"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Back Again

After a wedding (absolutely perfect), grown children home, medical procedures, a brief overnight trip to the colorful northland, house guests, and trying to work in a new requirement to our schedules (swimming) we have been otherwise occupied.

And selling our old house. An offer came in. We want to make it work.

Two yards of fall leaves...

And October is gorgeous. Across the road the soybeans have been harvested and the field has been discked. That is a word. I use it.

The birch are flaming gold, the red oaks are----red. The maples seem to be touched with fire.

There is so much beauty around that I find I ache. Color affects me.

I ache, too, because the world is crashing all around me.

Zapping Brain Reduces Belief in God

I've been mulling over the information from two prophecy conferences, various communication with prophecy students, and the book "The Babylon Code," which came out last week. I also watched The Illuminati and the One World Government by Amir Tsarfarti.

We're in for it.

The Blood Moons (four of them) which occurred over the past two years on Jewish Feast Days truly signaled that life on Planet Earth is in for Change.

The days of quiet waiting in September have produced a new era in the spiritual make-up of the world. There has been another falling away.

Even as the ideas of "Higher Criticism" came about in the late 18th century, then affected all of Christendom, so have these days of prophecy fruition become a refining fire for believers.

Many have fallen away.

Some stay true to Scripture.

Broad is the path that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way to life, and few find it. (That's Scripture)

Mockers and scoffers abound. Those that can't take it fade away. Those that observed with interest, perhaps having a smattering of faith, have been caught in the weeds of deferred hope, and lost it.

This is a time of delay, a time of grace. Jesus is coming soon, and the world is going toward a Luciferian agenda. Lucifer will manifest as the anti-Christ, deceiving the majority of the world.

The Majority.

If you are rooted in the Word of God you will not be swept into the abyss of falsehood.

You will cling to the infinite truth while the world crumbles around you.

Satan knows how to win battles. He's really good at it. God allows him his time to destroy mankind. All mankind is condemned, headed for hell.

But God has provided His way to salvation.

Repent, confess, believe on Jesus.

There is a curious part of becoming a follower of Christ that has occupied my mind these last few weeks as I've observed the peeling off of many faithful folk. This part has to do with the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.

I really believe that if you are a follower of Christ your life will be a testimony of the power of the Holy Spirit.

You will live it. You will share it. You will be victorious! Your life will not be characterized by homosexuality, fornication, adultery, obscenity, or pornography. You won't be drunk with anything but the Spirit.
(You won't even WANT to drink alcohol!)

We are supposed to be SOBER! WATCHING!

I know that drinking intoxicating drinks is not a sin. Tell me something I don't know. But God has specifically stated in His Word that drunkenness IS a sin, and in order to drink even ONE DRINK you risk that sinful state. Even that first beer, or new wine, or whatever you chose to start drinking on, made you punchy. Admit it.


For a believer, I think there will be a mark on your life like you've never seen before. You will be a new creature, transformed by the blood of Christ. You will be convicted of your sin every day! You will want to confess it, repent, and ask forgiveness IMMEDIATELY! You want to restore fellowship with the Holy Spirit!

There aren't too many people like that out there. I'm convinced.

There are far too many wolves in sheep's clothing, bullies, those that wink at impurity, and Fakes in our world.

Ask yourself, who is that bully, masking as a towering saint?

Who is that young man, whose life is characterized by homosexuality or fornication, claiming to be "Christian?"

Who is the young lady who spews "O MY G-------" every time you meet her?

Leave them. Love them, but leave them. Pray for them.

Are they filled with the Holy Spirit?

No. Admit it, and move on.

Time is too short. We are looking for that glorious appearing of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!

I keep going back to this, but it bears repeating.

There is a book called "The Real Meaning of the Zodiac" by D. James Kennedy. (I do not endorse his theology, just to be clear, but this is a great book! The man is now in heaven)

In the book Kennedy talks about the age of Pisces coming to an end, and the age of Aquarius beginning sometime around the beginning of the 21st century. 

I think that time is now. The church age is coming to an end, and the time of the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT is at hand!

The Millenial Age is almost here. This astronomical fact has influenced my thinking about the timing of historical events regarding prophecy significantly.

Friends, we have some incredible times ahead of us. The pangs of earthquakes and wars, pestilence and politics are raging all around us.

If we pay $10,000,000 a day for 1,000 years we wouldn't have the national debt paid off.

This is a burden too great. Let's face the facts and bow to the Almighty God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the savior of our souls.

Time is short. Prepare now.

Join us in becoming light and salt, preserving our dying culture until Jesus comes!

As the beauty of fall is the harbinger of winter, so are the events prophesied in Scripture a compassionate warning to the world.

Repent. Believe.

Pitch away the idolatry of your own belief in a god you've made up, and believe in the God of the Bible, on His terms. The Bible is the only reliable source we have to know Him. It's truth. Base your faith on the Written Word, not your own manufacturing.

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