Two graduations done, one coming up this weekend, another commissioning, and then a reception. I find myself quietly repeating my schedule for May in my head various times.
Church softball games started last evening. Ed has a horrid case of tonsillitis, so he couldn't play. I was home with him.
Cherie has begun her fun with friends during the game. I remember those days of messing around on the playground or in the park while my brothers played ball.
The carefree days of summer.
Do you ever remember the cozy feelings of good times had as a child?
It would be fun to list those memories, wouldn't it?
---like sitting by the heater in a cozy truck, watching broomball late at night in winter, listening to good tunes on the radio?
---skimming across Lake Rebecca in a little catamaran on a sunny day, blue sky, blue water, warm splashes, gentle breeze.
---drinking in the coppery smell of a mountain stream at Bear Trap Ranch in Colorado. How can I forget that smell? Impossible.
---walking down a street in Munich on a soft lit summer evening eating Italian ice.
---that skirt you loved to pull on and accessorize with just the right sandals and jewelry.
---the nuzzle of your horse's nose on your cheek, happy greeting after a good day at school. Alfalfa and dust from the barn releasing aromas in the sunshine.
---cool wind blowing on your face as you speed around Lake Minnetonka in a little British convertible.
---the smack of a tennis ball well played from the sweet spot of the racket. What a rush!
---watching Venus as you jog the back road to the accompaniment of frogs and crickets.
---finally buying that thing you'd saved up for. True appreciation!
---that feeling you get some days when the road beckons for a road trip.
---finishing a project, like a sweater or a quilt.
---receiving a love letter.
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I have had privilege. I can think of so many more! Good memories, gifts from God.
Church softball games started last evening. Ed has a horrid case of tonsillitis, so he couldn't play. I was home with him.
Cherie has begun her fun with friends during the game. I remember those days of messing around on the playground or in the park while my brothers played ball.
The carefree days of summer.
Do you ever remember the cozy feelings of good times had as a child?
It would be fun to list those memories, wouldn't it?
---like sitting by the heater in a cozy truck, watching broomball late at night in winter, listening to good tunes on the radio?
---skimming across Lake Rebecca in a little catamaran on a sunny day, blue sky, blue water, warm splashes, gentle breeze.
---drinking in the coppery smell of a mountain stream at Bear Trap Ranch in Colorado. How can I forget that smell? Impossible.
---walking down a street in Munich on a soft lit summer evening eating Italian ice.
---that skirt you loved to pull on and accessorize with just the right sandals and jewelry.
---the nuzzle of your horse's nose on your cheek, happy greeting after a good day at school. Alfalfa and dust from the barn releasing aromas in the sunshine.
---cool wind blowing on your face as you speed around Lake Minnetonka in a little British convertible.
---the smack of a tennis ball well played from the sweet spot of the racket. What a rush!
---watching Venus as you jog the back road to the accompaniment of frogs and crickets.
---finally buying that thing you'd saved up for. True appreciation!
---that feeling you get some days when the road beckons for a road trip.
---finishing a project, like a sweater or a quilt.
---receiving a love letter.
I have had privilege. I can think of so many more! Good memories, gifts from God.
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