"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Friday, November 2, 2018

Neither Side is Willing to Give

It's quite the election coming up. I think it will be a "Red Wave," but I've been wrong before.

I don't predict well, but I do feel strongly about various issues, and that is how most of us outspoken folk feel.

It takes an earthquake to change our views.

I don't see many of my ilk or the opposing side much different. We hold our views tightly and we are not easily convinced to sway from them.

That is why one of my previous posts about transformation is so linked to this one. It literally takes a transformation to change these days.

We are entrenched in our views.

Are we right? Are we lost? Where do we fall? Where do we end up?

I've had people say to me, "Why do you express views that don't agree with others?"---in so many words...

There are people that, I'm convinced, God has appointed to EXHORT.

No one has to listen, no one has to be convinced, but God just puts thoughts and ideas and words in some people, and they come out.

We have free speech, sort of, at least for now.

There is a real command from Christ, too, in the Bible, and that is to preach the Gospel, the good news!

There are infinite ways to preach the Gospel. There are ways to defend it, positions that agree with God's ways, "arguments" that plant seeds in peoples' souls.

The battle is spiritual, ultimately, and no one can change anyone's mind without a spiritual turnover.

When you have a portion of the population that simply denies anything spiritual you have a real issue. How do you reach that segment?

Prayer. Display a life that is transformed. DO WHAT IS RIGHT!

Perhaps their spiritual eyes will crack open, the seeds of truth will be planted, and transformation will happen!

It is monumental for some, a process for others.

Every single human being is born in sin, spiritually dead. There is only one way that you can become spiritually born again, and that is through Jesus Christ.

He is the way, the truth, and the life.

When you get over your human pride and submit to His way, life changes. You are filled with love for everyone, seeing people as the images of God that they are.

You have respect for God's laws, for His commands. You are transformed.

I pray this transformation for every single person I know.

Because it is the truth, I know that those who do not know Christ are spinning their wheels in an effort to make sense of existence. Millions have died spinning fruitlessly, caught in the lie that the devil has woven like a spider web.

Don't deny the truth any longer! Come to the living water, the One who saves, the Reason for being, the Creator. Jesus is love. God is love. Submit to HIM.

Why persist in the lie? It's time to give in to Jesus.

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