"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Birth Stories
Every mom has a birth story, most likely one for each child. I am no exception, each birth is traced in my mind, memories of each still vivid, good and bad.
The trauma and pain has a way of etching things deeper.
I remember feeling and timing labor pangs ten minutes apart on a Sunday night back in breath-taking hot Louisiana, July, 1991. Excitement and anticipation were the main emotions as I anticipated the birth of my firstborn.
Sunday passed into Monday. No abatement. I went to the doctor. "Yes, you are progressing, but go home and wait."
The pain got worse, steady, regular.
By Tuesday morning I was on the monitor. Tuesday night I was walking the halls of the hospital.
Wednesday was more of the same: steady pangs, increased pain.
By Thursday my wrists were useless---I had gripped the sidebars of the bed in agony too much.
I made it (with prayers and pleas) to Thursday evening, 6:00 pm, when a slightly blue darling baby boy appeared.
I was a medical mess. It took hours to repair the damage, a week in the hospital to recover---I was told I'd never be the same.
The obstetrician who stepped in (finally) for the actual birth flatly told me "this should have been a caesarean section." He seemed angry as he repaired my broken and torn body.
Birth; male, complicated by short nucal cord and transverse position.
Simple words.
Immense pain.
Immense joy.
Everything of a week summed up briefly, suffering and joy.
I think God gave me that experience for multiple reasons, spared my death, and the death of my son for multiple reasons. I went on to give birth four more times against the advice of medicine.
And God has been gracious. God has given. My five children are the source of much of my joy, all dear and amazing humans, precious in the sight of my God and savior.
God has blessed. What life has been!
My birth stories come to mind even now as the Bible describes the times we are in as "birth pangs."
I see unrest (Minneapolis is burning right now in response to George Floyd's death), we are being told of social distancing and tracing, we are being manipulated into a global society, the earth is quaking, the locusts are spawning, famine is next...
Warnings that all become 10-minute-apart pangs that herald the ultimate birth. My week of pain pales in comparison to the weeks of pain we face as things get worse.
Almost daily I hear someone say "It's always been this way, it's no different."
I'm not sure if there is a spiritual pride in saying that dismissive observation. Is it fear? As a prophecy watcher I cannot stop seeing the signs of Christ's return, His blessed hope for us! I am too excited, too anticipating, to stop watching, to stop seeing.
How can I not be thrilled?
Watch, brethren. Watch, sisters!
The silliness of the Antichrist and his coming fears pale in comparison to the birth that awaits us!
There is a special crown for watching. Why not try for it? We're running a race, remember?
Stop scoffing at us!
Those that prefer to blindly walk into the future are absolutely free to do so. I am that one who always reads the last chapter of a book first. I like knowing how it ends.
I still do.
There are some things we don't know. I could have perished on that birthing table many years ago, now. Had I been living even a few decades before that I would have. I didn't know if I'd survive in life, but I knew where I was going. I know where my two miscarried babies are. I know things that comfort me and help me face each day and its troubles.
I don't know if my head will be chopped off before that blessed hope spoken of in Titus 2:13. Many believers in Africa have already met that end at the sword of Islam. Perhaps a guillotine will be my end? Avoiding the global system would be worth that.
I am focused on what is after that. God's Word is true.
How many are ready to give all for eternal reward?
As we see the birth pangs we can be assured of one thing: Jesus IS coming soon for his bride.
Are you ready? Is there "oil in your lamp?" Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you forgiven? Have you repented?
The voices of confusion and fear are accosting you every day. Are you tuning in the truth? Are you single-minded?
Slough off the cacophony of lies and fear that fill our ears daily. Don't you remember that Satan is the prince and power of the air?
You must steadily latch onto the truths of Scripture for these last days.
Don't bother telling me that Jesus has always been coming! I know that more than most of the world population----in fact I'm focused on it. (Thanks anyway, I will graciously tell you!)
I'm just trying to get the rest of the world awakened.
The trauma and pain has a way of etching things deeper.
I remember feeling and timing labor pangs ten minutes apart on a Sunday night back in breath-taking hot Louisiana, July, 1991. Excitement and anticipation were the main emotions as I anticipated the birth of my firstborn.
Sunday passed into Monday. No abatement. I went to the doctor. "Yes, you are progressing, but go home and wait."
The pain got worse, steady, regular.
By Tuesday morning I was on the monitor. Tuesday night I was walking the halls of the hospital.
Wednesday was more of the same: steady pangs, increased pain.
By Thursday my wrists were useless---I had gripped the sidebars of the bed in agony too much.
I made it (with prayers and pleas) to Thursday evening, 6:00 pm, when a slightly blue darling baby boy appeared.
I was a medical mess. It took hours to repair the damage, a week in the hospital to recover---I was told I'd never be the same.
The obstetrician who stepped in (finally) for the actual birth flatly told me "this should have been a caesarean section." He seemed angry as he repaired my broken and torn body.
Birth; male, complicated by short nucal cord and transverse position.
Simple words.
Immense pain.
Immense joy.
Everything of a week summed up briefly, suffering and joy.
I think God gave me that experience for multiple reasons, spared my death, and the death of my son for multiple reasons. I went on to give birth four more times against the advice of medicine.
And God has been gracious. God has given. My five children are the source of much of my joy, all dear and amazing humans, precious in the sight of my God and savior.
God has blessed. What life has been!
My birth stories come to mind even now as the Bible describes the times we are in as "birth pangs."
I see unrest (Minneapolis is burning right now in response to George Floyd's death), we are being told of social distancing and tracing, we are being manipulated into a global society, the earth is quaking, the locusts are spawning, famine is next...
Warnings that all become 10-minute-apart pangs that herald the ultimate birth. My week of pain pales in comparison to the weeks of pain we face as things get worse.
Almost daily I hear someone say "It's always been this way, it's no different."
I'm not sure if there is a spiritual pride in saying that dismissive observation. Is it fear? As a prophecy watcher I cannot stop seeing the signs of Christ's return, His blessed hope for us! I am too excited, too anticipating, to stop watching, to stop seeing.
How can I not be thrilled?
Watch, brethren. Watch, sisters!
The silliness of the Antichrist and his coming fears pale in comparison to the birth that awaits us!
There is a special crown for watching. Why not try for it? We're running a race, remember?
Stop scoffing at us!
Those that prefer to blindly walk into the future are absolutely free to do so. I am that one who always reads the last chapter of a book first. I like knowing how it ends.
I still do.
There are some things we don't know. I could have perished on that birthing table many years ago, now. Had I been living even a few decades before that I would have. I didn't know if I'd survive in life, but I knew where I was going. I know where my two miscarried babies are. I know things that comfort me and help me face each day and its troubles.
I don't know if my head will be chopped off before that blessed hope spoken of in Titus 2:13. Many believers in Africa have already met that end at the sword of Islam. Perhaps a guillotine will be my end? Avoiding the global system would be worth that.
I am focused on what is after that. God's Word is true.
How many are ready to give all for eternal reward?
As we see the birth pangs we can be assured of one thing: Jesus IS coming soon for his bride.
Are you ready? Is there "oil in your lamp?" Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Are you forgiven? Have you repented?
The voices of confusion and fear are accosting you every day. Are you tuning in the truth? Are you single-minded?
Slough off the cacophony of lies and fear that fill our ears daily. Don't you remember that Satan is the prince and power of the air?
You must steadily latch onto the truths of Scripture for these last days.
Don't bother telling me that Jesus has always been coming! I know that more than most of the world population----in fact I'm focused on it. (Thanks anyway, I will graciously tell you!)
I'm just trying to get the rest of the world awakened.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Thursday, May 21, 2020
When presented with new information one must ALWAYS ask: "From what worldview does this come?"
What is the agenda?
What is the end of this reasoning?
Who is to benefit?
As Bible prophecy watchmen we have a unique corner on the market, so to speak. We speak not for financial gain, not for popularity (we are usually shunned), not for any personal profit on this earth----
We speak because we believe God, we believe in eternal destiny, and we love people.
Does God take care of us?
Yes, and He encourages us. The best place to be is right in the middle of God's will, in life or death.
This corona virus has brought us all into a place we never dreamed of: shut down.
I've been trying to glean information from all over the world about how it plays out ---what works, what doesn't to cure the virus, or help those who've been diagnosed.
I know people who are listening to the CDC and the WHO and they are literally shaking in fear about opening up the economy again!
Fear of a virus that has over 99% recovery rate.
Fear of a virus that can be overcome with cheap drugs that have been used for decades.
Fear of a virus that could be overcome by developing herd immunity, just like most viruses are overcome.
Because I have been interested in the topic of genetic entropy I have been interested in what virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, microbiologists, and geneticists have to say about the situation we've all found ourselves in this spring of 2020.
Generally it isn't what the CDC and the WHO are saying. I'm just saying....
Yes, the corona virus is a virus that has a HIV AIDS genetic sequence which is a tell-tale marker of a manufactured entity. This is not "natural" and it poses an unknown threat.
Enter genetic entropy.
Every time a virus replicates there is genetic information that is lost. This is a mutation, and the mutations are much weaker than the original organisms. Mutations CAN be positive, but that is rare. Mutations are generally thought of as bad, except when something bad is weakened by them.
This is the case with corona viruses. The common cold is a corona virus. Corona viruses are well known and common, and have been around since creation. They have been mutating all this time, too. This little man-made number is a threat, has been a threat, but it must abide by the rule of genetic entropy like every single virus ever know since creation.
We must achieve a herd immunity, a genetic form that has mutated out of strength.
This particular virus seems to affect people over 65 and people with other health conditions. It attacks the immune system, just like HIV-AIDS. HIV-AIDS was spread with bodily fluid contact, and there is still no vaccine to help defeat it. It has been virtually eliminated as a societal threat, but it still infects anyone who comes into bodily fluid contact/blood that is infected. You are not supposed to get it from kissing. You can get it from an exchange with blood.
An alarming symptom of the virus (when not treated promptly) is blood clotting.
Listening to the aforesaid experts, the virus spread quickly around the world, even over the holiday season. That is when our family struggled with sickness, too. People are still becoming infected, also with mutant strains, and less powerful virus material. Survival rates should continue to improve, but they are already at over 99 %.
There is less reason to fear by the day. The virus is mutating and infecting us at a fantastic rate, making it easier and less lethal by the day, safer for the elderly and those with underlying conditions.
NOW we can help that mutation process along by letting it achieve herd immunity by opening up and mingling in society.
The suggestions for opening society are not reasonable. They are draconian.
We need to be back together, recovered people, well, people, all people.
There will continue to be cases of Covid-19, but the outcome will be less severe.
Is this fear mongering? Or is it fear-mongering to say STAY HOME UNTIL WE HAVE A VACCINE?
I am not anti--vax. I wonder about the affects of vaccinations in my family, many, many times: especially concerning neurological issues. I'm suspicious. I'm careful.
Vaccinating 7.5 billion people is bound to be a bad idea. I cannot imagine the devastation. Being rightfully cautious about clear evidence regarding vaccines is not fear mongering. Get the vaccine if you wish. (I wish that Bill Gates wouldn't directly benefit from vaccinating the world, either. It just doesn't smell right.)
After watching all the connections with the World Health Organization I am deeply opposed to supporting it in any way.
It's all about agendas and worldviews.
That's where we need to be wary, not fearful!
We know how all of this ends, and I think it's going to get pretty exciting here SOON.
This is what we have HOPED FOR!
Praise God! He's coming soon! We are going to be with Him!!!
Don't jeopardize that Blessed Hope!
Work out your salvation with *FEAR AND TREMBLING*
This is only time in the Bible that I can think of it advocating fear! Every other time it says to NOT FEAR!
Surely there is significance here!
We are to be very sure of our faith in Jesus Christ. We are to fear nothing when He is LORD of our lives.
So don't fear, Dear!
Be patient, Love!
Be aware of the oncoming train of the New World Order, warn your loved ones, and WATCH for the Bridegroom!
The Last Supper before Jesus' crucifixion was all about a betrothal and a promise. Take it at face value and trust Jesus to keep His promise!
You have a special crown, reward for watching for Him. It's not a sin to talk about it ALL THE TIME! God wants us to spread the good news!!
By the way, just got to finish the book about Mother Eliza George "Born to Lose, Bound to Win." So interesting to read it during this pandemic.
She took quinine all the time and she lived to be over 100!!!
Don't let the fear-mongers get you.
Drink that tonic water and take your zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C! Get out in the sunshine like they do over in Ukraine---storing up health for the long winter! God has given us so many gifts to stay healthy! We don't need to bow to the New World Order to survive.
We're going HOME TO JESUS!
Love it ! !!!
Be happy!!!
Love you, friend and reader.
God is so good! Maranatha!
What is the agenda?
What is the end of this reasoning?
Who is to benefit?
As Bible prophecy watchmen we have a unique corner on the market, so to speak. We speak not for financial gain, not for popularity (we are usually shunned), not for any personal profit on this earth----
We speak because we believe God, we believe in eternal destiny, and we love people.
Does God take care of us?
Yes, and He encourages us. The best place to be is right in the middle of God's will, in life or death.
This corona virus has brought us all into a place we never dreamed of: shut down.
I've been trying to glean information from all over the world about how it plays out ---what works, what doesn't to cure the virus, or help those who've been diagnosed.
I know people who are listening to the CDC and the WHO and they are literally shaking in fear about opening up the economy again!
Fear of a virus that has over 99% recovery rate.
Fear of a virus that can be overcome with cheap drugs that have been used for decades.
Fear of a virus that could be overcome by developing herd immunity, just like most viruses are overcome.
Because I have been interested in the topic of genetic entropy I have been interested in what virologists, epidemiologists, immunologists, microbiologists, and geneticists have to say about the situation we've all found ourselves in this spring of 2020.
Generally it isn't what the CDC and the WHO are saying. I'm just saying....
Yes, the corona virus is a virus that has a HIV AIDS genetic sequence which is a tell-tale marker of a manufactured entity. This is not "natural" and it poses an unknown threat.
Enter genetic entropy.
Every time a virus replicates there is genetic information that is lost. This is a mutation, and the mutations are much weaker than the original organisms. Mutations CAN be positive, but that is rare. Mutations are generally thought of as bad, except when something bad is weakened by them.
This is the case with corona viruses. The common cold is a corona virus. Corona viruses are well known and common, and have been around since creation. They have been mutating all this time, too. This little man-made number is a threat, has been a threat, but it must abide by the rule of genetic entropy like every single virus ever know since creation.
We must achieve a herd immunity, a genetic form that has mutated out of strength.
This particular virus seems to affect people over 65 and people with other health conditions. It attacks the immune system, just like HIV-AIDS. HIV-AIDS was spread with bodily fluid contact, and there is still no vaccine to help defeat it. It has been virtually eliminated as a societal threat, but it still infects anyone who comes into bodily fluid contact/blood that is infected. You are not supposed to get it from kissing. You can get it from an exchange with blood.
An alarming symptom of the virus (when not treated promptly) is blood clotting.
Listening to the aforesaid experts, the virus spread quickly around the world, even over the holiday season. That is when our family struggled with sickness, too. People are still becoming infected, also with mutant strains, and less powerful virus material. Survival rates should continue to improve, but they are already at over 99 %.
There is less reason to fear by the day. The virus is mutating and infecting us at a fantastic rate, making it easier and less lethal by the day, safer for the elderly and those with underlying conditions.
NOW we can help that mutation process along by letting it achieve herd immunity by opening up and mingling in society.
The suggestions for opening society are not reasonable. They are draconian.
We need to be back together, recovered people, well, people, all people.
There will continue to be cases of Covid-19, but the outcome will be less severe.
Is this fear mongering? Or is it fear-mongering to say STAY HOME UNTIL WE HAVE A VACCINE?
I am not anti--vax. I wonder about the affects of vaccinations in my family, many, many times: especially concerning neurological issues. I'm suspicious. I'm careful.
Vaccinating 7.5 billion people is bound to be a bad idea. I cannot imagine the devastation. Being rightfully cautious about clear evidence regarding vaccines is not fear mongering. Get the vaccine if you wish. (I wish that Bill Gates wouldn't directly benefit from vaccinating the world, either. It just doesn't smell right.)
After watching all the connections with the World Health Organization I am deeply opposed to supporting it in any way.
It's all about agendas and worldviews.
That's where we need to be wary, not fearful!
We know how all of this ends, and I think it's going to get pretty exciting here SOON.
This is what we have HOPED FOR!
Praise God! He's coming soon! We are going to be with Him!!!
Don't jeopardize that Blessed Hope!
Work out your salvation with *FEAR AND TREMBLING*
This is only time in the Bible that I can think of it advocating fear! Every other time it says to NOT FEAR!
Surely there is significance here!
We are to be very sure of our faith in Jesus Christ. We are to fear nothing when He is LORD of our lives.
So don't fear, Dear!
Be patient, Love!
Be aware of the oncoming train of the New World Order, warn your loved ones, and WATCH for the Bridegroom!
The Last Supper before Jesus' crucifixion was all about a betrothal and a promise. Take it at face value and trust Jesus to keep His promise!
You have a special crown, reward for watching for Him. It's not a sin to talk about it ALL THE TIME! God wants us to spread the good news!!
By the way, just got to finish the book about Mother Eliza George "Born to Lose, Bound to Win." So interesting to read it during this pandemic.
She took quinine all the time and she lived to be over 100!!!
Don't let the fear-mongers get you.
Drink that tonic water and take your zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C! Get out in the sunshine like they do over in Ukraine---storing up health for the long winter! God has given us so many gifts to stay healthy! We don't need to bow to the New World Order to survive.
We're going HOME TO JESUS!
Love it ! !!!
Be happy!!!
Love you, friend and reader.
God is so good! Maranatha!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Opportunity Abounds
We are all affected adversely by this pandemic of corona virus.
That's a fact. Pestilence will probably lead to famine, as Bible prophecy indicates, and we're at the beginning of this trend.
Earthquakes, pestilence, famine. Three biggies for end-times folk.
Saying "end-times" sort of implies that it is the end of the world, but it isn't. We are coming to the end of the church age. This is the end of the church age. We're living the book of Jude right now. It's one chapter, go read it again.
It's the penultimate book of the Bible, right before the Revelation of John the Apostle.
Revelation will help anyone in the next stage of unfolding prophecy. Those not taken in the catching away (1 Thess. 4) can go back to read in Revelation how things will pan out next.
For us, we're still in Jude.
This is an opportunity for those of us that have been given a grace period before we see Jesus, an opportunity to tell that last loved one that they need to repent. I believe in repentance. I also believe you should be baptized, but that is not necessary for salvation. I believe that you need to ask Jesus to forgive you, believe in your heart, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Do you believe that He died for your sins and that he rose from the grave, bodily?
That appears to be an integral part of the Christian faith, but you wouldn't know that necessarily these days. The Gospel has been watered down and perverted with false doctrines.
I urge you to just go to the Scriptures and read for yourself. The Bible is trustworthy, reliable, and God says it is true. His word is true. Just have faith and believe that.
Here is your opportunity: You have 95% of the entire world scared stiff right now because they are afraid of getting the corona virus. Fear is VERY powerful.
The Bible tells us not to fear. Many, many times. "Fear not, or do not fear," is in the Word of God 365 times. I didn't verify that myself, but I read that and I believed the source. That's one time per day of the year.
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind and wisdom.
Let's use our sound mind and overcome the fear that is plaguing the globe today. Let's offer the peace of not fearing to our friends and family (even some believers!!!) who are crippled by fear.
Jesus is our ONLY hope, and this is the KEY to overcoming fear. Put your faith and trust in Him and DO NOT FEAR.
That's a fact. Pestilence will probably lead to famine, as Bible prophecy indicates, and we're at the beginning of this trend.
Earthquakes, pestilence, famine. Three biggies for end-times folk.
Saying "end-times" sort of implies that it is the end of the world, but it isn't. We are coming to the end of the church age. This is the end of the church age. We're living the book of Jude right now. It's one chapter, go read it again.
It's the penultimate book of the Bible, right before the Revelation of John the Apostle.
Revelation will help anyone in the next stage of unfolding prophecy. Those not taken in the catching away (1 Thess. 4) can go back to read in Revelation how things will pan out next.
For us, we're still in Jude.
This is an opportunity for those of us that have been given a grace period before we see Jesus, an opportunity to tell that last loved one that they need to repent. I believe in repentance. I also believe you should be baptized, but that is not necessary for salvation. I believe that you need to ask Jesus to forgive you, believe in your heart, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Do you believe that He died for your sins and that he rose from the grave, bodily?
That appears to be an integral part of the Christian faith, but you wouldn't know that necessarily these days. The Gospel has been watered down and perverted with false doctrines.
I urge you to just go to the Scriptures and read for yourself. The Bible is trustworthy, reliable, and God says it is true. His word is true. Just have faith and believe that.
Here is your opportunity: You have 95% of the entire world scared stiff right now because they are afraid of getting the corona virus. Fear is VERY powerful.
The Bible tells us not to fear. Many, many times. "Fear not, or do not fear," is in the Word of God 365 times. I didn't verify that myself, but I read that and I believed the source. That's one time per day of the year.
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of sound mind and wisdom.
Let's use our sound mind and overcome the fear that is plaguing the globe today. Let's offer the peace of not fearing to our friends and family (even some believers!!!) who are crippled by fear.
Jesus is our ONLY hope, and this is the KEY to overcoming fear. Put your faith and trust in Him and DO NOT FEAR.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Don't Get Angry, Just Stand Firm
Every single believer needs to read Carl Teichrib's book, "Game of Gods."
Just this week he is monitoring a massive UN meeting where the same agenda is being discussed and furthered, the agenda that has been around for decades. I'm looking forward to his report.
This pandemic is actually a "plandemic" and we all need to be aware that our rights and privileges are being yanked away into a world order that has been on the agenda.
Anyone listening to the mainstream media is not hearing the full story on this worldwide dilemma. The United States is being driven into a possibly eight year long depression, according to some economists (See John Haller, YouTube, May 11)
We are already "toast" economically, but there is still hope that some recovery is possible. The world powers and the naysayers are dead set on using the virus as a means to identify everyone and to reduce the population of the world.
Sounds like a beast kingdom according to the Bible, more than any other until now.
I am not anti-vaccination, per se, but I certainly want the option.
I am not pro-Trump, per se, but I certainly approve of his actions.
I am pro-liberty, pro constitutional rights, and pro-Jesus. I'm pro-life and pro-Israel, and I'm pro-common sense.
This whole pandemic is not panning out for common sense.
I recognize the NWO stuff easily. They are not trying to hide. They are simply looking for opportunity. The rapture of the church will be great for them----unleash the Orwellian control!
Having read about genetic entropy I have just the most basic understanding about viruses and germs. Viruses mutate. The mutations are never as lethal as the original. The virus is weakening even now!
New viruses will arise, viruses do kill, people need to understand how pandemics go away. People develop immunity, and those with compromised immune systems will suffer the most.
By all means, if you have a compromised immune system you need to sequester. The rest of us will bear the responsibility of developing the herd immunity and passing the virus until it mutates out of life. Shutting down the entire world is simply bad immunology.
We are listening to a message from those who would control us, all of us.
It is appalling to see how certain blue states have imposed martial law without saying so. To mandate closure of private business is virtually martial law. The good people of these states "flattened the curve" for a few weeks, of their own good will, and now it is time to get on with the next step of developing herd immunity and getting that virus mutated.
This trust in people who are affiliated with the communist party (like the DFL) here in Minnesota is ludicrous. Communism is all about control.
I have posted so much information about this over the past few months and years----it is all out there.
Don't be hoodwinked. Don't get angry. Just stand firm.
We are supposed to be in the world, but not of it. So, occupy.
Do you?
Support your representatives who are willing to stand up to such Orwellian measures.
Stand or lose.
Just this week he is monitoring a massive UN meeting where the same agenda is being discussed and furthered, the agenda that has been around for decades. I'm looking forward to his report.
This pandemic is actually a "plandemic" and we all need to be aware that our rights and privileges are being yanked away into a world order that has been on the agenda.
Anyone listening to the mainstream media is not hearing the full story on this worldwide dilemma. The United States is being driven into a possibly eight year long depression, according to some economists (See John Haller, YouTube, May 11)
We are already "toast" economically, but there is still hope that some recovery is possible. The world powers and the naysayers are dead set on using the virus as a means to identify everyone and to reduce the population of the world.
Sounds like a beast kingdom according to the Bible, more than any other until now.
I am not anti-vaccination, per se, but I certainly want the option.
I am not pro-Trump, per se, but I certainly approve of his actions.
I am pro-liberty, pro constitutional rights, and pro-Jesus. I'm pro-life and pro-Israel, and I'm pro-common sense.
This whole pandemic is not panning out for common sense.
I recognize the NWO stuff easily. They are not trying to hide. They are simply looking for opportunity. The rapture of the church will be great for them----unleash the Orwellian control!
Having read about genetic entropy I have just the most basic understanding about viruses and germs. Viruses mutate. The mutations are never as lethal as the original. The virus is weakening even now!
New viruses will arise, viruses do kill, people need to understand how pandemics go away. People develop immunity, and those with compromised immune systems will suffer the most.
By all means, if you have a compromised immune system you need to sequester. The rest of us will bear the responsibility of developing the herd immunity and passing the virus until it mutates out of life. Shutting down the entire world is simply bad immunology.
We are listening to a message from those who would control us, all of us.
It is appalling to see how certain blue states have imposed martial law without saying so. To mandate closure of private business is virtually martial law. The good people of these states "flattened the curve" for a few weeks, of their own good will, and now it is time to get on with the next step of developing herd immunity and getting that virus mutated.
This trust in people who are affiliated with the communist party (like the DFL) here in Minnesota is ludicrous. Communism is all about control.
I have posted so much information about this over the past few months and years----it is all out there.
Don't be hoodwinked. Don't get angry. Just stand firm.
We are supposed to be in the world, but not of it. So, occupy.
Do you?
Support your representatives who are willing to stand up to such Orwellian measures.
Stand or lose.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
AS you can see...
Several of my links have been deleted.
I guess the eye of Sauron has found me.
It's to be expected. I hope to encourage you, to help you, to reach out to you and stand with you.
Don't cave in to the media schtick if you can help it.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
I guess the eye of Sauron has found me.
It's to be expected. I hope to encourage you, to help you, to reach out to you and stand with you.
Don't cave in to the media schtick if you can help it.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
He Who Has Ears To Hear
We are in a charged climate right now.
I am appalled, personally, at the overreach of the government over constitutional rights, but even saying that makes me a lightening rod.
I mentioned a while back that we really don't have free speech, and that is true. You can do your own research about what you can or cannot say.
My problem is when the speech laws muzzle the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that (the Gospel) is the most offensive thing ever to the lost and spiritually blinded soul.
Think about it. To even say the Ten Commandments is offensive. To let the law convict a heart is offensive...
You get the picture.
And then there is fear, such a powerful controller. We are ALL subject to it. It has worked for millennia for despots and tyrants. Fear is effective!
It shuts down otherwise reasonable people.
Think about it.
Haven't you seen this happening?
I struggle with it. There is a quiet little voice in the back of my head asking "How will you respond when they come for you?"
I like to read testimonies. I like to read people's stories. I like to hear how they "got through" to the end, sometimes. I like to be encouraged by hearing what God did to help them.
I believe that those who are Christ-followers will be persecuted. They are already, have been since the time of Christ. We are no different, yet we have enjoyed a country, for the past 200 years, that gave us freedom of religion. I know, I know, that era is past. But let's look at the facts: Christianity was practiced freely in the USA for 200 years.
It's over. It's done. It's gone. Yes, that is a fear-inciting thought. We Christians are about to hit the fan.
I had the most wonderful encounter yesterday. I was feeling discouraged by all the fear I was noticing in people, and I cried out to the Lord to touch my heart. He responded spectacularly with a short conversation that just was a balm in Gilead to my heart. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
We are a people of faith, not fear. We are together in this time, this dilemma of pandemic, of FAKE NEWS and treachery.
We have the Christ, the solid rock, under our feet. We are standing in Truth that surpasses any narrative.
And now, for a disclaimer: Prophecy is my personal interest. I know it interests a few of you, too, or you wouldn't be reading my blog!
I talk about and write about things that interest ME, selfishly, and I read information that interests ME. If you don't care for these topics you are welcome to your own interests! For me, this pandemic has given rise to compelling new thoughts and ideas, information that affects all aspects of my life.
I can't help it but be writing, risking, helping anyone who is also interested.
I realize that many are not interested, and very willing to listen to the mainstream narrative. I do think of that as blindness, but that is a choice I must accept. People have free will---until they don't.
Those of you that read my blog regularly have similar interests, but I also know that there are many I come in contact with DAILY that have zero affinity for these topics and prefer to listen to the voice of the world.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. I am not listening to the voice of worldliness. I have a worldview, not a worldly view.
My worldview involves Christ Jesus, and His promises, and His power within my heart.
I am not a Fascist, a communist, a socialist, an atheist, a globalist, a racist.
I am a Christ-follower. Jesus saves. Jesus rose from the grave, bodily, and is preparing a place for us. He's coming again to receive us unto Himself. That's ANYONE who believes on Him
The Bible is true, inspired, inerrant, and powerful. I love it. I've read it through countless times, in different languages. I've researched its authenticity and historicity. I've complete confidence in its message and its power to save.
I allow that if your head is in the Word of God you will not act in a way that contradicts or subverts Christ. It is the power to save. Even if your head is in the sand politically or socially, if you are in the Word of God, "you're good. "
He who has ears to hear, listen! He who has eyes to see, SEE!
Buckle up, folks.
I am appalled, personally, at the overreach of the government over constitutional rights, but even saying that makes me a lightening rod.
I mentioned a while back that we really don't have free speech, and that is true. You can do your own research about what you can or cannot say.
My problem is when the speech laws muzzle the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that (the Gospel) is the most offensive thing ever to the lost and spiritually blinded soul.
Think about it. To even say the Ten Commandments is offensive. To let the law convict a heart is offensive...
You get the picture.
And then there is fear, such a powerful controller. We are ALL subject to it. It has worked for millennia for despots and tyrants. Fear is effective!
It shuts down otherwise reasonable people.
Think about it.
Haven't you seen this happening?
I struggle with it. There is a quiet little voice in the back of my head asking "How will you respond when they come for you?"
I like to read testimonies. I like to read people's stories. I like to hear how they "got through" to the end, sometimes. I like to be encouraged by hearing what God did to help them.
I believe that those who are Christ-followers will be persecuted. They are already, have been since the time of Christ. We are no different, yet we have enjoyed a country, for the past 200 years, that gave us freedom of religion. I know, I know, that era is past. But let's look at the facts: Christianity was practiced freely in the USA for 200 years.
It's over. It's done. It's gone. Yes, that is a fear-inciting thought. We Christians are about to hit the fan.
I had the most wonderful encounter yesterday. I was feeling discouraged by all the fear I was noticing in people, and I cried out to the Lord to touch my heart. He responded spectacularly with a short conversation that just was a balm in Gilead to my heart. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
We are a people of faith, not fear. We are together in this time, this dilemma of pandemic, of FAKE NEWS and treachery.
We have the Christ, the solid rock, under our feet. We are standing in Truth that surpasses any narrative.
And now, for a disclaimer: Prophecy is my personal interest. I know it interests a few of you, too, or you wouldn't be reading my blog!
I talk about and write about things that interest ME, selfishly, and I read information that interests ME. If you don't care for these topics you are welcome to your own interests! For me, this pandemic has given rise to compelling new thoughts and ideas, information that affects all aspects of my life.
I can't help it but be writing, risking, helping anyone who is also interested.
I realize that many are not interested, and very willing to listen to the mainstream narrative. I do think of that as blindness, but that is a choice I must accept. People have free will---until they don't.
Those of you that read my blog regularly have similar interests, but I also know that there are many I come in contact with DAILY that have zero affinity for these topics and prefer to listen to the voice of the world.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. I am not listening to the voice of worldliness. I have a worldview, not a worldly view.
My worldview involves Christ Jesus, and His promises, and His power within my heart.
I am not a Fascist, a communist, a socialist, an atheist, a globalist, a racist.
I am a Christ-follower. Jesus saves. Jesus rose from the grave, bodily, and is preparing a place for us. He's coming again to receive us unto Himself. That's ANYONE who believes on Him
The Bible is true, inspired, inerrant, and powerful. I love it. I've read it through countless times, in different languages. I've researched its authenticity and historicity. I've complete confidence in its message and its power to save.
I allow that if your head is in the Word of God you will not act in a way that contradicts or subverts Christ. It is the power to save. Even if your head is in the sand politically or socially, if you are in the Word of God, "you're good. "
He who has ears to hear, listen! He who has eyes to see, SEE!
Buckle up, folks.
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Friday, May 8, 2020
Thursday, May 7, 2020
A Facebook post for my non facebook friends
Long post alert: (study break here)
I'm usually sharing thoughts on my blog, but because I shared more information straight up here on FB I'm posting this tonight. I am a prophecy watchwoman. That's how I identify
:). I consider prophecy an important part of the Bible, and prophecy motivates me to share the plan of salvation with anyone I can. Being a person who watches for certain developments I am always watching for: Israel, natural (earth/universe) events, trends in politics, trends in religion, and anti-Christ figures. This pandemic was prophesied. Is it the end of the world? I don't think so, because the Bible predicts a few more things before that, namely Christ reigning on earth for 1,000 years. I'm thinking we are going to enter a time of relative passivity after we get the economy started again here. Jesus comes for the bride during a time of marrying ---giving in marriage...sounds like normal, right? I'm optimistic that although this virus IS changing the world, we won't see too much mayhem YET. (That is coming.) We don't know the day nor the hour that HE, Christ Jesus, is coming, but we do know the season, and with the "fig tree" leafed out and the dry bones together we are IN THE SEASON--70, 80, 120 years? Does God keep His promises? Can we trust Him? The temple is about to be built in Jerusalem, the new kingdom of Babylon (Global, Deep State, New World Order, Cabal----whatever you want to call it) is incredibly feasible today, May 6, 2020, like never before. Technologically we are PRIMED. Those of us who are paying attention are seeing incredible plagues and famines and earthquakes and volcanoes...how about that magnetic pole switch that is about happen? The mark of the beast? Several possibilities. It's interesting that all the parts and pieces are coming together in perfect timing. Now for politics: There had to be a moral decline in the world. It was prophesied. Jesus comes for the bride in a time that is "AS in the days of Noah." We all know what was going on in Genesis 6. Looks like we are right about there again. Seeing scientists playing God with biological warfare is fascinating, and revealing of the lateness of the hour. Was this covid19 virus manufactured? Looks like it. Are people scoffing at believers? Looks like it. Are there forces of political and financial power that have an agenda to make things all better flexing their muscles? Looks like it. Are there different narratives and "programming" that are being broadcast into our minds in our schools, from our TVs and radios? Our internet? Looks like it. All these things must happen. We are the ones chosen for such a time as this. Now we can clearly see that there are multiple agendas. My concern is that there are so few of us that see things in light of prophecy, which explains so much of what is going on! I've been watching the "conspiracy theories" around Trump, JFKjr, Dr. Mikovits, (Plandemic), pedophilia/satanism, (Out of Shadows), the cabal---None of this surprises me. I am a spiritual person and this stuff is clearly spiritual. (I LOVE everyone who has come out of the "New Age" and witchcraft! Such incredible discernment and insight! They are warning those of us who grew up in faith, in families that taught Christ and the Bible. They have seen the darkness and they know evil. I listen to their stories and watch how the Lord saved them because it fascinates me.) Now here is why I'm posting this tonight: we need DISCERNMENT! This virus has so many different stories and explanations linked to it. I hardly know what to believe. It's super easy to believe the powers that be and listen to their narrative. I know that a globalist agenda is not one I can trust. (Georgia Guidestones/BillGates/500,000,000) I know that a New Age agenda is not to be trusted. We need to fast and pray for discernment as we face these times, These things are controversial, I have my opinion, and I will not argue about them: vaccines, Trump, abortion, gender. Why argue? My spirit witnesses in my heart to regard each of these subjects only in light of how things glorify God. A few weeks ago I wrote a post on my blog about something shifting for me spiritually. I felt that the hour was late and things were ramping up. No more arguing, just watching, waiting, praying, and sharing Christ. I'm taking care of my family and my studies. I'll be posting things that look controversial but it's just the way things are right now. WE are all to be crying from the "walls," warning everyone that there is major trouble ahead if you don't know Jesus. This is our duty, or we bear the responsibility of losing souls. (That's in the Bible.) We are those who love Jesus. We desire to only please Him. We are called to point to the Truth. When information comes out that reveals an agenda contrary to Scripture we are to WARN. We are called to be Bereans, checking things in light of Scripture. Here we are to encourage each other as the darkness closes in. Is there oil in your lamp? MARANATHA
I'm usually sharing thoughts on my blog, but because I shared more information straight up here on FB I'm posting this tonight. I am a prophecy watchwoman. That's how I identify

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monday, May 4, 2020
The Merry Month of May
I'm supposed to be preparing a major PowerPoint presentation at the minute, but I'm longingly looking outside at the garden and my little seedlings growing in buckets and small plastic planters here in the living room. I want to get them outside.
It was chilly this morning, though, and a fire is blazing merrily in the fireplace. It's cozy.
The tree leaves around Corgi Hollows have finally appeared, and buds are forming everywhere.
I'm attempting to gather seeds from a 60 year old birch tree my uncle planted in the front yard. Birch trees don't live as long as oaks, and I'm concerned about this one. It is pretty healthy, but I'd like to have an offspring from this particular tree to plant in the yard somewhere. I'd like another 60 years of birch glory at this place.
This farm that I grew up on was formerly known as Oakwood Hills Ranch. My parents named their portion "Maywood." Places have memories, history, and names. Trees probably do, too in their tree-ish ways. I'm keeping up the custom here, both names and trees.
Having a birch is a Scandinavian thing, I learned from my cousin. I'd like to keep that tradition going. So, I looked up how to start a birch seedling. I'm excited to get started once the flowers (which it is doing now) have developed.
I get an idea and it usually takes me a year to develop in my head. Last year it was the kitchen garden. This year it is getting a birch offspring started.
Did you know that Pentecost is also a high Rapture watch time?
Pentecost is on May 31 this year, by some calendars. (Not all). We truly do not know the day nor the hour of Christ's return for us. That is Scriptural, but we are also commanded to watch.
Keeping Christ's commands is a sign of loving Him.
It's simple! Watch!
I get the idea that I am no earthly good a lot of the time. My eyes are turned upward, but I'm still working with my hand to the plow.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus! MARANATHA!
It was chilly this morning, though, and a fire is blazing merrily in the fireplace. It's cozy.
The tree leaves around Corgi Hollows have finally appeared, and buds are forming everywhere.
I'm attempting to gather seeds from a 60 year old birch tree my uncle planted in the front yard. Birch trees don't live as long as oaks, and I'm concerned about this one. It is pretty healthy, but I'd like to have an offspring from this particular tree to plant in the yard somewhere. I'd like another 60 years of birch glory at this place.
This farm that I grew up on was formerly known as Oakwood Hills Ranch. My parents named their portion "Maywood." Places have memories, history, and names. Trees probably do, too in their tree-ish ways. I'm keeping up the custom here, both names and trees.
Having a birch is a Scandinavian thing, I learned from my cousin. I'd like to keep that tradition going. So, I looked up how to start a birch seedling. I'm excited to get started once the flowers (which it is doing now) have developed.
I get an idea and it usually takes me a year to develop in my head. Last year it was the kitchen garden. This year it is getting a birch offspring started.
Did you know that Pentecost is also a high Rapture watch time?
Pentecost is on May 31 this year, by some calendars. (Not all). We truly do not know the day nor the hour of Christ's return for us. That is Scriptural, but we are also commanded to watch.
Keeping Christ's commands is a sign of loving Him.
It's simple! Watch!
I get the idea that I am no earthly good a lot of the time. My eyes are turned upward, but I'm still working with my hand to the plow.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus! MARANATHA!
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Fear Not
God hath not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
In these days of waning Corona I am drawn to this first chapter of second Timothy. I think it should be the theme of every believer.
Here are some things to ponder as we see the world diving toward a chaotic economy (which, according to all reports, is on the horizon considering oil markets and food chain supplies.)
-The virus is mutating
-Mutant strains are less virulent
-Genetic entropy is the reason for this
-There are several ways to treat the virus now (all fairly inexpensive)
-Many people have already had the virus, symptoms of the virus, without realizing it (hindsight is 20/20)
-Herd immunity has been achieved in several countries (including Sweden)
-Statistics are showing a flattened curve
-Those with compromised immune systems and underlying conditions should sequester until the virus mutates out of danger
-Covid19 was a horrible thing, and has killed many thousands of people, just like the flu.
-There are other forces jockeying for control right now
-vaccines are a power thing: FOLLOW THE MONEY
-Constitutional rights have been infringed
-Power is intoxicating for those in power
-Sunshine is very powerful and cleansing
-Fear is very damaging
-Immune systems can be bolstered with proper diet and vitamins
-That this (what I have listed here) is controversial is a sign of the times...
We are in the last days, the bride (the church) is about to take off, and Jesus IS coming.
I have seen so much fear, scoffing, and FAKE NEWS lately, and I see the damage it does to people whom I thought knew better.
Maybe because I have a smiling Corgi who makes me laugh everyday I have a stable outlook on this world, but I think it may have to do with looking death in the eye and knowing that death should not be feared. To live is Christ and to die is gain. I know that if or when or however I am led to slaughter my mind must be focused on the LORD.
I have seen reports of many older folk passing away (probably related to this virus, but also other conditions). Can you think of that as a blessing for them? Those who know Christ are in His presence, not subject to the fear-mongering that is so prevalent among those that watch television these days. Precious is the death of His saints! God has numbered their days! We who remain are privileged as well---we are appointed for this! The description of what happens in Revelation is pretty ominous, and those spared it are blessed.
Why do you think I am a watchman warning? Being spared the week of Jacob's trouble is a Blessed Hope!
Fear is sickening.
If you are listening to the programming that is spewing out mind-controlling fear you are short-changing yourself. You are going against Scriptural mandates (See 2 Tim 1).
Repentance is in order.
When you unmask the devil you realize that he is defeated. Jesus wins. Always remember this.
I know that death is a scary thing for people to contemplate. One month ago I wrote about the big unknown about the virus and if I'd be in a coffin about now. I thought about death and how the Lord had my days numbered. Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? The Virus was looming----
Dear ones, there is an agenda playing out. This agenda has been in the works since the fall of mankind. It's literally written in the stars! (See the "Real Meaning of the Zodiac") We know that there is a global kingdom coming, a beast-kingdom, Anti-Christ. This New World Order is ruled by those who defy the Creator. Please wake up and see it coming into focus.
I just read this morning in Psalms about the One who calls each star BY NAME. Do you know how many stars there are?
No, you don't.
That God knows my days, my Corgi, my children, my grandchildren-----every single organism that exists. He made them.
That is the God that numbers our days.
Do not fear.
Take courage.
Be light.
In these days of waning Corona I am drawn to this first chapter of second Timothy. I think it should be the theme of every believer.
Here are some things to ponder as we see the world diving toward a chaotic economy (which, according to all reports, is on the horizon considering oil markets and food chain supplies.)
-The virus is mutating
-Mutant strains are less virulent
-Genetic entropy is the reason for this
-There are several ways to treat the virus now (all fairly inexpensive)
-Many people have already had the virus, symptoms of the virus, without realizing it (hindsight is 20/20)
-Herd immunity has been achieved in several countries (including Sweden)
-Statistics are showing a flattened curve
-Those with compromised immune systems and underlying conditions should sequester until the virus mutates out of danger
-Covid19 was a horrible thing, and has killed many thousands of people, just like the flu.
-There are other forces jockeying for control right now
-vaccines are a power thing: FOLLOW THE MONEY
-Constitutional rights have been infringed
-Power is intoxicating for those in power
-Sunshine is very powerful and cleansing
-Fear is very damaging
-Immune systems can be bolstered with proper diet and vitamins
-That this (what I have listed here) is controversial is a sign of the times...
We are in the last days, the bride (the church) is about to take off, and Jesus IS coming.
I have seen so much fear, scoffing, and FAKE NEWS lately, and I see the damage it does to people whom I thought knew better.
Maybe because I have a smiling Corgi who makes me laugh everyday I have a stable outlook on this world, but I think it may have to do with looking death in the eye and knowing that death should not be feared. To live is Christ and to die is gain. I know that if or when or however I am led to slaughter my mind must be focused on the LORD.
I have seen reports of many older folk passing away (probably related to this virus, but also other conditions). Can you think of that as a blessing for them? Those who know Christ are in His presence, not subject to the fear-mongering that is so prevalent among those that watch television these days. Precious is the death of His saints! God has numbered their days! We who remain are privileged as well---we are appointed for this! The description of what happens in Revelation is pretty ominous, and those spared it are blessed.
Why do you think I am a watchman warning? Being spared the week of Jacob's trouble is a Blessed Hope!
Fear is sickening.
If you are listening to the programming that is spewing out mind-controlling fear you are short-changing yourself. You are going against Scriptural mandates (See 2 Tim 1).
Repentance is in order.
When you unmask the devil you realize that he is defeated. Jesus wins. Always remember this.
I know that death is a scary thing for people to contemplate. One month ago I wrote about the big unknown about the virus and if I'd be in a coffin about now. I thought about death and how the Lord had my days numbered. Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? The Virus was looming----
Dear ones, there is an agenda playing out. This agenda has been in the works since the fall of mankind. It's literally written in the stars! (See the "Real Meaning of the Zodiac") We know that there is a global kingdom coming, a beast-kingdom, Anti-Christ. This New World Order is ruled by those who defy the Creator. Please wake up and see it coming into focus.
I just read this morning in Psalms about the One who calls each star BY NAME. Do you know how many stars there are?
No, you don't.
That God knows my days, my Corgi, my children, my grandchildren-----every single organism that exists. He made them.
That is the God that numbers our days.
Do not fear.
Take courage.
Be light.
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