"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Friday, December 6, 2019
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
I am treading water, not swimming. Today I am home (on purpose! They are short three subs at the Middle School alone, and I could not help out) to write papers and pretend to catch up on my MPA.
At this point I'm just doing the best I can.
My life equation still seems unbalanced: teaching, hotel, MPA stuff, choir, a little family interaction----YES, I need a restart button.
My professor told me before Thanksgiving that I am certainly able to continue in the MPA program but my life had the perfect storm this fall, and she encouraged me to cut back on classes until I regain balance.
Barring another family tragedy I think I can continue.
My prayer is for the teacher I've been subbing for all Fall to get well and back to her spot. The sub for that class today was texting me for help----This is crazy!
It has been a perfect storm of responsibility, time management, trying to be helpful, and keeping up.
We are having guests from Germany for Christmas, and I fear the house will be unprepared for them, but they are dear folk, and should be forgiving. I have had no time to prepare for the holy days.
It will come as it will.
Margaret had the flu over Thanksgiving. It hit her hard, so our plans were somewhat curtailed by that. I'm hoping the rest of us can keep well.
If I can survive this crazy schedule topped with winter onset ANYONE CAN. We've had our first snow events. Those also add stress, despite the beauty of the pure white covering!
Just this week we have THREE vehicles that do not work, either, and you can imagine our scrambling to get everyone where they need to be. It's a challenge. West Hennepin Auto in Rockford are simply the BEST. They were so helpful! I recommend them highly.
The dishwasher decided to break and my husband went to Indiana. He fixed it immediately upon return. Love that man.
You know, life can be pretty insane sometimes!
Now that I have your pity.....
Just kidding. We live moment by moment, completely in the power of Jesus Christ. I have seen His help through these stressful months and trusted Him. Ed's cancer and the other things we've already gone through have been the training ground for a continual trust in Jesus.
So, here we go: FINALS! HOLIDAYS!
Scorched Earth
It talks about the Fundamentalists and how wrong they are. Recently the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church also decried Fundamentalists.
Fundamentalist is a Christian term. Decades ago R.A. Torrey, a preacher in Chicago connected with D.L. Moody, wrote a very large tome about the Fundamentals of the Faith. I have a two book set on my bookshelf.
You can define Fundamentalism by reading this huge work, or you can simply state that it is a belief in the Word of God, the Bible, and that the Bible is the plumbline for all spiritual activity.
You cannot pick and choose from the Bible. You must accept it as a whole, Old Testament and New Testament. It is not complete without full measurement against itself.
There are stories. There is poetry. There are commands. There are warnings. There is history. THERE IS PROPHECY. Much of the prophecy has been already fulfilled, but there is much predicted yet to come-----For Instance: Christ's 1,000 year reign on earth. No one should explain this away. The descriptions of that upcoming reign are too detailed to be missed.
It hasn't happened yet, and Satan would love for you to believe it has.
Many dear people have tried to explain the Bible, tried to make sense of it, tried to fit it into their presupposed worldviews. It happens all the time.
I prefer to let the Bible speak for itself and research everything in light of it.
Have you read the works of Sir Robert Anderson? He was a Scotland Yard official back in the 19th century who decided to research some of the prophetic passages of Scripture. His works are really interesting. He was a Fundamentalist before the term was coined.
There is an amazing prediction in Scripture about a man who will one day reign over a unified world. This isn't good. He's not Jesus.
People seem to forget that one.
Jesus says that the way is narrow, and FEW find it. The path to destruction is BROAD and many are on it. This upcoming world kingdom leads straight to hell, and hell is eternal. The Bible says "everlasting" fire.
Fundamentalists know this. They are striving to be on the narrow path. The strait gate is for Fundamentalists. We stand on the fundamentals of the Bible's teaching.
We follow Christ's commands. We follow the ten commandments.
Do we break them, ever? Yes. We are sinners.
But we have an advocate in Christ Jesus.
Satan loves to confuse and destroy, and there is so much of that all around us. Confused logic, confused reasoning, confused morality, destroyed relationships, destroyed nations, destroyed lives.
There are the walking dead among us. I know. I've seen it. The jail is full of the walking dead.
Can we stand firm in light of Satan's attacks?
The earth is scorched all around us. The attacks are real. They come in the form of a beautiful young girl screaming with rage. They come as a sly handsome homosexual who suavely disdains your existence. They come from intellectual professors who have been brainwashed by the evil one. They come as a formerly trusted member of your family who has compromised his or her integrity with socialism, alcohol, drugs, promiscuity----
Those people don't like you. They really shouldn't unless they repent of their sin and are restored in the LORD in spiritual fellowship with you and all true believers.
The heart is desperately wicked. We will ALWAYS try to justify and excuse our sin. We must not let that happen if we want fellowship with Christ. "Clean before the LORD I stand."
I have seen parents compromise on faith issues, justifying bad behavior in their children. Their love for their children outweighs their love for God. I've done it. No one is immune from this pride, the first of the seven deadly sins.
How humbling to come to terms with your wicked heart. This is repentance.
There is a movement out there called "Hyper Grace." This cult doesn't believe in repentance. It is true that the Bible teaches "Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST, and thou SHALT be saved."
I love that verse. The Bible does teach repentance, though. I have struggled with this concept, as I have with other theological conundrums. I, as a follower of Jesus, follow ALL of His words, all of his commands. When He says to go and sin no more that signifies repentance to me.
I will repent of my sin.
To the Muslim who has seen a vision of Jesus and now follows Him without Bible or preacher-----your relationship is with JESUS. I do not judge you. God has called you.
I know that the Bible is my measuring stick for HOW to follow Jesus. I cannot judge others' belief or faith. I am called to judge myself.
Can I still make judgments about sin? Yes. God condemns certain behavior. It is sin. Pride, Anger, Lust, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, and Greed are sins of my mind, and they all must be repented of. Don't tell me that you don't suffer from them.
You do. All have sinned.
Where is the help for such thoughts?
Christ alone. It is in Christ alone that you can be saved, that you can find the power to overcome, that you can find forgiveness.
Sanctification is a big word. It is the power of Christ in you, helping you EACH DAY to overcome sin in your life. It is a process. You ARE forgiven, but you must trust in Christ each day to help you overcome sin in your life.
You must repent of any sin in your life, not just once, but DAILY.
Get right with God. This big global government is marching toward us. The earth will be scorched. Time is incredibly short. Stand with the fundamentals of Christ Jesus and His salvation, or be scorched.
Watch, believers.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
I'm constantly reading curriculum, every grade level, music, art, -----you name it.
What is the word I am seeing every day? Global.
Okay, so I'm a student, right?
I'm in public administration.
So what is the word I'm seeing in all of my textbooks?
Global. Globalism.
New World Order. One world. Cultural change.
I'm telling you, you cannot get away from it.
The antiChrist's kingdom is definitely on the march. He is the ruler of globalism. He is the ruler of the New World Order.
Our education system and our government is infused with the globalist jargon. The infants in our schools are spoon fed the milk of the new order.
Eyes wide open. Trust me. If you don't have a solid Biblical worldview you will be sucked into the globalist one. There's no escape except Jesus Christ.
Opposing Views?
This is why worldview is centrally important.
I believe in the Bible. I believe it is the Word of God. It sure clears up moral issues for me.
If you believe in a moral and just God, also one who is merciful and defines Himself as LOVE, then you've got a pretty solid worldview.
It's not about us. It's about God.
Wednesday Oasis
Since one of the music teachers had a severe accident last summer I've been filling in her position almost constantly since the beginning of the school year. I had October off. I took other jobs that month.
The students have settled in to being naughty more regularly, and it's a challenge to keep them motivated and in line every single day. A substitute does not have the same authority that a teacher has. We do not threaten to alter a grade...
The plans have mostly been made up as I go.
It's been challenging.
After school I scoot over to the hotel (not stopping) and work until 11 pm. I try to read a textbook at the hotel, but lately my brain is overtaxed and I'm just tired.
This old lady has to snatch a few minutes here and there to get her studying done and her papers written!
Add to that the winterizing of a country home, family needs, and health things-----I eat about two real meals a week!
I've tried to keep Sundays free, so I can get to the jail, and to church, and to the nursing home...
Today I decided to turn down three subbing jobs AND I was not scheduled at the hotel.
It was time to give a report on stuff here on the blog to my favorite readers.
I want to invite you to the Minnetonka Chorale Society's Christmas Concert on December 15 at 3:00 pm. I have a solo, the alto air in Benjamin Britton's Ceremony of Carols. Come and enjoy an afternoon of gorgeous music! I will post the invitation next. I'm going to have to fit in some practice time because the old English language is REALLY hard. (I keep slipping into German pronunciation!). The intervals are also pretty tricky in the solo. I'll have to go over it a zillion times before the concert. Our director is working with me, but it's still a challenge.
Thankfully I can practice while I fold laundry at the hotel.
We had a real cold snap a couple of weeks ago, accompanied by a little snow. Temps have warmed up some, so I've been getting the plastic sheeting up on the porch screens. This is a time-consuming fall project that is incredibly beneficial to keeping the house warmer all winter. It's just so hard to get it done in the fall. So many other things happening.
My husband has been playing mechanic on the mower, Cheri's car, and Ed's car. He's not finished yet. Still so much to fix. Day by day...
Ed has had some severe back pain. He carries a heavy back pack to the U every day, and now, after 3 months of it, he is finding it's not working. He's missing class to see the chiropractor today. Something had to give.
Cheri is doing well at school and her new job. All is well. I think. She weaves through each day with all of her interests and obligations.
Margaret is back home. Finally. She's full steam ahead with Caribou Coffee again. They are so thrilled to have her back! She is on a panel discussion this weekend at Midwest Mountaineering featuring the Pacific Crest Trail. She's excited to be a part of it.
I've had some truly fascinating things happen because of my Masters in Public Administration. For one of my projects I had to contact a government official about Strategic Planning. It was very educational for me, and I have a much more comprehensive view about how our local county government works. Our county has a budget that is bigger than the budgets of entire states. There are 12 states with smaller budgets. The official was very kind and spent over an hour talking to me and answering my questions.
I wrote one paper already, but another project is due stemming off of this interview....
It is very interesting.
Because I am interested in spiritual matters and politics those subjects are never far from my thoughts. This whole impeachment scam brought to mind the inquiries about Obama and his birth certificate questions, his transcripts, etc. Politics is truly tit for tat. Trump needs to expect that he will be investigated until the cows come home.
I think that what sticks in the craw of normal voters is that injustices happen and they are politically ignored (the uranium thing, Benghazi, Hunter Biden...) and then the other side is implicated for like crimes and misdemeanors-----every malfeasance SHOULD be addressed, but some are prosecuted and some are ignored depending upon how much POLITICAL power one has. It's such a double standard.
Also, the media is so one-sided that you cannot trust any one source. You must compare several sources, and who has the time for that? I certainly don't!
I get my news from Twitter these days. I get a far more comprehensive view from reading everyone's reactionary tweets than from any News source. If a news source is biased, which it has been proven to be, I take the news with a grain of salt.
I'd rather hear something straight and make my own opinion.
These hearings give plenty of material for that, but I'm just limited with my time to listen or watch. I'd prefer giving a trusted, like-minded, and intelligent source the time to process the information for me.
The sheep are separating from the goats.
There's the spiritual side of it.
Have you read Jonathan Cahn's book yet? How about Carl Teichrib's book? Have you read Johanna Michaelson's book, "The Beautiful Side of Evil?"
Get reading. You need some perspective on what is REALLY going on in the world.
Satan is a nice looking guy dressed up in light. You and I are probably being deceived about something even now. Politics are his stomping grounds.
God is greater. He's greater than all of this, and HIS purposes are being worked out minute by minute, faster and faster these days as the Rapture nears. It won't be long until we'll be leaving here...
The God that made the love of a sweet and loyal dog cares about you. He loves you. I've had these sweet moments lately with Corwyn and her adoration. I've never met a human as forgiving as a dog. It's true. I love my humans, but they all have a sin nature and they can easily get frustrated with me. I am rather annoying. My dogs have always just loved me.
God made them that way, and His love is greater. My little human brain can't comprehend God's love. I know it is great, because of the loving way He made creation, the love he put in animals' souls, and the sweetness of His own forgiveness of our sins.
My humans all need to experience this! I need to remember it daily!
I could write pages more. There are things happening right now that I hope to write about someday future if I get a chance. They are still too fresh in my mind to write about now, and some things need time to process and heal.
Life is interesting. We're not dying of boredom at Corgi Hollows.
Exactly the opposite.
It's a season, right?
Monday, November 11, 2019
Gender Leadership
The problem with this issue is that people want to belittle the incredible dichotomy between men and women. And, yes, there are only two genders.
I once met a hermaphrodite, and my heart went out to him/her. At the moment he was a man. He truly had a choice, and being male was the easiest path for him. I know these genetic anomalies exist.
But aside from that tiny percentage of the human population everyone else has two X's or an XY genetic chromosonal make-up.
We cannot avoid it.
After reading my text book I was struck by the nature of inequality in the best sense.
More woman have educational degrees than men. More woman have the ability to manage and execute goals, strategic plans, and other industrious activity.
Proverbs 31 is a great chapter of the Bible that addresses this gift. Women are simply gifted, genetically.
Add to that the ability to carry and procreate offspring, manage hormonal moods for 20 to 40 years, and you have a fearsome being.
As I am pursuing my degree in administration I see some interesting things. I'm experiencing the full gamut of what it is to be a female pursuing a career in this modern age.
Since my goals for getting this degree hedge more on eternal outcomes (millenialism) I have a unique ambiguity and non-bias to the pursuit of a path after graduation. I'm able to objectively analyze the female mind and its reaction to modern feminism----"I can do anything you can do better!"
In many ways, yes, I can.
My mind is constantly prioritizing cleaning and meals, laundry and work schedules. Where are my children? What must be prepared for this, that, or the other thing----?
I cannot get away from it.
My textbook mentioned women getting the brunt of household obligations. Women with families often have to "give it their all" and be super women, or make difficult decisions to back down from either family OR career.
It's a tough one.
The old school would simply say that women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, baking cookies for bake sales and pleasing their men.
It's not that simple.
I am the antithesis of feminism. I am a woman with a husband and children, happily a wife and mother. I LOVE to be creative at home. I truly believe that is what women, all women, are called to being, and bless the women that can be content and financially able to pursue that "career."
I am thankful for brains that are inspired by information and enjoy learning. It's a gift from God! I am thrilled to be able to pursue something more, and I realize that in this world there are those that only value the check-marks of educational degree. Sometimes you must check the box on life experience to gain ground.
It's just the way it is in modern society.
I am not creative enough to be a Proverbs 31 woman. I've tried, and I fall short. I know it is an ideal, and life choices dictate our roles, but I am discovering how truly wired we women are in unique and gifted ways ----to be nurturers and nesters.
Even as grandparents we embrace that role!
I am so blessed to have had two decades of being able to be home with my children, home-schooling them, raising them.
"Why did the woman divorce the grape? She was tired of raisin children."
When Cherie told me that joke when she was about 3 (she's a genius) I lost it. I know it isn't THAT funny, but I laughed until I cried.
Yes, it is tiring raising children. It's exactly what women are genetically wired to do, and I hope EVERY young woman has the opportunity to do that at some point in their lives. I know it doesn't happen for everyone.
Those who can pursue careers in business and education are given the grace (and extreme talent) to bless those domains.
But we are wired for more.
Thoughts on a Monday morning, and now back to studying....
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Game of Gods
I just want to make another recommendation that you really need to read this book.
I was reading chapter 10 again, and there is so much there that I missed the first time. In light of my new studies and what is going on in the world Carl has masterfully put things together---
Please go over to Amazon and order it. Your ability to understand the world today will be greatly enhanced, and I will be thrilled to discuss any of the book with you!

You are Not Safe
I didn't realize how unsafe I was until I was into the situation too far. I ended up dissolved in tears, completely clueless of the nature of the hatred directed toward me.
Of course I took it personally, initially. Then I thought it through for weeks, wondering how I could have been such a lightening rod for such hatred.
Then it hit me. I prayed for the Lord to reveal to me the essence of the attack, and He did.
I had forgotten a key verse in Scripture: Matthew 10:22 "You will be hated by all for my name's sake."
"Who did you vote for?!"
Twice I've been asked that question with accusing hatred. I've tried to answer in a nonconfrontational manner, both times, but the initial hatred is so incredibly astonishing, it stabs to the heart!
I even asked for forgiveness......because that is what I do......
Yes, I voted for Trump. I like that he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-deep state. I believe Hillary Clinton is connected to witchcraft/rebellion/feminism/occult things. I could not in good conscience vote for such evil. Trump was my only option. Only.
I'm pretty sensitive, and if you confront me I will do almost anything to make it right. I want you to be happy, and I want no dispute with anyone.
Politics, philosophy of life, faith issues have driven wedges between people, my people, and I am needing to become thick-skinned as I am accused of things pertaining to my beliefs.
Am I willing to die for Jesus? I hope so, by the power of the Holy Spirit. I certainly must die to self, and being attacked is just the training I'm receiving.
When I hold views that are Biblical in nature---morally speaking, righteousness related, following the commands of Christ---and they are offensive to people, I can do nothing but retreat and pray.
I'm not yet ready to go on the offensive, but I probably shouldn't be underestimated.
Conviction of sin is a real thing, and when someone is under conviction you never know how they will lash out.
Be aware. Be safe. Watch out.
I've been fortressing. I'm licking my wounds and I'm looking to my Commander in Chief.
You will be hated.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
There are Days----
But I have to pay for car parts and the mortgage, insurance and tuition.
God ultimately provides and helps us, but I do rather miss those days of watching the kids and just being creative.
I'd sit at the piano and pound out a Bach invention, or grab my flute or guitar...
I have to do my homework so I can make enough (more) to pay the bills.
Housewifery is a luxury.
If you are enjoying it right now, realize how good you have it.
Home-schooling is not cheap. We refused assistance from the state so we could choose freely what curriculum we wanted. We homeschooled for 25 years, and it was costly monetarily. It was priceless in its results.
My husband and I qualified for welfare when we began homeschooling. If I spent $500 on curriculum it was major.
I seriously COULD write a book on living on an extreme budget. Perhaps I should.
Not paying for childcare enabled me to stay at home, pay less for groceries (I cooked everything-few processed foods) and have a limited wardrobe requirement for the entire family.
We bought everything at thrift stores.
We stockpiled things on sale.
We bought used books.
We managed to live within our means by the grace of God.
When we paid tithe (10%) to our church we always had enough. When we didn't we had to dip into savings. God always honored our giving.
WE always had enough. Even when major health issues hit. Even through more than a year of unemployment for my husband.
I cannot complain!
When we chose to move closer to my parents we took a big hit financially. We wanted to keep them home, out of assisted living. This is exactly what we've been able to do! Thank the LORD! We also became owners of a healthful home in the country, where the air is fresh and the views are gorgeous.
To be able to stay in this beautiful place, where I grew up, requires two incomes, meager as my contribution is! WE are managing.
My husband and I have already kissed the idea of ever retiring good-bye. Having five kids and getting them launched is truly costly, but ever so worth it!
Remember, money isn't everything. Life is rich just living.
We're attempting to keep our heads above water right now, and the LORD is good. We know that He knows our need.
It's beautiful outside. Do I have time for a quick walk with Corwyn before work tonight?
Yes. Yes I do.
Thank you, LORD.
Bears Repeating
12 Steps
1. God loves you more than anyone else does. He will let you hit bottom if it takes that to get your attention. He is the hound of heaven, but he never forces anyone. You are free to choose hell.
Corgi Hollows: Belief Bullets
Your Never Trumperism:
(And I voted for Ben Carson in the primary)
You are unforgiving.
You cannot see the forest for the trees.
You really don't care about abortion.
You really don't care about Israel.
You cannot see God's hand working out things politically or historically.
You despise certain people no matter what.
You are in love with pseudo-intellectualism.
You are unwilling to forget past offenses.
You are unwilling to encourage positive growth because the past is too formidable.
You are blind to the bigger forces of evil that are ruling this world.
Your principles are aligned with your own sense of morality, not a higher authority.
You entertain ideas that could be disastrous spiritually----Hillary Clinton, president???
You refuse to see the prosperity that blesses most of the nation before your very eyes.
You are clearly a pessimist. (And I am, too. It's so much more fun to be one because things almost always turn out better than you expect.)
You aren't trusting God's master plan. I did not approve of anything Obama did, but I certainly knew that God had appointed him for that time. Things had to get to be like the days of Noah.
You should be praying for President Donald Trump, rejoicing that crime is being exposed and political criminals are being brought to justice. You should be glad he is pro-life, pro-Israel, and isn't a slave to alcohol.
You should be thankful that he is aware of the dangers of administrative law and fighting it tooth and nail.
You should be thankful he cleaned out the Biden cancer, and exposed it and the gravy train that existed for liberal AND conservative politicians. He really isn't that conservative.
You should be trusting God more.
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
And Melania is truly stunning. She doesn't need a "designer" to help her out. I'm thankful for the glimpses of integrity I'm seeing in her now.
People do change. Really. I've seen it happen, and I can attest to the phenomena. It's true.
You are bitter.
You can go to sleep now....
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Taking the Day...
I've been busy subbing, busy at the hotel (five days this week!) busy reading and writing for my master's degree. I've been meeting new people, having house guests, dealing with power outages at the hotel (that is really a challenge!) and trying to at least talk to my parents every day.
I've been unpacking thoughts and griefs.
I watch my poor husband fight a losing battle over house projects, old car repairs, yard work that just gets ignored, and getting to work everyday. With the loss of his "go to work" car in California this past summer (a total and costly loss!) things have been hard on him. Thankfully my parents had an old pick up that was available for him to get to work in.
Today the refrigerator started leaking a ton of water, probably from the ice maker.
I moved all the freezer items to the big old chest freezer my friend gave me. Thankful for the extra freezer space. Let's just hope that the things in the fridge don't spoil too quickly. My husband, the jack -of -all -trades handy man will take a look at it tonight.
Cheri has an interview for a job today at the hotel. I'm pretty sure she'll get it, because housekeepers (the job she's wanting) are a cyclic bunch, and they (we) are desperate for help right now.
Life is so different now. I am struck by the losses: homeschooling, cohesiveness, predictability, quiet, loved ones, relationships, time to reflect.
That's all gone now. There are good things that are new! I'm dwelling on the things that are happening. Seasons come and go, and the trick is to be realistic, assessing things accurately, going with the flow, meeting the challenges head-on.
It sounds like some schtick from a TEDS talk, but it is truth. We must move on.
Most of my days are exhausting right now, but it is a season.
Margaret is helping her grandparents in Iowa for a couple of weeks. She got herself some working wheels, and she was outta here! She's angling for a little place to live downtown with some Christian young people. Her winning ways and astute brains have four places wanting her to work for them. Alas, all of these positions are not "career" jobs. She is finding her path. Now to get rid of her car bones parked in the back: an old Subaru, an old Dodge 4x4 pick-up, the vehicles that no longer work for her. She mourned the loss of both of those cars, but they couldn't last forever.
Ed gets downtown every day. Since his car repeatedly overheats or the brakes have issues we get him to the closest bus stop and pick him up at night. Extra time, extra driving for all of us. He's loving his studies in computer engineering. One of his profs at the U had an informal social time last Friday. He provided pizza and had his Mastiff greet each student personally. Ed loved it. I don't remember ANY of my profs having a social gathering when I was at the U years ago!
When you lose a family member you immediately (irrationally) fear for everyone else in the family. Everyone seems dearer, more vulnerable. It's hard to say good bye to them in the morning, watching them drive away in an old car that may or may not make it home that night.
We are not supposed to fear----remember, it says do not fear 365 times in the Bible, once for each day of the solar year. We are not supposed to fear, but what about the unthinkable happening???
God knows. He understands. He is there to comfort and guide. Where else would we turn?
Can we trust Him to work ALL things for good? Even tragedy?
Yes. Yes, we can.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and sup with him. " Revelation 3:20
Jesus never forces. He waits. He knocks. He's persistent. He's always there to help us in our deepest pain and sorrow, griefs beyond expressing.
Well, back to my Strategic Planning and Theories of Leadership classes. My Non-Profit class has a lighter load at the moment. Since our hotel was at maximum occupancy this week the laundry has been remarkable. I have that to look forward to this afternoon. There is joy in serving Jesus...!
Subbing for Language Arts tomorrow. Those days when I sub from 7 to 3, then work 3 to 11 at the hotel are difficult. I took today off. A human can only bear so much...
The tea is on Sunday. It's our day to clean the church, so my two wonderful youngest children will rise to the occasion and do that while I prepare for the women's gathering in the afternoon. If you want to discuss prophecy and pray, and you are female, please join us! Email me for the address.
We have two new women coming this week, for sure. Come and be a third...
Let's hope the refrigerator is fixed by then. I pray for stuff like that, too.
A note about social media: I recently made some drastically needed changes. I pared down my Facebook friend's list and made my account private. Facebook is now my place to keep in touch with old school friends and new prophecy friends. I used it before primarily as an evangelism tool. I deleted my Instagram entirely, so I apologize to those there. I was getting some unwanted attention since my brother's death. You can still find me on Twitter (and I'm VERY POLITICAL and raw there, so be warned) and Pinterest. If you want to reach me email me at the above address. Thanks for your understanding.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
When a death of someone closer occurs the veil between the unseen and the seen becomes even thinner.
I live in a world infused with the supernatural. I see the hand of God in everything and all things. My spiritual eyes have been fully opened.
How does one describe such a transformation?
The Apostle Paul couldn't even describe it, and he was brilliant.
Life with Creator God: bearable, comforting, hopeful, peaceful, exciting
Life without Him: blah
Sin has its pleasures. They pale in comparison with knowing and having fellowship with the Creator of all things.
Make your election sure. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is coming near.
These are truths that lead to spiritual rebirth.
Nothing else really matters. This life is a breath, a grass by the way that withers and dies. The eternal one is what really matters.
"I go to prepare a place for you. In my Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so I would have told you. Where I go there you may be also. I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you will be also."
Who said these things?
This is our blessed hope, and nothing else compares to it. I'm old. I know this. What we experience here on this earth pales in comparison with what occurs eternally.
Don't waste your life.
Be ready to meet Jesus. YOU matter.
Each and every soul matters to the Creator. Nothing on this earth is as valuable as your soul. Money doesn't matter. God is the one who gives and takes away. God is the provider. God is the One that it is all about.
Don't forget that. I don't.
It's not about you or me or anyone you know.
It's all about God.
My soul says glory be to the one who is and was and ever will be.
The grief that is being experienced by my family and those related to the others that died on Oct. 3 is important and deep. So many people have expressed their love for us and are praying. We are, as I said before, overwhelmed. I have chosen a route of perspective. I wait daily for the coming of the true king, and this helps me face each day. This world never was our home. We are ONLY passing through.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Many Thanks
You cannot do hard things without the fellowship and support of fellow believers, and your prayers were felt, answered, and cherished.
Thank you for all of your cards, flowers, notes and messages! I am overwhelmed! I will make it my purpose to write each of you back, but it may be next summer :)
I was so happy to get two of my papers done last week, and the deadline was extended one day for the one I chose not to write that night! Miracles. God is so good. I sent out a plea for prayer on Facebook and that prayer was totally answered!
For now I am going to be at the hotel this afternoon, checking in guests and folding the laundry of the weekend, starting to sub again tomorrow, and writing my paper today...
I have a lot of reading to catch up on, and a family wedding this weekend.
Corwyn was thrilled to see us home.
Margaret is getting readjusted to life at Corgi Hollows, looking for a car that works. She's desperate.
My husband is replacing the brake lines in Cheri's car, and that is like brain surgery.
Ed continues to enjoy (thrive) at the University! Praise God! His car overheated on the way home on Friday....
Our fleet is in sore need right now.
My car, which we took to Chicago, had a tire puncture as we drove from the funeral to the burial! When these many things happen you begin to wonder about the unseen world and its abilities to MESS YOU UP!
We had to postpone Corgi Hollows History Day last Saturday, of course. Because the weather is mercurial this time of the year I'm hesitant to reschedule it this fall. I had (thankfully) asked for the weekend off from the hotel, so it was wonderful to be already free from work to attend the funeral.
Look for another "Regency" day next fall. I'm so sorry to disappoint, but things happen. (Don't you just love Ilhan Omar !? Just kidding...)
As Elisabeth Elliot said so famously, "Do the next thing."
That is excellent advise. Grieving looks different in every person, for every person. One must never judge another's grief. I am faced with very aged parents and their health issues, and I am always shoring up for when they meet Jesus face to face.
You see, we do not grieve like the heathens. To be absent in the body is to be present with the LORD!
I know that I am over-the-top looking forward to that moment, and not everyone is, but it certainly helps me through my own losses. It helped me face Ed's cancer.
I'm excited to have my grandson back in the area, and the prospect of my granddaughter arriving in 2020! LIFE GOES ON. As I have said several times over the last week, we are created to live!
At the jail last Sunday I told the inmates about the horrible death in my family. They were so sweet. I told them I have zero animosity toward the poor woman addicted (obviously) to alcohol who decided to drink and then (naturally) lost her presence of mind. I'm sorry she ever took a first sip of alcohol. I'm sorry that ANYONE I know took the first sip of destruction in their lives. I know I cannot touch it. It is too dangerous and evil.
I talked to someone at the funeral who has been sober for 13 years. There was so much anger in her. She was appalled at the destruction of alcohol. I'm with her one hundred percent. Those of you who are addicted alcoholics need to find Jesus. You are truly lost. Those of you who love Christ need to count the cost of serving Him and pleasing Him. You are called to be SOBER! Look it up in Scripture, your manual for the walk. STOP DRINKING.
Alcohol is poison. It makes you stink. I lived in Germany for 2 1/2 years, and I can still smell, in my mind, the putrid smell of alcohol which permeated the air of that beautiful country. The people reeked. They breathed it, sweated it, purged it. It was disgusting.
At the jail I talked with them about this gorgeous, perfect, teeming-with-life world...created as a place for God to dwell with his creation. God made all this beauty to enjoy, and it was good. To lose life is to lose what God had originally intended.
We were intended for life, precious life, and we are created for his glory.
To God be the glory, even in this sad sin-sick fallen world.
God ordained our days before we were born. I read that in Scripture. Nothing surprises the creator of the galaxies. Our days should be a fragrance to Him, and we only know Him truly through His Word.
Why are you running from your destiny?
Are you?
Get right with your Maker. Your turn could be today. Someone addicted to alcohol may drive down a wrong-way ramp and snuff out your life.
And perhaps today we WILL see the the face of Jesus. It is the feast of tabernacles, the symbol of the upcoming 1,000 year reign of Christ on the earth.
Perhaps today?
You don't need alcohol, really. You'll be far better off without it. I'd love to see the entire industry put out of business, but that is impossible. That was tried once, and it didn't work. You alone can make the decision to not drink that next drink. For those of you whom I love and pray for, THIS IS MY PRAYER.
God is always answering my prayers, so don't be surprised when you see that glass of wine or beer in front of you and you think in your head, "Corgi said---don't take that next drink!"
It's in your court. Who are you going to snuff out of life?
A woman named Emily snuffed out four lives last week.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019
On the Passing of my Brother
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Monday, September 30, 2019
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Grief and Gratefulness
There are moments when you are so absolutely filled with gratefulness to God that He saved you and filled your life with joy, happiness, meaning and hope.
My spirit soars in this wonderful care.
My only hope is truly in Christ alone, and how I wish everyone could share that.
I've found the joy that satisfies. I want to share it.
That sharing part...
That's the tough one...
When you see the ones you love struggle with
Being lost
Mental illness
Choosing evil
Believing lies
God loved the world and gave himself for it. Just think of His perspective. His love is so much greater, purer, perfect. My imperfect love grows weary and weak.
I don't have the patience for loving others. I struggle. I feel like giving up. I cannot bear the burden of knowing those I love may be separate from God's love, choosing the world over the Lover of their souls.
It's too much. I can walk through my every day deluding myself about everyone I see, hoping they know Christ.
The truth is, they probably don't.
Such a burden!
But far worse is seeing the ones you love choose worldly things over spiritual victory.
Have you gotten the victory?
Have you met the face of Jesus and desire to only please him?
Have you repented from sin and turned toward your Savior?
I give up. I cannot bear this burden. I give it to Christ and I will simply show love. It's all I can do.
Rosh Hoshanna is on Monday. Is this the season of the oil- filled lamps?
Are you watching for the blessed hope?
My hope is in Christ alone.
Outta HERE! Can't wait!!!!
Keep your lamps trimmed and burning.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Sunday, September 15, 2019
September Sunday
The garden is lush, bolting with seeds, and the fruits are still overwhelming the kitchen counters.
We've had a baby shower (my expected granddaughter!), started school, I had a bad fever and sore throat, substituted seven days already (!) and had to get a sub for the sub one of those days.
The house could use a thorough going over, but my reading and assignments are hampering that. At least my grades have been acceptable so far.
I am not at church today because I'm planning to be at the jail tonight, and my weary body must plan judiciously where the energy will be spent.
As I folded all the towels, sheets, and pillowcases at the hotel last night I watched podcasts----several. It's great to be paid to do work that your mind can engage elsewhere for!
Eric Metaxes and Jonathon Cahn, Jan Markell, Gary Frazier, Gary Stearman, G Edward Griffin---I was able to hear something from all of these this weekend.
I have to listen to podcasts for school, too, and it is fascinating to see a secular perspective on world trends. My master's degree is in public administration, so it is all about strategies and leadership in a changing "diverse, global" world.
You can imagine.
Without the perspective of my own studies these past 30 years I'd be quickly swallowed into "the Movement" as one professor called it.
I'm doing each day by the strength and help of the LORD, and He has been helping me.
I really like Gary Frazier's talk which I posted before this. He touches on all the current things at least briefly, and gives a general perspective.
It seems we've had a swing downward recently. Is it the Democrats' debates? Is it the desperation on the part of the left?
I still like what President Trump is doing. I still believe he is cleaning house, supporting Israel, and defeating abortion.
I have given up on "culture" and I am seeing people driven toward holiness or worldliness in clearer light.
Really, that is the issue: are you holy? Are you worldly?
What does God want from you?
It wasn't long ago that I had a Facebook "argument."
The person engaging on my page was convinced I was wrong, and intimated I "needed help" because I was a Bible believer.
This person had been brought up in a Christian environment, but he had rejected it.
To mock, demean, or intimidate is a tactic of Fascists, and he had mastered it. How blind we are to our own error!
Truth is only truth from a perspective of knowing God's truth. God's truth is either found in the Bible, or not. It cannot be both. In the argument it became apparent that there are people who would choose to cross out or alter any verses that they don't like. "The Bible is a living document...." Does that mean it changes?
The written word stands, and God's moral laws are unchanging. Holiness is still a mark of a believer, and sin is still rampant.
Sin is sin. It separates from God. When your life is marked by unrepented sin, and you are not seeking the victory, YOU HAD BETTER SEEK GOD.
We all sin, but to excuse it, or redefine it is simply hiding from holiness.
I am wondering, always, how long I can be a teacher in the public schools. I seem to be a lightening rod for controversy with the students. They test me about pronouns, religion, racism, sexual orientation, politics, conspiracies! I've had encounters with all of these topics.
I have consistently shown respect and love for these students, and I've consistently shown that I don't deserve their respect, but the office of being a teacher does. Does that make sense? The students get it. It divorces my own views from the material that must be covered. I NEVER volunteer my views. If someone asks me I respectfully share, and I am honest.
The students know this, and they seem to trust me. I truly care about each person, child, young man or woman---in whatever mental health state they may be in.
How long will this last?
I am long-winded today, but if you're interested read on:
The Rapture is happening soon. I don't know when, I don't predict, I simply watch and wait. I see my prophecy-watching friends getting discouraged. The wait is interminable.
I have friends suffering cancer, loss, overwhelming life circumstances: they cry out for rescue!
I've been there. I know. Back in 2015 I was so focused on Christ's return I could hardly wait! We're still here, still watching.
I see events happening in the world that fulfill the prophecies of Scripture: alliances, plagues, politics, apostasy, technology, earthquakes, signs, Israel, Israel, Israel. And no, these things, to this extent HAVE NOT ALWAYS BEEN HAPPENING. I am SICK of that argument. Israel didn't even exist as a nation 70 years ago!!!!
(Jan Markell's Understanding the Times conference is next Saturday. I have a ticket. You can livestream it on YouTube, and I strongly recommend you do.)
Keep your finger on the pulse of time and you will see the big picture emerging before your eyes.
And we are called "for such a time as this!"
It's a privilege! An honor! We are the generation that sees the Messiah!
Perhaps I will die of something before the Rapture, but I am asking the Lord to let me be a part of that great event. It is a hope that I hold in my heart every day. I belt out my "Maranatha" song every single day on the way to school!
For those of us facing imminent death I encourage you. Yes, we are created to LIVE, and death is a curse, but Jesus took the sting of death away. We have NOTHING but hope to live our days with. To live is Christ, to die is GAIN.
I am seeing glimpses of the millennial kingdom that seems so close now:
We have entered the Zodiacal house of Aquarius in God's universal astronomical time clock. (See "The Real Meaning of the Zodiac," by D. James Kennedy. This is a good book whether or not you agree with his theology.)
The earth is suffering from the Second Law of Thermodynamics and needs a makeover.
There seems to be an interest in the millennial diet---the original diet that God ordained for Adam and Eve.
Genetic entropy. If you haven't read about this, it is time. The human genome is deteriorating. There is actually limited time for it.
Somehow the double helix of the genome has incredible significance, and I see humans (and their genetic make-up) transformed into eternal creatures. Transformed. Satan is trying to bring this about on his own, a sort of mock-up, but he's failing. Trans-humanism may be attempted by Silicon Valley, but they will fall short. Only God can restore His own design.
Those that would follow Lucifer may build their fortresses and line their accounts, but that is nothing to preserve them from God's wrath. Observe their attempts!
I see the incredible variation in creation and I know that what I see is only a fraction of God's original plan. Evolution is backwards: there were more species at the start than there are now. This is proven by the fossil record.
I see glimpses of the wolf lying with the kid, and the lamb with the lion.
I see the animal kingdom crying out for redemption from the darkness of sinful man.
God has this in His hands, and He has promised us His Kingdom after the time of Tribulation. He will restore what has been destroyed. He will establish his holiness here in this world to come.
What a beautiful promise.
Are you questioning God today?
Are you believing?
Are you discouraged? Deceived? Doubting?
It's time to turn to Scripture and rely on God's promises. He has given us blessed hope. Titus 2:12-13.
This is the theme verse for a prophecy conference I always like to attend in Moorhead, MN. Next year it will be in Fargo: the Red River Bible Prophecy Conference.
The blessed hope of Jesus' return for His Bride, the church of Jesus Christ.
Oh, did you listen to that podcast I put up about angels? Wasn't that good? We actually have assistance here until He comes! How encouraging!
God is our Encourager. The Holy Spirit goes by that name. What a gift to know Him and seek His face.
Give Him your life, and enter into His presence. Be whole in Christ Jesus! Find the everlasting fullness of His joy. Repent of your sinfulness today, and turn to Christ.
Time is short. Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Height of Harvest
The kitchen counters are full of ripening tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. There are lettuces and chard in the garden, also bulging beets and turnips. The carrots remain disappointingly scrawny. We discovered a healthy volunteer acorn squash down by the compost pile. It's full of squash and blossoms.
The raspberries are miserly this year. Could it be the presence of the iridescent green beetle that walks the stalks?
Plums are still green, and the crab apples disappointingly small.
So much yield for some things, so little for others.
I am taking deep breaths as I seek to memorize this day of golden coolness. I want it in my mind as the winter snows hamper my goings from here to there. I love snow, I love the coziness of being home in the season of long, dark nights, but life goes on, and snow can be inhibiting.
The cats demand to be out day and night. I have a hard time refusing them. I know they must be in for most of the winter.
School. I have real peace about it today. Ask me in a week...
Yes, I will continue to work at the hotel, substitute teach at the public school, and pursue my degree at the State University. I have given myself permission to begin a new season of life, and I know that it is just a season, as all things are.
Cherie and I will begin classes tomorrow, so she begins her college career tomorrow---a new season, as well.
Ed starts next week.
Naturally we are thinking of this, and this alone, for the most part. I have an incredible sense of peace that God is in control of all of this, orchestrating things according to His plan.
That is reassuring.
We know that no matter what comes we have Job's example in Scripture: God allowed it for His purposes, for His glory, for His good.
No one must follow God. Most choose not to. Those of us who do see His blessing in every leaf, fruit, and sunbeam.
He provides, He directs, He closes and opens doors.
God is good, always.
Happy Harvest!
Be sure to scroll down for my new (asked for) columns on obeying what Christ commands us.
Go and Teach, Make
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations to observe what I have commanded you.....
Jesus told us to do things, He commands us to obey Him. His commands are "light," not difficult, and we need to understand them to carry them out.
Clearly He wants us to teach others about these commands.
So what are they?
There are many things Jesus told his disciples to do, some of them pertained to a particular place and time, yet some are timeless, pertaining to all of the followers of Christ.
I think that learning and following His timeless commands and obeying them is a key to spiritual growth and understanding. Sadly, I believe few people even know what Jesus commanded in Scripture.
I encourage everyone to find a study on the commands of Christ.
The command I want to emphasize today is "Go and Teach."
This command leaves no one out. Everyone should actively teach others about the truth. You can do it without fanfare, without announcement---just teach, tell, remark!
Pass on bits of truth, appealing to the spirit, not the mind. There are so many differences between the spirit and the soul (mind, will, emotion) and the body, which encases the soul. We see each other in such flat dimensions, but we have multi-faceted parts!
For an example of this I encourage you to watch Ray Comfort in action;
Ray engages the mind first, but then he bypasses it and cuts to the spirit. He does it every time. It's quite masterful, and the person doesn't even realize that the mind has been dismissed and the spirit has been engaged.
This is how we teach and make disciples, following Jesus' command. We are to go, to leave the comfort of our own choice, and to reach out to people who are lost.
They have a decision to make, reject or accept Jesus, but we are obeying Christ's command. That is what we are accountable for.
My yoke is easy and my burden is light. Take my yoke and learn of me. I am meek and lowly of heart. You will find rest for your souls. ---Jesus
Do it. Time is short, beloved.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Christian worldview is unambiguous regarding marriage and its importance.
Satan knows that marriage is something ordained by God, therefore he attacks it just like he attacks the imago dei in the womb with abortion.
If our society is confused about this godly institution I propose we abandon "marriage" as a societal entity and fully designate it as a religious entity.
In other words, if you want to get married, find a church or group that "marries" you according to their rules and regulations, then abide by that code.
There would be no more divorce situations, no more advantages to marriage, no more issues with legal manifestations.
You would be married according to your own definition.
WE are there, dear ones.
The societal collapse has happened, and there is no need for "marriage" as a government-regulated institution.
People are lawless, and there is no reason to make it "law" to be lawless.
I think this new outlook would let Godly marriages stand out and shed light in a new way. The only reason I am still married to my husband is because I made a vow to God before many witnesses. I am just a sinner with failings, and my own actions pale in comparison with my standards.
Most of us have failed in one way or another. I do fear the Lord, and I do want to keep my vow to Him. By His power and grace I have thus far....And I trust that He will help me from this day forward. Is it a paper that was signed by a minister that keeps me married? No. My promise does.
Think about this. I see godlessness reigning in our country. I do not see a return to the values of our past, the Judeo-Christian values that America was founded on. We believers must find new ways to keep the faith, and by allowing our God-given institutions to be solely within our freedom to practice our faith, WE WILL STAND OUT.
Those who practice lawlessness (God's definition) will suffer.
We mustn't hinder their suffering, nor condone it. We must compassionately show the love of Christ and His better way. Those who experience the brunt of their lawlessness may come to faith in Christ more easily and turn to Him.
Isn't that what is most important?
Frankfurt School
Everyone should read this Wikipedia page.
Now, think about the "Christian" leaders of today who promote or were influenced by this school.
On the one hand, we are troubled by the idolatry of personal consumerism and the politicization of faith; on the other hand, we are distressed by the unchallenged acceptance of theological and moral relativism. ---From Tim Keller on the Gospel Coalition
Speak Up!
I guess there are so few of us that feel we can risk our "reputation" for sanity...
These are times like no other, times prophesied, crazy times. These are the times when good is evil and evil is good. These are the times when things seem spinning out of control if you watch any national media source.
It's easier to mind one's own business, right?
I know (for a fact) that most people I know do NOT agree with me on everything. Should that stop anyone from speaking out? Are people afraid of dialogue?
I am an information processor. I've had to change my tack many times over my life, and I'm willing to share the journey. IF you can show me evidence that seems logical and rational and in accord with my Biblical worldview you MAY convince me...
This boat can still be maneuvered.
I am not phased by the winds of apostasy today. I knew they were coming. I have one solid foundation, and that is Jesus Christ alone: not the church, not an author, not a preacher (but of course I gain much from all of those!)
I am unable to research enough to back up everything I believe, so I rely on the Holy Spirit to direct me from Scripture regarding MOST things. Is something "off?" Is something odd? Does my spirit resonate in some way regarding something?
I've written so much about testing the spirits. We know that you can do this, and we can stand on the Word of God regarding any spirit. This is the test: does this spirit agree with the Word of God?
When I get the red light (and I do, often) I stop listening to that spirit.
Don't be afraid to ask God to reveal to you the nature of the spirit. He will help you, but you may not like the answer.
Several years ago a friend of mine had a Christian counselor who asked her to perform an Enneagram test. My friend is a brilliant researcher, a discerner, a strong believer. She did the research on this particular "test" and found that its origins were linked to the occult, to mysticism, to Islam.
She took the step to protest the use of this test, reported it to the counselor and the counseling agency, and raised the flag on the use of it. Bless her! The counselor's eyes were opened to the demonic nature of this activity.
Wouldn't you know it? Satan wormed his way into the church with this little innocuous looking "test."
Most of the (several) people I know who have taken this test I believe would NEVER actively oppose Jesus. I think they are all people who love Him. I think that these dear ones have been deceived.
I think that the church is full of people who do not do the deep research, do not discern, do not question something that is appearing to help.
But we must.
Have you been deceived? I have. I admit it. It's good to admit it and get on with your life, following Christ daily. It's okay to admit it. It's cleansing and freeing to admit it.
In this age of apostasy (the great falling away) predicted for the last days by the Scriptures we have to expect that there will be wolves among the sheep.
Let's admit that we are ALL sheep----not a flattering thing, but truth. We all need to be looking to the Shepherd to understand and avoid the dangers that plague us!
Satan's time is running out. He's going into that abyss for 1,000 years, and he's going to make every effort to take as many of us with him to hell as he can.
He knows Scripture better than you or I do.
It's time to start to speak up. You can do it quietly at first, but take a stand, and don't let your loved ones perish without your warning.
It's hard, but it's necessary.
Speak Up!