"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, December 8, 2014

Delayed Intensification

Ed starts a new phase of chemotherapy tomorrow morning, bright and early.

Delayed Intensification is, as its name implies, intense. Ed will get a spinal tap and chemo, also meds to help with nausea. We will be at the clinic most of the day.

Yes, hospitalizations are not planned anymore, but our nurse told us that they were likely with the possibility of low counts and a fever from some bug developing. It is flu season, after all. Prayers are requested!

Fever = hospitalization

So, we start this phase, knowing that the next few weeks will be extremely busy.

No, I'm not putting up a Christmas tree. We aren't decorating this year, except for a few items. Jesus was probably born in September anyway. This is certainly the year to acknowledge that!

We will hope to exchange gifts on the 25th, (as the wise men probably arrived in Bethlehem on the 25th!--Check out Rick Larson's Star DVD) and my son's birthday comes this weekend. We have many things to celebrate, but we're keeping it extremely low-key this year.

Being Scandinavian I am always up for a party this time of year! I've raised my kids that way, too.


Swedish Smorgåsbord is part of our family tradition on the 24th of December. All the goodies will be enjoyed then. If that is the only thing we get done this year, that's okay.

There's an article quoting George Mueller that we read this morning. I want to share it, because it has such wonderful wisdom for these times we are living in right now.

Making the Most of your Devotions

As we turn our minds toward Christ this season, we can see an effective way to communicate with Him. I thought it was helpful.

May I make a gift suggestion for every person in your family? A Praying Life

It's on Kindle, too. What a powerful book! Energize your family!

You know, when I get up in the morning I still say "Maranatha!" (Come Lord Jesus!)

Life on earth just isn't all that great. It's so time to go home! But we all must live the appointed days, and in order to get through them, pacing ourselves until Christ changes us in a twinkling of an eye, we must rely on His ideas for living, that is, prayer, feasting on His Word, and trusting Him with each minute of each day. So simple,  so hard.

On Saturday I made pecan rolls. We also gave chocolates to commemorate Nicholas, the old fellow who helped a family of young girls in Turkey back in the 4th century (NOT the "Old Nick!"). The chocolates were mostly consumed by the dogs. Not on purpose. (And yes, they are fine, just a few extra trips outside!) The rolls were enjoyed by all who came to breakfast!

We had the joy of seeing our Chinese "son" who stopped by for supper last evening. It was wonderful to catch up with him. He came as a young freshman to the U of MN nine years ago now! We met through the Chinese American Friendship Association. Our good friends have returned from South Africa, glowing with a spiritual joy. They attended a wonderful Christian conference there last week. They stopped by on their way home from the airport yesterday. We hope to spend next weekend with them again.

Two bridal showers are in the works...which I am hosting for close friends. Exciting times! Margaret has finals this week. My husband just got back from a week in Indianapolis.

A few tea parties and concerts will round out the end of this momentous year. The sing-along "Messiah" is next Sunday at St. Olaf Catholic Church in Minneapolis. We are planning to go...

I hope to make rolls again several times soon. Stop by for coffee and...


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