"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

No, It Isn't Just One

The shooting this morning by a Bernie Sanders campaign worker is not just a single weird event. The worldview of this individual is one that is prevalent in any person adhering to socialism.

Socialism kills.

There is a godless holding in the socialist's worldview and it leads to deadly acts of human nature. People are sinners. People do bad things.

That's why we need a Savior.

As Bible believers we must respond to people like this daily, taking their verbal abuse, grieving the results of their liberal fascism. You see, fascism doesn't allow for other viewpoints. It simply takes them out physically.

That is why the socialist/communist Chinese don't allow any Christians to speak of Christ's return.

It gives a hope that they cannot control.

They may allow Christianity, but not the promises of His return.

The socialist/ social justice Christians are the same way here in America. Socialism robs the hope from any human trusting in Christ's answers, Christ's return, Christ's prophecies.

There is a correlation.

So abandon the hopelessness of socialism. There is no solution there. The only solution to the world's problems is JESUS CHRIST!

Repent and believe today.

Today is the day of salvation.

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