"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, March 15, 2012


I hope you take the time to be aware of what is happening in Israel these days.

It is tempting to crawl under a rock and shut out the happenings in the world, but that is neither responsible nor wise.

We all should be aware of the tugs and pulls of nations, the natural events of earthquakes and storms, the trends of societies, and the everyday dispatches that make up the life of earth.

And of course, measure them as any Christ-follower would, with the Holy Spirit's help.

Recently I have been made more aware of the rampant problem of-------illiteracy.  BIBLICAL ILLITERACY.

I'm going to ask a pointed question here. Have you read the whole Bible?

Have you read all of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy?

Have you ever read the Prophets of the Old Testament?

Have you read all of the Letters?

I am SURE you have read a gospel. Perhaps John?

Have you ever read the Word, cover to cover?

Even if you are not a believer it would be wise to read the Bible. It adds to your overall education. You will not see it or understand it with the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit, but you will be educated.

If you are a Believer, you MUST read the Bible. It is God's word to you. God reveals Himself to you.

And you should really have the WHOLE picture.

The clip below illustrates the importance of Biblical literacy.  As Pastor Hilsden declares, new believers in Africa, Asia, and all over the world read the Word at face value, and they understand and believe. They need no ivory tower elitist theologian to interpret the word for them. God leads them. They are believers, and God speaks to them through His Spirit. They understand.

A long time ago, when I was questioning some theological viewpoint I'd assumed growing up, someone told me a valuable reminder. Read the Word. Don't try to over-interpret. Take it first at face-value, and see it in light of ALL of Scripture. Find the path that incorporates ALL of Scripture, not the one that slices and dices, picks and chooses.

And DON'T follow MAN. Follow God. Watch the fruit of any man who teaches the Word. No one is perfect, and people who show the fruits of the Spirit are far more trustworthy than those who do not. Edify each other. Disciple each other. Exhort one another. Try the spirits.

READ THE WORD. All of it. Trust the Lord to reveal His truth to you. Don't trust men.

Challenge yourself to get it read in a month. It 's a really good book! Reviews are practically everywhere! Join the elite group of those who've read it all, rather than the elitist group who think they get it all. (They don't---think Union Theological Seminary and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer actually found Christ in America, but not attending UTS!)

May the Lord reveal Himself to you, through His word TODAY!

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