"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

VOCES8: Sleep by Eric Whitacre

Maybe it was the Bees

I've been a prophecy watcher for 50 years. I've watched the development of the global anti Christ system and the signs of the times.

It's fascinating.

Since I was a young girl I've wondered how, exactly, the Antichrist could seize world power. Who is he? Is he living now? How do things work out?

I am totally a conspiracy theorist, as we ALL should be. There is a grand conspiracy to become the new world order. Let's just see what happens, right?

When Margaret was about 11 she won a scholarship for writing an essay. It was a $1,500 award from the Minnesota Hobby Beekeepers Association to become a beekeeper.

We were then happily immersed in the world of honeybees, their care, their keeping, their crisis. It was a whole new world, and very fascinating. As we see how the world affects the tiniest of creatures like bees or frogs we wonder how the world is affecting us.

It can't be completely harmless, can it?

WE know that the globalist plan (Check out Lester Brown's Plan B on Public Television) is to reduce the population. How? How do you reduce population? Abortion? Abject killing?

What about something Francis Schaeffer suggested? Mass poisoning of some type administered in low doses to the population. Radiation? GMO's? Food supply? War? Natural disasters? It seems probable or even likely when we see the true agenda.

Stalin and Hitler, Communist and National Socialist respectively, both chose to simply put people to death.

The world won't be able to handle that again, but there are still those in power that have the same motive: to reduce or eliminate populations.

Conspiracy? Look around you. Kids are glued to their phones. Drug usage is just as rampant as ever. Alcohol usage has never been higher nor more acceptable, especially among "Christians." This is poison consumption, and it has been mainstreamed.

Something is going on.

Those of us who are paying attention can see links to Bible prophecy, many times over. We're watching. We're not alarmed, just interested. We know how the story ends.

I like the verse Luke 21:18. It must be read in context, as all Scripture. There is an assurance there that surpasses anything that could happen on earth. Also, nothing can separate us from our Lord and Savior---not death, not anything.

God will not permit anything to happen to us without the promise that all things work together for good, according to those who love Him. We literally cannot be harmed by a snake bite without God's tender intervention: die or live. We believers live in constant trust in the Almighty. He knows what is best for each of us and He loves us. He loves us enough to die on the cross and suffer for us. That is true love.

So, as we watch these sinister forces gather and exert evil across this blue-green planet we look to the One who made it, who made us, and who will see us through until the end.

I am a rapture person. I believe Jesus is coming in the air to claim His bride and take us home to be with Him. These are scriptural claims, and we can trust the Lord's word.

Whatever the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, the Bilderburgers or the Council on Foreign Relations may be up to: nothing that they can do trumps our destiny with Christ. We can observe their threat, but they are powerless before the Most High.

They are living in delusion of the Truth from all time.

Endgame: The New World Order (Part 2) – Curtis Bowers

"Understanding The Times" W/Jan Markell :Endgame The New World Order Pa...


Monday, May 20, 2019

Useful Idiots

As I have written before, I was invited to attend a "citizenship camp" back in high school.

It was a camp run by the Farm Bureau, up north, and my 4-H club was the conduit for attendees.

The speaker was a former FBI agent, a Mormon, Cleon Skousen. He wrote a book called "The Naked Communist," and I listened to him with interest.

I also heard a fascinating story from a POW in Vietnam. He was a wrestling champion from Nebraska, and it was riveting. It sounds similar to what John McCain experienced.

I still have the notes and the literature from that camp, heavily doodled upon, as was my bent those days.

I didn't realize how effective that camp was. I was a teenager. Now I'm middle-aged, and I see exactly what those speakers were talking about.

I am an ardent conservative, and I couldn't believe that Communism could have such an influence in our United States.

Then I went to college.

I saw my Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship become progressive. I saw the influence, at Wheaton College, of people like Tony Campolo and Jim Wallis.

I saw these "progressive" voices gain ground among my Christian friends and family.

Many of my "Christian" friends defended socialism as being more Christian than Capitalism. Leftists would argue that Christianity wasn't political. "Why does it matter so much?" I was asked by one of my fellow classmates at Wheaton College, the son of a prominent and well-known "Christian" radio personality.

Now  I can see that these folk were wolves, wolves in sheep's clothing. They were Communists infiltrating the church, just as the Marxist agenda dictated.

Politics and philosophy DO MATTER. Yes, we are believers, followers of Christ, but that is actually a philosophy.

You cannot have one without the other.

You must take a stand against any leftism, or you will go down the rabbit hole of atheism.

WE all know that the New World Order will have its day when true believers are swept away, seized, by Christ. Everyone will bear its mark, and it is coming. It's prophesied, and all of the LORD's prophecies come to pass.

This is a warning. Are you a useful idiot? Are you still following a leftist philosophy? Are you a member of the Democrat Party? Are you brainwashed by the public school system? Are you listening to the mainstream churches, the pope, the college professors? Are you listening to the media? NPR?

You do know that the communist agenda was to infiltrate all the institutions that once held conservative ideas?

It's overwhelming.

You need to come out from them.

I am teaching in a public school these days. I have conservative teachers BEG me to go back to teaching full time. They are there, undercover. We know each other.

God forbid that we let it be known publicly. We'd all be terminated. Why do you think my entire online presence is "Corgi Hollows?"

Family and former friends who are brainwashed by Marxism now have begun to hate. It was Donald Trump that force their hand----It's become clear what the true colors are.

They are out to destroy capitalism and the Bible-believing folk who place all their trust in Jesus Christ.

WAKE UP! Leave the evil agenda. Follow Christ! Don't listen to the leftist propaganda! It's Luciferian to its core.

I am an activist. I own that term without shame. I encourage you to activate, and fight for conservative values that protect your freedom of conscience and faith.

You have NO IDEA how far along the agenda has been fulfilled. We are waiting to see Jesus, and the system will be completely in place by a date sooner than you would imagine.

The New World Order is here, and you must not be a useful idiot.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Doubts of a 37 Year Old

When I was 37 I was just coming out of an era of Higher Criticism in my life. I didn't take God at His Word. I doubted Him.

I had pretended that He was something I liked always.

I had refused to believe what the Bible said about him, what He said about Himself through the centuries and the ones He chose to write His Word.

Was I saved?

Yes. I think so. I loved the LORD with all my heart.

Had I mislead some people?


Was I loving an idol that I had imagined?


It took a creation scientist teaching a science class to my home-schooled kids to sway my ideas toward Biblical authority and inerrancy. I had always touted a flippant view of inerrancy. I was hip and young and open minded.

When I saw the scientific evidence presented for a young universe I was amazed.

Could the text be trusted?

I'm embarrassed to say that I had been swayed by theistic evolution, at least somewhat. Evolution doesn't have a leg to stand on scientifically or statistically. This leaves the door open for a Biblical worldview on Creation, and I was persuaded, hook, line, and sinker.

After all, what else do we have? There are no original witnesses to Creation except for God Himself, and if He said it, (and Jesus Christ affirmed it!) Creation happened as Genesis describes.

When I think about what I believed at age 37 compared to what I affirm in my faith and believe now I can see a massive pole shift toward trusting God at His word.

I'm comfortable with whom He describes Himself to be. I don't need to redefine Him.

I'm still uncomfortable with the judgment of sin, hell, but I have little authority to change that. It's a given. Hell is real. God talks about it, especially in Revelation.

I have to accept God for who He is or reject Him completely.

A young writer passed away yesterday at age 37. She claimed to be a christian. I am (thankfully) not her judge, but I have compassion on her. I had the same sorts of thoughts at her age that she had.

I have had a couple more decades and a few experiences to sort and iron things out.  She passed, and I hope she had enough understanding to choose the God of the Word. I hope she is with Him. God is merciful, but her writings have led many down a path away from Him. I wouldn't want to stand before Christ with that on my record.

I've had her on my mind all day. What would Jesus do?

I cling to the Word. It becomes increasingly the only truth in this crazy darkening world. You can hardly trust yourself these days with internet deception, fake news, "science," and pagan influence!

I'm old. I'm thankful God allowed me a few years and some maturity to become convinced of His goodness and truth, all put forth in an ancient Book which describes the beginning of time to future events.

God is awesome. My doubts are so "yesterday!"

Saturday, May 4, 2019

JULY 28, 2019


The next Prophecy Tea will be at the end of July. At three o' clock on July 28 Corgi Hollows will be hosting its Second Tea.

You are invited.

Come and join us for a Rosebud Tea on the lawn. Wear a "tea dress" and dress up if you'd like. Gals in jeans are always welcome (and perhaps your hostess will be in jeans :))

We'd all like to enjoy your beauty.

We'll discuss current events, study Scripture, and fellowship with one another. New friends who share a love of knowing what God says about the future will meet.

You are welcome!

Elegy for a Black Dog

Last quiet sigh.

It happened this week.  The Blackberry that graced our lives for almost 14 years was laid to rest by three other sweet souls that only gave love in their short lives.


The plum thicket covers you four, a lovely view of an old wetland. A place of quiet and beauty and reflection.

Blackberry, your pain was too much for any of us. It was time.

You gave your adoration to your humans with absolute devotion. Your eyes never left our faces, watching for cues, watching for intent.

You were a perfect dog.

You reminded us of how we should love God, absolute and unhindered devotion, even to the last decision made about your life.

You are an example, Blackberry.

All things are made new.
Your essence, your soul, was a creation of the Most High. God thought you up. God made a covenant with your kind in the days of Noah. You were also promised life, you suffered death because of man's sin.

Jesus returns on a white horse. The dogs of heaven will be barking praise!

Do you actually believe that wolves, lambs, snakes, lions, and horses will be the only creatures of the future kingdom?

I don't think so. We look to be reunited with our furry soulmates, and our God was the creator of such infinite life and the cattle on a thousand hills.

Just read your Bible. Blackberry was an avid listener of our Bible time each day.

Dear, sweet, brown eyes. Dear bright happy tail! Dear devotion, unmatched by any other creature.

Blackberry, rest from your pain. Rest in the love of your humans.

You are missed, for awhile.

Thank our loving and precious Lord for your precious life.

Dear Pastors,

Not you, John, (Our pastor is "woke" and knows about a lot of these things!)

But I am appalled at the "spiritual leaders" in my own community who are absolutely clueless to spiritual warfare and Biblical truth.

They are blending all sorts of spiritual practices and compromises that are absolutely anathema to God into the church.

There is a spirit of evil in the churches today. The music is absolutely confusing. Depression and spiritual oppression are rampant. Do pastors even understand the spiritual war that is waging on their flocks?

Coming up soon Brian McLaren will be speaking at a church nearby. This church has a "theological guru" as a pastor, a hip guy who has introduced a maze, homosexuality and Buddhist practices into the "Christian" community of this area.

Woe to the shepherds who confuse the message of the cross. Woe to the shepherds who cause their sheep to stumble.

Because these pastors don't believe in Scripture, but choose to make a god in their own image, they have no fear of their eternal destiny presently.

I used to think that pastors, surely, would try to feed their flocks. Now I know that there are wolves among the sheep. I've seen it. It has crept into our churches, colleges, denominations, seminaries, Bible schools, and house churches.

Satan laughs and laughs.

The Deceiver has won many battles in hearts of pastors. So few pastors have found the Holy Spirit and the conviction of the Spirit. They are merrily leading people down the path of the Lie.

So many young men with a spiritual calling have lost their faith in pursuit of a theological degree of some kind.

Instead of taking the Word of God at face value, that God wrote it, as many giants of the faith have asserted for centuries, no matter what the "higher criticism" undermines------these young men have believed the lie, and turned their face from the Truth of the Word.

The seminaries actually scoff at those of us who take God at His Word.

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. God doesn't change.

Woe to you pastors for losing faith in the One who made you.
Woe to you pastors for refusing to teach about sin and its damning effects.
Woe to you pastors for being unaware of the Devil and his wily tactics.
Woe to you pastors for leading the children away from Truth.
Woe to you pastors for compromising on the commands of Christ.
Woe to you pastors for neglecting to give hope to your flocks.


Repent. There is still time.


Persecution Heating Up

As John Haller ably explains and illustrates in his Sunday sermon which I posted, the true believers around the world are being discriminated against and marginalized.

Those who hold to marriage being (as Jesus defined) between one man and one woman, those who hold to the value of life in the womb, those who hold to Biblical mandates---(Love the LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF) will increasingly find themselves unpopular and persecuted.

REJOICE, believers. We, who are love, as we are in Christ, will have the opportunity to shine that love as never before.

It is when the church is persecuted that it becomes the true light of the world. It shines and those who do not belong to Christ simply fall away.

Yes, it's sad, but it's better to be sure of one's spiritual state.

I know there are so many people who call themselves "Christian" who have rejected God's Word, as it is written.

As it is written, thus sayeth the LORD GOD OF HOSTS, Alpha and Omega.

When you disagree or disregard His Words you are heading for hell.

God gives everyone a choice. He never forces anyone to follow Him. His way is hard! It's full of persecution, trial, hardship, and pain. It's the ultimate counter-cultural stance.

Recently an old high school classmate of mine posted an article that asserted that any fundamentalist Christian was mentally ill.

We need to get ready to be called that, and worse. How will it end? Those who know Christ truly will go to be with Him, be tested to the maximum, and will be hated.

They may pay with their lives.

God calls us to serve Him, to stand for Him. We don't expect anyone who doesn't belong to Him to conform to His rules for life, but sin is unacceptable to a believer.

Sin is unacceptable.

God defines sin in the Bible. Those of us who have the indwelling Holy Spirit understand and follow Christ and His commands. We don't expect anyone else to follow, but we know the difference, and we will not be moved.

At least for now we have the opportunity to reason with anyone. That may end.

It will probably end. Leave the pretenders, leave the deceivers alone! Follow the truth, and let things fall as they will. You belong to Christ. Don't worry for your life!

These words are for this age.  Take a firm stand in Christ. Do not fear. The world is desperate for the light of Christ Jesus, savior.