"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Few Interesting Things to Note:

Take a discerning look at the newsletter I received in my email today.

There are words that raise eyebrows: missional, community.

After reading about Christian Fascism recently light is shed in a whole new way.

How quickly we embrace the hip trends, often without examining their roots.

It all sounds great, doesn't it?

But wait! Where did these concepts originate, and where are they going?

No one wants to stop a fire lit by the Holy Spirit, and He certainly can work in many ways. That cannot be denied.

We must see where the train derails on political or cultural influence, leaving the work of the Holy Spirit for less spiritual ideas and trends.

It's a big business out there. Churchiness has hooked a whole bunch of people.

But that is not THE CHURCH. The Church is Christ's bride, and He is returning for her soon.

Let's not get caught up in churchiness. Let's be the bride of Christ, helping each other discern the Truth of God's Word, growing toward Christ, becoming mighty in Spirit and truth.

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