"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Wildlife Progress

Today I was watering the lilacs and new rose bushes my son planted for me and out jumped a little cottontail kit. Upon closer inspection a little sibling was found, both perfectly camouflaged among the lilac roots.

Butterflies are all around now, and the goldfinches and robins are at peace with us.

Every time we feed the goldfish in the pond a good-sized frog jumps in or out as he feels the need.  (Or she?)

Toads were "at it" in the pond a week ago, and a long strand of eggs was deposited. The fish promptly ate them and spit them out. They must have tasted awful.

I wonder if there will be a plague of toads in the yard.

Today after I fed the fish Molly and Wilfred turned up. They are our resident Mallard duck pair. Even with us sitting at the edge of the little pond they felt safe enough to plunge in and take a refreshing bath.

This is the first time we've been that close them. My youngest daughter, Cherie, and I could have touched them if we'd dared to move. Up close their feathers are breathtaking. Such color!

Misty and Blackberry are happily ensconced in the the dog pen, and they are enjoying this perfect weather.

Minnesota in May. Blue sky, sun, and a perfectly comfortable breeze. The leaves are out now, and everything is green. Flowers are few, but it's so beautiful to see the shades of green.

Our stately cottonwoods are drifting the snow of their seeds. Such delicate beauty drifting down.

The spirea is beginning to bloom, also a month early. "Bridal Wreath" is what some call it, and it usually has a timely June appearance. It's pretty now.

The queen bee was not needed at the hive. It appears that a swarm did occur, and several queens were developing. At least two queens were alive and well (unusual) and perhaps  hadn't found each other to duke it out yet. The hive was apparently taking care of itself, the bees doing what bees do. That is the healthiest of ways!

I'll use this queen for demonstration purposes. It's nice to have a real one (dead) to show students.

I had the nicest of Mother's Days! My mother prepared a lovely dinner, with rhubarb pie as dessert. My children were all present, and we took walks, played games and sang. The dogs were thrilled at being included. Grandpa and Grandma's house is their earthly heaven.

The bees were all over the allium. Margaret took some stunning photos.  I think there was at least one bee on each of these purple flowers! My mother was concerned the honey would be affected by the onion flavor, but I assured her it would only add to the distinctiveness of it!

Graduations are happening now, and we have many to celebrate among our friends. We are celebrating the end of the college year for our three. It's wonderful. 


I had to prepare a gluten free dessert yesterday and the flour I made for it turned into a wonderfully flaky pie crust!

I ground 2 cups of rice and 2 cups of quinoa in the Whisper Mill, added a 1/2 cup of cornstarch and used the mixture in place of flour in my favorite "press into the pan" oil pie crust. (1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 Tablespoons milk, and 2 teaspoons sugar with the "flour"). Mix in pan, press into pan, fill with desired fruit pie filling or pumpkin.

My daughter accused me trying to re-invent the wheel. I do tend to be individualistic when it comes to cooking. I maintain it's because I try to use what is on hand, not running to the store for every single thing...!

I will say that it was a respectable experiment! (Gratefully!) I can recommend it!

I have a couple of vegetarians coming for dinner tomorrow night. Hmmmm, let's see.....


Anonymous said...

oh my word, you're a cross between Martha Stewart and Caroline Ingalls!!I wouldn't even know where to start if I had to grind my own anything...

Sounds like you had the loveliest heaven on earth Mother's Day ever :D

Corgi Hollows said...

:) You are funny! I think I made it sound more complex than it was! My Whisper mill is a favorite appliance--I used to grind by hand, and then I truly DID feel like Caroline Ingalls. 700 turns of the crank for one loaf of bread. Such a work out!! I had the kids each do a hundred or so, so we all contributed labor. As i said---love the electric mill! (I love fresh ground flour, too. It really does make a difference)