"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What Matters Americans?

What have you done?

You came to your senses and helped start a revolution.

You bought us some time.

I am grateful for the chance to spread the Gospel, snatching some from the fire.

What a wake up.

Here are some observations of hope:

People will begin to see the difference between Christians and Believers.

Believers base their faith on the Bible, Christian can be a very broad term.

Believers behave in obedience to what God commands in the Bible---love one another, serve each other, love God, obey Him.

These are the top of the list.

I think that we all care about our reputation and how we are perceived. The biggest question we must answer is, "By whom?"

Do the attitudes of my children matter? My spouse?  My parents? Peers?

When you strip away the fog of protecting your persona among the important ones in your life, you find incredible freedom.

You find that the only one who really matters is God, and how He perceives you.

What others think of you shouldn't have a bearing.

I know, it's hard. We want to be loved by everyone.  That's natural. 

But God matters, and His will, following it, grants us an eternal fellowship with His own. Nothing can compare.

Love others,  but be willing to let them go.

It matters that you please the Creator more.

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