"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cat on the Lap

I'm sitting in front of my fire this morning with a cat on my lap. Predicate was up behind my head on the backrest of the chair for awhile, but left for more interesting pursuits.

Topi is curled up at my feet.

Corwyn waits for my lap to free up, but the white cat refuses to leave.

What a picture of comfort. 

Soon I'll leave for a swim at the Y and then off to the hotel. I haven't gotten my textbooks for the semester yet, so I'm a little behind with my classes. Tonight, after I've taken care of laundry I can get to my online material.

As I enjoy my little cozy "hygge" this morning I am thinking about how our time is so short!

I have a darling little new granddaughter. She is beautiful, and her head is full of beautiful dark hair. Everything about her is sweet and wonderful. I cannot wait to see her.

God is so good.

I've been lined up for another long-term subbing job. This one should last for the rest of the year, and it is really perfect. It's only three days a week, so I have some time for studies and housekeeping.

God is good. He gave me exactly what I needed.

We've had a little reprieve in the weather. The biting cold has departed and we have had temps above freezing. This makes everyone happy.

As my husband and I crunched across the snow to choir the other night in 16 degrees I mentioned that it seems that spring isn't so far away. Time is flying by.

In choir we are singing the Lord Nelson Mass by Haydn and the Sunrise Mass by Ola Gjello. Both are beautiful!

The promise of the seasons: it's there in Genesis.

It is impossible for God to lie, and we have His word on it. Spring is coming.

When you see the big picture, the whole picture, you have such a peaceful outlook. Time is fleeting, and we are going to see our Savior soon.

What I love about my family the most is that we question and seek faith matters above all else. We are constantly weighing ideas and reading. Because we have such diverse friends and listen to so many different views we are always coming back to Scripture, measuring and testing.

Within the "evangelical" community there are so many nuances of faith.

As I've lost several people recently ---accidentally and through cancer---I've been going back and reading older literature on faith matters. It's always good to go back----to the eras before post modernism, to compare the outlook of society. It's striking. I find it comforting to see eternal truths and align my thinking with them.

Sin has always been an issue, but we can see how this current generation must deal with it on a deeper level. It's good to go back and compare the saints and their ideas of the past with the ideas of today. What are the truths that we must never forget?

I, like you, have read crazy stuff about what Satan is doing in the world today. I'm concerned about it. I'm glad to be aware. I am always asking myself----Where have I been taken in? Where have I been duped? Is this crazy thing just crazy, or is there truth to this?

Look at all the people with their heads in the sand!

That isn't so bad, if their sand is a focus on Christ alone. Too often it's a focus on secular media and the world's trends.

We must balance an awareness of spiritual darkness with a steadfast holding to Christ and the Word of God.

Yes, things are pretty dark out there. Atrocities are being committed. Darkness is being exposed. Satan is still a liar and a deceiver. People still think Lucifer is really god. There are those that cling to their human doctrines. Paganism is growing by leaps and bounds.

To have your eyes opened to the prevailing deceptions is disheartening, disturbing, and perplexing. One doesn't think it can possibly be that bad!

But it is.

And it drives you to Jesus in ways more real and comforting and inspiring than ever.

That's the good of it.

I'm seeing quite a few young people becoming totally on fire for the Lord. However, their spiritual immaturity puts them at risk for running with the winds of controversy and sensationalism. They must be careful to not be sidetracked by whims and tangents! For anyone seeking truth this can be a mine-field of distraction from Jesus.

So many young evangelicals are flocking toward socialism and social justice.
So many young believers are being stirred up by the floods of information and disclosure on the internet. Darkness seems to know no bounds.
So many people are distracted by politics and personalities.

It's a challenge to stay on the strait and narrow path. I'm no different. Our brains are wired to take in an eternity's worth of information. When presented with a likeness of that in the internet it is absolutely probable that we succumb to that temptation! I must fight it.

So I return to my cat on my lap---even though as I've been writing he's left for a more comfortable perch. My quiet, my heart, my trust in God is my portion for today.

I have learned to be content in whatever state I am in. For now.

Human nature will continue to rear its head, but for today....

Seek the Lord while He may be found.

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