"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, July 28, 2014

Specific Request

Dear friends. I have a very specific prayer request. I don't want to say what it is. God knows exactly what it is. Would you pray with me for His answer, and that if it is "no" I would soon understand that? I promise to share the answer with you, when it comes.

Thank you!


I am almost embarrassed to write this.  I am so humbled. About an hour ago I opened an envelope which specifically addressed my request. GOD ANSWERED.

Do you believe? I wrote requesting prayer early this morning. It had to do with providing funds for Margaret and her trip to Thompson,  Manitoba this summer. There were some unexpected costs, like the work permit and gas, hotel on the way up, etc. Margaret selflessly incurred all those costs, at her own expense, fully realizing she was giving up a summer's salary as a lifeguard at the YMCA.

She is a college student, you know.

God gave enough in that envelope to cover her summer excursion.  You cannot outgive God.

Thank you for your prayer. It was definitely answered.
God is good. Thank you Lord!---and the giver! God prompted you exactly. 

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