"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Height of Harvest

I am chilled by the cool air of late August, fair time. I sit on my green-leaf encased porch and listen to the wind rattle the branches so heavily laden with fruit and leaves. It's a quiet time of year, and I think of the changes next week brings.

The kitchen counters are full of ripening tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. There are lettuces and chard in the garden, also bulging beets and turnips. The carrots remain disappointingly scrawny. We discovered a healthy volunteer acorn squash down by the compost pile. It's full of squash and blossoms.

The raspberries are miserly this year. Could it be the presence of the iridescent green beetle that walks the stalks?

Plums are still green, and the crab apples disappointingly small.

So much yield for some things, so little for others.

I am taking deep breaths as I seek to memorize this day of golden coolness. I want it in my mind as the winter snows hamper my goings from here to there. I love snow, I love the coziness of being home in the season of long, dark nights, but life goes on, and snow can be inhibiting.

The cats demand to be out day and night. I have a hard time refusing them. I know they must be in for most of the winter.

School. I have real peace about it today. Ask me in a week...

Yes, I will continue to work at the hotel, substitute teach at the public school, and pursue my degree at the State University. I have given myself permission to begin a new season of life, and I know that it is just a season, as all things are.

Cherie and I will begin classes tomorrow, so she begins her college career tomorrow---a new season, as well.

Ed starts next week.

Naturally we are thinking of this, and this alone, for the most part. I have an incredible sense of peace that God is in control of all of this, orchestrating things according to His plan.

That is reassuring.

We know that no matter what comes we have Job's example in Scripture: God allowed it for His purposes, for His glory, for His good.

No one must follow God. Most choose not to. Those of us who do see His blessing in every leaf, fruit, and sunbeam.

He provides, He directs, He closes and opens doors.
God is good, always.

Happy Harvest!

Be sure to scroll down for my new (asked for) columns on obeying what Christ commands us. 

Go and Teach, Make

Matthew 28:19-20

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations to observe what I have commanded you.....

Jesus told us to do things, He commands us to obey Him. His commands are "light," not difficult, and we need to understand them to carry them out.

Clearly He wants us to teach others about these commands.

So what are they?

There are many things Jesus told his disciples to do, some of them pertained to a particular place and time, yet some are timeless, pertaining to all of the followers of Christ.

I think that learning and following His timeless commands and obeying them is a key to spiritual growth and understanding. Sadly, I believe few people even know what Jesus commanded in Scripture.

I encourage everyone to find a study on the commands of Christ.

The command I want to emphasize today is "Go and Teach." 

This command leaves no one out. Everyone should actively teach others about the truth. You can do it without fanfare, without announcement---just teach, tell, remark!

Pass on bits of truth, appealing to the spirit, not the mind. There are so many differences between the spirit and the soul (mind, will, emotion) and the body, which encases the soul. We see each other in such flat dimensions, but we have multi-faceted parts!

For an example of this I encourage you to watch Ray Comfort in action;


Ray engages the mind first, but then he bypasses it and cuts to the spirit. He does it every time. It's quite masterful, and the person doesn't even realize that the mind has been dismissed and the spirit has been engaged.

This is how we teach and make disciples, following Jesus' command. We are to go, to leave the comfort of our own choice, and to reach out to people who are lost.

They have a decision to make, reject or accept Jesus, but we are obeying Christ's command. That is what we are accountable for.

My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Take my yoke and learn of me. I am meek and lowly of heart. You will find rest for your souls. ---Jesus

Do it. Time is short, beloved.

Friday, August 16, 2019


I think it is time for a political change regarding marriage. As a society we have until now seen marriage as a building block.

The Christian worldview is unambiguous regarding marriage and its importance.

Satan knows that marriage is something ordained by God, therefore he attacks it just like he attacks the imago dei in the womb with abortion.

If our society is confused about this godly institution I propose we abandon "marriage" as a societal entity and fully designate it as a religious entity.

In other words, if you want to get married, find a church or group that "marries" you according to their rules and regulations, then abide by that code.

There would be no more divorce situations, no more advantages to marriage, no more issues with legal manifestations.

You would be married according to your own definition.

WE are there, dear ones.

The societal collapse has happened, and there is no need for "marriage" as a government-regulated institution.

People are lawless, and there is no reason to make it "law" to be lawless.

I think this new outlook would let Godly marriages stand out and shed light in a new way. The only reason I am still married to my husband is because I made a vow to God before many witnesses. I am just a sinner with failings, and my own actions pale in comparison with my standards.

Most of us have failed in one way or another. I do fear the Lord, and I do want to keep my vow to Him. By His power and grace I have thus far....And I trust that He will help me from this day forward. Is it a paper that was signed by a minister that keeps me married? No. My promise does.

Think about this. I see godlessness reigning in our country. I do not see a return to the values of our past, the Judeo-Christian values that America was founded on. We believers must find new ways to keep the faith, and by allowing our God-given institutions to be solely within our freedom to practice our faith, WE WILL STAND OUT.

Those who practice lawlessness (God's definition) will suffer.

We mustn't hinder their suffering, nor condone it. We must compassionately show the love of Christ and His better way. Those who experience the brunt of their lawlessness may come to faith in Christ more easily and turn to Him.

Isn't that what is most important?

Frankfurt School


Everyone should read this Wikipedia page.

Now, think about the "Christian" leaders of today who promote or were influenced by this school.


On the one hand, we are troubled by the idolatry of personal consumerism and the politicization of faith; on the other hand, we are distressed by the unchallenged acceptance of theological and moral relativism. ---From Tim Keller on the Gospel Coalition

Speak Up!

It struck me a few days ago that there are so FEW of us that make a ruckus about the times we are living in.

I guess there are so few of us that feel we can risk our "reputation" for sanity...

These are times like no other, times prophesied, crazy times. These are the times when good is evil and evil is good. These are the times when things seem spinning out of control if you watch any national media source.

It's easier to mind one's own business, right?

I know (for a fact) that most people I know do NOT agree with me on everything. Should that stop anyone from speaking out? Are people afraid of dialogue?

I am an information processor. I've had to change my tack many times over my life, and I'm willing to share the journey. IF you can show me evidence that seems logical and rational and in accord with my Biblical worldview you MAY convince me...

This boat can still be maneuvered.

I am not phased by the winds of apostasy today. I knew they were coming. I have one solid foundation, and that is Jesus Christ alone: not the church, not an author, not a preacher (but of course I gain much from all of those!)

I am unable to research enough to back up everything I believe, so I rely on the Holy Spirit to direct me from Scripture regarding MOST things. Is something "off?" Is something odd? Does my spirit resonate in some way regarding something?

I've written so much about testing the spirits. We know that you can do this, and we can stand on the Word of God regarding any spirit. This is the test: does this spirit agree with the Word of God?

When I get the red light (and I do, often) I stop listening to that spirit.

Don't be afraid to ask God to reveal to you the nature of the spirit. He will help you, but you may not like the answer.

Several years ago a friend of mine had a Christian counselor who asked her to perform an Enneagram test. My friend is a brilliant researcher, a discerner, a strong believer. She did the research on this particular "test" and found that its origins were linked to the occult, to mysticism, to Islam.

She took the step to protest the use of this test, reported it to the counselor and the counseling agency, and raised the flag on the use of it. Bless her! The counselor's eyes were opened to the demonic nature of this activity.

Wouldn't you know it? Satan wormed his way into the church with this little innocuous looking "test."

Most of the (several) people I know who have taken this test I believe would NEVER actively oppose Jesus. I think they are all people who love Him. I think that these dear ones have been deceived.

I think that the church is full of people who do not do the deep research, do not discern, do not question something that is appearing to help.

But we must.

Have you been deceived? I have. I admit it. It's good to admit it and get on with your life, following Christ daily. It's okay to admit it. It's cleansing and freeing to admit it.

In this age of apostasy (the great falling away) predicted for the last days by the Scriptures we have to expect that there will be wolves among the sheep.

Let's admit that we are ALL sheep----not a flattering thing, but truth.  We all need to be looking to the Shepherd to understand and avoid the dangers that plague us!

Satan's time is running out. He's going into that abyss for 1,000 years, and he's going to make every effort to take as many of us with him to hell as he can.

He knows Scripture better than you or I do.

It's time to start to speak up. You can do it quietly at first, but take a stand, and don't let your loved ones perish without your warning.

It's hard, but it's necessary.

Speak Up!

Jonathan Cahn: The Oracle

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

2019 08 11 John Haller's Prophecy Update "What Can You Believe?"

Always Pray

So many things need prayer right now.

I have a friend with a brain tumor, a friend who has unexpectedly lost her mother, friends with aging parents who are very ill...

Margaret and Ourabby are out in the wilds and in a remote place (apparently) because we haven't heard anything for a few days, and that is unnerving.

Cherie is white water rafting in Colorado with friends....

We're attempting to handle our vehicle situation. It's hard. Our aging fleet is simply not responding to repairs easily, and we are down two much-needed forms of transportation! We need two more cars right now! (One of our cars was recently totaled in a freakish way.)

Everyone has to deal...

I've learned to expect at least 10 difficulties when one big one hits. It's inevitable. Sometimes I just want to crawl in a closet and hide, but that's not a viable option.

One must face the music...

Keeping things normal is really a myth, but I always think of Elisabeth Elliot's mandate "Do The Next Thing" when times get interesting.

"Don't Be Anxious."

This is a COMMAND from Christ. Boy, what a hard one to follow! I struggle with keeping this command almost everyday, but my go-to practice is to breathe a prayer to God for help in dealing with whatever is most pressing.

This is the way we live and move and have our being.

I'm not an advocate of contemplative prayer. I'm opposite of that, but I do believe in constant prayer, and if that is a thought, a word, a half hour of pouring out my heart....any and all of these are necessary.

So today, as I swim, as my husband borrows a truck with bad brakes, as Margaret wanders the wilderness, as Cherie drives the mountains of Colorado, as Ed manages his burdens, as I prepare for school and try to meet all of my work obligations, as my friends work through their heaviness, as my family LIVES...

...I pray. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Next: TWO Big Events at Corgi Hollows, and YOU are invited

On October 12, 2019, Corgi Hollows is hosting another "History Day."

The theme this year is the "Regency" period, 1811 to 1820. This was a time of great exploration in the world, especially in America.

Time is 10am to 4pm, and there will be an emphasis on music and games this year.

I'm inviting small crafts vendors too! It's fun to have something special to find at a fair. Food and beverages will be provided.

Remember, you can come dressed from ANY period in history, but I encourage you to know your character and be able to tell something about him or her


On October 27, 2019, at 3:00 to 5:00 pm we are having our next prophecy tea. Ladies, you are invited! Weather may be nice for a chat with apple cider around the campfire, or else we'll be more "formal" as usual.

Our rosebud tea was driven indoors because of weather, but we still had our petit fours!


Looking forward to fun and fellowship!


Friday, August 2, 2019

Roller Coaster Life

It has been a wearying couple of weeks at Corgi Hollows.

We all get those kind of weeks, right?

Margaret is trudging on with her epic hike. She has passed the half way point, and she must do about 26 miles a day with very few "Zero" days to finish the trail completely.

My husband and our friend drove out to walk with them for a few days. Our car didn't fare so well, and remains three days away from here with a need for a new engine. They hit a rock and the oil pan was ripped. All the oil drained out and the engine was totaled.

So now we make plans to retrieve the shell of the car and its contents.

Oh, well. Life happens.

Sometimes you wish you could JUST GET A LITTLE AHEAD....

But then you realize that you wouldn't be trusting in God as much!

And we press on---with school, with projects around the house, with fun stuff, with gatherings and events.

Corgi Hollows is a regular revolving door with folks and fun, but there are those days when life hands you the lemons.

So we'll just make some lemonade, then, right?

I've posted some articles about end times watching over the past week. There are several interesting things in the news right now, all relating to the end times.

Our Prophecy Tea was last Sunday, and we looked at Ron Rhodes' book about Jesus' words concerning the end. It's a book that is primarily Bible references, New and Old Testament, and it puts Christ's words as our main direction for interpreting events in these last days.

We discussed Joshua Harris and his apostasy.

We talked about Biblical illiteracy.

We looked at the tearing down of hope in Christ Jesus by the apostate church.

We encouraged each other to HOPE IN CHRIST.

If you feel you are wanting to shut down and put your fingers in your ears because the world seems nutty, you need to be at our studies! You'll learn how to listen and interpret what is happening in light of Christ's teaching.

It's not my opinion. It's not yours. It is what the Bible says.

If you do not know Jesus you need to repent from sin and put your trust in Him. You need to believe that He is God, born of a virgin, crucified, buried and resurrected.

Scripture teaches us to obey God. Scripture says "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Scripture says "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."


It's all or nothing, friends.

Don't you realize that if you do not completely transform -----are not born again---you will not see eternal life with Christ?

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me," says Jesus.

Stop trying to get around these clear commands and admonitions! You know what to do! Be willing to stand for Christ, putting on the armor of God, holding fast His truths. Yes it is costly, but it is worth it. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power, His wisdom, His righteousness. Ask Him to lead you in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

I have been praying for years for several of my people to come to salvation. God has not answered my prayer yet. He is waiting for them to accept His invitation to belief. God never forces. He knows who is His own, but the invitation is out to all. God's love is evident in how He relates his omnipotence to our will.

He draws, but we must come. It's both ways.

I am not a Calvinist, (like Josh Harris) and I do think that there is a fatalism about Calvinism that is inescapable. Scripture clearly teaches that any who will may come to Christ, Revelation 22:17.

It is up to you this day to come to Christ. You must make this decision. It will cost you everything, yet it will become everything to you.

You must. The consequences of not believing are truly horrific. All of mankind is condemned, but God has provided a bridge to eternal life with joy forever.

Your heart condemns you, as you know this is truth. Your sin, your alcoholism, your addictions, your earthly desires are the wall between you and the Bible's claims. Satan doesn't want you to leave his kingdom, and he's going to make it as hard as possible for you.

Don't let him win your eternity. He's taken most of mankind down with him already. Don't let him take you.

Today is the day of salvation. Don't wait.

I'm praying that Josh Harris will come to Christ, that he will find the truth in Scripture that he shunned. I'm praying for his salvation, and I'm praying for yours.

Laodicean Lies – Dr. Gary Frazier