"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, September 3, 2015

In Light of Things Today

It's interesting that I had the same thought as Dr. Brown in the following clip.

As abortion rights were made legal back in the 1970's and now we see how horrific abortion is----

So I predict that the LGBT agenda will be moot in a few decades.

Christianity is not defined by the individual. It is defined by God Himself.

In the Bible.

True belief has survived lions in Rome, camps in Siberia, caves in Cappadocia, concentration camps in Europe, prisons in Asia, terrorists in Africa, and now post-modernism in America.

Christianity will survive. Biblical belief will never fade.

If religious freedom is to be banned in this great country, some of us will go down with the ship. It's just that simple.

And believe me, without the moral framework of the God-given laws (given by His own hand to Moses, but understood by Cain and Abel) this country and any country will suffer.

As China, Russia, and any other atheistic philosophy driven government has suffered.

True belief will land many of us in jail, counter to the laws of the land. I'm so glad I just read "The Man Who Stayed Behind" by Sidney Rittenberg. One may be jailed/abused/ gassed/tortured for one's beliefs, but only by much-maligned governments.

It all comes out in the end. There is a re-awakening of true and righteous belief at some point, always--------------

Or we see it ALL end. That is, the end of the world.

Could be the latter.

Bring it on. Maranatha.

And remember: the age of the kindest, truest, sweetest form of society will be only remembered. A Christian nation is the most tolerant of all. Christianity is the most loving of all philosophies. Christianity is defined by love.

Pure love.

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