I have a few friends who are not Christians. I have a few friends who are not born again.
Yesterday I heard the most sweet life story. It was given by my good friend at our church. Her eloquent testimony of God changing her life inspired me to write this morning.
First, her story (briefly):
Raised in a Catholic home, catholic girls' school, New York City, C. always thought that to get to heaven you had to be good. Her mom died when she was quite young, and she came to live in Minnesota. Then she attended a Presbyterian church, going to youth group, etc.. In college her friend bugged her to receive Christ, so she "prayed the prayer" that so many people have prayed----"Jesus come into my heart...."
Then heartache, divorce, drugs, fornication, loss.
Where was the evidence of Christ?
She re-married. Her husband was a liar and a drug user. (His story is amazing) He became a Christian, and life changed.
C. was NOT happy about the change in her husband. It took the Lord and her husband, plus circumstances, to show her that she was a sinner. She was lost. She couldn't do it on her own.
She became a believer, and her life transformed.
Evidence. C. is a glowing woman of God now. She is a dear friend. God has changed her into a shining spirit. This is power. God's power!
Being born again is a real experience.
You know how you know if you are born again?
You get this insatiable desire to READ THE BIBLE. The Word of God. You know you are a believer when you can't get enough of Scripture, and you actually begin to understand what it is saying!----and it applies in your life!
You know you are going to heaven when the Holy Spirit has released you from vile habits----you are convicted that certain things ARE sin----fornication, (that's having sex outside of marriage), vile language, vulgarity, lying, cheating, addictions.....
We all know that we still sin, even when we are "saved." There is that phrase----"Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven!"
That is true. But there really is a change, and that is where we should focus our lives.
It's not about "me." It's not about "you." It's about Christ Jesus, and His purposes.
Are you born again? Jesus says in John 3: "You must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God."
Dear reader, the Scriptures give the message of hope in a world that is soon to be unfriendly to those who believe in Jesus.
America, and Europe, since the time of Rome, have always been Christianity-friendly. That is changing. The Bible prophecies this!
One third of mankind will be wiped out soon. How do I know this? It's in Revelation. You don't want to be around for that.
You want to be with the Lord for eternity. This life is nothing, incredibly brief, compared to eternity. Eternal separation from God------or eternal joy with Him------those are your choices. There are no other choices. Choose today.
----Acknowledge your sin.
----Acknowledge you are lost without Christ.
---Ask for God's forgiveness.
----Turn away from your current path. That is repentance.
---Believe Jesus died for you, to take the punishment for your sin, your separation from God. God is holy.
----Ask for the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power and understanding.
----Tell someone. Tell me! The Bible says "If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart, YOU SHALL BE SAVED!"
----Get into your Bible, NOW! Start reading in John, or Psalms, or Genesis, or where-ever! For me Galatians came to life. It became so precious to me! See where the Holy Spirit leads you in His word.
I want to be in heaven with Christ, more than anything, but we have a duty here. We must spread this good news---this Gospel of salvation.
I love Bible prophecy. I probably know a little more about it than the average person. I consider myself to be a "watchman." As a "watchman" I am bound by the duty to WARN.
Let this be a gentle warning: Look at your life. Do you desire to know the Word of God more than anything? Are you telling people about Christ every chance you get? Are you waiting for His return with joy and expectation? ARE YOU SAVED?
If you aren't, you'd better get right with God. The prophetic signs are so clear. The 'birth pangs' are getting much closer. Time is short before 'the Tribulation'------the seven year period (see Daniel) where God pours out his wrath on the earth-----is coming sooner than ever!
Those who are born again, saved, are saved from God's wrath. WE are the ones to be snatched away----to a banquet with Christ Jesus!
"Don't you know? I go to prepare a place for you...and if I go I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there you may be also" John, Chapter 14. Jesus promises us that we will be with Him.
The last time God poured out His wrath was in a flood. He destroyed
the earth. He's going to do it again, but it will be fire this time.
It's all there in the Word.
Daniel 11 prophecies that we will be in a safe place during this terrible time of tribulation. What comfort for believers!
There is some evidence in Scripture that the Holy Spirit will be no longer present on earth during the tribulation, but people will come to Christ, believing and confessing Him as savior. With the powers of evil unleashed they will probably be persecuted, beheaded, killed, yet they will go to be with the Lord.
So come to Christ now. Today. You have nothing to fear then. The Lord Jesus tells us NOT TO FEAR!
I confess that I "fear" for those of you I love, who are not saved.
Please, please, please. For 2014-------believe. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Come to Christ. Confess you are a sinner, that you can't do it, or be good enough (like C. thought) to get to heaven.
Believe in heaven. Believe in Hell.
Believe in God's grand and glorious plan, all there in the Bible.
Blessings. May 2014 be your most wonderful year ever.