"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


We are into the final month of the semester.

I am treading water, not swimming. Today I am home (on purpose! They are short three subs at the Middle School alone, and I could not help out) to write papers and pretend to catch up on my MPA.

At this point I'm just doing the best I can.

My life equation still seems unbalanced: teaching, hotel, MPA stuff, choir, a little family interaction----YES, I need a restart button.

My professor told me before Thanksgiving that I am certainly able to continue in the MPA program but my life had the perfect storm this fall, and she encouraged me to cut back on classes until I regain balance.

Barring another family tragedy I think I can continue.

My prayer is for the teacher I've been subbing for all Fall to get well and back to her spot. The sub for that class today was texting me for help----This is crazy!

It has been a perfect storm of responsibility, time management, trying to be helpful, and keeping up.

We are having guests from Germany for Christmas, and I fear the house will be unprepared for them, but they are dear folk, and should be forgiving. I have had no time to prepare for the holy days.

It will come as it will.

Margaret had the flu over Thanksgiving. It hit her hard, so our plans were somewhat curtailed by that. I'm hoping the rest of us can keep well.

If I can survive this crazy schedule topped with winter onset ANYONE CAN. We've had our first snow events. Those also add stress, despite the beauty of the pure white covering!

Just this week we have THREE vehicles that do not work, either, and you can imagine our scrambling to get everyone where they need to be. It's a challenge. West Hennepin Auto in Rockford are simply the BEST. They were so helpful! I recommend them highly.

The dishwasher decided to break and my husband went to Indiana. He fixed it immediately upon return. Love that man.

You know, life can be pretty insane sometimes!

Now that I have your pity.....

Just kidding. We live moment by moment, completely in the power of Jesus Christ. I have seen His help through these stressful months and trusted Him. Ed's cancer and the other things we've already gone through have been the training ground for a continual trust in Jesus.


So, here we go: FINALS! HOLIDAYS!

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