It is sunny today. The snow is gone, but the waterways are frozen smooth. This is a good year for ice skating.
I've been doing extra reading lately, and I have learned much. I'm also getting things done around the house, slowly but surely, and that makes my spirits lift.
Here's my reading list (recent):
Drinking in America
Charles Narremore, Psychology for Today
The Hiding Place
The Man Who Was Thursday
Screwtape Letters
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Business Etiquette
Still Alice
Some of these are re-reads for me, but I had forgotten so much. The book by Marie Kondo, ---Tidying Up, advises that you get rid of any book that doesn't spark joy. Reduce to about 30 volumes.
I could not do that in any case. Here I am, revisiting books that I knew years ago, experiencing new insights, and sharing them with my younger children.
I've been thinking a lot about alcohol consumption. The book I photographed on Sunday is so thought-provoking.
It basically paints America as a country of drunks until the temperance movement took hold (which was a disaster). There was, however, a remnant of teetotalers after Prohibition.
I have observed a slide back into the days of yore, when all anyone ever thought about was drink.
Drink is a classic way to forget your troubles, gain a feeling of pleasure, and pass the time. The social stigma of not drinking is just too much for many people to bear.
Weakness. Spiritual weakness.
We all know that drunkeness is sin. You shouldn't be drunk. For some, a sip will make one tipsy. For others, a glass.
Inebriation is inevitable at some point. "Can't you hold your liquor?"
To read the disgusting account of alcohol dependency in the world is discouraging.
We can't ban vices. At least all vices. I hope we can ban murder. Not much else is banned these days. I guess it IS lawful to murder babies in the womb!
Zillions of silly laws, and nothing is illegal. Poor code enforcers!
I wouldn't advocate a ban on any vice. People should have freedom to choose---except when it ends the life of another human being, or damages another one's property.
Why stop people from being stupid?
Alcohol is bad. Cigarettes are bad. Sex outside of marriage is bad.
If it is bad for you, stop doing it.
So, if you care about your health, the health of your children, the body of Christ, and your general existence, stop with the vices!
Just stop. Get rid of the temptation.
For me, sugar has been an addiction. I've had to plead forgiveness from the LORD for continuing to give in to my addiction. There is always that little voice in my head saying, "That little bit doesn't hurt! We all need glucose! Sugar is a gift from God. Why should I be so legalistic?"
I can't imagine what the addict/ism-tendency in my family would do to me should I start smoking, or drinking wine.
I come from Scandinavian stock, and there is that pesky alcoholism gene in my blood. My poor siblings, cousins, and offspring!
But knowing it causes such slavery can help some of us never start, never give in.
And those of us who have welcomed this life long struggle inadvertently---the LORD can help. He can give freedom. It takes a miracle, but it CAN happen.
Prayer, fasting, and devout abstinence.
And pray Maranatha, when our weak bodies will be made new! Lord, come soon.
On a good note, when we moved to this new/old place there were FOUR liquor stores in the nearby town. One has since closed. Maybe that is a good sign. This town is not exactly big.
Teetotalers unite! We have so much more to offer the world. Why waste our precious time on booze?
That golden swallow of the fruit of the vine isn't worth the mental cost.
And we despise that weakness.
The Bible specifically admonishes us to be sober in the last days. Dear Ones, it has been the last days for two thousand years already.

I've been doing extra reading lately, and I have learned much. I'm also getting things done around the house, slowly but surely, and that makes my spirits lift.
Here's my reading list (recent):
Drinking in America
Charles Narremore, Psychology for Today
The Hiding Place
The Man Who Was Thursday
Screwtape Letters
The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Business Etiquette
Still Alice
Some of these are re-reads for me, but I had forgotten so much. The book by Marie Kondo, ---Tidying Up, advises that you get rid of any book that doesn't spark joy. Reduce to about 30 volumes.
I could not do that in any case. Here I am, revisiting books that I knew years ago, experiencing new insights, and sharing them with my younger children.
I've been thinking a lot about alcohol consumption. The book I photographed on Sunday is so thought-provoking.
It basically paints America as a country of drunks until the temperance movement took hold (which was a disaster). There was, however, a remnant of teetotalers after Prohibition.
I have observed a slide back into the days of yore, when all anyone ever thought about was drink.
Drink is a classic way to forget your troubles, gain a feeling of pleasure, and pass the time. The social stigma of not drinking is just too much for many people to bear.
Weakness. Spiritual weakness.
We all know that drunkeness is sin. You shouldn't be drunk. For some, a sip will make one tipsy. For others, a glass.
Inebriation is inevitable at some point. "Can't you hold your liquor?"
To read the disgusting account of alcohol dependency in the world is discouraging.
We can't ban vices. At least all vices. I hope we can ban murder. Not much else is banned these days. I guess it IS lawful to murder babies in the womb!
Zillions of silly laws, and nothing is illegal. Poor code enforcers!
I wouldn't advocate a ban on any vice. People should have freedom to choose---except when it ends the life of another human being, or damages another one's property.
Why stop people from being stupid?
Alcohol is bad. Cigarettes are bad. Sex outside of marriage is bad.
If it is bad for you, stop doing it.
So, if you care about your health, the health of your children, the body of Christ, and your general existence, stop with the vices!
Just stop. Get rid of the temptation.
For me, sugar has been an addiction. I've had to plead forgiveness from the LORD for continuing to give in to my addiction. There is always that little voice in my head saying, "That little bit doesn't hurt! We all need glucose! Sugar is a gift from God. Why should I be so legalistic?"
I can't imagine what the addict/ism-tendency in my family would do to me should I start smoking, or drinking wine.
I come from Scandinavian stock, and there is that pesky alcoholism gene in my blood. My poor siblings, cousins, and offspring!
But knowing it causes such slavery can help some of us never start, never give in.
And those of us who have welcomed this life long struggle inadvertently---the LORD can help. He can give freedom. It takes a miracle, but it CAN happen.
Prayer, fasting, and devout abstinence.
And pray Maranatha, when our weak bodies will be made new! Lord, come soon.
On a good note, when we moved to this new/old place there were FOUR liquor stores in the nearby town. One has since closed. Maybe that is a good sign. This town is not exactly big.
Teetotalers unite! We have so much more to offer the world. Why waste our precious time on booze?
That golden swallow of the fruit of the vine isn't worth the mental cost.
And we despise that weakness.
The Bible specifically admonishes us to be sober in the last days. Dear Ones, it has been the last days for two thousand years already.

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