I grew up in a home that believed in the Bible. I am so grateful for that training, as I've found that part of my life to be the most fascinating, most helpful, most inspiring aspect of my entire life.
I've traveled, I've experienced wonderful things, but my faith and belief in Christ is what gives me all I really need.
I've found everything in Christ, and truly, I can't wait to see Him.
Because I've grown up in the Church, that nebulous institution that we know as Christianity, I feel at least somewhat qualified to make judgments about the state of it. I can at least speak for myself.
This WILL offend some, but to a few it will resonate.
The church, like AW Tozer wrote, is really in the dustbin right now.
As I grew up in "Evangelical" circles, (You know which ones, having read my blog) I saw compromise all the time.
There were the teachings of Christ (Be in the World, but not of the World) and then we all interpreted our own worldliness as we saw fit.
Each to his own.
But now we see where that has led the Church. The church is now a namby-pamby institution of entertainment and degradation for the most part. Where is the power?
The Church has embarrassed itself over and over again with shoddy money-driven leadership, immorality. It's no better than the papacy of the Renaissance.
"Church as Big Business," "Prosperity Gospel," "Emergent," "Seeker Friendly," "Contemporvant," "Cool Evangelical," "Intentional," "Purpose Driven," "Intelligent," "Real-life."
I sit waiting for Ed at a very large church most Monday nights while he attends his scouting event. Here is a photo of the foyer:

When I sit there I can remind myself of the cathedrals I've seen in Europe. The largeness. The impressiveness.
I am glad for these buildings, but I wonder always at the coldness I feel. When faith is reduced to a building that reflects the world's trends I know that we are truly in the dustbin, spiritually.
Keeping up with the Jones' seems to be universally true, for people and institutions.
But this isn't where it is at. Our faith is a personal relationship with Christ Jesus, the Almighty Father, His Holy Spirit. It has absolutely nothing to do with trends or buildings.
That is only dust. Spiritual dust.
I'm sick of seeing the spiritual decay in people I have known and loved. I see alcohol taking over their lives, a desire to be accepted by worldly standards. I see a complete ignorance of Christ's mandates.
And yes, He did have mandates.
Repent, follow me, humble yourself, let your light shine, keep my commandments, love one another, deny yourself, beware. LOVE the LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART!
Jesus has lots of things to say about how we should be, and it's not dust. We need to be vibrant, alive, and actively DOING His commands, as well as keeping them.
Shake yourself. Get the dust off. Where is your heart today?
Leave the things that tear you from His perfect way.
There is so much to be living for! So many things to get right. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run to it.
Sin will pull you into the dustbin, so repent. Give up the foul language, the drunkenness, the sexual perversion and immorality. Give up the greed, envy, anger, lust, sloth, pride, and gluttony. GIVE IT UP and leave the dustbin. Give up the deceit and dishonesty, the thievery, the murder in your heart. Give up the hatred.
The LAW of the Lord is perfect. The statutes are more to be desired than gold. Sweeter also than honey.
Give up the second best, and go for the gold.
Leave everything else in the dust.
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