"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This Guy I Know Needs a Job

The facts are that our story hasn't changed much for our family in the last few months. No job yet for my husband, and some of the most promising prospects have been tried and found wanting. Yes, it is discouraging, but I remind myself that this is temporary. Something must change withing the next few months.
I'm considering renewing my teaching certificate right now, and that involves several options which all include going back to school.
I've got my GRE study book off the shelf and I'm applying to the local U soon as possible.
I always pictured my self going back to school, but I didn't imagine circumstances would play such a role. I figured it would be a logical end to graduating my last child. Looks like I'll be graduating WITH my last child! Well, we will see. Things can change in a moment when you are looking for work. The next job might land you in Asia, Europe, or South America---or just around the corner.
Where ever we land we must acknowledge God's hand in directing and guiding. I think it is possible to rebel against a perfect outcome (look at the nation of Hebrews in the Old Testament) but when we submit our wills to God and look to Him for direction in life things happen in the best possible way.
How do we know this? God has established a record with history, with the world, with me. Even "little old me."
Even death can factor in here. Like the old fashioned marriage vow, "in sickness and in health, until death..." God is faithful to us when we repent and turn to Him for salvation and forgiveness. God is faithful to provide for us while we remain here on earth. Our spirits will always be nurtured in the hope of our salvation and the fellowship we have with our Creator.
As you know I've been reading some books on Philosophy lately. Philosophy can address the supernatural, metaphysical, ethical, moral, reasonable aspects of existence and attempt to explain ourselves, but until we KNOW GOD in a relationship life just isn't complete. This act of faithful friendship and love nurtured for a minute or a lifetime is truly faith that completes the human existence. It is only experienced by those who know and love God, who act in accordance with His plan laid out in Scripture. Attempts to duplicate or forge such a relationship are doomed from the start. We must enter the arrangement on His terms. After all, He is God. He set the order from the beginning. Spiritual blindness is a result from the fall.
All this to say that I am resting. Discouraged, yes, because life happens, and we do have troubles. I am looking forward to seeing what plays out in our next weeks and months, because God IS faithful to those who love Him and have a relationship with Him.
Have you ever considered the cost of taking up the cross? It could mean hardship. But let's pray that God is glorified ultimately in whatever outcome. One thing I know: I must share Christ. I must preach the good news where ever we land.
Time seems to be short-lived. The Middle East is in turmoil, Europe struggles with despondency and post modern thought, and the noose tightens on our individual freedoms, our country's sovereignty, even our economic system! You can't turn on your internet without being amazed at the speed of change in the world! Time is just another creation of the Lord's, and it seems to be winding up (or down).
In Him we live and move and have our being. And work. I'm looking forward to the next chapter of work for my husband and for me.

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