"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Marge's Elixir

I grew up knowing a woman who was a friend of my mother, and who was very knowledgeable about nutrition. Marge had said that if she could raise her children again she would have fed them mashed potatoes more often than she did. Mashed potatoes are full of "staying" nutrition and kids love them. I think of her advice as I raise my own kids.

In light of our current low immune system status my mom recommended Marge's Elixir. This is an immune system BOOST! I made it on Sunday and force-fed it to the sick among us.

3 Carrots
1 Apple
1 Orange
1/2 Beet


I had some Aloe Vera juice that needed to be used up, so I threw that in too. It affected the taste, but I hope it helped the healing effect. I also had only canned beets, so I used those. Don't let your kids see you add the beet. :) I tell them that most of the sugar they eat is from BEETS but it doesn't seem to make them want to eat them any more.

I learned to eat beets at the Lincoln Del. This Deli had a bowl of the most delicious pickled beets on the table when you sat down! (I think the Health Department must have shut them down eventually. Boy do I miss that restaurant! The French Apple Cake was .....!) Anyway. I like beets. My kids don't.

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