"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Judge Not

I am fascinated by this command in the Bible.

There are so many ways to interpret it!

Yesterday, we read through this chapter in Commands of Christ Series which we have used for several years. I'm always convicted, always challenged regarding this command.

I also have a short memory, apparently.

The command contains a warning----Judge not, lest you be judged.

That is key to understanding the whole concept.

In another way to put it, don't judge me until you have judged yourself!

God is JUDGE. He is the ultimate judge of the entire universe. I am always floored by this, and I PRAY MERCY---under the blood of Christ Jesus (the only way to escape His horrible wrath!)

When He is the judge, do we need to judge each other?


You and I can discern righteousness by looking at God's Word. That's easy. That's our standard. We must judge ourselves according to God's standard.

To look outward from our own souls is to see needs in other souls.

The only valid way to see others is to ask how can I help? How can I serve them?

So when you are beaten down, unappreciated, misunderstood, hurt-------------You've been given a gift.

God will judge the one who has injured you. You will look for ways to love and serve that person, and you have the gift of an opportunity to do something for a heavenly kingdom. Perhaps you will be a means to bringing that soul closer to Christ.

That is what it's all about.

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