"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Sick at Heart

Today Minnesota voted to legalize homosexual marriage.

It isn't that we didn't see it coming, but some of us optimists really hoped that reason would prevail and the good people of this state would vote against immorality.


What an ugly word.



Come let us reason together, says the Lord.

As a spirit-filled believer, I grieve at the moral unmooring of our society.

It used to be, not so long ago, that right was right, and wrong was wrong. No longer.

It's okay to kill----a baby in the womb.
It's okay to have sex---outside of marriage.
It's okay to lie and cheat----if you are a politician.
It's okay to make war and punish righteous people---when they don't agree with you.

It's okay to mock someone---if they have "intolerant" beliefs.


Well, I say "wrong."

And we who love God will see the wrath of God poured out on all men, but those who BELIEVE. God is just. God does not change.

God is beyond your comprehension.

God condemned a third of the angels to everlasting punishment.  I heard someone say that He will save a third of mankind.

Some would say that that seems a generous number. Man has truly rejected God. We have done what is evil in His sight.

Oh, and one thing; I'm talking about the God of the HOLY BIBLE. The inspired and inerrant Word of God. Not the god you make up in your mind with everything you like. God is God.

Maker of the Universe. Creator. Savior. Lover of souls. Just and Merciful. Yahweh, Age to Age. Revealed in Scripture.

We are in awe. We are amazed at His long-suffering patience with us. God is so good.

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