I have so many thoughts to share after our trip to Indiana, the Creation Museum in Kentucky, and all the Gene Stratton-Porter sites we got to see.
Naturally I am "swamped" by all of our own family events, brewing wedding activities and concerts.
This week alone is amazing: something every day!!!
I have a brewing thought that I needed to share. I LOVE looking forward to Christ's return, and I, with so many other "watchers" are sad each day we wake up and Jesus hasn't come.
When you are beautiful, rich, and healthy Jesus' rapture has insignificant value. But when you are sick, homely and of modest means------IT IS EVERYTHING.
We weak ones have so much to look forward to! Heaven will be wonderful. Earthly sorrows will fade away. Pain and sorrow, ugliness will be no more.
We have everything to look toward. Beauty, peace, wellness and joy.
Is is any wonder that "watchers" tend to seem like weak and unattractive individuals? We have so much more to gain! So little to lose.
If you are living the self-satisfied life, and find it difficult to imagine leaving this old world, re-think your losses and gains. What's really important?
Seeing the face of Christ Jesus is our greatest hope and joy. BRING IT ON!!!!
We spent about four hours at the Creation Museum last Tuesday. I loved it. Ed loved it. Cherie loved it!
It really is nicely laid out. It's like a theme park to evangelize!
I love the motto; Prepare to Believe!
I think Ken Ham did a wonderful job of setting up a convincing argument for a young earth creation, as well as for following the Bible's path to eternal life.
Even skeptics will be shocked at the professionalism! I remember reading about an NPR reporter visiting the museum some years back, and the dismay they opined at how "convincing it was."
LOL. God is convincing, if you only look.
We liked the planetarium show on comets, the petting zoo, and the main display----creation, fall of man, and Christ's sacrificial plan of redemption. We walked the path through the gardens (It's December, so it was just a nice walk).
We were impressed.
Wednesday we visited Gene Stratton-Porter's home in Geneva, IN. We got the royal tour, and learned much about her. If you haven't read "A Girl of the Limberlost" you should. My personal favorites are 'The Harvester" and "The Keeper of the Bees." All of her books are worthwhile.

She was a woman before her time, and she accomplished much in her life.

We were able to visit her other Indiana residence at Rome City on Saturday, attending an event put on by the local historical society.
So nice. The ladies had been baking Christmas cookies for weeks!! The cabin was decorated and a cellist played Christmas carols in the sunny porch room. It was a treat to be there. Cherie loved the horse-drawn wagon which hauled visitors to and from the parking lot.

We stayed for about an hour, then high-tailed it back to Minnesota, in hopes of beating the predicted snow.
So, I've been nursing one of my horrid headaches since we got home------hope to be recovering here within a day or two.
Unpacking, laundry, concerts, cooking and baking-----school------all of it has to be done!!! And there is a shower tomorrow evening for my daughter-in-law to be!
Busy, happy days.
Must run.
Naturally I am "swamped" by all of our own family events, brewing wedding activities and concerts.
This week alone is amazing: something every day!!!
I have a brewing thought that I needed to share. I LOVE looking forward to Christ's return, and I, with so many other "watchers" are sad each day we wake up and Jesus hasn't come.
When you are beautiful, rich, and healthy Jesus' rapture has insignificant value. But when you are sick, homely and of modest means------IT IS EVERYTHING.
We weak ones have so much to look forward to! Heaven will be wonderful. Earthly sorrows will fade away. Pain and sorrow, ugliness will be no more.
We have everything to look toward. Beauty, peace, wellness and joy.
Is is any wonder that "watchers" tend to seem like weak and unattractive individuals? We have so much more to gain! So little to lose.
If you are living the self-satisfied life, and find it difficult to imagine leaving this old world, re-think your losses and gains. What's really important?
Seeing the face of Christ Jesus is our greatest hope and joy. BRING IT ON!!!!
We spent about four hours at the Creation Museum last Tuesday. I loved it. Ed loved it. Cherie loved it!
It really is nicely laid out. It's like a theme park to evangelize!
I love the motto; Prepare to Believe!
I think Ken Ham did a wonderful job of setting up a convincing argument for a young earth creation, as well as for following the Bible's path to eternal life.
Even skeptics will be shocked at the professionalism! I remember reading about an NPR reporter visiting the museum some years back, and the dismay they opined at how "convincing it was."
LOL. God is convincing, if you only look.
We liked the planetarium show on comets, the petting zoo, and the main display----creation, fall of man, and Christ's sacrificial plan of redemption. We walked the path through the gardens (It's December, so it was just a nice walk).
We were impressed.
Wednesday we visited Gene Stratton-Porter's home in Geneva, IN. We got the royal tour, and learned much about her. If you haven't read "A Girl of the Limberlost" you should. My personal favorites are 'The Harvester" and "The Keeper of the Bees." All of her books are worthwhile.
She was a woman before her time, and she accomplished much in her life.
We were able to visit her other Indiana residence at Rome City on Saturday, attending an event put on by the local historical society.
So nice. The ladies had been baking Christmas cookies for weeks!! The cabin was decorated and a cellist played Christmas carols in the sunny porch room. It was a treat to be there. Cherie loved the horse-drawn wagon which hauled visitors to and from the parking lot.
We stayed for about an hour, then high-tailed it back to Minnesota, in hopes of beating the predicted snow.
So, I've been nursing one of my horrid headaches since we got home------hope to be recovering here within a day or two.
Unpacking, laundry, concerts, cooking and baking-----school------all of it has to be done!!! And there is a shower tomorrow evening for my daughter-in-law to be!
Busy, happy days.
Must run.
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