"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tired, Very Tired
Just a few days until we move now. Excited, and overwhelmed...trying to keep everything in stride.
We can get wrapped up in our own little worlds, and it is restful, calming, and reassuring to do that. It isn't real, though.
Keeping perspective on the world, the future, the way things really are, is unattractive when it looks so bleak!
Politics can make you retch. Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and poisonings in nature (think bees here) really get you down, ya know? Riots in American cities can be so depressing...
But keep your eyes open, because it's all coming together.
Don't get too tired to keep the watch. I know I'm weary, tired, very tired of this old world.
Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven. Someone counted his references to both places once, apparently, and I've heard that several times, so I assume it is true. Maybe I should do a count for myself sometime.
If there is time.
Hell is very real. Lots of people are going there. Some will avoid it painfully by rejecting the Anti-Christ. That pain is minor compared to eternal hell.
Hell is awful. Here's what the Bible says about it: flames, never-ending pain, worms, darkness, stench.
When you make up your own gods (the ones that aren't mentioned in the Bible--and you know that if you define God in your own image, the things you like about Him, but not the things you hate, you have an idol on your hands) you are going to Hell after this life. This is what the Bible says, and the Bible is truth. TRUTH.
It's not a lie. It's not a myth. The Bible's prophetic predictions are always 100% true and coming to pass. We know. We saw it, we are seeing it, and we will see it. But back to hell---
I think this life is bad enough, and I've had it pretty easy! Hell sounds beyond horrible to me, and I want to BE SURE I don't have to face it.
Sadly, everyone is going there according to the Bible, except those that believe Jesus' blood was shed on the cross, a sacrifice for our sin. The entire world is condemned to hell, and has been since the fall of man. Born in sin, we desire to rebel against God. It's natural.
Pray to receive spiritual eyes, and be humble enough to admit you are wrong to Jesus. Pray for His wisdom and guidance to see the path to salvation.
Don't risk your eternal soul. You have one chance to live---one chance to die. Don't waste it when you know the Truth.
Start believing today.
So many things will come into focus-----Anger, Lust, Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth. Immorality. You will recognize what God sees as immorality. Paul described the scales falling off of his eyes when his life was touched by Jesus. I think this may have been figurative as well as literal. When God opens spiritual eyes it is like blindness fading away.
But if you are living in immorality, don't expect to see Heaven. Expect Hell. People who have spiritual eyes don't live in sin. They live in Christ---"abiding in him, as He is in you."
REPENT, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
I was thinking back to all the posts I've made over the past five years. Truly I never expected to be around this long! I thought Jesus would have been here by now. Certainly He is not late---only waiting patiently for every last soul to turn to Him, and He is infinitely patient, waiting for YOU if you haven't come to Him yet. All these posts I've written, pleading for friends and family to come to CHRIST! How I hope that I can see you at the Banquet in Heaven with our LORD.
Rapture tomorrow? Let's expect it. Rapture this fall? Let's wait for it. Rapture when God decides? Absolutely. It's coming. It's almost here. Blissful hope.
We're outta here....
We're ready, Lord!
Come quickly. Maranatha!
We can get wrapped up in our own little worlds, and it is restful, calming, and reassuring to do that. It isn't real, though.
Keeping perspective on the world, the future, the way things really are, is unattractive when it looks so bleak!
Politics can make you retch. Earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, and poisonings in nature (think bees here) really get you down, ya know? Riots in American cities can be so depressing...
But keep your eyes open, because it's all coming together.
Don't get too tired to keep the watch. I know I'm weary, tired, very tired of this old world.
Jesus talked more about hell than he did about heaven. Someone counted his references to both places once, apparently, and I've heard that several times, so I assume it is true. Maybe I should do a count for myself sometime.
If there is time.
Hell is very real. Lots of people are going there. Some will avoid it painfully by rejecting the Anti-Christ. That pain is minor compared to eternal hell.
Hell is awful. Here's what the Bible says about it: flames, never-ending pain, worms, darkness, stench.
When you make up your own gods (the ones that aren't mentioned in the Bible--and you know that if you define God in your own image, the things you like about Him, but not the things you hate, you have an idol on your hands) you are going to Hell after this life. This is what the Bible says, and the Bible is truth. TRUTH.
It's not a lie. It's not a myth. The Bible's prophetic predictions are always 100% true and coming to pass. We know. We saw it, we are seeing it, and we will see it. But back to hell---
I think this life is bad enough, and I've had it pretty easy! Hell sounds beyond horrible to me, and I want to BE SURE I don't have to face it.
Sadly, everyone is going there according to the Bible, except those that believe Jesus' blood was shed on the cross, a sacrifice for our sin. The entire world is condemned to hell, and has been since the fall of man. Born in sin, we desire to rebel against God. It's natural.
Pray to receive spiritual eyes, and be humble enough to admit you are wrong to Jesus. Pray for His wisdom and guidance to see the path to salvation.
Don't risk your eternal soul. You have one chance to live---one chance to die. Don't waste it when you know the Truth.
Start believing today.
So many things will come into focus-----Anger, Lust, Pride, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth. Immorality. You will recognize what God sees as immorality. Paul described the scales falling off of his eyes when his life was touched by Jesus. I think this may have been figurative as well as literal. When God opens spiritual eyes it is like blindness fading away.
But if you are living in immorality, don't expect to see Heaven. Expect Hell. People who have spiritual eyes don't live in sin. They live in Christ---"abiding in him, as He is in you."
REPENT, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
I was thinking back to all the posts I've made over the past five years. Truly I never expected to be around this long! I thought Jesus would have been here by now. Certainly He is not late---only waiting patiently for every last soul to turn to Him, and He is infinitely patient, waiting for YOU if you haven't come to Him yet. All these posts I've written, pleading for friends and family to come to CHRIST! How I hope that I can see you at the Banquet in Heaven with our LORD.
Rapture tomorrow? Let's expect it. Rapture this fall? Let's wait for it. Rapture when God decides? Absolutely. It's coming. It's almost here. Blissful hope.
We're outta here....
We're ready, Lord!
Come quickly. Maranatha!
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Escalating Prophecy Fulfillment?
Bad earthquakes in Nepal this weekend.
Funny games in closed Walmarts. What in the world is Jade Helm?
Illuminati shenanigans with Bruce Jenner--normalizing oddities, breaking down norms.
Tightening the screws on Christian businesses--"go fund" type discrimination.
Progressive Christians lauded, while Bible believers are marginalized. (Huffington Post article mentioning Michelle Bachmann's righteous warning)
Incited riots in Baltimore.
Economic bubble looking burstable. Selling your shares?
May 1---a significant day for Luciferians. What might happen?
Harry Reid enigma, Hillary Clinton's woes, Barack Obama's bitterness...nasty politics all around.
Are you watching?
Even so, come Lord Jesus. MARANATHA!
Funny games in closed Walmarts. What in the world is Jade Helm?
Illuminati shenanigans with Bruce Jenner--normalizing oddities, breaking down norms.
Tightening the screws on Christian businesses--"go fund" type discrimination.
Progressive Christians lauded, while Bible believers are marginalized. (Huffington Post article mentioning Michelle Bachmann's righteous warning)
Incited riots in Baltimore.
Economic bubble looking burstable. Selling your shares?
May 1---a significant day for Luciferians. What might happen?
Harry Reid enigma, Hillary Clinton's woes, Barack Obama's bitterness...nasty politics all around.
Are you watching?
Even so, come Lord Jesus. MARANATHA!
Friday, April 24, 2015
Farewell to the School Room
It isn't that we are quitting home-schooling, it is that we are finding a new purpose in our home life.
For sixteen years this little house in the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities has been a cabin, classroom, and workplace. Nostalgic today.
I have decorated with classic paintings and prints, lined the walls with bookshelves and musical instruments, hoarded tables for work stations and put in a Scandinavian touch of decor here and there. My love of tea parties and flowers is evident.
I've made nooks for beds and carved out storage space for linens and candles, games, puzzles, art supplies, and books, books, books!
Outside are our beekeeping supplies, bikes, skis, and tools for fixing cars. All the things we love to do when we have the time. Canoes and a sailboat, camping equipment, and various other sports-related items----things that have attracted us, and sometimes almost owned us---and enough for all of our family to use at once!
We're downsizing.
All week I've been steadily winnowing away at the generous amount of stuff we've collected. I mentioned reading inspirational books on gaining control of chaos---and it's helping.
More, though, it helps to see a change of lifestyle, a change of purpose. Next year Ed will start PSEO (college courses), and Cherie will be the only one left to home school.
I just don't need all the stuff for home-schooling that I once did. I need things for entertaining now, as I anticipate having lots and lots of friends and family coming over to visit and stay at the new place.
How bittersweet to cull books from the shelves and craft supplies from the cupboards. There is a sadness to saying goodbye to an era in a family. It isn't easy.
So please pray for me as I seek to simplify, to downsize, to purge. My selfish instincts are at their worst, and I admit my sinful nature battles with my more generous side! I must conquer that sinful nature! Christ has, but it still shows itself.
How nice to purge the sin....if only. In Heaven alone.
I look out at the familiar views I've enjoyed all these years. I have more beautiful ones to anticipate, but I think about not having these anymore. I think of the lilac bushes I planted 16 years ago. The cherry trees that we planted only four years ago, now--just beginning to bear fruit. The blueberries, the peonies, the perennials. We planted several oak trees. One is about 20 feet tall now, still in its youth.
My favorite tree, the stately white pine, which stands at the front door, I will miss too. My little pond that reflected the sky was such a haven for wildlife and my goldfish. Our fire pit which beckoned to our friends and neighbors on weekend nights----always a marshmallow roast for a passing friend!
There will be new memories made at the new house, but allow me my day to revisit the good times here.
We grow, change, leave.
I know that friendships remain forever, and that is hugely comforting to me.
Corgi Hollows is moving, and the black lab, the two cats, and the Corgi, of course, are heading west to the country. The essence of our lives is unchanged, just the surrounding and direction. It is an abrupt difference at a juncture in life----nestlings leaving, and a new home.
Really, it is a gift, and a good thing.
A lovely cabinish house on one acre of God's earth, energy efficient, space for a large family or a couple, wooded lot, excellent neighbors, close to shopping, a community college, eateries, a lake, parks, and the train station, well-built, with hot water heat and a top notch furnace, dry foundation and many amenities, full of happy memories---FOR SALE!
---contact the Owner :)
For sixteen years this little house in the northern suburbs of the Twin Cities has been a cabin, classroom, and workplace. Nostalgic today.
I have decorated with classic paintings and prints, lined the walls with bookshelves and musical instruments, hoarded tables for work stations and put in a Scandinavian touch of decor here and there. My love of tea parties and flowers is evident.
I've made nooks for beds and carved out storage space for linens and candles, games, puzzles, art supplies, and books, books, books!
Outside are our beekeeping supplies, bikes, skis, and tools for fixing cars. All the things we love to do when we have the time. Canoes and a sailboat, camping equipment, and various other sports-related items----things that have attracted us, and sometimes almost owned us---and enough for all of our family to use at once!
We're downsizing.
All week I've been steadily winnowing away at the generous amount of stuff we've collected. I mentioned reading inspirational books on gaining control of chaos---and it's helping.
More, though, it helps to see a change of lifestyle, a change of purpose. Next year Ed will start PSEO (college courses), and Cherie will be the only one left to home school.
I just don't need all the stuff for home-schooling that I once did. I need things for entertaining now, as I anticipate having lots and lots of friends and family coming over to visit and stay at the new place.
How bittersweet to cull books from the shelves and craft supplies from the cupboards. There is a sadness to saying goodbye to an era in a family. It isn't easy.
So please pray for me as I seek to simplify, to downsize, to purge. My selfish instincts are at their worst, and I admit my sinful nature battles with my more generous side! I must conquer that sinful nature! Christ has, but it still shows itself.
How nice to purge the sin....if only. In Heaven alone.
I look out at the familiar views I've enjoyed all these years. I have more beautiful ones to anticipate, but I think about not having these anymore. I think of the lilac bushes I planted 16 years ago. The cherry trees that we planted only four years ago, now--just beginning to bear fruit. The blueberries, the peonies, the perennials. We planted several oak trees. One is about 20 feet tall now, still in its youth.
My favorite tree, the stately white pine, which stands at the front door, I will miss too. My little pond that reflected the sky was such a haven for wildlife and my goldfish. Our fire pit which beckoned to our friends and neighbors on weekend nights----always a marshmallow roast for a passing friend!
There will be new memories made at the new house, but allow me my day to revisit the good times here.
We grow, change, leave.
I know that friendships remain forever, and that is hugely comforting to me.
Corgi Hollows is moving, and the black lab, the two cats, and the Corgi, of course, are heading west to the country. The essence of our lives is unchanged, just the surrounding and direction. It is an abrupt difference at a juncture in life----nestlings leaving, and a new home.
Really, it is a gift, and a good thing.
A lovely cabinish house on one acre of God's earth, energy efficient, space for a large family or a couple, wooded lot, excellent neighbors, close to shopping, a community college, eateries, a lake, parks, and the train station, well-built, with hot water heat and a top notch furnace, dry foundation and many amenities, full of happy memories---FOR SALE!
---contact the Owner :)
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Catch Up!
It's late, and Sunday, and I usually don't write on the weekend---but things are happening so fast, and I had such an unusual weekend of events that I wanted to update my faithful readers!
Ed does well. Prednisone, which he now needs to take for a week each month during this "maintenance" period, can be rather traumatic for his body to be on, then suddenly off. It's painful.
I'd appreciate your prayers for him.
The possibility of moving becomes closer and more sure every day. It won't be absolute until May 1, when we are supposed to "close" on the deal, but it seems that God has overcome quirky obstacles DAILY! I sit back and am in awe.
I know that moving is daunting, but I want to do it in small stages. If you want to help me move books, PLEASE!!!
Just kidding. I do accept your offers of assistance, though, gladly! THANK YOU in advance! I've been blessed already by your prayers, and the help of my dedicated friend, J, a week ago, now. She was wonderful. You need an objective mind to purge things. She had that for me. Thanks, J!
This weekend was the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators' yearly conference. It was in St. Paul, and our good friends from South Dakota joined us for it.
The key-note speaker on Saturday morning, Rick Boyer, started out talking about life's hardships, and he spoke of failed business attempts. Then he started talking about how that had actually prepared him for more difficult trials that were coming...
When he mentioned his fourth son's feelings of illness, describing the vague symptoms the boy began to experience back in 1996, I got a funny feeling. His story sounded eerily familiar.
As I listened to him describe EXACTLY what we went through last June, 2014, my friend and I began to weep. I can only describe my feeling as 'surreal.'
Mr. Boyer's son, Joshua, succumbed to AML--leukemia.
We know that treatment has advanced by leaps and bounds since then, and Ed has ALL, not AML. Still, I felt the Boyer's story keenly.
Why in the world did the Lord have me hear his story? Was it to discourage me? To make me lose hope? To let me be an emotional wreck and get a splitting headache from crying for the rest of the day? Was it to make me feel raw?
He told of the assurance God gave him in that desperately hard time....the small voice that repeated, "It is going to be alright."
God's voice. The testimony in Mr. Boyer's life is that God is true, and it is "alright."
And that should be our testimony as well. It is going to be alright for us, believers in the one true God.
I left the home-schooling conference in time to hear Bill Salus speak at a prophecy conference that was also going on this past weekend.
This book just came out, and it is about the situation in Iran. Jeremiah 49 has a prophecy about a part of Iran called "Elam," where a large nuclear power plant situated there is aging, and a concern to the Arab states.
What a fascinating talk! He spoke of the huge revival taking place in Iran, despite the flogging and torture that believers KNOW they will experience when their faith is revealed to the authorities.
There were moments in his talk of conviction for the USA too. One Iranian believer, living in the US for a time after her conversion, said that she wanted to return to Iran despite the danger...."Satan is singing lullabies to the western church, and it is asleep! I want to go back to a church that is awake!"
Ouch! But it is true. How many Americans are willing to die for their faith? America is supposedly a "Christian" country. I believe it is not. What passes for "Christian" is actually a lukewarm, nimby-pamby, empty, social faction.
When you don't have the authority of the Bible you have nothing but feel-good fellowship, and Satan laughs at this weakness.
I was able to see several familiar faces at this prophecy conference, and enjoyed talking to these dear prophecy lovers.
This morning our pastor continued his series on the fear of the Lord.
Last Sunday his message was just excellent, and again today! Hear it here;
The concept of Biblical fear of the Lord clears up many theological misunderstandings.
So many powerful thoughts in this talk.
My husband won 2 tickets to the Minnesota Twins game this afternoon, and we got to see Torii Hunter hit his first home run of this season. Twins won 7-2, and the weather cooperated. April games can be misery here in frigid Minnesota---but it was warm enough, and the rain held off. Fun.
So, now we pack up. We cast off, we get our house in order, so to speak, the rest of this week and month.
Next weekend we have our Northern Lights Chorale concert at Bethel University, Benson Great Hall. It's Saturday at 4:00pm. See you there?
Ed is still liking driver's ed. We hope to wrap up the classroom time this week. No clinic for him this week, a most welcome adjustment, yet still an adjustment! What will we do with ourselves?! We have become accustomed to these frequent trips to Children's Hospitals and Clinics!
Also this weekend my husband was able to help get a new beekeeper started! What a joy to have this interest. The young man is pleased to begin on this great life-enhancing hobby.
Busy days, full days, exciting days.
Come Quickly, LORD JESUS! Maranatha!
Ed does well. Prednisone, which he now needs to take for a week each month during this "maintenance" period, can be rather traumatic for his body to be on, then suddenly off. It's painful.
I'd appreciate your prayers for him.
The possibility of moving becomes closer and more sure every day. It won't be absolute until May 1, when we are supposed to "close" on the deal, but it seems that God has overcome quirky obstacles DAILY! I sit back and am in awe.
I know that moving is daunting, but I want to do it in small stages. If you want to help me move books, PLEASE!!!
Just kidding. I do accept your offers of assistance, though, gladly! THANK YOU in advance! I've been blessed already by your prayers, and the help of my dedicated friend, J, a week ago, now. She was wonderful. You need an objective mind to purge things. She had that for me. Thanks, J!
This weekend was the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators' yearly conference. It was in St. Paul, and our good friends from South Dakota joined us for it.
The key-note speaker on Saturday morning, Rick Boyer, started out talking about life's hardships, and he spoke of failed business attempts. Then he started talking about how that had actually prepared him for more difficult trials that were coming...
When he mentioned his fourth son's feelings of illness, describing the vague symptoms the boy began to experience back in 1996, I got a funny feeling. His story sounded eerily familiar.
As I listened to him describe EXACTLY what we went through last June, 2014, my friend and I began to weep. I can only describe my feeling as 'surreal.'
Mr. Boyer's son, Joshua, succumbed to AML--leukemia.
We know that treatment has advanced by leaps and bounds since then, and Ed has ALL, not AML. Still, I felt the Boyer's story keenly.
Why in the world did the Lord have me hear his story? Was it to discourage me? To make me lose hope? To let me be an emotional wreck and get a splitting headache from crying for the rest of the day? Was it to make me feel raw?
He told of the assurance God gave him in that desperately hard time....the small voice that repeated, "It is going to be alright."
God's voice. The testimony in Mr. Boyer's life is that God is true, and it is "alright."
And that should be our testimony as well. It is going to be alright for us, believers in the one true God.
I left the home-schooling conference in time to hear Bill Salus speak at a prophecy conference that was also going on this past weekend.
This book just came out, and it is about the situation in Iran. Jeremiah 49 has a prophecy about a part of Iran called "Elam," where a large nuclear power plant situated there is aging, and a concern to the Arab states.
What a fascinating talk! He spoke of the huge revival taking place in Iran, despite the flogging and torture that believers KNOW they will experience when their faith is revealed to the authorities.
There were moments in his talk of conviction for the USA too. One Iranian believer, living in the US for a time after her conversion, said that she wanted to return to Iran despite the danger...."Satan is singing lullabies to the western church, and it is asleep! I want to go back to a church that is awake!"
Ouch! But it is true. How many Americans are willing to die for their faith? America is supposedly a "Christian" country. I believe it is not. What passes for "Christian" is actually a lukewarm, nimby-pamby, empty, social faction.
When you don't have the authority of the Bible you have nothing but feel-good fellowship, and Satan laughs at this weakness.
I was able to see several familiar faces at this prophecy conference, and enjoyed talking to these dear prophecy lovers.
This morning our pastor continued his series on the fear of the Lord.
Last Sunday his message was just excellent, and again today! Hear it here;
The concept of Biblical fear of the Lord clears up many theological misunderstandings.
So many powerful thoughts in this talk.
My husband won 2 tickets to the Minnesota Twins game this afternoon, and we got to see Torii Hunter hit his first home run of this season. Twins won 7-2, and the weather cooperated. April games can be misery here in frigid Minnesota---but it was warm enough, and the rain held off. Fun.
So, now we pack up. We cast off, we get our house in order, so to speak, the rest of this week and month.
Next weekend we have our Northern Lights Chorale concert at Bethel University, Benson Great Hall. It's Saturday at 4:00pm. See you there?
Ed is still liking driver's ed. We hope to wrap up the classroom time this week. No clinic for him this week, a most welcome adjustment, yet still an adjustment! What will we do with ourselves?! We have become accustomed to these frequent trips to Children's Hospitals and Clinics!
Also this weekend my husband was able to help get a new beekeeper started! What a joy to have this interest. The young man is pleased to begin on this great life-enhancing hobby.
Busy days, full days, exciting days.
Come Quickly, LORD JESUS! Maranatha!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
We have been super busy with concerts and moving business. Warm spring days have become normal, and the sunshine beckons.
Ed has started the "Maintenance" phase of his treatment for leukemia. It began officially on Monday, with a spinal tap, but we've felt it began two weeks ago when we left the clinic after the last Erwinia shots.
Either way it is WAY less intense. This should last three years.
Ed's hair is growing back nicely. He likes driver's education. He seems to be in good spirits and really anticipating moving to the new place! Things are good.
The Northern Lights Chorale had one of their concerts on Sunday. Here is a selection from it:
I loved singing this. I thought the entire concert had wonderful music, all sort of themed on heaven. It was very uplifting.
We are repeating the concert on April 25. If you are in the area please come!
Last week I had one of those bad days. We had 3 packages of bees (about 30,000 bees) in the bathroom until they were able to be put into hives. I walked into that room on Wednesday morning to escaped bees EVERYWHERE! They were dying, as they had no access to the sugar water.
It was so sad to vacuum them up---but I had no choice. Their sisters are now safely hived, and that makes EIGHT hives to care for this summer.
We still have a good supply of honey from last fall too. It is still expensive and delicious. If you want to try some let me know.
Next, Misty showed signs of distress. She is on the antibiotic for Lyme Disease, but it seemed some sort of malady was affecting her "season." She was not healthy! Today she is better, but much prayer for her was offered!
The third thing that made that day so hard --a "Jonah Day," Anne of Green Gables would say---was the sweater I had worked on for my husband turned out to be the wrong size after all.
The washable wool had made the knit so heavy that it stretched and morphed into a massive garment fit for a giant.
Cherie put it on, and it flows beautifully like a Viking dress, but this was not its purpose. Very frustrating!
I began work on another one right away. Let's hope for better this time.....! My measurements and careful attention to pattern were all for naught.
These things are minor, though. I can laugh at them today. For the most part we are well and thankful for all of God's gifts. God is good all the time!
Now it will be something of a hectic rush until we are in possession of the new house. Either way I am going through things, and cleaning here. It will be a wonderful feeling to have accomplished this move!
Ready for the next big thing...
Ed has started the "Maintenance" phase of his treatment for leukemia. It began officially on Monday, with a spinal tap, but we've felt it began two weeks ago when we left the clinic after the last Erwinia shots.
Either way it is WAY less intense. This should last three years.
Ed's hair is growing back nicely. He likes driver's education. He seems to be in good spirits and really anticipating moving to the new place! Things are good.
The Northern Lights Chorale had one of their concerts on Sunday. Here is a selection from it:
I loved singing this. I thought the entire concert had wonderful music, all sort of themed on heaven. It was very uplifting.
We are repeating the concert on April 25. If you are in the area please come!
Last week I had one of those bad days. We had 3 packages of bees (about 30,000 bees) in the bathroom until they were able to be put into hives. I walked into that room on Wednesday morning to escaped bees EVERYWHERE! They were dying, as they had no access to the sugar water.
It was so sad to vacuum them up---but I had no choice. Their sisters are now safely hived, and that makes EIGHT hives to care for this summer.
We still have a good supply of honey from last fall too. It is still expensive and delicious. If you want to try some let me know.
Next, Misty showed signs of distress. She is on the antibiotic for Lyme Disease, but it seemed some sort of malady was affecting her "season." She was not healthy! Today she is better, but much prayer for her was offered!
The third thing that made that day so hard --a "Jonah Day," Anne of Green Gables would say---was the sweater I had worked on for my husband turned out to be the wrong size after all.
The washable wool had made the knit so heavy that it stretched and morphed into a massive garment fit for a giant.
Cherie put it on, and it flows beautifully like a Viking dress, but this was not its purpose. Very frustrating!
I began work on another one right away. Let's hope for better this time.....! My measurements and careful attention to pattern were all for naught.
These things are minor, though. I can laugh at them today. For the most part we are well and thankful for all of God's gifts. God is good all the time!
Now it will be something of a hectic rush until we are in possession of the new house. Either way I am going through things, and cleaning here. It will be a wonderful feeling to have accomplished this move!
Ready for the next big thing...
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Pace Yourself
I'm going to bare my heart in this post, more than usual.
With "The Move" becoming more real I have that bad habit of waking in the wee hours of the night with an active brain. I think about what to get rid of, where to put stuff, yadda yadda...
And I think about what the Lord is teaching me.
Last year, when life was looking very bleak in some ways, (thank the Lord for the sweet daughters-in-law that the Lord gave me to be a balm to my troubled soul!) I began to read a book called "The Equation," by Malcolm Isted.
It's about the Bible Code, ultimately, which you can look up easily on the interwebs.
The interesting thing for me is how it summed up so many things I've been watching, seeing, learning about for several years. It neatly packaged them up.
Now I realize that life isn't very neatly packaged for most of us. It certainly hasn't been for me. Yet the message of this book resonated with me for the dark time I was in the middle of.
It was as if the Lord said to me, "Pace yourself!"
And I think He did say that to me.
When you face life altering change, not for the better, you need hope. That is a fact.
Faith gives us hope, always, but there is a need to see across the bridge of the turbulent waters of trials that we find ourselves in. Perhaps we can't see the end of the bridge, the light at the end of the tunnel...but we know, in faith, that it is there.
That is hope, that is faith.
I have been watching for Christ's return, in faith, since I was a very young child. Some people just do that. I've always thought prophecy the most affirming of spiritual growth. It has been a catalyst of tremendous hope and spiritual confidence.
When you see prophecies from the Bible come to pass you cannot argue. I know some do, and their spiritual eyes are simply shut. The eyes of the soul don't miss God's truths.
I have tried over the years to lay down solid reasons for believing in the Bible, but it comes to nothing without the Holy Spirit's power working in a heart to open the eyes of the soul.
So, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes as you read His Word, and ask Him to help you see truth. Humble yourself and repent of your sins. This is the key to spiritual life.
But back to pacing:
1. Israel
2. War in the Middle East
3. Signs
4. Apostasy in the church
5. Enoch
6. Noah
7. Jude
8. Revelation
9. The Mark of the Beast
10. The Feasts
11. Jerusalem
12. The Temple
13. The Jewish People
14. Persecution
15. Beheadings
16. Economic Upheaval
17. Catastrophe
18. The Bible Code
19. Evil
20. A Dying Earth
It goes on and on. These are things we watch for, things we are seeing. In light of all we've seen, other things come into play.
We know there is a time frame described in the Bible for the End of all Things.
We know that Jesus always kept the feasts, and the last one He kept was "Pentecost."
The next feast after Pentecost on the Jewish calendar is called "Rosh Hoshana," or Jewish New Year.
This year that falls on or about Sept. 14. We don't know the exact day or hour. Does that sound familiar to you?
This day, the 29th of Aluul, Rosh Hoshana, is also a "Shmitah," a seven of sevens. The "Shmitah" is a sabbath of sorts---a day of blessing for a nation that follows God, a day of cursing for the nation in rebellion.
Interestingly, Malcolm Isted found that Sept. 14, 2015 is very significant according to Biblical code. I won't go into that, as you need to read the book, if you are interested. His mathematical expertise is worth a look at.
Do we know what will happen that day? No.
Could a prophecy "watcher" take special note of Sep. 13, 14, and 15 of this year? Yes.
God lets His people know His assurances and His love. We are told to watch, to have oil in our lamps, to make ready for the feast! We are told to expect, to look up----Our Redemption draws nigh!
God has given us signs and seasons. He says to notice the red sky at morning! He mentions the fig tree, the harvest, and he describes specifics to look for--the anti-Christ, the Beast, the 10 nations, alliances between Persia and "Gog," Ezekiel's dry bones, the greening of the desert, animal life dying, and the kings of the earth standing in defiance of the Most High God.
He even says that He gives us these signs so that WE WILL KNOW!
So I am watching. I'm beginning to think that I know much more than I've known before.
A quiet thought came to me last year, as I desperately prayed for Christ's return. {Who doesn't want deliverance from leukemia, a child's suffering, and other maladies? I was praying, (just as I did before every test I ever took!) "Come now, Lord Jesus!" I pray Maranatha every day! }The quiet thought was simply two words---"Pace yourself."
So I have. I'm pacing myself. I expect Jesus to appear to His church at any moment, but I think time is extraordinarily short. There just isn't much time left, people.
Whatever happens this fall----and I have no "word of knowledge" that I claim---just a quiet peace that He is coming soon.
Pace yourself, but get ready for sure!
I will close with the Apostle Paul's injunction: "To live is Christ, to die, gain."
"Shall we sin that grace may abound? God forbid."
"Therefore in Christ there is no condemnation."
Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
With "The Move" becoming more real I have that bad habit of waking in the wee hours of the night with an active brain. I think about what to get rid of, where to put stuff, yadda yadda...
And I think about what the Lord is teaching me.
Last year, when life was looking very bleak in some ways, (thank the Lord for the sweet daughters-in-law that the Lord gave me to be a balm to my troubled soul!) I began to read a book called "The Equation," by Malcolm Isted.
It's about the Bible Code, ultimately, which you can look up easily on the interwebs.
The interesting thing for me is how it summed up so many things I've been watching, seeing, learning about for several years. It neatly packaged them up.
Now I realize that life isn't very neatly packaged for most of us. It certainly hasn't been for me. Yet the message of this book resonated with me for the dark time I was in the middle of.
It was as if the Lord said to me, "Pace yourself!"
And I think He did say that to me.
When you face life altering change, not for the better, you need hope. That is a fact.
Faith gives us hope, always, but there is a need to see across the bridge of the turbulent waters of trials that we find ourselves in. Perhaps we can't see the end of the bridge, the light at the end of the tunnel...but we know, in faith, that it is there.
That is hope, that is faith.
I have been watching for Christ's return, in faith, since I was a very young child. Some people just do that. I've always thought prophecy the most affirming of spiritual growth. It has been a catalyst of tremendous hope and spiritual confidence.
When you see prophecies from the Bible come to pass you cannot argue. I know some do, and their spiritual eyes are simply shut. The eyes of the soul don't miss God's truths.
I have tried over the years to lay down solid reasons for believing in the Bible, but it comes to nothing without the Holy Spirit's power working in a heart to open the eyes of the soul.
So, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes as you read His Word, and ask Him to help you see truth. Humble yourself and repent of your sins. This is the key to spiritual life.
But back to pacing:
1. Israel
2. War in the Middle East
3. Signs
4. Apostasy in the church
5. Enoch
6. Noah
7. Jude
8. Revelation
9. The Mark of the Beast
10. The Feasts
11. Jerusalem
12. The Temple
13. The Jewish People
14. Persecution
15. Beheadings
16. Economic Upheaval
17. Catastrophe
18. The Bible Code
19. Evil
20. A Dying Earth
It goes on and on. These are things we watch for, things we are seeing. In light of all we've seen, other things come into play.
We know there is a time frame described in the Bible for the End of all Things.
We know that Jesus always kept the feasts, and the last one He kept was "Pentecost."
The next feast after Pentecost on the Jewish calendar is called "Rosh Hoshana," or Jewish New Year.
This year that falls on or about Sept. 14. We don't know the exact day or hour. Does that sound familiar to you?
This day, the 29th of Aluul, Rosh Hoshana, is also a "Shmitah," a seven of sevens. The "Shmitah" is a sabbath of sorts---a day of blessing for a nation that follows God, a day of cursing for the nation in rebellion.
Interestingly, Malcolm Isted found that Sept. 14, 2015 is very significant according to Biblical code. I won't go into that, as you need to read the book, if you are interested. His mathematical expertise is worth a look at.
Do we know what will happen that day? No.
Could a prophecy "watcher" take special note of Sep. 13, 14, and 15 of this year? Yes.
God lets His people know His assurances and His love. We are told to watch, to have oil in our lamps, to make ready for the feast! We are told to expect, to look up----Our Redemption draws nigh!
God has given us signs and seasons. He says to notice the red sky at morning! He mentions the fig tree, the harvest, and he describes specifics to look for--the anti-Christ, the Beast, the 10 nations, alliances between Persia and "Gog," Ezekiel's dry bones, the greening of the desert, animal life dying, and the kings of the earth standing in defiance of the Most High God.
He even says that He gives us these signs so that WE WILL KNOW!
So I am watching. I'm beginning to think that I know much more than I've known before.
A quiet thought came to me last year, as I desperately prayed for Christ's return. {Who doesn't want deliverance from leukemia, a child's suffering, and other maladies? I was praying, (just as I did before every test I ever took!) "Come now, Lord Jesus!" I pray Maranatha every day! }The quiet thought was simply two words---"Pace yourself."
So I have. I'm pacing myself. I expect Jesus to appear to His church at any moment, but I think time is extraordinarily short. There just isn't much time left, people.
Whatever happens this fall----and I have no "word of knowledge" that I claim---just a quiet peace that He is coming soon.
Pace yourself, but get ready for sure!
I will close with the Apostle Paul's injunction: "To live is Christ, to die, gain."
"Shall we sin that grace may abound? God forbid."
"Therefore in Christ there is no condemnation."
Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Misty Moisty Monday Morning
I greet my readers, also especially my sons whom I miss more and more. The aches and pains of motherhood surprise me some days.
What a week ahead.
Plans for closing on the new house continue, step by step. There are quirky problems that must be addressed, and it is a huge change for us, even if I am familiar with the territory!
I keep praying, "Lord, if it is your will that we are to live in that house, grease the skids toward closure....but if not, SLAM THE DOOR!"
"Decision Making and the Will of God" is a helpful book when ascertaining next steps in life. We must go forward, the car needs to be in "drive," and we need to make progress as we navigate this life.
Elisabeth Elliot has wonderful advice too, all simply stated, "Do the next thing."
I have thought of this countless times when facing change or trauma.
And yes, I know trauma.
The new bees are to arrive this week. My husband checked the two hives that survived the winter on Friday. One hive is going "gangbusters" and the other is weak. In order to make it until basswood blossoming they require sugar syrup and pollen patties.
New bees arriving from California will have to forge for themselves too...the weather is less than perfect for hiving, but perhaps as good as any Minnesota spring temperatures. It's raining.
Ed starts driver's education tonight. He's way past due to begin this, but in light of his 15th and 16th years' trials it's understandable. After surviving three children learning to drive I vowed I'd not do it again, but here we go...
I usually speak in tongues during this phase of home education. I can't help it. It just comes out.
I hope you all had a lovely Spring Festival time....particularly Resurrection Sunday! We did. I had my parents come for grass-fed roast beef, Caprese salad (thank you Robert, for the recipe!), Swedish limpa, banana walnut muffins, romaine salad, sauteed asparagus, and two kinds of dessert---New York style cheesecake and Forgotten Cake with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
It was very good.
Cherie, my husband and I watched the "10 Commandments" on television for the very first time. That is a LONG movie, and so inaccurate to Scripture it annoyed. Check that off the list. I was able to get most of the sleeves done on the next Aran Fisherman's sweater I'm knitting for my husband.
The week we had with no clinic visits is over, and it was wonderfully refreshing. Now we have two doctor's appointments this week, with a spinal tap coming up early next week.
Ed is at the point where you say the words "spinal tap" and he feels nauseous. We have to be thoughtful. Chemotherapy has begun to be very psychological.
I am psyching myself into purge mode. My good friend is coming over to help me tomorrow. I trust her judgement particularly, as she home schooled, loves to craft, has a daughter who is an artist, AND pets galore. She understands me. She's also a book collector, like me. Her engineering mind is peerless, too, so I'm placing much hope on her advice.
The little Japanese best-seller, "The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up" is being read chapter by chapter in the mornings to help us all define what gives us a "spark of joy," and must be kept, versus the things that don't----and must be eliminated.
The birds have returned to the budding trees and the lilacs are ready to burst, (early). Drought has been noted in the state this spring, so this misty moistness is really necessary.
The last spring in this place?
What a week ahead.
Plans for closing on the new house continue, step by step. There are quirky problems that must be addressed, and it is a huge change for us, even if I am familiar with the territory!
I keep praying, "Lord, if it is your will that we are to live in that house, grease the skids toward closure....but if not, SLAM THE DOOR!"
"Decision Making and the Will of God" is a helpful book when ascertaining next steps in life. We must go forward, the car needs to be in "drive," and we need to make progress as we navigate this life.
Elisabeth Elliot has wonderful advice too, all simply stated, "Do the next thing."
I have thought of this countless times when facing change or trauma.
And yes, I know trauma.
The new bees are to arrive this week. My husband checked the two hives that survived the winter on Friday. One hive is going "gangbusters" and the other is weak. In order to make it until basswood blossoming they require sugar syrup and pollen patties.
New bees arriving from California will have to forge for themselves too...the weather is less than perfect for hiving, but perhaps as good as any Minnesota spring temperatures. It's raining.
Ed starts driver's education tonight. He's way past due to begin this, but in light of his 15th and 16th years' trials it's understandable. After surviving three children learning to drive I vowed I'd not do it again, but here we go...
I usually speak in tongues during this phase of home education. I can't help it. It just comes out.
I hope you all had a lovely Spring Festival time....particularly Resurrection Sunday! We did. I had my parents come for grass-fed roast beef, Caprese salad (thank you Robert, for the recipe!), Swedish limpa, banana walnut muffins, romaine salad, sauteed asparagus, and two kinds of dessert---New York style cheesecake and Forgotten Cake with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.
It was very good.
Cherie, my husband and I watched the "10 Commandments" on television for the very first time. That is a LONG movie, and so inaccurate to Scripture it annoyed. Check that off the list. I was able to get most of the sleeves done on the next Aran Fisherman's sweater I'm knitting for my husband.
The week we had with no clinic visits is over, and it was wonderfully refreshing. Now we have two doctor's appointments this week, with a spinal tap coming up early next week.
Ed is at the point where you say the words "spinal tap" and he feels nauseous. We have to be thoughtful. Chemotherapy has begun to be very psychological.
I am psyching myself into purge mode. My good friend is coming over to help me tomorrow. I trust her judgement particularly, as she home schooled, loves to craft, has a daughter who is an artist, AND pets galore. She understands me. She's also a book collector, like me. Her engineering mind is peerless, too, so I'm placing much hope on her advice.
The little Japanese best-seller, "The Life Changing Art of Tidying Up" is being read chapter by chapter in the mornings to help us all define what gives us a "spark of joy," and must be kept, versus the things that don't----and must be eliminated.
The birds have returned to the budding trees and the lilacs are ready to burst, (early). Drought has been noted in the state this spring, so this misty moistness is really necessary.
The last spring in this place?
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Thank you, National Review
Controversial? Perhaps a helpful sign for these last days. Interesting to say the least.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday
Just wanted to share some thoughts tonight:
I am praying for the salvation of several people, and I am hoping that the darkness of these days politically, spiritually, and naturally will turn their eyes on Yeshua.
Have you ever felt that satanic darkness before?
We were reading "The Healing of Persons" today. Paul Tournier wrote an excellent chapter on sexuality. Remember, this was written in the forties. It could have been penned yesterday for all of its relevance to the issues that are plaguing us today.
Christians don't want to be Christians anymore. They are hateful, accusing people who show little love, right?
The greatest love is to share the Messiah of the Bible with those who need eternal salvation. The medium should be Christlike, however the sin-nature has an effect in every human, even "Christians."
Gandhi reportedly said "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians."
Well, yes.
Few can claim to be like Christ, but we can at least follow His commands.
What really matters is that we look to Him, wanting only to please Him.
Who cares about the world? The Light shining through us should be a Christ-light, the most attractive thing there is. That love for Christ, in all its purity and strength should be the all-encompassing thing in every believer's life.
Who cares what the world thinks?
Who cares if someone is offended by that?
Who cares what I think?
It's all about YHWH. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Creator God.
Christianity, whether practiced in 70 A.D., the Medieval Period, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the beginnings of America, has always had "followers." By hook or by crook there have been those who found The Way for real, despite the church of the era.
Some never found The Way; they persist in creating an idolatrous religion which they call "Christianity" and it bears little resemblance to a true knowledge of faith in Jesus. They have little thought of repentance, little trust in the all-atoning blood of Christ. They hope in their own works, their traditions, their attempts to please the god they think they know.
There will be those within any "Christian" faction who truly know Christ Jesus. This I believe. I've met believers in all walks of life. These precious people have renounced their former beliefs in favor of the power of Christ. They are truly saved by the grace of Christ Jesus.
They are striving to obey God as HE dictates, and they are reading the Bible to grow in faith and power.
What hope there is!
Friends, I believe that we are going home soon, as the Word of God promises.
I am so excited to see the face of the One who died for our sins, and there is nothing else so wonderful in all of life. I will wait day and night for that glorious moment when we can be changed in a moment.
Yes it's thrilling! It's more than we can imagine! But it is really getting close.
Just look at the signs! More and more unbelief among those who identified as "Christian." Evil is called good. Human genetic viability weakens. Technology and knowledge abound. (Look at how we can all find out about anything these days!) We face overwhelming natural catastrophes as we see various events worldwide---earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, storms, "climate change," sun irregularities, pole shifts, disease, pollution, mass animal death and extinction.
Don't tell me it's all just business as normal. It isn't. I have my eyes open, and we all do. We're all seeing these unprecedented events.
The New World Order puppeteers would like to reduce the world's population to 500 million. Yes. Really. That is on those enigmatic Georgia Guide Stones. How do they propose to decrease the population?
Big question. Sterilization is a possibility. Microchips with the capability of changing the body's cell structure somehow to thwart reproduction? Euthanasia? Eugenics?
There are too many possibilities to list here.
I watched Billy Crohn on "Prophecy Watchers" this afternoon. He mentioned some interesting things about demonic activity and how these demons promote everything but Christ Jesus. Yeshua, the Messiah, son of David. Born of a virgin, crucified, and RISEN!
The demons flee at His Name.
There are so many "Christians" who try so hard to be intellectual giants. I loved Tolkein and Lewis, Stott, and Packer....ya, ya, ya...
We don't need to be intellectuals to love Christ. In fact God says several times that the simple will win out over the "wise"----those wise in their own eyes.
I have always admired smart people, but I've seen that God is choosing the simple to proclaim His truth. The wise guys are in the dark! The most unassuming and humble folk are being used to bring in the lost while the professors and philosophers are spiritually asleep.
It's remarkable.
Something as unholy as YouTube has become a vehicle for Truth to be proclaimed worldwide, especially by the very uneducated and simplest people ever! It's incredibly exciting.
So leave your prosperity gospel, your theological journals, your cool-cat religiosity-----and settle for the simple WORD of GOD.
Get into it. If you know how to read you can find the Holy Spirit ready to teach you TRUTH.
Humble yourself.
It's a Good Friday!
We have a Risen Savior, and I can't wait to see His face.
Oh, and, the Blood Moon is at 6:58 am tomorrow morning in the lower western sky, here in the central United States. It lasts for 4 minutes and 44 seconds on the fourth day of the fourth month.
So we are praying for the peace of Jerusalem for those four minutes and 44 seconds.
It's a good idea.
I am praying for the salvation of several people, and I am hoping that the darkness of these days politically, spiritually, and naturally will turn their eyes on Yeshua.
Have you ever felt that satanic darkness before?
We were reading "The Healing of Persons" today. Paul Tournier wrote an excellent chapter on sexuality. Remember, this was written in the forties. It could have been penned yesterday for all of its relevance to the issues that are plaguing us today.
Christians don't want to be Christians anymore. They are hateful, accusing people who show little love, right?
The greatest love is to share the Messiah of the Bible with those who need eternal salvation. The medium should be Christlike, however the sin-nature has an effect in every human, even "Christians."
Gandhi reportedly said "I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians."
Well, yes.
Few can claim to be like Christ, but we can at least follow His commands.
What really matters is that we look to Him, wanting only to please Him.
Who cares about the world? The Light shining through us should be a Christ-light, the most attractive thing there is. That love for Christ, in all its purity and strength should be the all-encompassing thing in every believer's life.
Who cares what the world thinks?
Who cares if someone is offended by that?
Who cares what I think?
It's all about YHWH. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Creator God.
Christianity, whether practiced in 70 A.D., the Medieval Period, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the beginnings of America, has always had "followers." By hook or by crook there have been those who found The Way for real, despite the church of the era.
Some never found The Way; they persist in creating an idolatrous religion which they call "Christianity" and it bears little resemblance to a true knowledge of faith in Jesus. They have little thought of repentance, little trust in the all-atoning blood of Christ. They hope in their own works, their traditions, their attempts to please the god they think they know.
There will be those within any "Christian" faction who truly know Christ Jesus. This I believe. I've met believers in all walks of life. These precious people have renounced their former beliefs in favor of the power of Christ. They are truly saved by the grace of Christ Jesus.
They are striving to obey God as HE dictates, and they are reading the Bible to grow in faith and power.
What hope there is!
Friends, I believe that we are going home soon, as the Word of God promises.
I am so excited to see the face of the One who died for our sins, and there is nothing else so wonderful in all of life. I will wait day and night for that glorious moment when we can be changed in a moment.
Yes it's thrilling! It's more than we can imagine! But it is really getting close.
Just look at the signs! More and more unbelief among those who identified as "Christian." Evil is called good. Human genetic viability weakens. Technology and knowledge abound. (Look at how we can all find out about anything these days!) We face overwhelming natural catastrophes as we see various events worldwide---earthquakes, volcanoes, sinkholes, storms, "climate change," sun irregularities, pole shifts, disease, pollution, mass animal death and extinction.
Don't tell me it's all just business as normal. It isn't. I have my eyes open, and we all do. We're all seeing these unprecedented events.
The New World Order puppeteers would like to reduce the world's population to 500 million. Yes. Really. That is on those enigmatic Georgia Guide Stones. How do they propose to decrease the population?
Big question. Sterilization is a possibility. Microchips with the capability of changing the body's cell structure somehow to thwart reproduction? Euthanasia? Eugenics?
There are too many possibilities to list here.
I watched Billy Crohn on "Prophecy Watchers" this afternoon. He mentioned some interesting things about demonic activity and how these demons promote everything but Christ Jesus. Yeshua, the Messiah, son of David. Born of a virgin, crucified, and RISEN!
The demons flee at His Name.
There are so many "Christians" who try so hard to be intellectual giants. I loved Tolkein and Lewis, Stott, and Packer....ya, ya, ya...
We don't need to be intellectuals to love Christ. In fact God says several times that the simple will win out over the "wise"----those wise in their own eyes.
I have always admired smart people, but I've seen that God is choosing the simple to proclaim His truth. The wise guys are in the dark! The most unassuming and humble folk are being used to bring in the lost while the professors and philosophers are spiritually asleep.
It's remarkable.
Something as unholy as YouTube has become a vehicle for Truth to be proclaimed worldwide, especially by the very uneducated and simplest people ever! It's incredibly exciting.
So leave your prosperity gospel, your theological journals, your cool-cat religiosity-----and settle for the simple WORD of GOD.
Get into it. If you know how to read you can find the Holy Spirit ready to teach you TRUTH.
Humble yourself.
It's a Good Friday!
We have a Risen Savior, and I can't wait to see His face.
Oh, and, the Blood Moon is at 6:58 am tomorrow morning in the lower western sky, here in the central United States. It lasts for 4 minutes and 44 seconds on the fourth day of the fourth month.
So we are praying for the peace of Jerusalem for those four minutes and 44 seconds.
It's a good idea.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Bless His Name!
Bless the Lord by Zalina Fedotov English Espanol Lyrics: https://youtu.be/U5qJ69CspLw
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
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