"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, September 1, 2011


What can I say? Our bodies are worn out and our spirits are lagging, but we serve a mighty God, and He brought the rest I needed.

It was a very hectic two weeks with driving the hour round trip to the U every morning and evening, cooking nourishing meals, and washing dishes (mounds of dishes). I wasn't sleeping much with all the activity, and fall ragweed came into full bloom. For me it means misery! I suffer from seasonal hay fever.

Anyway, I ended up in bed yesterday to sleep off the effects of our frenzy, and I feel like I can face life again today, and catch up with the laundry.

It is beautiful outside. The light is golden, and the trees are ripening into September hues. Our little apple trees are heavy with fruit, and it is good tasting! Perhaps I can fix some apple butter.

Honey harvest must happen here before too long. The bees in the wall of the chapel up at the White Earth Indian Reservation yielded about 3 quarts of useable honey. It needs another straining before we can eat it.  It tastes good! We can't wait to try our own hives' product. I hope my husband can fit harvesting it into all that is happening here.

Another interview tomorrow. This one is for a position in Billings, MT. I can only wonder.

Being a person of faith colors my world. (See the video of Michelle Bachmann below, faith colors her world too). I KNOW that God provides. I am encouraged by people with like understanding and world view, because God has already provided so richly for all of us, and their stories just validate my own story.

It is a blessing to know that we can rest in Him. Our frustrations with not having a predictable day to day must be surrendered to Him constantly! We learn to live in the moment, each day looking up for God's provision.

God gave me two hours to make conversation with a very broken man the other night. I "witnessed" to him. I shared what God is doing in my life, what God is teaching me. I listened to him pour out his heart, his feelings of failure and loss. He is old now, and looking back on a bleak existence, but there is still time for him to catch the fire of God's love too.

It has been a blessing to be part of our Chinese students' lives this past week too, tiring as it was! I can only pray that they will find the love of Christ irresistible and they will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation. 

Each day has a purpose. Each day is a gift from God.
We are approaching the "11th hour," when we anticipate God's hand clearly providing. He will get all the glory, because what happens will be clearly HIS work. No one else will be even slightly able to claim any part of that glory. We serve a jealous God, and He will be praised! His glory is what "it" is all about, and our day-to-day lives are only a mask for His generous power, holding our world in place.

In Him we live and move and have our being.

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