"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, May 23, 2016

Warm Memories

I grew up with two brothers in a stable home. My parents celebrated 60 years of marriage this weekend, and many of their offspring were present, as well as several close relatives.

We laughed and remembered "blue moments" from our childhoods.

Margaret's friend gave me the book "Small Graces" and it talks about these moments that etch themselves on your mind, whether or not you want them.

They are good memories, mostly, and that is what we shared together yesterday.

The mischievous sock monkey that came on every family road trip. My brother let an alter ego play out with this favorite toy. Naughty monkey! It was confiscated routinely.

My eldest brother's memories of our parents' wedding. (Impossible!)

The pacifier that was pitched out the window of a car that broke a habit overnight...

It went on and on, and we laughed and loved.

I finished two weeks of frenetic cleaning leading up to the event, and I went to bed last night and slept the sleep of the just.

Back to the norm today.

It's a good feeling!

I hear bad weather is on the way, and I need to prepare for that.

A good friend is in the ER this morning, and we are preparing for a change of plans that include the care of his wife, who suffers from partial dementia. This week may go somewhat differently than thought.

I am privileged to care for another elderly lady who is on hospice care one day this week too. I helped her a couple of weeks ago, and it is a sweet and hard experience caring for someone so close to seeing Jesus.

She is waiting to go.

Birth and death are hard, my mom said. The process.

It makes me wonder. I haven't thought about the process much. It can be so quick for some----so prolonged for others.

My dear sweet "sister" became a grandmother this past weekend. We share this new role. Her little darling is a big boy, quite wearing out his new mother!

I was able to hold my grand-nephew this weekend. His smiles are priceless. Such intelligent eyes.

Little ones. What will they live? We love the excitement of the process of birth.

The process of death?

It's hardly exciting. It's slow, patience producing, and wearing.

It doesn't matter if we long for death.

I question it.

Life is precious. Even old, worn-out tedious life. God's designs are perfect, even in this fallen world. Remember that He even had the most infinite back-up plan for this perfect world He created.

It isn't what it was supposed to be. Yet it is infinitely wonderful in the fallen state!

Even death can be handled with His grace.

So we wait. We live on. We anticipate.




Diane J. said...

Sounds like a wonderful family reunion. So wish we could have been there. Loved hearing about your memories growing up. Hugs to all

Sandy said...

So fun to hear stories of your family! I bet the sock monkey traveled to Bear Trap Ranch, or were the boys to old at that point?
Your parents are amazing! Sixty years is quite an accomplishment! Thanks for sharing.

Corgi Hollows said...

You're right, Sandy! We talked about Bear Trap too! ��