"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Word: Woe! Woe! Woe! To the inhabitants of the earth!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Paul Wilbur The Watchman Lyrics
Winter Preparations
It's a joy to have a husband who can do almost anything mechanical. It seems that every year when the temps drop below freezing our fleet of cars balk and sneeze, rumble and sniff.
This calls for super-car man, and my husband becomes the hero!
Have you priced car repair lately?
We drive an old set of cars, all of them belong to us, and we repair them as needed.
A couple of Sundays ago our two eldest boys needed to call AAA the same night! Both of the vehicles they were in quit on the side of the road. One of those cars is STILL not working, and I think the other has been repaired.
Cars can be a pain.
Tonight one of our cars should be back in service after several weeks of being up on the jacks. This is a victory!
The leaves are slowly finding their ways to the compost pile. Ed has been doing most of that work.
We picked 8 buttercup squash of various sizes. Delicious! I baked the largest one with brown sugar and butter.
I found a new seasoning that simply must be a part of our home-made pizza from now on:
It was purchased at Aldi, in one of those 4 seasoning containers, Italian flavors. It was called "tomato herb" seasoning.
I had been saving it for a special occasion, I guess! I used the whole amount on two pizzas, spicing up the (organic) hamburger. It was wonderful.
I found a recipe for a "tomato herb" seasoning online, and I intend to mix it up before the next pizza party.
I used pesto on the crust instead of sauce, and it had a real zing. Everyone loved it.
I just read the "Pioneer Woman" book/romance about her meeting and marrying her cowboy. It's fun. It's cute. It's a little steamy for my taste, but I am a self-admitted prude (to the enth degree). I'm sure that by worldly standards it is "tame."
She has some good recipes in the back of the book, and one of them mentions pizza with pesto. I think we are tracking!
I'm loving having a new daughter-in-law! She's just a peach, in so many ways. My son is happy, they are full of hope and joy. Thank you, Lord God!
This blog is full of "I's" and I'm sorry about that!!
It's a report....
My friend is getting married on Saturday, 40 years less one week from her first marriage. Her fiance's wife died a few years back, but her first husband died 20 years ago. I'm so happy for her. It will be a joyous occasion. She's wearing the SAME dress she wore the first time! It's beautiful, and she sewed it herself. It will be a sweet, homey wedding.
My second son ran the Army 10 miler last weekend, and his ROTC team (from the U) finished in third place! He came in personally in the mid-300's, and that's pretty good for a field of 26,000 finishers! So glad for him.
I'm struggling with pride.
But things are certainly not hunky-dory here.
We continue to manage Ed's illness. Life is different. It's a challenge for all of us, and now that he is getting more sleep we see major improvement. I have been able to leave him for short periods of time.
I've been so grateful that my headaches have been minimal-----due to the added adrenaline, surely. As soon as he started sleeping more I got a doozy of a head ache. I still struggle with the pain, but I hope to see the physical therapist this afternoon.
Our organic lifestyle switch may have something to do with it too. I recommend!
God is good. He provides what we need, when we need it, and we are simply waiting on His plan, not our own.
Other winter prep---a punch bowl of fish on the counter in the bathroom. I just CAN'T let them die!
Our Northern Lights Chorale fall concert is coming up. One in Rochester, MN this weekend, one at Benson Great Hall, Bethel University on November 16.
My husband and I will be there. I will play my flute for one number. Singing the rest. Come if you can. http://www.northernlightschorale.com/
Ed was able to get to the inauguration of the organ at the St. Paul Cathedral last week. An organist from Notre Dame in France was the performer. He said it was wonderful.
Until his concentration improves he is taking a break from his own organ studies. We pray he can resume them soon.
Welcome to all you new readers.
You can find me on Pinterest, where I get political, with Interests and Heart Matters, http://www.pinterest.com/corgi71/boards/, and on Twitter.
God is good, all the time.
Be light. Be salt, until Jesus comes!
This calls for super-car man, and my husband becomes the hero!
Have you priced car repair lately?
We drive an old set of cars, all of them belong to us, and we repair them as needed.
A couple of Sundays ago our two eldest boys needed to call AAA the same night! Both of the vehicles they were in quit on the side of the road. One of those cars is STILL not working, and I think the other has been repaired.
Cars can be a pain.
Tonight one of our cars should be back in service after several weeks of being up on the jacks. This is a victory!
The leaves are slowly finding their ways to the compost pile. Ed has been doing most of that work.
We picked 8 buttercup squash of various sizes. Delicious! I baked the largest one with brown sugar and butter.
I found a new seasoning that simply must be a part of our home-made pizza from now on:
It was purchased at Aldi, in one of those 4 seasoning containers, Italian flavors. It was called "tomato herb" seasoning.
I had been saving it for a special occasion, I guess! I used the whole amount on two pizzas, spicing up the (organic) hamburger. It was wonderful.
I found a recipe for a "tomato herb" seasoning online, and I intend to mix it up before the next pizza party.
I used pesto on the crust instead of sauce, and it had a real zing. Everyone loved it.
I just read the "Pioneer Woman" book/romance about her meeting and marrying her cowboy. It's fun. It's cute. It's a little steamy for my taste, but I am a self-admitted prude (to the enth degree). I'm sure that by worldly standards it is "tame."
She has some good recipes in the back of the book, and one of them mentions pizza with pesto. I think we are tracking!
I'm loving having a new daughter-in-law! She's just a peach, in so many ways. My son is happy, they are full of hope and joy. Thank you, Lord God!
This blog is full of "I's" and I'm sorry about that!!
It's a report....
My friend is getting married on Saturday, 40 years less one week from her first marriage. Her fiance's wife died a few years back, but her first husband died 20 years ago. I'm so happy for her. It will be a joyous occasion. She's wearing the SAME dress she wore the first time! It's beautiful, and she sewed it herself. It will be a sweet, homey wedding.
My second son ran the Army 10 miler last weekend, and his ROTC team (from the U) finished in third place! He came in personally in the mid-300's, and that's pretty good for a field of 26,000 finishers! So glad for him.
I'm struggling with pride.
But things are certainly not hunky-dory here.
We continue to manage Ed's illness. Life is different. It's a challenge for all of us, and now that he is getting more sleep we see major improvement. I have been able to leave him for short periods of time.
I've been so grateful that my headaches have been minimal-----due to the added adrenaline, surely. As soon as he started sleeping more I got a doozy of a head ache. I still struggle with the pain, but I hope to see the physical therapist this afternoon.
Our organic lifestyle switch may have something to do with it too. I recommend!
God is good. He provides what we need, when we need it, and we are simply waiting on His plan, not our own.
Other winter prep---a punch bowl of fish on the counter in the bathroom. I just CAN'T let them die!
Our Northern Lights Chorale fall concert is coming up. One in Rochester, MN this weekend, one at Benson Great Hall, Bethel University on November 16.
My husband and I will be there. I will play my flute for one number. Singing the rest. Come if you can. http://www.northernlightschorale.com/
Ed was able to get to the inauguration of the organ at the St. Paul Cathedral last week. An organist from Notre Dame in France was the performer. He said it was wonderful.
Until his concentration improves he is taking a break from his own organ studies. We pray he can resume them soon.
Welcome to all you new readers.
You can find me on Pinterest, where I get political, with Interests and Heart Matters, http://www.pinterest.com/corgi71/boards/, and on Twitter.
God is good, all the time.
Be light. Be salt, until Jesus comes!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
One of the "seven deadlies" ----the seven deadly sins----is pride.
It happens to be the first listed. It's the worst of the list.
I've been thinking much about pride this fall. Let me take you on a journey.
A few years ago I met with a group of people praying every Sunday evening for a specific need. One night there was a gentleman who offered a word from the Lord.
It was incredibly powerful.
"You are a stiff-necked people! Your pride will bring you low."
I don't remember all of what he said, but the message was clear. We, the church, those meeting for prayer, were rendering our prayer worthless through our pride/sin in our hearts.
Pride is insidious. It worms its way into little phrases like "You'd be so proud!" or "You can be proud..." or "I'm so proud of...."
But then it takes on a monstrous form of self aggrandizement.
Most of us will never admit that we'd think much of ourselves, but in some forms of mental illness it is PRIDE that rears its monstrous head, matching the claims of Lucifer himself, that demon manifesting pride.
The mind tricks itself into thinking that it is limitless and powerful-----like God.
Really, this happens. Look it up.
So how can we fight this most monstrous of sins?
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. Learn to be the servant of all. Practice self-control. Glory in your weaknesses!
Yes, God has made man in His image, and God declared that it was good. God is good. But the likeness really stops there. Man is sinful. Man is limited. Man is a created thing.
God's grace is what we can glory in.
Maybe it isn't okay to pat ourselves on the back, to admit pride---even in the most innocuous-seeming situations. Maybe it isn't okay to "take pride" in our children, or grandchildren, our school, our group, church, or even our own accomplishments. Maybe that's just pride. Plain, ugly pride.
When you see it unmasked it is a horrific thing to behold. It is a powerful beast, difficult to tame. It can hardly be reasoned with.
If you have pride in your heart, ask God to clear it out. It loves to hide there, quietly waiting.
Maybe it is only acceptable to give ALL THE GLORY to God, alone.
In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
If my people, which are called by my name, will HUMBLE themselves, and seek my face....THEN I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins. 2 Cor 7:14
It happens to be the first listed. It's the worst of the list.
I've been thinking much about pride this fall. Let me take you on a journey.
A few years ago I met with a group of people praying every Sunday evening for a specific need. One night there was a gentleman who offered a word from the Lord.
It was incredibly powerful.
"You are a stiff-necked people! Your pride will bring you low."
I don't remember all of what he said, but the message was clear. We, the church, those meeting for prayer, were rendering our prayer worthless through our pride/sin in our hearts.
Pride is insidious. It worms its way into little phrases like "You'd be so proud!" or "You can be proud..." or "I'm so proud of...."
But then it takes on a monstrous form of self aggrandizement.
Most of us will never admit that we'd think much of ourselves, but in some forms of mental illness it is PRIDE that rears its monstrous head, matching the claims of Lucifer himself, that demon manifesting pride.
The mind tricks itself into thinking that it is limitless and powerful-----like God.
Really, this happens. Look it up.
So how can we fight this most monstrous of sins?
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. Learn to be the servant of all. Practice self-control. Glory in your weaknesses!
Yes, God has made man in His image, and God declared that it was good. God is good. But the likeness really stops there. Man is sinful. Man is limited. Man is a created thing.
God's grace is what we can glory in.
Maybe it isn't okay to pat ourselves on the back, to admit pride---even in the most innocuous-seeming situations. Maybe it isn't okay to "take pride" in our children, or grandchildren, our school, our group, church, or even our own accomplishments. Maybe that's just pride. Plain, ugly pride.
When you see it unmasked it is a horrific thing to behold. It is a powerful beast, difficult to tame. It can hardly be reasoned with.
If you have pride in your heart, ask God to clear it out. It loves to hide there, quietly waiting.
Maybe it is only acceptable to give ALL THE GLORY to God, alone.
In Him we live and move and have our being. Acts 17:28
If my people, which are called by my name, will HUMBLE themselves, and seek my face....THEN I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sins. 2 Cor 7:14
Response to "Strange Fire"
I think this writer "hit the nail."
As a product of a more "charismatic" spiritual background, and now an attender of a John MacArthur spawned church I have sat in the middle, on middle ground, for quite awhile.
I can listen to the cessationists and quietly disagree. I can also warily watch the continuists, trying the spirit.
It is possible, because Scripture is clear that the devil can masquerade as an angel of light, and that the gifts of the Spirit are still in use, and for our church age.
We must be cautious.
It's good that this argument comes about again, now, in the last days, for so many people ARE fooled by the the religion and signs of the new age.
Better to stand on solid ground, rooted in Scriptural knowledge!
But no one can refute the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people where the church has failed them. God is Good.
If people put their trust in Christ alone, they will be saved, visions or not, miracles or not.
Prophecy is pretty plain that in the last days:
I think this writer "hit the nail."
As a product of a more "charismatic" spiritual background, and now an attender of a John MacArthur spawned church I have sat in the middle, on middle ground, for quite awhile.
I can listen to the cessationists and quietly disagree. I can also warily watch the continuists, trying the spirit.
It is possible, because Scripture is clear that the devil can masquerade as an angel of light, and that the gifts of the Spirit are still in use, and for our church age.
We must be cautious.
It's good that this argument comes about again, now, in the last days, for so many people ARE fooled by the the religion and signs of the new age.
Better to stand on solid ground, rooted in Scriptural knowledge!
But no one can refute the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of people where the church has failed them. God is Good.
If people put their trust in Christ alone, they will be saved, visions or not, miracles or not.
Prophecy is pretty plain that in the last days:
Joel 2:28
New International Version (NIV)
The Day of the Lord
28 “And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
The Day of the Lord is still to come.
Jesus is coming, like a thief in the night. Watch and be ready! His Second Coming will be on the clouds, as he left earth. We know that will come after great tribulation, the wrath of God poured out on the earth.
So it's two different things, and we have signs to indicate the thief-like coming for the Bride of Christ is VERY SOON!
Look up!
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Take a Look at This Interesting Parallel
Some of the apocryphal writings seem to have implications for the end of time. They seemed bizarre or crazy to people of other ages, but some things seem to have parallels to prophetic writings.
Interesting, and a bit of history for you tonight before bed.
Some of the apocryphal writings seem to have implications for the end of time. They seemed bizarre or crazy to people of other ages, but some things seem to have parallels to prophetic writings.
Interesting, and a bit of history for you tonight before bed.
Sometimes You just Have to Believe!
I like the way the following video puts a few things together. Certainly this is only a small collection of the many things that are happening in the world right now, indicating that Jesus is about to take His bride away to the mansions He has prepared.
It's all there in Scripture, whether or not you choose to believe it.
These signs are gifts to mankind, final warnings that should not be ignored. Jesus IS coming, whether in my lifetime or in a future generation.
I like the passage in Daniel 12:1;
What a promise to those who have their name written in the book.
Today, ask the Lord to put your name in that book of life. Repent, and put your trust in Jesus as your savior.
It's all there in Scripture, whether or not you choose to believe it.
These signs are gifts to mankind, final warnings that should not be ignored. Jesus IS coming, whether in my lifetime or in a future generation.
I like the passage in Daniel 12:1;
The End Times
12 “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.What a promise to those who have their name written in the book.
Today, ask the Lord to put your name in that book of life. Repent, and put your trust in Jesus as your savior.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Cross Encounters: Joni Eareckson Tada and Joyce Meyer: An Example of...
Cross Encounters: Joni Eareckson Tada and Joyce Meyer: An Example of...: I recently attended the Strange Fire Conference at Grace Community Church, in Sun Valley, CA. Grace Community Church has been pastored b...
You Really Don't Want to Be Here For This
These are headlines for Oct. 21, 2013
Take a look especially at the one about the old rabbi and his vision. Also about Ariel Sharon. They are related.
Look at the earthquake/sunspot activity. It's been stepped up considerably.
Dire warnings from the financial world.
Please don't wait to receive Christ as your savior.
Faithful Christians everywhere are being sidelined by the devil through all sorts of hardships! Accidents, illness, joblessness, despair!
We Christians are weak, and the devil knows how to diminish our message of salvation pretty effectively. Don't let him. Speak the truth, in love, no matter what.
The inhabitants at Corgi Hollows are going through another trial. Some of you dear readers know more of the details, but I haven't been at liberty to share broadly yet.
WE need prayer, as does the rest of the church at large.
Know that we STAND in FAITH. God's goodness outweighs any devilish scheme.
We may question, but the answers are with our Holy God, and who are we not to accept His plan?
We do, though it kills, maims, or discourages. God has the power to allow hardship. Hardship is the result of sin and man's rebellion, but God protects us from much of it. IF only we knew WHAT He is protecting us from!! I'd rather not.
As it is, we know He only gives us what we can handle. No more.
So, knowing that you are probably going through your own deep trench right now, I pray for you, too.
Look up! Watch! Your redemption draws nigh.
It's something you DON'T want to miss.
To stick around here on this earth, about to experience the wrath of God, is truly insane.
These are headlines for Oct. 21, 2013
Take a look especially at the one about the old rabbi and his vision. Also about Ariel Sharon. They are related.
Look at the earthquake/sunspot activity. It's been stepped up considerably.
Dire warnings from the financial world.
Please don't wait to receive Christ as your savior.
Faithful Christians everywhere are being sidelined by the devil through all sorts of hardships! Accidents, illness, joblessness, despair!
We Christians are weak, and the devil knows how to diminish our message of salvation pretty effectively. Don't let him. Speak the truth, in love, no matter what.
The inhabitants at Corgi Hollows are going through another trial. Some of you dear readers know more of the details, but I haven't been at liberty to share broadly yet.
WE need prayer, as does the rest of the church at large.
Know that we STAND in FAITH. God's goodness outweighs any devilish scheme.
We may question, but the answers are with our Holy God, and who are we not to accept His plan?
We do, though it kills, maims, or discourages. God has the power to allow hardship. Hardship is the result of sin and man's rebellion, but God protects us from much of it. IF only we knew WHAT He is protecting us from!! I'd rather not.
As it is, we know He only gives us what we can handle. No more.
So, knowing that you are probably going through your own deep trench right now, I pray for you, too.
Look up! Watch! Your redemption draws nigh.
It's something you DON'T want to miss.
To stick around here on this earth, about to experience the wrath of God, is truly insane.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
The Gospel
Last night I watched a ten minute blip about a preacher's regrets. He wept that he had lost opportunities to share the Gospel in his life.
Since he HAS shared the gospel, and with 1,000's if not millions of people, I was struck in my own heart of the times I had not spoken truth to someone I cared about.
The Gospel:
You can do absolutely nothing to save yourself eternally. Jesus did it on the cross.
God loves you, and He is holy. Mankind was separated from God through Adam.
God provided a way for man to be restored to fellowship with Himself.
It's simple, humbling, complex.
It requires faith. Faith in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross, taking the punishment for sin-----forever.
That God would die to save us is the heart of the Gospel.
We are called to believe.
The whole story is found in the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments. With all the Biblical illiteracy out there that may come as a surprise.
If you haven't read the Bible, do.
The map to eternal salvation is laid out from Genesis to Revelation. Don't skip any books. The Gospel of John is a great place to start, but so is Genesis.
I've spent the last two years just reading Revelation and Jude as my personal quiet time. We are reading through the whole Bible as a home-school project. The richness it adds to life is incomparable. The framework, encouragement, and daily leading it affords us is priceless.
When going through illness, joblessness, despair, and depression the Word of God is the life-line to keeping on.
When I was about 10 years old I heard a preacher speak about the "end times." As a ten year old that was fascinating. Probably just like kids today have this fascination with Star Wars, Armageddon, and the Apocalypse (it's all the rage in the theaters).
My fascination never quit. I've pursued my interest in Bible prophecy my whole life. I watch the "false prophets" come and go, the trends, the predictions, the world events with great interest.
But I have a grid to evaluate all of this: God's Word. If it doesn't match up with what's in Scripture, it just isn't true. What happens in the world just confirms the glorious truth of God's word, the Bible. It's amazing, and it only becomes more so every day. (Things are happening so fast these days!---Ezekiel, Daniel!!)
People who don't know ALL of God's word tend to pick out whatever they want to back up a particular idea from the Word. There are differing opinions about some theological matters, but on the crucial ones, regarding salvation, there can be no dispute. For example, whether it's free-will or predestination is irrelevant to how God saves us. (Go ahead and have your opinion on that one!)
Faith in Jesus Christ alone is what saves. What He did on the cross was sufficient. We can do nothing to save ourselves except believe.
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by me."
Jesus only.
And that's the Gospel. Believe.
And let me know if I can be any help to you. Please!
Since he HAS shared the gospel, and with 1,000's if not millions of people, I was struck in my own heart of the times I had not spoken truth to someone I cared about.
The Gospel:
You can do absolutely nothing to save yourself eternally. Jesus did it on the cross.
God loves you, and He is holy. Mankind was separated from God through Adam.
God provided a way for man to be restored to fellowship with Himself.
It's simple, humbling, complex.
It requires faith. Faith in Jesus Christ, that He died on the cross, taking the punishment for sin-----forever.
That God would die to save us is the heart of the Gospel.
We are called to believe.
The whole story is found in the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments. With all the Biblical illiteracy out there that may come as a surprise.
If you haven't read the Bible, do.
The map to eternal salvation is laid out from Genesis to Revelation. Don't skip any books. The Gospel of John is a great place to start, but so is Genesis.
I've spent the last two years just reading Revelation and Jude as my personal quiet time. We are reading through the whole Bible as a home-school project. The richness it adds to life is incomparable. The framework, encouragement, and daily leading it affords us is priceless.
When going through illness, joblessness, despair, and depression the Word of God is the life-line to keeping on.
When I was about 10 years old I heard a preacher speak about the "end times." As a ten year old that was fascinating. Probably just like kids today have this fascination with Star Wars, Armageddon, and the Apocalypse (it's all the rage in the theaters).
My fascination never quit. I've pursued my interest in Bible prophecy my whole life. I watch the "false prophets" come and go, the trends, the predictions, the world events with great interest.
But I have a grid to evaluate all of this: God's Word. If it doesn't match up with what's in Scripture, it just isn't true. What happens in the world just confirms the glorious truth of God's word, the Bible. It's amazing, and it only becomes more so every day. (Things are happening so fast these days!---Ezekiel, Daniel!!)
People who don't know ALL of God's word tend to pick out whatever they want to back up a particular idea from the Word. There are differing opinions about some theological matters, but on the crucial ones, regarding salvation, there can be no dispute. For example, whether it's free-will or predestination is irrelevant to how God saves us. (Go ahead and have your opinion on that one!)
Faith in Jesus Christ alone is what saves. What He did on the cross was sufficient. We can do nothing to save ourselves except believe.
"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, but by me."
Jesus only.
And that's the Gospel. Believe.
And let me know if I can be any help to you. Please!
Hebrews 4:12
Falling on Deaf Ears
We are reading through the Bible in our home-school this year. I'm using the New King James version.
We are now in Job, and it's very appropriate for the state we find our family in with illness right now. God's perfect timing.
We completed the Kings and Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, and ALL the lists of names in those books.
Yes, I read them all. Out loud.
Are you snorting?
What good could reading all those old names to my 11 year old and 15 year old do?
Well, I'm not sure, but we did it, and it was a blessing. It was soothing to our spirits, and it was binding. It was God's word, and it showed us that each person matters.
Even obscure funny sounding names matter.
The Word of God is sharper than a two edged sword.
12 For
the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and
marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Even the lists.
We are reading through the Bible in our home-school this year. I'm using the New King James version.
We are now in Job, and it's very appropriate for the state we find our family in with illness right now. God's perfect timing.
We completed the Kings and Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, and ALL the lists of names in those books.
Yes, I read them all. Out loud.
Are you snorting?
What good could reading all those old names to my 11 year old and 15 year old do?
Well, I'm not sure, but we did it, and it was a blessing. It was soothing to our spirits, and it was binding. It was God's word, and it showed us that each person matters.
Even obscure funny sounding names matter.
The Word of God is sharper than a two edged sword.
Hebrews 4:12
New International Version (NIV)
Even the lists.
Friday, October 11, 2013
How Can I Keep From Singing?
- My life flows on in endless song;
- Above earth's lamentation,
- I hear the sweet, tho' far-off hymn
- That hails a new creation;
- Thro' all the tumult and the strife
- I hear the music ringing;
- It finds an echo in my soul—
- How can I keep from singing?
- My life flows on in endless song;
- What tho' my joys and comforts die?
- The Lord my Saviour liveth;
- What tho' the darkness gather round?
- Songs in the night he giveth.
- No storm can shake my inmost calm
- While to that refuge clinging;
- Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,
- How can I keep from singing?
- What tho' my joys and comforts die?
- I lift my eyes; the cloud grows thin;
- I see the blue above it;
- And day by day this pathway smooths,
- Since first I learned to love it;
- The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
- A fountain ever springing;
- All things are mine since I am his—
- How can I keep from singing?
- Pauline T. and Robert Lowry
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uc1smOOs7A
- I lift my eyes; the cloud grows thin;
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Carl Worline's Update
"Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God"
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Morning Musings
It's morning for just a few more minutes. The October sun is friendly, shining on the gold tipped leaves of the huge Maple outside my kitchen window.
The leaves are turning late this fall. The fish are still in the pond, though the leaves are gradually choking them. I'll have to get them moved indoors soon.
Sickness changes things, but not everything. Somehow it strips away the peripheral and helps us focus on the vital.
Did you know how vital sleep is? It becomes dearer when it seems impossible.
It must be snatched whenever possible.
Exercise is also vital.
And Christ is vital.
I'm reading things about the "new world order." Some of it is alarming---especially how quickly it seems to be taking shape. Some of it is amusing. Man will continue to strive against or deny God. How futile.
I'm becoming more aware of how the devil has masqueraded as a healing angel of light and compassion----when he is only a Deceiver.
The Truth lies in the Word of God, and only there.
I am purging the excess from our lives. As a housewife whose life really revolves around the house---and its occupants, I recognize the need for me to orchestrate the stuff that enters the door everyday. It's an exhausting past-time, and I really loathe it. But it must be done, and the change of seasons is the ideal time to attempt it.
"Get your house in order!"
A mandate that has such wide implication! I sense an urgency like never before.
We serve a mighty God who is able to heal. He can do the "impossible."
I have my challenges, but nothing that He won't lead me through.
I'm even trusting Him to show me when and IF healing has occurred.
In our polluted world our only healing may be in the next one to come. I'm prepared for that.
But I will continue to look up and wait on the Lord, Creator of the Universe.
Off to purge.
The leaves are turning late this fall. The fish are still in the pond, though the leaves are gradually choking them. I'll have to get them moved indoors soon.
Sickness changes things, but not everything. Somehow it strips away the peripheral and helps us focus on the vital.
Did you know how vital sleep is? It becomes dearer when it seems impossible.
It must be snatched whenever possible.
Exercise is also vital.
And Christ is vital.
I'm reading things about the "new world order." Some of it is alarming---especially how quickly it seems to be taking shape. Some of it is amusing. Man will continue to strive against or deny God. How futile.
I'm becoming more aware of how the devil has masqueraded as a healing angel of light and compassion----when he is only a Deceiver.
The Truth lies in the Word of God, and only there.
I am purging the excess from our lives. As a housewife whose life really revolves around the house---and its occupants, I recognize the need for me to orchestrate the stuff that enters the door everyday. It's an exhausting past-time, and I really loathe it. But it must be done, and the change of seasons is the ideal time to attempt it.
"Get your house in order!"
A mandate that has such wide implication! I sense an urgency like never before.
We serve a mighty God who is able to heal. He can do the "impossible."
I have my challenges, but nothing that He won't lead me through.
I'm even trusting Him to show me when and IF healing has occurred.
In our polluted world our only healing may be in the next one to come. I'm prepared for that.
But I will continue to look up and wait on the Lord, Creator of the Universe.
Off to purge.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Thoughtful Article
Take the time to peruse this article. It's a very good summary of the issues involving prophecy, Israel, and current religious trends.
Take the time to peruse this article. It's a very good summary of the issues involving prophecy, Israel, and current religious trends.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Nothing Else but Jesus
It's been a very rocky last few weeks here at Corgi Hollows.
Sickness, exhaustion, life adjustments.
The darker things get here on earth I am seeing a new development in my own spiritual walk----earthly things grow dim, and Jesus becomes everything.
Only Jesus.
All of these tribulations produce one emotion: Hope.
Jesus is the only hope. There is no other hope on earth, or in heaven.
Without Him there is only darkness and pain, sorrow and hell.
With Him there is light and life, hope and joy. I didn't say happiness. That is only temporal.
Today I was able to attend "Understanding the Times" conference with Jan Markell. The speakers were Ron Rhodes, Mark Hitchcock, and Joseph Farah.
I've attended prophecy conferences for years. The message has always been "IT'S COMING!"
You know what today's message was?
Yes, fellow believers, Jesus is at the door. Get your house ready, and watch. We don't know the hour, but we know it's the season, and it can't be long now.
As a bride puts on the finishing touches to her dress, this is where the Bride of Christ needs to be: We need to look up.
Do you know the Savior of the World?
He is an exclusive Savior, only defined by the Book of Books---the Holy Bible.
Start reading today. Repent. Trust in Him. Put your faith in His atoning work for your soul. Ask forgiveness.
Follow Him.
You must act now, because time is almost over! The Biblical illustration of labor pains has begun in earnest. An expectant mother would be on her way to the hospital by now...
Earthquakes, disease, politics, wars, sin and apostasy. It's all there.
So clean your spiritual house. Let Jesus free you from the chains of sin and death.
"There is a fountain filled with blood, flowing from Immanuel's veins.
And sinners washed beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."
You don't want to be left behind!

Sickness, exhaustion, life adjustments.
The darker things get here on earth I am seeing a new development in my own spiritual walk----earthly things grow dim, and Jesus becomes everything.
Only Jesus.
All of these tribulations produce one emotion: Hope.
Jesus is the only hope. There is no other hope on earth, or in heaven.
Without Him there is only darkness and pain, sorrow and hell.
With Him there is light and life, hope and joy. I didn't say happiness. That is only temporal.
Today I was able to attend "Understanding the Times" conference with Jan Markell. The speakers were Ron Rhodes, Mark Hitchcock, and Joseph Farah.
I've attended prophecy conferences for years. The message has always been "IT'S COMING!"
You know what today's message was?
Yes, fellow believers, Jesus is at the door. Get your house ready, and watch. We don't know the hour, but we know it's the season, and it can't be long now.
As a bride puts on the finishing touches to her dress, this is where the Bride of Christ needs to be: We need to look up.
Do you know the Savior of the World?
He is an exclusive Savior, only defined by the Book of Books---the Holy Bible.
Start reading today. Repent. Trust in Him. Put your faith in His atoning work for your soul. Ask forgiveness.
Follow Him.
You must act now, because time is almost over! The Biblical illustration of labor pains has begun in earnest. An expectant mother would be on her way to the hospital by now...
Earthquakes, disease, politics, wars, sin and apostasy. It's all there.
So clean your spiritual house. Let Jesus free you from the chains of sin and death.
"There is a fountain filled with blood, flowing from Immanuel's veins.
And sinners washed beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."
You don't want to be left behind!
Friday, October 4, 2013
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