"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Game of Gods
I was revisiting Carl Teichrib's book this morning, along with my MPA textbooks (which I should be reading).
I just want to make another recommendation that you really need to read this book.
I was reading chapter 10 again, and there is so much there that I missed the first time. In light of my new studies and what is going on in the world Carl has masterfully put things together---
Please go over to Amazon and order it. Your ability to understand the world today will be greatly enhanced, and I will be thrilled to discuss any of the book with you!

I just want to make another recommendation that you really need to read this book.
I was reading chapter 10 again, and there is so much there that I missed the first time. In light of my new studies and what is going on in the world Carl has masterfully put things together---
Please go over to Amazon and order it. Your ability to understand the world today will be greatly enhanced, and I will be thrilled to discuss any of the book with you!

You are Not Safe
A few weeks ago I had an altering experience with some liberals.
I didn't realize how unsafe I was until I was into the situation too far. I ended up dissolved in tears, completely clueless of the nature of the hatred directed toward me.
Of course I took it personally, initially. Then I thought it through for weeks, wondering how I could have been such a lightening rod for such hatred.
Then it hit me. I prayed for the Lord to reveal to me the essence of the attack, and He did.
I had forgotten a key verse in Scripture: Matthew 10:22 "You will be hated by all for my name's sake."
"Who did you vote for?!"
Twice I've been asked that question with accusing hatred. I've tried to answer in a nonconfrontational manner, both times, but the initial hatred is so incredibly astonishing, it stabs to the heart!
I even asked for forgiveness......because that is what I do......
Yes, I voted for Trump. I like that he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-deep state. I believe Hillary Clinton is connected to witchcraft/rebellion/feminism/occult things. I could not in good conscience vote for such evil. Trump was my only option. Only.
I'm pretty sensitive, and if you confront me I will do almost anything to make it right. I want you to be happy, and I want no dispute with anyone.
Politics, philosophy of life, faith issues have driven wedges between people, my people, and I am needing to become thick-skinned as I am accused of things pertaining to my beliefs.
Am I willing to die for Jesus? I hope so, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I certainly must die to self, and being attacked is just the training I'm receiving.
When I hold views that are Biblical in nature---morally speaking, righteousness related, following the commands of Christ---and they are offensive to people, I can do nothing but retreat and pray.
I'm not yet ready to go on the offensive, but I probably shouldn't be underestimated.
Conviction of sin is a real thing, and when someone is under conviction you never know how they will lash out.
Be aware. Be safe. Watch out.
I've been fortressing. I'm licking my wounds and I'm looking to my Commander in Chief.
You will be hated.
I didn't realize how unsafe I was until I was into the situation too far. I ended up dissolved in tears, completely clueless of the nature of the hatred directed toward me.
Of course I took it personally, initially. Then I thought it through for weeks, wondering how I could have been such a lightening rod for such hatred.
Then it hit me. I prayed for the Lord to reveal to me the essence of the attack, and He did.
I had forgotten a key verse in Scripture: Matthew 10:22 "You will be hated by all for my name's sake."
"Who did you vote for?!"
Twice I've been asked that question with accusing hatred. I've tried to answer in a nonconfrontational manner, both times, but the initial hatred is so incredibly astonishing, it stabs to the heart!
I even asked for forgiveness......because that is what I do......
Yes, I voted for Trump. I like that he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-deep state. I believe Hillary Clinton is connected to witchcraft/rebellion/feminism/occult things. I could not in good conscience vote for such evil. Trump was my only option. Only.
I'm pretty sensitive, and if you confront me I will do almost anything to make it right. I want you to be happy, and I want no dispute with anyone.
Politics, philosophy of life, faith issues have driven wedges between people, my people, and I am needing to become thick-skinned as I am accused of things pertaining to my beliefs.
Am I willing to die for Jesus? I hope so, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I certainly must die to self, and being attacked is just the training I'm receiving.
When I hold views that are Biblical in nature---morally speaking, righteousness related, following the commands of Christ---and they are offensive to people, I can do nothing but retreat and pray.
I'm not yet ready to go on the offensive, but I probably shouldn't be underestimated.
Conviction of sin is a real thing, and when someone is under conviction you never know how they will lash out.
Be aware. Be safe. Watch out.
I've been fortressing. I'm licking my wounds and I'm looking to my Commander in Chief.
You will be hated.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
There are Days----
Days for the rich, not for those of us eking out a living----days to enjoy the fall colors, sit by the fire, knit, write/illustrate books, read, bake and cook delicious things, walk the Corgi,----
But I have to pay for car parts and the mortgage, insurance and tuition.
God ultimately provides and helps us, but I do rather miss those days of watching the kids and just being creative.
I'd sit at the piano and pound out a Bach invention, or grab my flute or guitar...
I have to do my homework so I can make enough (more) to pay the bills.
Housewifery is a luxury.
If you are enjoying it right now, realize how good you have it.
Home-schooling is not cheap. We refused assistance from the state so we could choose freely what curriculum we wanted. We homeschooled for 25 years, and it was costly monetarily. It was priceless in its results.
My husband and I qualified for welfare when we began homeschooling. If I spent $500 on curriculum it was major.
I seriously COULD write a book on living on an extreme budget. Perhaps I should.
Not paying for childcare enabled me to stay at home, pay less for groceries (I cooked everything-few processed foods) and have a limited wardrobe requirement for the entire family.
We bought everything at thrift stores.
We stockpiled things on sale.
We bought used books.
We managed to live within our means by the grace of God.
When we paid tithe (10%) to our church we always had enough. When we didn't we had to dip into savings. God always honored our giving.
WE always had enough. Even when major health issues hit. Even through more than a year of unemployment for my husband.
I cannot complain!
When we chose to move closer to my parents we took a big hit financially. We wanted to keep them home, out of assisted living. This is exactly what we've been able to do! Thank the LORD! We also became owners of a healthful home in the country, where the air is fresh and the views are gorgeous.
To be able to stay in this beautiful place, where I grew up, requires two incomes, meager as my contribution is! WE are managing.
My husband and I have already kissed the idea of ever retiring good-bye. Having five kids and getting them launched is truly costly, but ever so worth it!
Remember, money isn't everything. Life is rich just living.
We're attempting to keep our heads above water right now, and the LORD is good. We know that He knows our need.
It's beautiful outside. Do I have time for a quick walk with Corwyn before work tonight?
Yes. Yes I do.
Thank you, LORD.
But I have to pay for car parts and the mortgage, insurance and tuition.
God ultimately provides and helps us, but I do rather miss those days of watching the kids and just being creative.
I'd sit at the piano and pound out a Bach invention, or grab my flute or guitar...
I have to do my homework so I can make enough (more) to pay the bills.
Housewifery is a luxury.
If you are enjoying it right now, realize how good you have it.
Home-schooling is not cheap. We refused assistance from the state so we could choose freely what curriculum we wanted. We homeschooled for 25 years, and it was costly monetarily. It was priceless in its results.
My husband and I qualified for welfare when we began homeschooling. If I spent $500 on curriculum it was major.
I seriously COULD write a book on living on an extreme budget. Perhaps I should.
Not paying for childcare enabled me to stay at home, pay less for groceries (I cooked everything-few processed foods) and have a limited wardrobe requirement for the entire family.
We bought everything at thrift stores.
We stockpiled things on sale.
We bought used books.
We managed to live within our means by the grace of God.
When we paid tithe (10%) to our church we always had enough. When we didn't we had to dip into savings. God always honored our giving.
WE always had enough. Even when major health issues hit. Even through more than a year of unemployment for my husband.
I cannot complain!
When we chose to move closer to my parents we took a big hit financially. We wanted to keep them home, out of assisted living. This is exactly what we've been able to do! Thank the LORD! We also became owners of a healthful home in the country, where the air is fresh and the views are gorgeous.
To be able to stay in this beautiful place, where I grew up, requires two incomes, meager as my contribution is! WE are managing.
My husband and I have already kissed the idea of ever retiring good-bye. Having five kids and getting them launched is truly costly, but ever so worth it!
Remember, money isn't everything. Life is rich just living.
We're attempting to keep our heads above water right now, and the LORD is good. We know that He knows our need.
It's beautiful outside. Do I have time for a quick walk with Corwyn before work tonight?
Yes. Yes I do.
Thank you, LORD.
Bears Repeating
12 Steps
1. God loves you more than anyone else does. He will let you hit bottom if it takes that to get your attention. He is the hound of heaven, but he never forces anyone. You are free to choose hell.
2. Repentance is a "must" step to get right with God. Repent. Stop sinning. Ask the Holy Spirit for supernatural power to cleanse and overcome sin.
3. Signs of true conversion: love for others, insatiable desire for the Bible, grateful heart to God.
4. Desire to do God's will. Desire to do what is right. Desire for righteous living.
5. Immediate conviction of sin in your life. The Holy Spirit points out one area at a time for you to work on. Addictions are the first to be addressed.
6. So, addictions. God cares. Pray for an immediate loathing for the substance. Pray for strength to never touch it again. Children, don't ever THINK about trying an addictive substance. It is the seeds of thought that begin the journey to slavery. Take those thoughts "captive" as Scripture says. Just ask God to help you figure this out. I say "Take that captive, Lord" and seek immediate distraction. God has honored that for me. He will show you how.
7. Confess your sin. You need the help of God's family. You are not to do it alone. Show your spiritual family your vulnerability and let them keep you accountable.
8. Cry out to God. This is the example of Biblical saints. It works. God hears your cry of repentance and weakness. He gets the glory in your weakness, and He is jealous of His glory. This isn't about you. It's about Him. That is who He is. Get over yourself.
9. Back to the Word. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit you will have fewer desires to be filled with carnal desires. RUN to the Word for strength.
10. Do the next thing, as Elisabeth Elliot said. Go clean house, start a project, read a book! Think of ways to go the extra mile at work. Just DO SOMETHING.
11. Eyes fixed on Jesus. Remember His sacrifice for YOUR sin. Don't cheapen that sacrifice by continuing in sin. STOP sinning. When you do sin, you have an advocate. Jesus. He covered it. But STOP sinning.
12. Rest in His power. Keep a clear conscience. Take everything to Him. Pray constantly. God has promised to show you His power, but be prepared for tribulation. It's part of the deal. Your surf board is His power to get over the waves of tribulation. That is the most exciting thing in all of life. Think of all the stories written down about this supernatural help. Tap into that power, hope in it, and give God the glory.
You are loved.
Corgi Hollows: Belief Bullets
Corgi Hollows: Belief Bullets: It's June 26, 2013. Sometimes my heart just cries out to the world---Follow JESUS! Why? Let me barrage you with reasons. Here is...
Your Never Trumperism:
Your dislike of Trump tells me several things about you.
(And I voted for Ben Carson in the primary)
You are unforgiving.
You cannot see the forest for the trees.
You really don't care about abortion.
You really don't care about Israel.
You cannot see God's hand working out things politically or historically.
You despise certain people no matter what.
You are in love with pseudo-intellectualism.
You are unwilling to forget past offenses.
You are unwilling to encourage positive growth because the past is too formidable.
You are blind to the bigger forces of evil that are ruling this world.
Your principles are aligned with your own sense of morality, not a higher authority.
You entertain ideas that could be disastrous spiritually----Hillary Clinton, president???
You refuse to see the prosperity that blesses most of the nation before your very eyes.
You are clearly a pessimist. (And I am, too. It's so much more fun to be one because things almost always turn out better than you expect.)
You aren't trusting God's master plan. I did not approve of anything Obama did, but I certainly knew that God had appointed him for that time. Things had to get to be like the days of Noah.
You should be praying for President Donald Trump, rejoicing that crime is being exposed and political criminals are being brought to justice. You should be glad he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and isn't a slave to alcohol.
You should be thankful that he is aware of the dangers of administrative law and fighting it tooth and nail.
You should be thankful he cleaned out the Biden cancer, and exposed it and the gravy train that existed for liberal AND conservative politicians. He really isn't that conservative.
You should be trusting God more.
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
And Melania is truly stunning. She doesn't need a "designer" to help her out. I'm thankful for the glimpses of integrity I'm seeing in her now.
People do change. Really. I've seen it happen, and I can attest to the phenomena. It's true.
You are bitter.
You can go to sleep now....
(And I voted for Ben Carson in the primary)
You are unforgiving.
You cannot see the forest for the trees.
You really don't care about abortion.
You really don't care about Israel.
You cannot see God's hand working out things politically or historically.
You despise certain people no matter what.
You are in love with pseudo-intellectualism.
You are unwilling to forget past offenses.
You are unwilling to encourage positive growth because the past is too formidable.
You are blind to the bigger forces of evil that are ruling this world.
Your principles are aligned with your own sense of morality, not a higher authority.
You entertain ideas that could be disastrous spiritually----Hillary Clinton, president???
You refuse to see the prosperity that blesses most of the nation before your very eyes.
You are clearly a pessimist. (And I am, too. It's so much more fun to be one because things almost always turn out better than you expect.)
You aren't trusting God's master plan. I did not approve of anything Obama did, but I certainly knew that God had appointed him for that time. Things had to get to be like the days of Noah.
You should be praying for President Donald Trump, rejoicing that crime is being exposed and political criminals are being brought to justice. You should be glad he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and isn't a slave to alcohol.
You should be thankful that he is aware of the dangers of administrative law and fighting it tooth and nail.
You should be thankful he cleaned out the Biden cancer, and exposed it and the gravy train that existed for liberal AND conservative politicians. He really isn't that conservative.
You should be trusting God more.
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
And Melania is truly stunning. She doesn't need a "designer" to help her out. I'm thankful for the glimpses of integrity I'm seeing in her now.
People do change. Really. I've seen it happen, and I can attest to the phenomena. It's true.
You are bitter.
You can go to sleep now....
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Taking the Day...
I cannot stop wanting to write, and that is why I'm taking a few moments this morning to put down some thoughts.
I've been busy subbing, busy at the hotel (five days this week!) busy reading and writing for my master's degree. I've been meeting new people, having house guests, dealing with power outages at the hotel (that is really a challenge!) and trying to at least talk to my parents every day.
I've been unpacking thoughts and griefs.
I watch my poor husband fight a losing battle over house projects, old car repairs, yard work that just gets ignored, and getting to work everyday. With the loss of his "go to work" car in California this past summer (a total and costly loss!) things have been hard on him. Thankfully my parents had an old pick up that was available for him to get to work in.
Today the refrigerator started leaking a ton of water, probably from the ice maker.
I moved all the freezer items to the big old chest freezer my friend gave me. Thankful for the extra freezer space. Let's just hope that the things in the fridge don't spoil too quickly. My husband, the jack -of -all -trades handy man will take a look at it tonight.
Cheri has an interview for a job today at the hotel. I'm pretty sure she'll get it, because housekeepers (the job she's wanting) are a cyclic bunch, and they (we) are desperate for help right now.
Life is so different now. I am struck by the losses: homeschooling, cohesiveness, predictability, quiet, loved ones, relationships, time to reflect.
That's all gone now. There are good things that are new! I'm dwelling on the things that are happening. Seasons come and go, and the trick is to be realistic, assessing things accurately, going with the flow, meeting the challenges head-on.
It sounds like some schtick from a TEDS talk, but it is truth. We must move on.
Most of my days are exhausting right now, but it is a season.
Margaret is helping her grandparents in Iowa for a couple of weeks. She got herself some working wheels, and she was outta here! She's angling for a little place to live downtown with some Christian young people. Her winning ways and astute brains have four places wanting her to work for them. Alas, all of these positions are not "career" jobs. She is finding her path. Now to get rid of her car bones parked in the back: an old Subaru, an old Dodge 4x4 pick-up, the vehicles that no longer work for her. She mourned the loss of both of those cars, but they couldn't last forever.
Ed gets downtown every day. Since his car repeatedly overheats or the brakes have issues we get him to the closest bus stop and pick him up at night. Extra time, extra driving for all of us. He's loving his studies in computer engineering. One of his profs at the U had an informal social time last Friday. He provided pizza and had his Mastiff greet each student personally. Ed loved it. I don't remember ANY of my profs having a social gathering when I was at the U years ago!
When you lose a family member you immediately (irrationally) fear for everyone else in the family. Everyone seems dearer, more vulnerable. It's hard to say good bye to them in the morning, watching them drive away in an old car that may or may not make it home that night.
We are not supposed to fear----remember, it says do not fear 365 times in the Bible, once for each day of the solar year. We are not supposed to fear, but what about the unthinkable happening???
God knows. He understands. He is there to comfort and guide. Where else would we turn?
Can we trust Him to work ALL things for good? Even tragedy?
Yes. Yes, we can.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him. " Revelation 3:20
Jesus never forces. He waits. He knocks. He's persistent. He's always there to help us in our deepest pain and sorrow, griefs beyond expressing.
Well, back to my Strategic Planning and Theories of Leadership classes. My Non-Profit class has a lighter load at the moment. Since our hotel was at maximum occupancy this week the laundry has been remarkable. I have that to look forward to this afternoon. There is joy in serving Jesus...!
Subbing for Language Arts tomorrow. Those days when I sub from 7 to 3, then work 3 to 11 at the hotel are difficult. I took today off. A human can only bear so much...
The tea is on Sunday. It's our day to clean the church, so my two wonderful youngest children will rise to the occasion and do that while I prepare for the women's gathering in the afternoon. If you want to discuss prophecy and pray, and you are female, please join us! Email me for the address.
We have two new women coming this week, for sure. Come and be a third...
Let's hope the refrigerator is fixed by then. I pray for stuff like that, too.
A note about social media: I recently made some drastically needed changes. I pared down my Facebook friend's list and made my account private. Facebook is now my place to keep in touch with old school friends and new prophecy friends. I used it before primarily as an evangelism tool. I deleted my Instagram entirely, so I apologize to those there. I was getting some unwanted attention since my brother's death. You can still find me on Twitter (and I'm VERY POLITICAL and raw there, so be warned) and Pinterest. If you want to reach me email me at the above address. Thanks for your understanding.
I've been busy subbing, busy at the hotel (five days this week!) busy reading and writing for my master's degree. I've been meeting new people, having house guests, dealing with power outages at the hotel (that is really a challenge!) and trying to at least talk to my parents every day.
I've been unpacking thoughts and griefs.
I watch my poor husband fight a losing battle over house projects, old car repairs, yard work that just gets ignored, and getting to work everyday. With the loss of his "go to work" car in California this past summer (a total and costly loss!) things have been hard on him. Thankfully my parents had an old pick up that was available for him to get to work in.
Today the refrigerator started leaking a ton of water, probably from the ice maker.
I moved all the freezer items to the big old chest freezer my friend gave me. Thankful for the extra freezer space. Let's just hope that the things in the fridge don't spoil too quickly. My husband, the jack -of -all -trades handy man will take a look at it tonight.
Cheri has an interview for a job today at the hotel. I'm pretty sure she'll get it, because housekeepers (the job she's wanting) are a cyclic bunch, and they (we) are desperate for help right now.
Life is so different now. I am struck by the losses: homeschooling, cohesiveness, predictability, quiet, loved ones, relationships, time to reflect.
That's all gone now. There are good things that are new! I'm dwelling on the things that are happening. Seasons come and go, and the trick is to be realistic, assessing things accurately, going with the flow, meeting the challenges head-on.
It sounds like some schtick from a TEDS talk, but it is truth. We must move on.
Most of my days are exhausting right now, but it is a season.
Margaret is helping her grandparents in Iowa for a couple of weeks. She got herself some working wheels, and she was outta here! She's angling for a little place to live downtown with some Christian young people. Her winning ways and astute brains have four places wanting her to work for them. Alas, all of these positions are not "career" jobs. She is finding her path. Now to get rid of her car bones parked in the back: an old Subaru, an old Dodge 4x4 pick-up, the vehicles that no longer work for her. She mourned the loss of both of those cars, but they couldn't last forever.
Ed gets downtown every day. Since his car repeatedly overheats or the brakes have issues we get him to the closest bus stop and pick him up at night. Extra time, extra driving for all of us. He's loving his studies in computer engineering. One of his profs at the U had an informal social time last Friday. He provided pizza and had his Mastiff greet each student personally. Ed loved it. I don't remember ANY of my profs having a social gathering when I was at the U years ago!
When you lose a family member you immediately (irrationally) fear for everyone else in the family. Everyone seems dearer, more vulnerable. It's hard to say good bye to them in the morning, watching them drive away in an old car that may or may not make it home that night.
We are not supposed to fear----remember, it says do not fear 365 times in the Bible, once for each day of the solar year. We are not supposed to fear, but what about the unthinkable happening???
God knows. He understands. He is there to comfort and guide. Where else would we turn?
Can we trust Him to work ALL things for good? Even tragedy?
Yes. Yes, we can.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him. " Revelation 3:20
Jesus never forces. He waits. He knocks. He's persistent. He's always there to help us in our deepest pain and sorrow, griefs beyond expressing.
Well, back to my Strategic Planning and Theories of Leadership classes. My Non-Profit class has a lighter load at the moment. Since our hotel was at maximum occupancy this week the laundry has been remarkable. I have that to look forward to this afternoon. There is joy in serving Jesus...!
Subbing for Language Arts tomorrow. Those days when I sub from 7 to 3, then work 3 to 11 at the hotel are difficult. I took today off. A human can only bear so much...
The tea is on Sunday. It's our day to clean the church, so my two wonderful youngest children will rise to the occasion and do that while I prepare for the women's gathering in the afternoon. If you want to discuss prophecy and pray, and you are female, please join us! Email me for the address.
We have two new women coming this week, for sure. Come and be a third...
Let's hope the refrigerator is fixed by then. I pray for stuff like that, too.
A note about social media: I recently made some drastically needed changes. I pared down my Facebook friend's list and made my account private. Facebook is now my place to keep in touch with old school friends and new prophecy friends. I used it before primarily as an evangelism tool. I deleted my Instagram entirely, so I apologize to those there. I was getting some unwanted attention since my brother's death. You can still find me on Twitter (and I'm VERY POLITICAL and raw there, so be warned) and Pinterest. If you want to reach me email me at the above address. Thanks for your understanding.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
I would rather stand before God's judgment seat and have him judge me for taking Him and his Word too seriously than not enough.
When a death of someone closer occurs the veil between the unseen and the seen becomes even thinner.
I live in a world infused with the supernatural. I see the hand of God in everything and all things. My spiritual eyes have been fully opened.
How does one describe such a transformation?
The Apostle Paul couldn't even describe it, and he was brilliant.
Life with Creator God: bearable, comforting, hopeful, peaceful, exciting
Life without Him: blah
Sin has its pleasures. They pale in comparison with knowing and having fellowship with the Creator of all things.
Make your election sure. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is coming near.
These are truths that lead to spiritual rebirth.
Nothing else really matters. This life is a breath, a grass by the way that withers and dies. The eternal one is what really matters.
"I go to prepare a place for you. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. Where I go there you may be also. I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also."
Who said these things?
This is our blessed hope, and nothing else compares to it. I'm old. I know this. What we experience here on this earth pales in comparison with what occurs eternally.
Don't waste your life.
Be ready to meet Jesus. YOU matter.
Each and every soul matters to the Creator. Nothing on this earth is as valuable as your soul. Money doesn't matter. God is the one who gives and takes away. God is the provider. God is the One that it is all about.
Don't forget that. I don't.
It's not about you or me or anyone you know.
It's all about God.
My soul says glory be to the one who is and was and ever will be.
The grief that is being experienced by my family and those related to the others that died on Oct. 3 is important and deep. So many people have expressed their love for us and are praying. We are, as I said before, overwhelmed. I have chosen a route of perspective. I wait daily for the coming of the true king, and this helps me face each day. This world never was our home. We are ONLY passing through.
When a death of someone closer occurs the veil between the unseen and the seen becomes even thinner.
I live in a world infused with the supernatural. I see the hand of God in everything and all things. My spiritual eyes have been fully opened.
How does one describe such a transformation?
The Apostle Paul couldn't even describe it, and he was brilliant.
Life with Creator God: bearable, comforting, hopeful, peaceful, exciting
Life without Him: blah
Sin has its pleasures. They pale in comparison with knowing and having fellowship with the Creator of all things.
Make your election sure. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is coming near.
These are truths that lead to spiritual rebirth.
Nothing else really matters. This life is a breath, a grass by the way that withers and dies. The eternal one is what really matters.
"I go to prepare a place for you. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. Where I go there you may be also. I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also."
Who said these things?
This is our blessed hope, and nothing else compares to it. I'm old. I know this. What we experience here on this earth pales in comparison with what occurs eternally.
Don't waste your life.
Be ready to meet Jesus. YOU matter.
Each and every soul matters to the Creator. Nothing on this earth is as valuable as your soul. Money doesn't matter. God is the one who gives and takes away. God is the provider. God is the One that it is all about.
Don't forget that. I don't.
It's not about you or me or anyone you know.
It's all about God.
My soul says glory be to the one who is and was and ever will be.
The grief that is being experienced by my family and those related to the others that died on Oct. 3 is important and deep. So many people have expressed their love for us and are praying. We are, as I said before, overwhelmed. I have chosen a route of perspective. I wait daily for the coming of the true king, and this helps me face each day. This world never was our home. We are ONLY passing through.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Many Thanks
I was able to attend the funeral for my brother and his wife in Chicago. I want to thank all of you who were praying for our family during this time of loss.
You cannot do hard things without the fellowship and support of fellow believers, and your prayers were felt, answered, and cherished.
Thank you for all of your cards, flowers, notes and messages! I am overwhelmed! I will make it my purpose to write each of you back, but it may be next summer :)
I was so happy to get two of my papers done last week, and the deadline was extended one day for the one I chose not to write that night! Miracles. God is so good. I sent out a plea for prayer on Facebook and that prayer was totally answered!
For now I am going to be at the hotel this afternoon, checking in guests and folding the laundry of the weekend, starting to sub again tomorrow, and writing my paper today...
I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and a family wedding this weekend.
Corwyn was thrilled to see us home.
Margaret is getting readjusted to life at Corgi Hollows, looking for a car that works. She's desperate.
My husband is replacing the brake lines in Cheri's car, and that is like brain surgery.
Ed continues to enjoy (thrive) at the University! Praise God! His car overheated on the way home on Friday....
Our fleet is in sore need right now.
My car, which we took to Chicago, had a tire puncture as we drove from the funeral to the burial! When these many things happen you begin to wonder about the unseen world and its abilities to MESS YOU UP!
We had to postpone Corgi Hollows History Day last Saturday, of course. Because the weather is mercurial this time of the year I'm hesitant to reschedule it this fall. I had (thankfully) asked for the weekend off from the hotel, so it was wonderful to be already free from work to attend the funeral.
Look for another "Regency" day next fall. I'm so sorry to disappoint, but things happen. (Don't you just love Ilhan Omar !? Just kidding...)
As Elisabeth Elliot said so famously, "Do the next thing."
That is excellent advise. Grieving looks different in every person, for every person. One must never judge another's grief. I am faced with very aged parents and their health issues, and I am always shoring up for when they meet Jesus face to face.
You see, we do not grieve like the heathens. To be absent in the body is to be present with the LORD!
I know that I am over-the-top looking forward to that moment, and not everyone is, but it certainly helps me through my own losses. It helped me face Ed's cancer.
I'm excited to have my grandson back in the area, and the prospect of my granddaughter arriving in 2020! LIFE GOES ON. As I have said several times over the last week, we are created to live!
At the jail last Sunday I told the inmates about the horrible death in my family. They were so sweet. I told them I have zero animosity toward the poor woman addicted (obviously) to alcohol who decided to drink and then (naturally) lost her presence of mind. I'm sorry she ever took a first sip of alcohol. I'm sorry that ANYONE I know took the first sip of destruction in their lives. I know I cannot touch it. It is too dangerous and evil.
I talked to someone at the funeral who has been sober for 13 years. There was so much anger in her. She was appalled at the destruction of alcohol. I'm with her one hundred percent. Those of you who are addicted alcoholics need to find Jesus. You are truly lost. Those of you who love Christ need to count the cost of serving Him and pleasing Him. You are called to be SOBER! Look it up in Scripture, your manual for the walk. STOP DRINKING.
Alcohol is poison. It makes you stink. I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years, and I can still smell, in my mind, the putrid smell of alcohol which permeated the air of that beautiful country. The people reeked. They breathed it, sweated it, purged it. It was disgusting.
At the jail I talked with them about this gorgeous, perfect, teeming-with-life world...created as a place for God to dwell with his creation. God made all this beauty to enjoy, and it was good. To lose life is to lose what God had originally intended.
We were intended for life, precious life, and we are created for his glory.
To God be the glory, even in this sad sin-sick fallen world.
God ordained our days before we were born. I read that in Scripture. Nothing surprises the creator of the galaxies. Our days should be a fragrance to Him, and we only know Him truly through His Word.
Why are you running from your destiny?
Are you?
Get right with your Maker. Your turn could be today. Someone addicted to alcohol may drive down a wrong-way ramp and snuff out your life.
And perhaps today we WILL see the the face of Jesus. It is the feast of tabernacles, the symbol of the upcoming 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth.
Perhaps today?
You don't need alcohol, really. You'll be far better off without it. I'd love to see the entire industry put out of business, but that is impossible. That was tried once, and it didn't work. You alone can make the decision to not drink that next drink. For those of you whom I love and pray for, THIS IS MY PRAYER.
God is always answering my prayers, so don't be surprised when you see that glass of wine or beer in front of you and you think in your head, "Corgi said---don't take that next drink!"
It's in your court. Who are you going to snuff out of life?
A woman named Emily snuffed out four lives last week.
You cannot do hard things without the fellowship and support of fellow believers, and your prayers were felt, answered, and cherished.
Thank you for all of your cards, flowers, notes and messages! I am overwhelmed! I will make it my purpose to write each of you back, but it may be next summer :)
I was so happy to get two of my papers done last week, and the deadline was extended one day for the one I chose not to write that night! Miracles. God is so good. I sent out a plea for prayer on Facebook and that prayer was totally answered!
For now I am going to be at the hotel this afternoon, checking in guests and folding the laundry of the weekend, starting to sub again tomorrow, and writing my paper today...
I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and a family wedding this weekend.
Corwyn was thrilled to see us home.
Margaret is getting readjusted to life at Corgi Hollows, looking for a car that works. She's desperate.
My husband is replacing the brake lines in Cheri's car, and that is like brain surgery.
Ed continues to enjoy (thrive) at the University! Praise God! His car overheated on the way home on Friday....
Our fleet is in sore need right now.
My car, which we took to Chicago, had a tire puncture as we drove from the funeral to the burial! When these many things happen you begin to wonder about the unseen world and its abilities to MESS YOU UP!
We had to postpone Corgi Hollows History Day last Saturday, of course. Because the weather is mercurial this time of the year I'm hesitant to reschedule it this fall. I had (thankfully) asked for the weekend off from the hotel, so it was wonderful to be already free from work to attend the funeral.
Look for another "Regency" day next fall. I'm so sorry to disappoint, but things happen. (Don't you just love Ilhan Omar !? Just kidding...)
As Elisabeth Elliot said so famously, "Do the next thing."
That is excellent advise. Grieving looks different in every person, for every person. One must never judge another's grief. I am faced with very aged parents and their health issues, and I am always shoring up for when they meet Jesus face to face.
You see, we do not grieve like the heathens. To be absent in the body is to be present with the LORD!
I know that I am over-the-top looking forward to that moment, and not everyone is, but it certainly helps me through my own losses. It helped me face Ed's cancer.
I'm excited to have my grandson back in the area, and the prospect of my granddaughter arriving in 2020! LIFE GOES ON. As I have said several times over the last week, we are created to live!
At the jail last Sunday I told the inmates about the horrible death in my family. They were so sweet. I told them I have zero animosity toward the poor woman addicted (obviously) to alcohol who decided to drink and then (naturally) lost her presence of mind. I'm sorry she ever took a first sip of alcohol. I'm sorry that ANYONE I know took the first sip of destruction in their lives. I know I cannot touch it. It is too dangerous and evil.
I talked to someone at the funeral who has been sober for 13 years. There was so much anger in her. She was appalled at the destruction of alcohol. I'm with her one hundred percent. Those of you who are addicted alcoholics need to find Jesus. You are truly lost. Those of you who love Christ need to count the cost of serving Him and pleasing Him. You are called to be SOBER! Look it up in Scripture, your manual for the walk. STOP DRINKING.
Alcohol is poison. It makes you stink. I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years, and I can still smell, in my mind, the putrid smell of alcohol which permeated the air of that beautiful country. The people reeked. They breathed it, sweated it, purged it. It was disgusting.
At the jail I talked with them about this gorgeous, perfect, teeming-with-life world...created as a place for God to dwell with his creation. God made all this beauty to enjoy, and it was good. To lose life is to lose what God had originally intended.
We were intended for life, precious life, and we are created for his glory.
To God be the glory, even in this sad sin-sick fallen world.
God ordained our days before we were born. I read that in Scripture. Nothing surprises the creator of the galaxies. Our days should be a fragrance to Him, and we only know Him truly through His Word.
Why are you running from your destiny?
Are you?
Get right with your Maker. Your turn could be today. Someone addicted to alcohol may drive down a wrong-way ramp and snuff out your life.
And perhaps today we WILL see the the face of Jesus. It is the feast of tabernacles, the symbol of the upcoming 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth.
Perhaps today?
You don't need alcohol, really. You'll be far better off without it. I'd love to see the entire industry put out of business, but that is impossible. That was tried once, and it didn't work. You alone can make the decision to not drink that next drink. For those of you whom I love and pray for, THIS IS MY PRAYER.
God is always answering my prayers, so don't be surprised when you see that glass of wine or beer in front of you and you think in your head, "Corgi said---don't take that next drink!"
It's in your court. Who are you going to snuff out of life?
A woman named Emily snuffed out four lives last week.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019
On the Passing of my Brother
My brother was a very gifted and much admired human. He and I are two first-borns, technically, and our lives had similar drive, but in different directions. You can imagine what sort of relationship we had :D . .
..WE were both raised by strong Bible believers: he became a financial guru and I became a missionary.
His influence, and his first wife Susan's influence, was off the charts in my world.
I am truly 'little old me" up in "good old Minnesota" working 7 am to 11 pm, trying to get my next degree, trying to pay all the bills....like most of you. (I have two part time jobs: I'm a substitute teacher at a local school, and I am the front desk staff at the local hotel, and looking after my parents and my kids) I'm trying to earn my masters degree in Public Admin right now, but with papers and assignments due next weekend I'm not sure how that is going to play out....
He's gone now, and I know he has left an amazing legacy. He and Susan leave four incredibly gifted children, all wave-makers in their own interests: music, fashion, and literature. He leaves step-children and "adopted" children. He has influenced some of the wave-makers in politics and in the financial world.
We didn't agree on politics, in fact, we sparred. A lot.
And you know I like politics. That's thanks to my dad's influence.
For me it matters that God is glorified, and the thing I do know about my brother is that he tried to further God's kingdom.
I'm an old fashioned Bible believer. I have found no hope anywhere else (though I've tried).
Jud lived life in the fast track, and I chose quiet. Jud had far more influence than I will ever have.
The Jud I knew was hilarious and aggravating, handsome and passionate, smart and loyal.
Because his life colored mine in more ways than I think Jud could have imagined I am deeply affected and saddened by his death.
I'm passionately against alcohol, (like Donald Trump) and I'm incredibly saddened that a drunk driver took his and Mary's life. Don't drink. Don't drink. Don't drink. It leads to agony and illness, mental decline and death, broken relationships on every level. It's never okay. Never. There are far healthier ways to find pleasure. Alcohol is the devil's potion.
The thing I have, that most people don't, is the excitement of being reunited with my brother----even soon----as I am a student of Bible prophecy and I believe God's promises and see His prophecies becoming reality. Things are coming together for Christ's return. This is HUGE. Time is wrapping up!
Don't hide in some false view of God's justice or nature. Seek the God of the Word!
Those of us who are watching for our Lord and Master cannot ever lose hope.
Yes, I'm sad. Jud and Mary died senseless deaths. There is evil in the world, and I see it all around. A few years ago I attended Edith Schaeffer's funeral. It was emphasized that we are created to LIVE. Life is a gift from God! We are to live for His glory! This is the true hope and meaning of existence. When life is snatched it is a curse. But we know that death is conquered in Jesus Christ, ultimately.
I am not hopeless. I look to an eternity with Christ.
Pray for Jud and Mary's seven children. There is so much to be worked through.
God is always good. Always.
Read your Bible. My niece told me that Jud had recently memorized Psalm 91. All of it. That's impressive. I haven't memorized much in the last 30 years. New goals for me ! :)
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
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