"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Yo-Yos and Roller Coasters

We wouldn't want to die of boredom, now, would we?

That is what my husband says when we face another big thing.

So, the saga of the bee house----The New Corgi Hollows---continues. We signed papers last night that indicate we will be moving in May of this year. There are still a couple of things that need tweaking, and the situation still needs a lot of prayer, but things seem to be going forward.

This is really another miracle. I think you have been praying for us! I am so thankful!

I would ask for you to pray for the couple that is selling the house. They have been separated for awhile, and they need lots of prayer. Please lift them up. I know they are heartbroken about leaving the house. Things sort of went in the wrong direction for them financially.

That could happen to any of us, and we have deep empathy for them.

So, we are certainly on a roller coaster of ups and downs, one moment the deal is looking good, the next not so much. I assume that will be the case until everything is squared away.

And we face a Move, a paring down, a purge. Any home schooling family that has lived in one house for 15 years has an accumulation of stuff, and all of that must be evaluated and properly disposed of or distributed.

I still have Cherie, who will be my student, Abba willing, for a few more years.

Ed might be starting PSEO next fall----Minnesota's Post Secondary Enrollment Option --which simply means college for his junior and senior years.


I still look for the big change---Christ's coming for His own---to happen very soon, but we must go forward with the small stuff, and the sort of big stuff anyway.

So chemotherapy goes on, Spring continues to make her presence known, my children have all of their activities in full swing, and I am along for the ride.

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