It's late, and Sunday, and I usually don't write on the weekend---but things are happening so fast, and I had such an unusual weekend of events that I wanted to update my faithful readers!
Ed does well. Prednisone, which he now needs to take for a week each month during this "maintenance" period, can be rather traumatic for his body to be on, then suddenly off. It's painful.
I'd appreciate your prayers for him.
The possibility of moving becomes closer and more sure every day. It won't be absolute until May 1, when we are supposed to "close" on the deal, but it seems that God has overcome quirky obstacles DAILY! I sit back and am in awe.
I know that moving is daunting, but I want to do it in small stages. If you want to help me move books, PLEASE!!!
Just kidding. I do accept your offers of assistance, though, gladly! THANK YOU in advance! I've been blessed already by your prayers, and the help of my dedicated friend, J, a week ago, now. She was wonderful. You need an objective mind to purge things. She had that for me. Thanks, J!
This weekend was the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators' yearly conference. It was in St. Paul, and our good friends from South Dakota joined us for it.
The key-note speaker on Saturday morning, Rick Boyer, started out talking about life's hardships, and he spoke of failed business attempts. Then he started talking about how that had actually prepared him for more difficult trials that were coming...
When he mentioned his fourth son's feelings of illness, describing the vague symptoms the boy began to experience back in 1996, I got a funny feeling. His story sounded eerily familiar.
As I listened to him describe EXACTLY what we went through last June, 2014, my friend and I began to weep. I can only describe my feeling as 'surreal.'
Mr. Boyer's son, Joshua, succumbed to AML--leukemia.
We know that treatment has advanced by leaps and bounds since then, and Ed has ALL, not AML. Still, I felt the Boyer's story keenly.
Why in the world did the Lord have me hear his story? Was it to discourage me? To make me lose hope? To let me be an emotional wreck and get a splitting headache from crying for the rest of the day? Was it to make me feel raw?
He told of the assurance God gave him in that desperately hard time....the small voice that repeated, "It is going to be alright."
God's voice. The testimony in Mr. Boyer's life is that God is true, and it is "alright."
And that should be our testimony as well. It is going to be alright for us, believers in the one true God.
I left the home-schooling conference in time to hear Bill Salus speak at a prophecy conference that was also going on this past weekend.
This book just came out, and it is about the situation in Iran. Jeremiah 49 has a prophecy about a part of Iran called "Elam," where a large nuclear power plant situated there is aging, and a concern to the Arab states.
What a fascinating talk! He spoke of the huge revival taking place in Iran, despite the flogging and torture that believers KNOW they will experience when their faith is revealed to the authorities.
There were moments in his talk of conviction for the USA too. One Iranian believer, living in the US for a time after her conversion, said that she wanted to return to Iran despite the danger...."Satan is singing lullabies to the western church, and it is asleep! I want to go back to a church that is awake!"
Ouch! But it is true. How many Americans are willing to die for their faith? America is supposedly a "Christian" country. I believe it is not. What passes for "Christian" is actually a lukewarm, nimby-pamby, empty, social faction.
When you don't have the authority of the Bible you have nothing but feel-good fellowship, and Satan laughs at this weakness.
I was able to see several familiar faces at this prophecy conference, and enjoyed talking to these dear prophecy lovers.
This morning our pastor continued his series on the fear of the Lord.
Last Sunday his message was just excellent, and again today! Hear it here;
The concept of Biblical fear of the Lord clears up many theological misunderstandings.
So many powerful thoughts in this talk.
My husband won 2 tickets to the Minnesota Twins game this afternoon, and we got to see Torii Hunter hit his first home run of this season. Twins won 7-2, and the weather cooperated. April games can be misery here in frigid Minnesota---but it was warm enough, and the rain held off. Fun.
So, now we pack up. We cast off, we get our house in order, so to speak, the rest of this week and month.
Next weekend we have our Northern Lights Chorale concert at Bethel University, Benson Great Hall. It's Saturday at 4:00pm. See you there?
Ed is still liking driver's ed. We hope to wrap up the classroom time this week. No clinic for him this week, a most welcome adjustment, yet still an adjustment! What will we do with ourselves?! We have become accustomed to these frequent trips to Children's Hospitals and Clinics!
Also this weekend my husband was able to help get a new beekeeper started! What a joy to have this interest. The young man is pleased to begin on this great life-enhancing hobby.
Busy days, full days, exciting days.
Come Quickly, LORD JESUS! Maranatha!
Ed does well. Prednisone, which he now needs to take for a week each month during this "maintenance" period, can be rather traumatic for his body to be on, then suddenly off. It's painful.
I'd appreciate your prayers for him.
The possibility of moving becomes closer and more sure every day. It won't be absolute until May 1, when we are supposed to "close" on the deal, but it seems that God has overcome quirky obstacles DAILY! I sit back and am in awe.
I know that moving is daunting, but I want to do it in small stages. If you want to help me move books, PLEASE!!!
Just kidding. I do accept your offers of assistance, though, gladly! THANK YOU in advance! I've been blessed already by your prayers, and the help of my dedicated friend, J, a week ago, now. She was wonderful. You need an objective mind to purge things. She had that for me. Thanks, J!
This weekend was the Minnesota Association of Christian Home Educators' yearly conference. It was in St. Paul, and our good friends from South Dakota joined us for it.
The key-note speaker on Saturday morning, Rick Boyer, started out talking about life's hardships, and he spoke of failed business attempts. Then he started talking about how that had actually prepared him for more difficult trials that were coming...
When he mentioned his fourth son's feelings of illness, describing the vague symptoms the boy began to experience back in 1996, I got a funny feeling. His story sounded eerily familiar.
As I listened to him describe EXACTLY what we went through last June, 2014, my friend and I began to weep. I can only describe my feeling as 'surreal.'
Mr. Boyer's son, Joshua, succumbed to AML--leukemia.
We know that treatment has advanced by leaps and bounds since then, and Ed has ALL, not AML. Still, I felt the Boyer's story keenly.
Why in the world did the Lord have me hear his story? Was it to discourage me? To make me lose hope? To let me be an emotional wreck and get a splitting headache from crying for the rest of the day? Was it to make me feel raw?
He told of the assurance God gave him in that desperately hard time....the small voice that repeated, "It is going to be alright."
God's voice. The testimony in Mr. Boyer's life is that God is true, and it is "alright."
And that should be our testimony as well. It is going to be alright for us, believers in the one true God.
I left the home-schooling conference in time to hear Bill Salus speak at a prophecy conference that was also going on this past weekend.
This book just came out, and it is about the situation in Iran. Jeremiah 49 has a prophecy about a part of Iran called "Elam," where a large nuclear power plant situated there is aging, and a concern to the Arab states.
What a fascinating talk! He spoke of the huge revival taking place in Iran, despite the flogging and torture that believers KNOW they will experience when their faith is revealed to the authorities.
There were moments in his talk of conviction for the USA too. One Iranian believer, living in the US for a time after her conversion, said that she wanted to return to Iran despite the danger...."Satan is singing lullabies to the western church, and it is asleep! I want to go back to a church that is awake!"
Ouch! But it is true. How many Americans are willing to die for their faith? America is supposedly a "Christian" country. I believe it is not. What passes for "Christian" is actually a lukewarm, nimby-pamby, empty, social faction.
When you don't have the authority of the Bible you have nothing but feel-good fellowship, and Satan laughs at this weakness.
I was able to see several familiar faces at this prophecy conference, and enjoyed talking to these dear prophecy lovers.
This morning our pastor continued his series on the fear of the Lord.
Last Sunday his message was just excellent, and again today! Hear it here;
The concept of Biblical fear of the Lord clears up many theological misunderstandings.
So many powerful thoughts in this talk.
My husband won 2 tickets to the Minnesota Twins game this afternoon, and we got to see Torii Hunter hit his first home run of this season. Twins won 7-2, and the weather cooperated. April games can be misery here in frigid Minnesota---but it was warm enough, and the rain held off. Fun.
So, now we pack up. We cast off, we get our house in order, so to speak, the rest of this week and month.
Next weekend we have our Northern Lights Chorale concert at Bethel University, Benson Great Hall. It's Saturday at 4:00pm. See you there?
Ed is still liking driver's ed. We hope to wrap up the classroom time this week. No clinic for him this week, a most welcome adjustment, yet still an adjustment! What will we do with ourselves?! We have become accustomed to these frequent trips to Children's Hospitals and Clinics!
Also this weekend my husband was able to help get a new beekeeper started! What a joy to have this interest. The young man is pleased to begin on this great life-enhancing hobby.
Busy days, full days, exciting days.
Come Quickly, LORD JESUS! Maranatha!
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