"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, June 1, 2020


I can imagine just about everyone is struggling today. The news is full of bad. Our hearts are broken over the civil war that is plaguing our dear United States.

I'm one of those who believes it's really about Marxism versus Free Market, and racism (though totally an issue, and also a sin) is just the veneer for the deeper narrative.

Antifa is a Marxist group. They don't try to hide that. They do not care about our skin color anymore than the man in the moon does! They have their agenda, and they use the most opportunistic vehicles to implement the agenda.

As the country gradually opens up from Covid-19 they are seizing the advantage of distress and stirring the pot of rebellion.

They really hate us.

Hate is a sin. Remember the seven deadlies: pride, anger, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy, and greed. Hate hangs around anger. We are not to hate people, (it is psychological murder) but we can hate sin.

Racism is a form of hatred toward each other. It's manufactured superiority. All men are equal, in Christ there is neither Jew, nor Greek, slave or free, male or female. The Jew nor Greek part refers to people groups, and we are all the same in God's eyes. Yes, the Jewish people have a special place, as Jesus was Jewish, and when they kept their end the of covenant God prospered them. God isn't finished with the Jewish people yet. The upcoming seven-year tribulation has everything to do with them.

My maiden name is Jewish, and my brothers and I could pass for Jewish. We are not, but there have been many times when we were treated like we were Jewish, especially in Israel. I know there is a special love for the Jewish people, and God has not forgotten them.

One time a person accused me of racism, many years ago, because I had disciplined her child (within the boundaries of policy) in the classroom. I was horrified. I went straight to the principal and told her of the accusation.

She looked at me and asked, "How many _____ children are in your classroom?"

"I don't know!" I said desperately....

"You're not racist," she flatly stated.


"You're not racist. You would have been so conscious of race in your classroom, if you were racist, that you would have immediately known that number. You are operating as a teacher who cares about each child and treats them as they each need. "

I am NOT a racist. I don't even BELIEVE in race. We are one race, HUMAN.

Do I believe there is a KKK and people who think they are better just because they have a certain color of skin? Of course. Racism is a real sin, and it's painful and destructive. The KKK, like all other secret societies, are evil to the core.

If you get a chance, watch "Amazing Grace." This movie is so good. We watched it during the lock-down in March. I had seen it a few years ago, but I liked it so much more the second time. Slavery was abolished by Christians in England. It took decades, but it started a movement that spread to the USA and the Civil War ignited. I know the Civil War was about states' rights, but slavery was given a death blow. Racism and segregation were not defeated, but slavery was.

Martin Luther King JR attempted to and succeeded at calling out racism and inequality. The battle was not won, but there have been incremental advances over the years. This generation abhors racism more than any other for quite some time, I believe. I wish we could focus on the advances.

But no. There will always be those who MUST focus on race. This is a form of racism, too, and it is insidious. Critical Race Theory says there is no way to overcome racism. None. It's hopeless.

Thankfully God doesn't believe in Critical Race Theory. HE values us all the same!

I love my brothers and sisters who love Jesus NO MATTER WHAT COLOR THEY ARE, or how much melanin is in their skin! What a stupid reason to love or not love someone!

I love culture, tradition, the nations, the colorful and beautiful variety of people God ordained through the human genetic code. This is God's creation, His doing, and He rejoices over THE NATIONS!

Racism and hate have no place in God's creation. Racism is of the devil's kingdom, and he does have a kingdom. It's right here on earth.

Sin is not justifiable in any way, and the devil really knows how to foment sin. We've seen racism, sin, over the past week. We've also seen destruction and theft, bullying and evil. All sin.

This is not justifiable.

Let's not lose the ground we've gained in coming together as ONE RACE. We all know that Jesus is coming for all of us soon.

We also can be certain that the devil loves confusion, hatred, and racism. He loves to see God's people hate each other and hurt each other.

Who are you pleasing? God? The devil?

Ask yourself and get right in your spirit. There is no justification for sin, any sin. Do you need a list to help you remember what sin is? Try the ten commandments first. They are pretty inclusive.

Don't fall into a trap that causes you to hate and destroy. Acknowledge sin and be compassionate toward the sinner. They are blinded until the Holy Spirit opens their eyes. Jesus has been knocking on the door of the sinner's heart all along.

As with any sin there must be spiritual power to overcome. Jesus paid the price for sin on the cross and the Holy Spirit offers each of us the strength to overcome sin every day in our lives.

Use that power. What a deal!


I know time is short, dear ones. What have I been saying for years?
If you confess your sin and believe in your heart YOU WILL BE SAVED!  Repent now.


As a note, to those of you who connect with me on social media: this week offered me the opportunity to see which of you justified sin in one way or another. I've become less tolerant on social media, but I still love you anyway. A few weeks ago I posted about something changing for me----no more arguing, just a forging ahead with the good news and looking for Christ's rapture. I don't want to wound my own soul with your intolerance or your justification of sin. I still love you, but I can tell we do not need to be social media pals. I would hope that you would call me out when you see sin in my life, too. We do need each other.

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