It's a delight to have Margaret home with us after her summer away. With work and school looming her minutes seem precious. I love to sit with coffee on the deck and chat.
We talk about many things.
We often talk about relationships. No, no, I'm not getting "personal"---just general here.
We discussed people who matter more to us than we do to them, and vise-avers. How often we can forgive, (We know we're supposed to forgive no matter what, but do we?) standards people put on us, expectations, and desires.
Both of us woke up with ragweed allergies in full blossom. Love late summer, but oh! The Ragweed makes life barely liveable. Anti-histamine, here we come. We thought about everything we've been through this summer and allergies just seem like frosting on the cake of woe.
We knew we were going to get under the weather sooner or later.
Outlook can be so fickle. It may just take a stomach ache to turn down the fire of content in anyone.
Another snag arose over the past week. My dad, who is a spry octogenarian, must have surgery next week. He's battling a slight infection, so along with all your prayers for Ed, please remember him, too.
I'm thankful that my parents-in-law seem to be in good health. Their county fair is coming up, and that is a big deal where they live. We hope to get down there for a weekend during the fair.
We may get a visit from my brother in the midst of this new development. My brother is fun. We always laugh when he's around. Laughter is good for healing, so we all look forward to that.
Beautiful late summer days. It almost hurts---sun streaming through green-gold leaves, a single leaf floating downwards. Signs of the harvest nearing.
Our friends sent us a large box of delicious tomatoes. Once a year, when tomatoes are ripe, I indulge in a BLT. We had to go to the store to get the B, as it's not something I keep around the house much.
I think it was the best BLT I've ever had. Aldi has this excellent Italian Pane (bread) that made the best toast. It was the tomatoes that sky-rocketed the flavor. Sweet, luscious, deep red, PERFECT! What a treat!
The nutritionist at the hospital told Ed that he should eat some tomato every day to fight cancer. Not fond of them, he's helping me process them into palatable (for him) means. We're freezing them for future sauce and salsa. I am so thankful for generous friends, and their friends---who donated them!
Our church family has been so good to us! We've been enjoying meals prepared by them all summer! So thankful for their hard work and love.
Blessings abound.
Last night a friend at my husband's work gave us four tickets to see the St. Paul Saints play the Winnipeg Gold-Eyes at Midway Stadium, over by the state fair grounds. The evening was perfect, if a little chilly, for a summer game outside. I learned that it was the second to last game to be played at Midway Stadium. There's a new stadium being built in Lowertown for them, open next year. Tonight is the last game at Midway. Not a frequent attender, it was sort of sad to be a part of the closing era last night. The St. Paul Saints have been a very popular baseball team in their own right. Not part of the National or American League, they have much more leeway to be entertainment. Silly schtick adds to the experience.
It's more St. Paul humble than Minneapolis chic, a-la Garrison Keillor's description. We had fun.
We actually won tickets to see the Twin's next week! Do you ever sign up to win a drawing? It seems that whenever I do it's not worth my time. We seem to never win...but we DID! The dry-cleaners we go to had a drawing for Minnesota Twin's Baseball tickets. Amazing. We won the drawing! My husband is excited, being the main baseball fan in our home.
So there are always good things to enjoy. Looking at the bright side, right? God is good, all the time.
Chemo is going fine here at home. Here's what it looks like: (You can tell Ed is thrilled...)

We talk about many things.
We often talk about relationships. No, no, I'm not getting "personal"---just general here.
We discussed people who matter more to us than we do to them, and vise-avers. How often we can forgive, (We know we're supposed to forgive no matter what, but do we?) standards people put on us, expectations, and desires.
Both of us woke up with ragweed allergies in full blossom. Love late summer, but oh! The Ragweed makes life barely liveable. Anti-histamine, here we come. We thought about everything we've been through this summer and allergies just seem like frosting on the cake of woe.
We knew we were going to get under the weather sooner or later.
Outlook can be so fickle. It may just take a stomach ache to turn down the fire of content in anyone.
Another snag arose over the past week. My dad, who is a spry octogenarian, must have surgery next week. He's battling a slight infection, so along with all your prayers for Ed, please remember him, too.
I'm thankful that my parents-in-law seem to be in good health. Their county fair is coming up, and that is a big deal where they live. We hope to get down there for a weekend during the fair.
We may get a visit from my brother in the midst of this new development. My brother is fun. We always laugh when he's around. Laughter is good for healing, so we all look forward to that.
Beautiful late summer days. It almost hurts---sun streaming through green-gold leaves, a single leaf floating downwards. Signs of the harvest nearing.
Our friends sent us a large box of delicious tomatoes. Once a year, when tomatoes are ripe, I indulge in a BLT. We had to go to the store to get the B, as it's not something I keep around the house much.
I think it was the best BLT I've ever had. Aldi has this excellent Italian Pane (bread) that made the best toast. It was the tomatoes that sky-rocketed the flavor. Sweet, luscious, deep red, PERFECT! What a treat!
The nutritionist at the hospital told Ed that he should eat some tomato every day to fight cancer. Not fond of them, he's helping me process them into palatable (for him) means. We're freezing them for future sauce and salsa. I am so thankful for generous friends, and their friends---who donated them!
Our church family has been so good to us! We've been enjoying meals prepared by them all summer! So thankful for their hard work and love.
Blessings abound.
Last night a friend at my husband's work gave us four tickets to see the St. Paul Saints play the Winnipeg Gold-Eyes at Midway Stadium, over by the state fair grounds. The evening was perfect, if a little chilly, for a summer game outside. I learned that it was the second to last game to be played at Midway Stadium. There's a new stadium being built in Lowertown for them, open next year. Tonight is the last game at Midway. Not a frequent attender, it was sort of sad to be a part of the closing era last night. The St. Paul Saints have been a very popular baseball team in their own right. Not part of the National or American League, they have much more leeway to be entertainment. Silly schtick adds to the experience.
It's more St. Paul humble than Minneapolis chic, a-la Garrison Keillor's description. We had fun.
We actually won tickets to see the Twin's next week! Do you ever sign up to win a drawing? It seems that whenever I do it's not worth my time. We seem to never win...but we DID! The dry-cleaners we go to had a drawing for Minnesota Twin's Baseball tickets. Amazing. We won the drawing! My husband is excited, being the main baseball fan in our home.
So there are always good things to enjoy. Looking at the bright side, right? God is good, all the time.
Chemo is going fine here at home. Here's what it looks like: (You can tell Ed is thrilled...)

Could you tell him that I'm so glad he's being strong and that if he wants to, maybe he could come over and play some boardgames.
Sure thing!
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