"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Day the Eagles Came

Some of you might remember the eagle story I told about my son and his Eagle Award from Boy Scouts. To re-cap: The deadline was down to the last day. My son was turning 18, and he still had a few items to accomplish. I do not remember why, but my husband had the day off, and the two of them raced from one place to another getting signatures and filing forms.

About midway through the day I was on the phone with my husband while he and my son were en-route. As I absentmindedly gazed out the east dining room window, talking, a massive eagle swept toward the house, swooped over the back yard through the trees, and off to the west.

I couldn't believe it! The significance was not lost on me.

I am a bird watcher. I look for birds. They are worth watching.  Eagles were not seen in this yard before that day!

We live not far from the Mississippi. Perhaps it's 2 miles, as the eagle flies. Eagles have been in our area since we moved here. But their range has increased, and now we see them every day. Just this morning one was preening in a tree across the street, looking down on the world as we watched it. It stayed half an hour.

About two months ago we were driving the US Highway between our home and the river. I spotted an eyrie just north of the road, high up in a cottonwood tree. It sits not far from a Lowe's home improvement store.

There, where thousands of vehicles pass daily, an eagle pair has decided to nest!

They like waterfront property, and a creek runs below the tree.

On Saturday both male and female were sitting on the nest, gazing southward, toward the highway.  What a sight!

Sometimes wildlife just makes you feel privileged. The eagles deign to share their lives with you!

Here's hoping for some eaglets this spring!  

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