"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Edging on Controversy Here (For Once!)

I've been listening to YouTube videos of Warren Smith lately. Many, one after another.

He is associated with Lighthouse Trails Ministry, and I have had people say to me how horrible that ministry is.

Is it a cult?

Is it false?

Is it a bee-in-the-bonnet?

No, no, and yes.

Warren Smith was saved from the New Age movement years ago. He was in a bookstore reading "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelson when a demon approached him and screamed at him "ARE YOU GOING TO BUY THAT BOOK?"

The demon was in a man Warren had seen outside.

Because of his deep involvement with the occult Warren had special insight after his conversion to Jesus Christ. He is a believer now, intent on helping others spy the hoodwinking devices of the devil.

Is it such a surprise that the devil would be a deceiver? Is it a surprise that many Christians are believing things that are not Biblical?

Is it such a surprise that there may be evil connections within the church?

Is it such a surprise that Satan would use church leaders and authors who profess to be Christians and believers to lure people off the narrow path?

Is it such a surprise that people who come to Christ for salvation believe all sorts of non-Biblical things based on experiences and other influences?

No. It is not.

Warren Smith simply and prayerfully asks EVERYONE to TEST THE SPIRITS!

Is that scary?

No. Not for those in Christ and indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It is a simple test. You must see if the idea is compatible with all of God's Word. You must ask if Jesus Christ is LORD, and that He died and was raised from the dead. You must ask if Jesus is the only way to salvation. These are the tests of the spirit.

There is a huge movement called the "Counter Reformation." It was started shortly after Martin Luther is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation. This movement was originally a part of the Roman Catholic Church, but it has developed on its own, a separate entity within the perimeters of the Catholic church. A young man with an interesting past named Ignatius Loyola had an encounter with a spirit in a cave. The spirit charged him with stamping out the Protestant Reformation. Thus began a time of darkness and horror for many true believers in Christ, and His Word.

Loyola was charismatic, handsome, rich, and zealous. He quickly amassed followers eager to help him in his mission.

Something powerfully and darkly spiritual seemed to take hold of the movement, and he founded an entire order within the Roman Catholic church. At times that power almost got out of control, and the more sensible factions within the church had to suppress this zealous faction.

Interestingly, the followers of Loyola saw the value in education and missionary work. They valiantly spread their version of religion all over the world. Many seemed to be converted to a form of Christianity, but it was a religion that was infused with superstition and unbiblical tenets. It was a form of Roman Catholicism, but more extreme.

Many schools were founded by the followers of Ignatius Loyola. These schools still exist today, turning out masses of people who have infiltrated our institutions of government, the justice system, education and the publishing industry. The effect is real. These people don't even realize the overall agenda; STOP THE EFFECTS OF THE REFORMATION.

If you are interested in learning more about Ignatius Loyola and his prodigy please contact Christian Pinto, Adullam Films. Chris has done extensive research, and his films are absolutely fascinating. You quickly get the "big" picture from watching. I watched, and then I did my own research.

When you realize how infiltrated the church  of Jesus Christ is, you become a little more sensitive to the work of the devil within it.

Watch, dear ones. This is a time to be aware of apostasy. It was predicted, and it is there. It's not dressed up in red with horns, but it is blond and blue eyed, sweetly countenanced, light with loving and honeyed words.

I appreciate Lighthouse Trail Ministries. No, they are not popular, but I think they are a necessary voice in this darkening world.

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