It's been a very rocky last few weeks here at Corgi Hollows.
Sickness, exhaustion, life adjustments.
The darker things get here on earth I am seeing a new development in my own spiritual walk----earthly things grow dim, and Jesus becomes everything.
Only Jesus.
All of these tribulations produce one emotion: Hope.
Jesus is the only hope. There is no other hope on earth, or in heaven.
Without Him there is only darkness and pain, sorrow and hell.
With Him there is light and life, hope and joy. I didn't say happiness. That is only temporal.
Today I was able to attend "Understanding the Times" conference with Jan Markell. The speakers were Ron Rhodes, Mark Hitchcock, and Joseph Farah.
I've attended prophecy conferences for years. The message has always been "IT'S COMING!"
You know what today's message was?
Yes, fellow believers, Jesus is at the door. Get your house ready, and watch. We don't know the hour, but we know it's the season, and it can't be long now.
As a bride puts on the finishing touches to her dress, this is where the Bride of Christ needs to be: We need to look up.
Do you know the Savior of the World?
He is an exclusive Savior, only defined by the Book of Books---the Holy Bible.
Start reading today. Repent. Trust in Him. Put your faith in His atoning work for your soul. Ask forgiveness.
Follow Him.
You must act now, because time is almost over! The Biblical illustration of labor pains has begun in earnest. An expectant mother would be on her way to the hospital by now...
Earthquakes, disease, politics, wars, sin and apostasy. It's all there.
So clean your spiritual house. Let Jesus free you from the chains of sin and death.
"There is a fountain filled with blood, flowing from Immanuel's veins.
And sinners washed beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."
You don't want to be left behind!

Sickness, exhaustion, life adjustments.
The darker things get here on earth I am seeing a new development in my own spiritual walk----earthly things grow dim, and Jesus becomes everything.
Only Jesus.
All of these tribulations produce one emotion: Hope.
Jesus is the only hope. There is no other hope on earth, or in heaven.
Without Him there is only darkness and pain, sorrow and hell.
With Him there is light and life, hope and joy. I didn't say happiness. That is only temporal.
Today I was able to attend "Understanding the Times" conference with Jan Markell. The speakers were Ron Rhodes, Mark Hitchcock, and Joseph Farah.
I've attended prophecy conferences for years. The message has always been "IT'S COMING!"
You know what today's message was?
Yes, fellow believers, Jesus is at the door. Get your house ready, and watch. We don't know the hour, but we know it's the season, and it can't be long now.
As a bride puts on the finishing touches to her dress, this is where the Bride of Christ needs to be: We need to look up.
Do you know the Savior of the World?
He is an exclusive Savior, only defined by the Book of Books---the Holy Bible.
Start reading today. Repent. Trust in Him. Put your faith in His atoning work for your soul. Ask forgiveness.
Follow Him.
You must act now, because time is almost over! The Biblical illustration of labor pains has begun in earnest. An expectant mother would be on her way to the hospital by now...
Earthquakes, disease, politics, wars, sin and apostasy. It's all there.
So clean your spiritual house. Let Jesus free you from the chains of sin and death.
"There is a fountain filled with blood, flowing from Immanuel's veins.
And sinners washed beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains."
You don't want to be left behind!
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