"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Hollows

For those of you keeping up with Corgi Hollows I have a few things to report.

(Thank you for your prayers!)

Life just hums along.

Ed, as you know, had The Port taken out last Friday. Milestones. He continues oral chemo until October, but all spinals and infusions are OVER. Praise God!

Cherie is full tilt in Junior Varsity Cross Country with the Northwest Nighthawks, a home school team from our area. Tonight she has a meet up by St. Cloud.

Cross Country is such a nice sport for the spectators! Beautiful golf courses, evening sun, colorful teams, excitement!

Cherie runs with all of her heart, and she is seeing great improvement this year. She's exhausted after each race, but willing to face the next one!

Margaret juggles two jobs and three pre-nursing school courses. Her friends are marvellous, and she tries to maintain a semblance of social interaction too.

I have decided to bow out of the Northern Lights Chorale for now. This decision was huge for me. The conflicts between school, sports, homeschooling, subbing, working at the deli, and Ed's transitions proved to be my maximum, and I was all "done in."

I joined a choir that is much more convenient and closer to home for the time being. I have to sing.

The new director called me (kindly, at least) a freak of nature ----since my range is so big. I sing low alto and high soprano. I am not a soloist, but I do have an unusual ability. God gave it to me.
The director was happy to have me join the choir.

At the new rehearsal location, and where he placed me in the seating, I can turn my head and look up to my Grandma's old apartment balcony! She died in 2001. I have memories of her nice apartment. I find it serendipitous that I'm brought back to that spot years later!

Minneapolis isn't exactly a small town. The chances of returning to something like that is rather coincidental---and I smile.

I will truly miss the Northern Lights. My husband is still in that chorale, and is better able to manage the rehearsal and concert times. The choir is moving its rehearsal location further away from our new home, and the new commute was just too much for me to manage after my duties here at Corgi Hollows!

Yes, subbing has begun. Yesterday I subbed "Agriculture" at the high school.

I am trying to keep my subbing to only four days a week. Cherie was short changed last spring while I became accustomed to the new lifestyle! I know I want to spend at least one weekday with her every week.

Such a young lady! She is, like most home-schoolers her age, self driven, self managing. I am like an overseer, not exactly a teacher.

She's my number five!!!!

One of my five was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for meritorious service in the Army last week. Your prayers are very effective and working.

I thank you.

House guests, very welcome, are coming this weekend. Three birthdays will be celebrated.
I may try to make Norwegian Kranzekake again... (failed the first one, but it tasted great!)

I made Vermont Maple Cookies (from the Betty Crocker Cooky Book) last night. Those are just the best cookie ever.

The bees-----they love it here. It's been fun to see Ed and Margaret take over most of the work.

Corwyn? Oh the delight of my eyes! She's darling, sweet, smart, cute, loveable, and darling. 'Nough said.

Blackberry, Topaz, and Predicate: all healthy, wealthy, and wise.

The corn is ripening across the road. The colors of fall are golden with accents of orange. Our grass is covered with brown oak leaves. It's fall, and everything fall is good. I've befriended the three new horses in the pasture out back. Five horses graze within sight of our windows now, and I think it is such a nice collection! (Two chestnuts, a roan, a buckskin, and a black and white paint)

Apple orchard visit, anyone??


tobycat4 said...

Constance, I will miss you so much in choir! I hope we can keep in touch through Brian and on Facebook, etc. I understand your need to make a change. Thanks for your prayers. They are effective. ❤️😊

Corgi Hollows said...

I will miss you, Kathy.
I'm happy for your prayer request positives!
Yes, life is just at maximum right now. I will be at the concert! See you then. Love,