryl Matrisciana!) But most people become gradually changed. A little here, a little there. Bit by bit.

It's true. There is conviction, then action, then growth. Give people time. Give them a chance!

I think of anything on this earth, in the confines of time----in light of CHANGE. It can be instant, but that is a fraction of the type. Change is always, constant, everywhere, comprehensive, and it happens slowly for most of us.

I'm praying for young people to lose their taste for alcohol. I'm praying for them to put their desires in serving God over filling their bellies. I am praying for self denial, self control, self discipline to be developed in their hearts and spirits.

I realize that we live in the days of "Eat, drink, and be merry."  For tomorrow we die.

We do. It's a time of separation. The sheep will come out from the goats. The tares will be gathered and burned.

Some people fully align with the dark side. Witches and pagans, Wiccans openly eschew the Biblical God.

There are those that are less obviously aligned with evil. The religions of the world are not of God.

God is personal. He is the Creator. Religion is what man does to get close to God, but God gets close to man.

We talk about Christianity being the religion of Christ. There is a disconnect here. Christ is our savior, and we can do nothing to save ourselves. We can obey Him. We can love Him. We can serve Him.

We can care for orphans and widows.

We can give cold water.

We can visit in jail, feed the hungry and spread the Gospel.

Is this religion?

I prefer to call it obedience. Religion has too much baggage. Let's separate. Let's come apart.

His sheep hear His voice!

It's no secret that I totally believe in conspiracy. Lucifer is a grand conspirator, and I fully believe that. His wiles have been around from the Garden of Eden. He's no dummy. He's had counterfeits and delusions in his "pockets" since talking to Eve.

I find it amusing, and sad, that so many people---born in sin, and spiritually dead---think they are above his craft. WAKE UP! He's conspiring against you! I don't know why he still thinks he can win this cosmic game, but he keeps trying. He's going down, and he's bringing all of those on the broad path with him.

Narrow is the way to salvation, and few find it.
Enter by the strait gate.
There is only one way to salvation. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh to the Father, but by Me."

Harsh words?
Words of hope?


When you have a mentality shaped by the Bible and its claims it changes you. You no longer serve yourself. You have a master that demands your entire life, reputation, and time. Everything. The Holy Spirit works in your heart and reveals truths to your spirit that open up the possibilities of beautiful fellowship with the body of Christ, along with tremendous hope for the future.

It's not common, but it's wonderful.

Even death. Even losing everything for Him.
There is a couple that just lost everything because they stood for their convictions against homosexuality. They didn't want to bake a cake for a gay couple. The court took everything from them. A florist is in the same situation. She just lost in court too.

It will cost us, friends. It will cost some of us our heads.

Watered down Christianity is loathsome to God. Like water from Pamukkale in Turkey---tepid, distasteful. You must stand for what is written in God's moral law.

Just finished reading Leviticus and now I'm in Numbers. All those laws.
What was God thinking?
Certainly not my thoughts.

"My thoughts are not your thoughts."

God is holy, good, love. He defines Himself. The laws He gave had purpose and Jesus says they still matter.

"I did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it!
Not one jot or tittle shall pass away----"

Are WE under the law? We are under God's grace.

But these laws still matter. They have value. They stand.

Can a homosexual be saved? If he repents.

Can a transgender be saved? If he repents.

Can a witch be saved? If she repents.

Can you or I be saved? If we repent.

It's not rocket science.

We ALL must repent.

Stop trying to change God. He is changeless. It doesn't work.

Repent, believe, and take the plan of salvation Jesus offered us by dying for our sin and iniquity on the cross.

Do it. Time is short.

The prophecies of the end are surely being fulfilled today.

I don't think we will be here much longer, but that's another post----

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Nerve Center of Insurgency
