"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Thursday, November 22, 2018
I'm most thankful today.
I'm thankful that Ed's blood counts are entirely normal after cancer, and he is completely mobile with two new knees.
I'm thankful that Margaret is here, blessing us with her wonderful presence, not in France, and planning adventures.
I'm thankful that my son and his dear family are moving back to Minnesota this week.
I'm thankful that Cherie got her varsity letter in cross country this fall. Hard work, good performance, mature accomplishments. I'm thankful that she's gotten all of her driving requirements in!
I'm thankful that my oldest son and his precious bride are contemplating a move homeward from the Pacific Northwest.
I'm thankful for my husband's employer, a generous and happy company. I'm thankful for a capable, loving man to whom I've been married almost 30 years. God brought us together, and He did a good thing. You really cannot believe how I've been blessed by him and his incredible abilities and intellect. He is a selfless server, and I've been the main beneficiary thereof. Our children have been raised by a man of selfless love and giving.
I'm thankful for each young face I see at the school where I substitute teach, every day, and I love each one of them.
I am thankful for a darling little Corgi who brightens each of my days. I'm thankful for a loyal black Labrador mix that has given us 14 years of sweetness. I'm thankful for three beautiful and amusing cats that entertain us constantly, AND keep the mouse population away.
I'm thankful for friends that have been loyal throughout the years. My, how God has blessed me! Those of you who bless me with texts and love and times of fellowship DAILY are my backbone, and God has given me a plethora of wonderful people to call "friend."
I'm thankful for Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for His patience with me, a sinner, and one who messes up all the time! I'm thankful for His truth, the only real truth.
I'm thankful that He has provided us with a home, warmth, clothing, food, in abundance. Cars to drive, phones to keep in touch, a stove, a washing machine and a dryer!
Do you think about how easy it is to do life with these things?
I do. Stuff breaks, and then I realize how blessed I am to do things with the help of modern conveniences.
I'm grateful.
I'm thankful for parents who are in good health. What a blessing!
I'm thankful for the lives of those who have blessed me, who are now with the Lord.
It's bittersweet to miss them, but my heart is truly thankful for their beautiful contribution to my life, and to many others.
I'm thankful to God, that He made a privileged planet; designed bodies that heal, can repair themselves, and reproduce offspring. I marvel at the genetic code and His genius. I am in awe that He created something so wonderful to exist and enjoy His work and His glory! I am thankful that I exist.
I'm thankful that He ordained feast days, holy days, times of reflection and celebration. Whether or not they've been distorted by the devil, I will celebrate GOD'S DAYS, and HIS WAYS!
A time of gratefulness is entirely appropriate. The feast of tabernacles is an ordained celebration of thanksgiving. Today, November 22, 2018, is our feast of tabernacles.
God is good. I worship Him with thanksgiving.
We enjoy the feast that He has provided, and give Him all the glory and honor.
Sing a song of praise to the God of the Universe, Creator of everything! My mouth extols His wonderful majesty and infinite mercy. God is good. Praise His holy name!
A song of Thanksgiving, it fills my heart today and I pray that you, too, can breathe this prayer in your spirit this season of gratitude.
I'm thankful that Ed's blood counts are entirely normal after cancer, and he is completely mobile with two new knees.
I'm thankful that Margaret is here, blessing us with her wonderful presence, not in France, and planning adventures.
I'm thankful that my son and his dear family are moving back to Minnesota this week.
I'm thankful that Cherie got her varsity letter in cross country this fall. Hard work, good performance, mature accomplishments. I'm thankful that she's gotten all of her driving requirements in!
I'm thankful that my oldest son and his precious bride are contemplating a move homeward from the Pacific Northwest.
I'm thankful for my husband's employer, a generous and happy company. I'm thankful for a capable, loving man to whom I've been married almost 30 years. God brought us together, and He did a good thing. You really cannot believe how I've been blessed by him and his incredible abilities and intellect. He is a selfless server, and I've been the main beneficiary thereof. Our children have been raised by a man of selfless love and giving.
I'm thankful for each young face I see at the school where I substitute teach, every day, and I love each one of them.
I am thankful for a darling little Corgi who brightens each of my days. I'm thankful for a loyal black Labrador mix that has given us 14 years of sweetness. I'm thankful for three beautiful and amusing cats that entertain us constantly, AND keep the mouse population away.
I'm thankful for friends that have been loyal throughout the years. My, how God has blessed me! Those of you who bless me with texts and love and times of fellowship DAILY are my backbone, and God has given me a plethora of wonderful people to call "friend."
I'm thankful for Jesus Christ. I'm thankful for His patience with me, a sinner, and one who messes up all the time! I'm thankful for His truth, the only real truth.
I'm thankful that He has provided us with a home, warmth, clothing, food, in abundance. Cars to drive, phones to keep in touch, a stove, a washing machine and a dryer!
Do you think about how easy it is to do life with these things?
I do. Stuff breaks, and then I realize how blessed I am to do things with the help of modern conveniences.
I'm grateful.
I'm thankful for parents who are in good health. What a blessing!
I'm thankful for the lives of those who have blessed me, who are now with the Lord.
It's bittersweet to miss them, but my heart is truly thankful for their beautiful contribution to my life, and to many others.
I'm thankful to God, that He made a privileged planet; designed bodies that heal, can repair themselves, and reproduce offspring. I marvel at the genetic code and His genius. I am in awe that He created something so wonderful to exist and enjoy His work and His glory! I am thankful that I exist.
I'm thankful that He ordained feast days, holy days, times of reflection and celebration. Whether or not they've been distorted by the devil, I will celebrate GOD'S DAYS, and HIS WAYS!
A time of gratefulness is entirely appropriate. The feast of tabernacles is an ordained celebration of thanksgiving. Today, November 22, 2018, is our feast of tabernacles.
God is good. I worship Him with thanksgiving.
We enjoy the feast that He has provided, and give Him all the glory and honor.
Sing a song of praise to the God of the Universe, Creator of everything! My mouth extols His wonderful majesty and infinite mercy. God is good. Praise His holy name!
A song of Thanksgiving, it fills my heart today and I pray that you, too, can breathe this prayer in your spirit this season of gratitude.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Journey to Nowhere on Two Highways
Redwood Falls
Walnut Grove
Granite Falls
St. Cloud
Superior WI
International Falls
Black Duck
Park Rapids
Long Prairie
Sauk Centre
Belgrade (We took a wrong turn in Belgrade and got "lost" for a minute)
We saw Willmar three times as we traveled MOST of Highway 23 and MOST of US Highway 71 in this great state.
We made a huge X across the state. Cherie got 20 hours of driving time (the state requires 50) and 8 of it was night time driving. She drove in snow flurries, on icy roads, avoiding deer twice in the dark. She drove the iron range, the bogs of the northland, up to the Canadian border. She drove across the St. Louis River from Superior to Duluth and up the winding street to Hermantown.
We stopped to eat lunch on Monday at the Dairy KING in Redwood Falls, and Sandy's Place in International Falls on Tuesday.
Local places that were hopping busy and delicious!
We slept overnight in Superior WI, a nice Holiday Inn Express that overlooked the bay between Superior and Minnesota Point.
Surprises? Big towns, thriving towns, thriving farms, new houses!
Snow was covering the landscape for the entire journey. Most lakes were already frozen, the rivers still ran open.
We had intended to drive all the way to Pipestone and start our journey on Highway 23 there, but the time it would have taken wasn't enough for the our start in the day (you need to leave home at 7 am to do that!) . We'll have to get to Pipestone, Jeffers Petroglyphs and perhaps the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove on a jaunt next summer.
This trip was business, but what a beautiful place we have here in the center of the continent. Three watersheds, multiple biomes, varied geography, water (WATER!) and glacial ridges. So much beauty in a two day drive!
And the land is productive and sweet.
Such nice people, everywhere.
The walleye sandwich at Sandy's Place in International Falls is worth going back for.
Cherie was AMAZING. She held it together for BOTH strenuous days. She's all set to get her license here before long!
Corwyn was mad at me for abandoning her for two days. She's giving me the cold shoulder and showing preference for Margaret.
Those Corgis. Next time she can come along...
Will there ever be a next time? It took me 50 years to get up to International Falls. It's not exactly on the way to anything but Canada!
And Canada is nice...
Redwood Falls
Walnut Grove
Granite Falls
St. Cloud
Superior WI
International Falls
Black Duck
Park Rapids
Long Prairie
Sauk Centre
Belgrade (We took a wrong turn in Belgrade and got "lost" for a minute)
We saw Willmar three times as we traveled MOST of Highway 23 and MOST of US Highway 71 in this great state.
We made a huge X across the state. Cherie got 20 hours of driving time (the state requires 50) and 8 of it was night time driving. She drove in snow flurries, on icy roads, avoiding deer twice in the dark. She drove the iron range, the bogs of the northland, up to the Canadian border. She drove across the St. Louis River from Superior to Duluth and up the winding street to Hermantown.
We stopped to eat lunch on Monday at the Dairy KING in Redwood Falls, and Sandy's Place in International Falls on Tuesday.
Local places that were hopping busy and delicious!
We slept overnight in Superior WI, a nice Holiday Inn Express that overlooked the bay between Superior and Minnesota Point.
Surprises? Big towns, thriving towns, thriving farms, new houses!
Snow was covering the landscape for the entire journey. Most lakes were already frozen, the rivers still ran open.
We had intended to drive all the way to Pipestone and start our journey on Highway 23 there, but the time it would have taken wasn't enough for the our start in the day (you need to leave home at 7 am to do that!) . We'll have to get to Pipestone, Jeffers Petroglyphs and perhaps the Laura Ingalls Wilder Museum in Walnut Grove on a jaunt next summer.
This trip was business, but what a beautiful place we have here in the center of the continent. Three watersheds, multiple biomes, varied geography, water (WATER!) and glacial ridges. So much beauty in a two day drive!
And the land is productive and sweet.
Such nice people, everywhere.
The walleye sandwich at Sandy's Place in International Falls is worth going back for.
Cherie was AMAZING. She held it together for BOTH strenuous days. She's all set to get her license here before long!
Corwyn was mad at me for abandoning her for two days. She's giving me the cold shoulder and showing preference for Margaret.
Those Corgis. Next time she can come along...
Will there ever be a next time? It took me 50 years to get up to International Falls. It's not exactly on the way to anything but Canada!
And Canada is nice...
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Friday, November 9, 2018
Thursday, November 8, 2018
It Might Surprise You
After I got my sadness off my chest yesterday I felt a whole lot better for life...
I went to the Y and swam, talked to a couple of liberals, came home and got a lot done with all the extra energy.
Late last night I received news that a dear friend had passed away in her sleep. I was shocked. Death came so suddenly for her. My heart is with her dear family, and her loved ones---and it will preoccupy my thoughts for some time.
Ir may surprise you to know (or be reminded that) I do not wholly support the Republican Party. I am a registered Republican, but more often than not I find the representatives caving in to things I do not approve.
Why should my opinion matter?
It doesn't, really, but I do not want anyone think I am a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, because I am not. I am probably more Libertarian than Republican, and I've said this before.
I believe in a MONARCHY---with the Creator at the helm.
There are lots of reasons to support this. Our Biblical God is a God of mercy and love. He allows all people to be free, equal, and live as they choose. His basic laws (commandments) are truly the most ingenious and brief rules for any society to thrive.
They are overarching, applicable to all human beings, and they are fair.
What can be so wrong about that?
Well, atheists seem to have a real issue. They are in denial, first of all, but they are nit-pickers, too. They want to tweak the law into exactly what they want----more or less---and thereby come up with the fallacy that there wasn't any law-giver in the first place.
But those of us who DO know there is a Law Giver, and a Judge of all mankind are accepting of Who He is. We may not like His laws, they encroach on our sinful nature, but we see the logic and the reason behind them, and we ACCEPT them.
When our children run amok we can point to HIS laws and say "HE SAYS...."
We, I, are/am not the authority. God is. They need to take it up with GOD. They are responsible for their own relationship with God, and we can only point and encourage.
I do believe in a swift spank for a young child who is willfully disobedient. One MUST behave, or we have anarchy. We parents are authorized to discipline by the God of the Universe, and it is ridiculous to think that something God sanctioned is wrong or ineffective.
Spankings should never occur in anger, and they should be swift. One slap. God told Moses to strike the rock once. The second strike was done in anger, and Moses had a terrible punishment from God for doing it. Think about that, young parents.
Yes, it should sting. It should bring humiliation. It should be followed up with love and acceptance and a reminder that discipline is HELPFUL. It is done out of love.
Government should fulfill the same sort of role on earth as a loving parent, but given the state of this Satanically-ruled earth there will be major issues. God give us a righteous government that practices reasonable judgment and much mercy!
To deny God is to deny reason.
THEREFORE we are at the mercy, right now, of a government that is unreasonable.
President Trump is a refreshing change from the last decades of pure evil in power. We know evil, because the Bible tells us what it is. There are zillions of examples of evil in the Bible. Any government that sanctions evil is, by definition, evil.
Trump is a sinner who is implementing things that are righteous. He is helping the righteous. The Republican Party Platform that he ran on is really a document of righteousness. It's truly amazing. The last administrations have given into wickedness, God's definition.
If you are cow-towing to evil powers you are then participating in evil.
Abortion is evil. Anything sexual outside of marriage is evil. Murder is evil, lying is evil, rebellion against God is evil...(think Bible bashing...)
There are powers ruled by Satan active and thriving here on this earth right now. Is Donald Trump under their power? Probably. We know that he has thrown carrots to the righteous by being Pro-Israel and Pro-life. Is he a believer? I certainly hope so.
Anyone can say they are a Christian these days. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
(I've got banana bread in the oven. I'm terrible at banana bread but I keep trying. It usually comes out as a pudding in the middle :(
The proof of a Believer is whether or not they believe God's Word. What else do we have? Nice philosophy? Nice theology?
He's not a tame lion.
----C.S. Lewis
Why do we persist in taming God?
We are called to have faith in Him, to accept Him, to love Him, to obey Him. We are called to believe.
Satan is in control down here, but God is in control of our lives as believers.
Satan is all about death. God is all about life.
Satan rules the hearts of men, unless they turn to God. Men have come up with all sorts of religions and ways to act godlike, or justify behavior. It's all a waste of time.
I love the freedom to obey God. I love the freedom to live as God wants me to live. That is true freedom, and it is the best freedom. Right now our government allows for this, but for how long? The New World Order so much talked about is just another ploy to be godlike and strive for a better existence WITHOUT the Creator. It is a society ruled ultimately by Lucifer, the fallen one, who has craved power since his first rebellion.
He still thinks he's going to win.
The Bible is true, friends. God has proved his love for us, has proved his Word is true, has proved that He wants us to serve and follow Him. Why would anyone choose anything else? Why would you compromise on the truth of Scripture? Why would you attempt to make a god in your own image? Can you really come up with a better god than the God of the Bible?
No. He is truth and reality, and anything else is simply imagination.
What else do you have?
Where else will I go?
Don't trust government. Don't trust religion. Don't trust personalities and philosophies. The Founding Fathers were all practical atheists, influenced by Rousseau and Voltaire, Thomas Payne and the Society of Jesus. They came up with a constitution and a declaration of Independence that referred to "God" in a generic way, and it was a good try at societal control. A really good try.
But let us acknowledge it for what it was! God has had His hand on our country, and we have had maximum freedom to live as Christ-followers. Even the Deists admitted that Christianity had its good points. (They weren't blind!) We do have a government that is based on God's laws, the ten commandments.
Let's not forget that we are at spiritual war, and we are always needing to be aware that evil forces are trying to manipulate any society to serve evil.
Don't trust in anything but God.
An interesting study for you: Think about all the times a vision or an angel appeared in a cave to someone. What was the result?
Ignatious Loyola
Joseph Smith
Who was this angel?
Gadriel sounds a lot like Gabriel, and these three (at least) all claimed their angels were Gabriel. Gadriel is a name for Satan. Yes. Look it up. Satan is such a deceiver. Don't put it below him to lie....
He's the Father of lies.
Fascinating things, people. Wake up to the wiles of the devil. He's been at work undermining the God of the Bible at every hand.
I went to the Y and swam, talked to a couple of liberals, came home and got a lot done with all the extra energy.
Late last night I received news that a dear friend had passed away in her sleep. I was shocked. Death came so suddenly for her. My heart is with her dear family, and her loved ones---and it will preoccupy my thoughts for some time.
Ir may surprise you to know (or be reminded that) I do not wholly support the Republican Party. I am a registered Republican, but more often than not I find the representatives caving in to things I do not approve.
Why should my opinion matter?
It doesn't, really, but I do not want anyone think I am a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, because I am not. I am probably more Libertarian than Republican, and I've said this before.
I believe in a MONARCHY---with the Creator at the helm.
There are lots of reasons to support this. Our Biblical God is a God of mercy and love. He allows all people to be free, equal, and live as they choose. His basic laws (commandments) are truly the most ingenious and brief rules for any society to thrive.
They are overarching, applicable to all human beings, and they are fair.
What can be so wrong about that?
Well, atheists seem to have a real issue. They are in denial, first of all, but they are nit-pickers, too. They want to tweak the law into exactly what they want----more or less---and thereby come up with the fallacy that there wasn't any law-giver in the first place.
But those of us who DO know there is a Law Giver, and a Judge of all mankind are accepting of Who He is. We may not like His laws, they encroach on our sinful nature, but we see the logic and the reason behind them, and we ACCEPT them.
When our children run amok we can point to HIS laws and say "HE SAYS...."
We, I, are/am not the authority. God is. They need to take it up with GOD. They are responsible for their own relationship with God, and we can only point and encourage.
I do believe in a swift spank for a young child who is willfully disobedient. One MUST behave, or we have anarchy. We parents are authorized to discipline by the God of the Universe, and it is ridiculous to think that something God sanctioned is wrong or ineffective.
Spankings should never occur in anger, and they should be swift. One slap. God told Moses to strike the rock once. The second strike was done in anger, and Moses had a terrible punishment from God for doing it. Think about that, young parents.
Yes, it should sting. It should bring humiliation. It should be followed up with love and acceptance and a reminder that discipline is HELPFUL. It is done out of love.
Government should fulfill the same sort of role on earth as a loving parent, but given the state of this Satanically-ruled earth there will be major issues. God give us a righteous government that practices reasonable judgment and much mercy!
To deny God is to deny reason.
THEREFORE we are at the mercy, right now, of a government that is unreasonable.
President Trump is a refreshing change from the last decades of pure evil in power. We know evil, because the Bible tells us what it is. There are zillions of examples of evil in the Bible. Any government that sanctions evil is, by definition, evil.
Trump is a sinner who is implementing things that are righteous. He is helping the righteous. The Republican Party Platform that he ran on is really a document of righteousness. It's truly amazing. The last administrations have given into wickedness, God's definition.
If you are cow-towing to evil powers you are then participating in evil.
Abortion is evil. Anything sexual outside of marriage is evil. Murder is evil, lying is evil, rebellion against God is evil...(think Bible bashing...)
There are powers ruled by Satan active and thriving here on this earth right now. Is Donald Trump under their power? Probably. We know that he has thrown carrots to the righteous by being Pro-Israel and Pro-life. Is he a believer? I certainly hope so.
Anyone can say they are a Christian these days. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
(I've got banana bread in the oven. I'm terrible at banana bread but I keep trying. It usually comes out as a pudding in the middle :(
The proof of a Believer is whether or not they believe God's Word. What else do we have? Nice philosophy? Nice theology?
He's not a tame lion.
----C.S. Lewis
Why do we persist in taming God?
We are called to have faith in Him, to accept Him, to love Him, to obey Him. We are called to believe.
Satan is in control down here, but God is in control of our lives as believers.
Satan is all about death. God is all about life.
Satan rules the hearts of men, unless they turn to God. Men have come up with all sorts of religions and ways to act godlike, or justify behavior. It's all a waste of time.
I love the freedom to obey God. I love the freedom to live as God wants me to live. That is true freedom, and it is the best freedom. Right now our government allows for this, but for how long? The New World Order so much talked about is just another ploy to be godlike and strive for a better existence WITHOUT the Creator. It is a society ruled ultimately by Lucifer, the fallen one, who has craved power since his first rebellion.
He still thinks he's going to win.
The Bible is true, friends. God has proved his love for us, has proved his Word is true, has proved that He wants us to serve and follow Him. Why would anyone choose anything else? Why would you compromise on the truth of Scripture? Why would you attempt to make a god in your own image? Can you really come up with a better god than the God of the Bible?
No. He is truth and reality, and anything else is simply imagination.
What else do you have?
Where else will I go?
Don't trust government. Don't trust religion. Don't trust personalities and philosophies. The Founding Fathers were all practical atheists, influenced by Rousseau and Voltaire, Thomas Payne and the Society of Jesus. They came up with a constitution and a declaration of Independence that referred to "God" in a generic way, and it was a good try at societal control. A really good try.
But let us acknowledge it for what it was! God has had His hand on our country, and we have had maximum freedom to live as Christ-followers. Even the Deists admitted that Christianity had its good points. (They weren't blind!) We do have a government that is based on God's laws, the ten commandments.
Let's not forget that we are at spiritual war, and we are always needing to be aware that evil forces are trying to manipulate any society to serve evil.
Don't trust in anything but God.
An interesting study for you: Think about all the times a vision or an angel appeared in a cave to someone. What was the result?
Ignatious Loyola
Joseph Smith
Who was this angel?
Gadriel sounds a lot like Gabriel, and these three (at least) all claimed their angels were Gabriel. Gadriel is a name for Satan. Yes. Look it up. Satan is such a deceiver. Don't put it below him to lie....
He's the Father of lies.
Fascinating things, people. Wake up to the wiles of the devil. He's been at work undermining the God of the Bible at every hand.
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
adjective: stupid; comparative adjective: stupider; superlative adjective: stupidest
- 1.having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense."I was stupid enough to think she was perfect"
synonyms: unintelligent, ignorant, dense, foolish, dull-witted, slow, simpleminded, vacuous, vapid, idiotic, imbecilic, imbecile, obtuse, doltish; More antonyms: intelligent, sensible - dazed and unable to think clearly."apprehension was numbing her brain and making her stupid"
synonyms: into a stupor, into a daze, into oblivion; More antonyms: alert - INFORMALused to express exasperation or boredom."she told him to stop messing with his stupid painting"
noun: stupid; plural noun: stupids
- 1.a stupid person (often used as a term of address)."you're not a coward, stupid!"
mid 16th century: from French stupide or Latin stupidus, from stupere ‘be amazed or stunned.’
Translate stupid to
From a friend named Hope:
We a living in a world full of zombies that have been trained to obey the system. They are arguing over politics & race, but not focused on real issues.
Their identity is wrapped up in consumerism, trash television, media & junk food. They are all sedated with their daily fixes. Their lives are in such toxic state and are so lost and brainwashed that they have become living dead!
But God says:
Leviticus 11:44
'For I am the LORD your God Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth.
'For I am the LORD your God Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth.
Leviticus 11:45
'For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.'"
'For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.'"
Leviticus 19:2
"Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, 'You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.
"Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, 'You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.
Leviticus 20:26
'Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine.
'Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine.
1 Peter 1:16
because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."
because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY."
Leviticus 20:7
'You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.
'You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.
1 Peter 1:15
but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior;
Leviticus 21:8
'You shall consecrate him, therefore, for he offers the food of your God; he shall be holy to you; for I the LORD, who sanctifies you, am holy.
Deuteronomy 23:14
"Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you.
"Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to deliver you and to defeat your enemies before you, therefore your camp must be holy; and He must not see anything indecent among you or He will turn away from you.
STUPID, Stupid Minnesota
OH, dear Minnesota, what a lovely place you are! Your lakes and trees, your farmlands and forests, your rocks and wildlife----so beautiful.
I extol your geographical virtues at Rockford whenever I get the chance! Unique state, lovely state, land I've grown up in! Land my ancestors found a home in.
They sailed from Sweden in the the 1880's, took the train to Minneapolis, sailed up the Mississippi river to the Crow, sailed up the Crow River to Delano and disembarked. I live just a few miles to the east of where they stepped foot on their new homeland. I taught school at Delano when I first became a teacher.
I have a stake in this land, but thankfully my citizenship is in heaven. The people of THIS state seem to have lost their collective minds.
Last night we had a blue sweep, per usual, in Minnesota.
The people elected a Muslim extremest over a clear-eyed attorney for attorney general. The other races, Amy Klobechar, Tina Smith, the young Muslim who has committed incest-----all to represent our state in various offices also were elected.
But this attorney general race really sits in my craw today, and I am grieved. How could the people of Minnesota be SO STUPID?
Keith Ellison is a friend of Louis Farrakhan. Louis Farrakhan JUST THIS WEEK declared DEATH TO ISRAEL, DEATH TO AMERICA! Keith Ellison ran for Attorney General so he could implement Sharia Law in our state. There are already laws on the books of this state that are sharia----laws concerning real estate.
We have a huge Somalian population in our cities, and they are Muslim.
Keith Ellison battered and assaulted his partner. There are 911 calls that have been disclosed. He is a womanizer, an evil man! Sharia Law is anti-homosexual!
And the "good" people of Minnesota elected this person. I am appalled.
I guess I'm not surprised.
I know that Minnesota is "classically" liberal, but for liberals to elect such extremism is absolutely unacceptable.
I will write this, say this, and help someone's eyes to open to this today, but I WILL CONTINUE to live CHRIST until the day I die, God help me.
I just grieve. This state has elected Jesse Ventura, Mark Dayton, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, ----SUCH A HALL OF SHAME!
It's a pity. It's also a pity, because the two main cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul go blue, and the rest of the state is RED. Even the classically blue iron range (unions!) has turned pink. It is the leftist loonies of the cities that decide for the rest of the beautiful land.
So sad.
I KNOW GOD IS IN CONTROL, and as I thought last night, when we believers are snatched away the rest of the world is still going to need to be governed. Hence the results of this election...
Lord, help us shine YOUR TRUTH in the DARK WORLD that hates Israel, babies, and the Bible.
We WILL cling to your Word. We WILL live lives that point to your salvation. We will LOVE our enemies! We WILL stand for truth.
Remember, friends: Satan has been in charge for a very long time. This is his kingdom, and he is as well aware of the prophecies in Scripture as anyone. He is winning with the human race. This is a spiritual battle above all, and he has brainwashed MOST of the world away from Truth.
Jesus IS the only way to eternal life. The Bible IS the only word of God. It is the only thing we have to base our faith on, our philosophy, our worldview. When you compromise truth you easily fall away.
Take a moment and research some of the deception in our world today:
"The Creature From Jekyll Island"
"Mind Control"
Saul Alinsky
The Society of Jesus (this is anything but what its name implies)
Charles Darwin, "The Origin of the Species, or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle For Life"
The Rothschilds, or the RED SHIELDS
So today, I grieve.
I'm not hopeless, because my hope is based entirely on JESUS CHRIST. I AM sorry for the blindness that is all around me. I'm sorry for friends and family that sit in front of the television and let their brains be washed by a Luciferian- complicit media. There are off-truths, half-truths, and fake news that fill their minds DAILY. Their mental diet is saturated with Darwinism, elitism, and Satanism.
It's true, and if your spirit is open to the HOLY SPIRIT you will recognize the truth.
Come away, my beloved.
I extol your geographical virtues at Rockford whenever I get the chance! Unique state, lovely state, land I've grown up in! Land my ancestors found a home in.
They sailed from Sweden in the the 1880's, took the train to Minneapolis, sailed up the Mississippi river to the Crow, sailed up the Crow River to Delano and disembarked. I live just a few miles to the east of where they stepped foot on their new homeland. I taught school at Delano when I first became a teacher.
I have a stake in this land, but thankfully my citizenship is in heaven. The people of THIS state seem to have lost their collective minds.
Last night we had a blue sweep, per usual, in Minnesota.
The people elected a Muslim extremest over a clear-eyed attorney for attorney general. The other races, Amy Klobechar, Tina Smith, the young Muslim who has committed incest-----all to represent our state in various offices also were elected.
But this attorney general race really sits in my craw today, and I am grieved. How could the people of Minnesota be SO STUPID?
Keith Ellison is a friend of Louis Farrakhan. Louis Farrakhan JUST THIS WEEK declared DEATH TO ISRAEL, DEATH TO AMERICA! Keith Ellison ran for Attorney General so he could implement Sharia Law in our state. There are already laws on the books of this state that are sharia----laws concerning real estate.
We have a huge Somalian population in our cities, and they are Muslim.
Keith Ellison battered and assaulted his partner. There are 911 calls that have been disclosed. He is a womanizer, an evil man! Sharia Law is anti-homosexual!
And the "good" people of Minnesota elected this person. I am appalled.
I guess I'm not surprised.
I know that Minnesota is "classically" liberal, but for liberals to elect such extremism is absolutely unacceptable.
I will write this, say this, and help someone's eyes to open to this today, but I WILL CONTINUE to live CHRIST until the day I die, God help me.
I just grieve. This state has elected Jesse Ventura, Mark Dayton, Keith Ellison, Al Franken, ----SUCH A HALL OF SHAME!
It's a pity. It's also a pity, because the two main cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul go blue, and the rest of the state is RED. Even the classically blue iron range (unions!) has turned pink. It is the leftist loonies of the cities that decide for the rest of the beautiful land.
So sad.
I KNOW GOD IS IN CONTROL, and as I thought last night, when we believers are snatched away the rest of the world is still going to need to be governed. Hence the results of this election...
Lord, help us shine YOUR TRUTH in the DARK WORLD that hates Israel, babies, and the Bible.
We WILL cling to your Word. We WILL live lives that point to your salvation. We will LOVE our enemies! We WILL stand for truth.
Remember, friends: Satan has been in charge for a very long time. This is his kingdom, and he is as well aware of the prophecies in Scripture as anyone. He is winning with the human race. This is a spiritual battle above all, and he has brainwashed MOST of the world away from Truth.
Jesus IS the only way to eternal life. The Bible IS the only word of God. It is the only thing we have to base our faith on, our philosophy, our worldview. When you compromise truth you easily fall away.
Take a moment and research some of the deception in our world today:
"The Creature From Jekyll Island"
"Mind Control"
Saul Alinsky
The Society of Jesus (this is anything but what its name implies)
Charles Darwin, "The Origin of the Species, or The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle For Life"
The Rothschilds, or the RED SHIELDS
So today, I grieve.
I'm not hopeless, because my hope is based entirely on JESUS CHRIST. I AM sorry for the blindness that is all around me. I'm sorry for friends and family that sit in front of the television and let their brains be washed by a Luciferian- complicit media. There are off-truths, half-truths, and fake news that fill their minds DAILY. Their mental diet is saturated with Darwinism, elitism, and Satanism.
It's true, and if your spirit is open to the HOLY SPIRIT you will recognize the truth.
Come away, my beloved.
Nov 6, 2018
Elections are polarizing, and we saw that especially after Trump's election. When the world goes a different path from our own we should be encouraged to SPEAK truth more forcefully, encourage our fellow worldviewers, and live more transparently than ever before. I lost several interweb "friends" over politics, and I expect to lose many more as we see these times change. The Bible predicts mayhem and darkness, so today I encourage you to root yourselves in God's truth and SHINE YOUR LIGHT.
Get off of the brainwashing of the mainstream media! Have the courage to TURN OFF the TV!!!!
Friday, November 2, 2018
Neither Side is Willing to Give
It's quite the election coming up. I think it will be a "Red Wave," but I've been wrong before.
I don't predict well, but I do feel strongly about various issues, and that is how most of us outspoken folk feel.
It takes an earthquake to change our views.
I don't see many of my ilk or the opposing side much different. We hold our views tightly and we are not easily convinced to sway from them.
That is why one of my previous posts about transformation is so linked to this one. It literally takes a transformation to change these days.
We are entrenched in our views.
Are we right? Are we lost? Where do we fall? Where do we end up?
I've had people say to me, "Why do you express views that don't agree with others?"---in so many words...
There are people that, I'm convinced, God has appointed to EXHORT.
No one has to listen, no one has to be convinced, but God just puts thoughts and ideas and words in some people, and they come out.
We have free speech, sort of, at least for now.
There is a real command from Christ, too, in the Bible, and that is to preach the Gospel, the good news!
There are infinite ways to preach the Gospel. There are ways to defend it, positions that agree with God's ways, "arguments" that plant seeds in peoples' souls.
The battle is spiritual, ultimately, and no one can change anyone's mind without a spiritual turnover.
When you have a portion of the population that simply denies anything spiritual you have a real issue. How do you reach that segment?
Prayer. Display a life that is transformed. DO WHAT IS RIGHT!
Perhaps their spiritual eyes will crack open, the seeds of truth will be planted, and transformation will happen!
It is monumental for some, a process for others.
Every single human being is born in sin, spiritually dead. There is only one way that you can become spiritually born again, and that is through Jesus Christ.
He is the way, the truth, and the life.
When you get over your human pride and submit to His way, life changes. You are filled with love for everyone, seeing people as the images of God that they are.
You have respect for God's laws, for His commands. You are transformed.
I pray this transformation for every single person I know.
Because it is the truth, I know that those who do not know Christ are spinning their wheels in an effort to make sense of existence. Millions have died spinning fruitlessly, caught in the lie that the devil has woven like a spider web.
Don't deny the truth any longer! Come to the living water, the One who saves, the Reason for being, the Creator. Jesus is love. God is love. Submit to HIM.
Why persist in the lie? It's time to give in to Jesus.
I don't predict well, but I do feel strongly about various issues, and that is how most of us outspoken folk feel.
It takes an earthquake to change our views.
I don't see many of my ilk or the opposing side much different. We hold our views tightly and we are not easily convinced to sway from them.
That is why one of my previous posts about transformation is so linked to this one. It literally takes a transformation to change these days.
We are entrenched in our views.
Are we right? Are we lost? Where do we fall? Where do we end up?
I've had people say to me, "Why do you express views that don't agree with others?"---in so many words...
There are people that, I'm convinced, God has appointed to EXHORT.
No one has to listen, no one has to be convinced, but God just puts thoughts and ideas and words in some people, and they come out.
We have free speech, sort of, at least for now.
There is a real command from Christ, too, in the Bible, and that is to preach the Gospel, the good news!
There are infinite ways to preach the Gospel. There are ways to defend it, positions that agree with God's ways, "arguments" that plant seeds in peoples' souls.
The battle is spiritual, ultimately, and no one can change anyone's mind without a spiritual turnover.
When you have a portion of the population that simply denies anything spiritual you have a real issue. How do you reach that segment?
Prayer. Display a life that is transformed. DO WHAT IS RIGHT!
Perhaps their spiritual eyes will crack open, the seeds of truth will be planted, and transformation will happen!
It is monumental for some, a process for others.
Every single human being is born in sin, spiritually dead. There is only one way that you can become spiritually born again, and that is through Jesus Christ.
He is the way, the truth, and the life.
When you get over your human pride and submit to His way, life changes. You are filled with love for everyone, seeing people as the images of God that they are.
You have respect for God's laws, for His commands. You are transformed.
I pray this transformation for every single person I know.
Because it is the truth, I know that those who do not know Christ are spinning their wheels in an effort to make sense of existence. Millions have died spinning fruitlessly, caught in the lie that the devil has woven like a spider web.
Don't deny the truth any longer! Come to the living water, the One who saves, the Reason for being, the Creator. Jesus is love. God is love. Submit to HIM.
Why persist in the lie? It's time to give in to Jesus.
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