"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, November 9, 2020

Who Is Corgi Hollows?

 It is time for a little more definition.

Some of you know my name, my background, and all of what I'm going to write here, so you can skip this post. There are many of you that are new to me, particularly through the prophecy community on FaceBook, so an explanation is in order.

You don't have to scroll through 10 years of posts, either.

I'm a woman who recently lost the love of her life in June. My husband died on a hike of a heart attack, unexpectedly, suddenly. I'm four months from that, and still figuring out life from here out. We'd been married for 30 years.

I'm the mother of five incredible children, two are married, I have two grandchildren. 

My youngest son, whom I call "Ed" here on this blog, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and leukemia six years ago. He is brilliant, just like his dad. His health journey has been remarkable, and GOD is glorified in his life. He has two artificial knees, courtesy the Mayo Clinic, and the best orthopedic surgeon in the world. "The best of the best," we were told. His knees should last for decades. Challenges.

My other four children are equally brilliant and gifted, but Ed's health has become an all-encompassing fact of my life. He is doing very well right now. My children are all believers in Jesus Christ.

I am a teacher. I have a degree in education. I'm a student (working on my masters degree in Public Administration) with two classes, currently, and I have two jobs: I substitute teach at a local Minnesota public school district (all grades!), and I work at a hotel, checking people in and folding tons of laundry. I'm busy. 

I'm a musician: piano, flute, organ, and voice. I am an artist, I'm a writer. I have no grand illusions about my talents---I use them as they are called for. I'd love to knit and draw all day, but I'm otherwise occupied.

I have a darling Corgi and three very individual cats. I live in the country outside of Minneapolis on a farm that I grew up on. I keep an eye on my aged parents who live in a house right next door, the house in which I grew up. I love horses. My uncle had two horses that I loved growing up---they were my best friends out here in the country. We live in a house my uncle built back in the late 1940's.

I had an accident with a horse when I was seventeen, my back broke, and this has had a lifetime affect on my health. 

I was a short term missionary in Germany back before I got married. I worked with the Turkish Muslims there in Wiesbaden. I also helped in planting a church in Ingolstadt. (From whence comes the Illuminati.) I speak German, I learned some Turkish, and I studied Spanish. Languages are interesting to me. 

My faith is THE most important thing to me. I am completely at peace spiritually, as I know that our Heavenly Father saved me through the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.

I didn't do a thing to earn my salvation. (And no one does.)

I do think that a life following Christ is a life of repentance and good works, so if I do not see that I am apt to judge myself, my children, and others. It's what I believe. 

As a believer I think about human concerns and issue like philosophies and theories. I'm rather cynical about philosophy and intellectuals. I see where people try really hard to get around God's revealed identity in the Bible, most of these people have a background in a Christian college or seminary. I see people selling books that soften the simple truth of God's word. 

That tends to frustrate me. 

I do not like seeker-friendly churches (I think they soft-sell the commitment to Christ and undermine the power of the Holy Spirit to call one's soul.) 

I do not approve of the "Prosperity Gospel." God has called us all, rich OR poor, and a transaction of belief is no guarantee of anything but sustenance (needs) until death. Bread and water, essentially. 

I reject Darwinism and any idea that supposes "race" is an issue before God or man. Racism is sin. WE are all one human race, and God sees neither Jew, nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free. He sees us as people needing salvation. I believe in the Biblical timeline and see scientific evidence for a "young earth."

Many of us have been blessed far beyond our wildest dreams. Those blessings are from God. He cares about each detail of our lives, including parking places...merging traffic, what we find on sale or offered to eat or wear...(yes, I'm one of those people :)_) The God that crafted the atom is interested in the minute details of my life. 

God owns my entire life: the roof over my head, the things in my house, my time, my thoughts, my relationships. I exist for God.

We live the appointed days. God appoints our days. Nothing can change the length of our lives-----a hard fact to swallow, but it gives great comfort when one's husband dies. 

I believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. I just haven't found any doctrine that matches it Scripturally. It is a doctrine that gives hope and a future to the Bride of Jesus Christ, the church. Prophecy matches this doctrine, and current events are right in line with it.  RIGHT IN LINE. 

I don't argue. There just isn't time for that for me. Someone else can argue----I just tell. I'm always reading, so I can consider many different ideas, but I'm pretty camped out on the following worldviews.

As an American citizen, one who lives in Minnesota, I am well aware of leftist thought. I am a patriot. I love America, and I think that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are brilliant documents. I think the Bill of Rights is great. 

I think these "manifestos" are in line with the Judeo-Christian worldview/paradigm, and they do not work well outside of that paradigm, contrary to the hopes of those Enlightenment thinkers. We must have a Creator to explain our existence and our morals. 

As a young person I read many things about communism. I think communism is satanic. Socialism is a branch of communism, therefore I reject "social justice," leftist thinking, critical theory, and anything Marxist, liberal, or progressive. 

Communism is not needed where there is a moral Creator. 

We are called to serve each other in Christ Jesus, pour out our LIVES for others. 

There is a caveat, though: when you and your beliefs are rejected you allow that rejection. You back away and "shake the dust" off your feet. Rejection is to be expected, according to Christ, so it shouldn't come as a surprise. Love your neighbor, love your enemy, but do not expect that they will understand you. 

If they do not respond to the message of the Gospel you do not need to force them! Simply love them and go on! 

You will meet resistance, but only the Holy Spirit can change a heart. Pray for those who persecute you. 

As an outspoken believer I have been "persecuted." Not nearly like those in China or north Africa. Not even close. When criticism comes my way I think about what it means to stand for Christ, and I pray that I do not cave, OFFENSIVE as it is. 

The Gospel offends. 

Politics offends too, and I support political movements that are pro-life, pro-Israel, and anti-globalist (deep state, new world order, the great reset, yada yada yada...)

I see these movements as enemies of Christ, i.e. "Antichrist."

The Antichrist spirit has been around since the Garden of Eden (and I do believe in the garden of Eden.) 

I believe God's account of creation in Genesis. I think Satan is a real person with diabolical rebellion against God. I have grappled with his existence, the strength of his power, and his role in our personal lives. I've come to have a healthy respect for his minions, and I see his influence in our society is overwhelming at times. We are at war. 

I have met, face to face, those that have bowed to his control. I know that he has certain power, but I also know who wins: JESUS, the only begotten Son of God. 

Any persecution on this earth is nothing to the hell coming for those who do not come to Christ in repentance and faith. Hell is real, and Satan knows he's going there. 

So do the demonic forces, and they tremble. 

I am a believer in the supernatural. 

I believe in eternal life. 

I spend time in reading the Word of God, the Bible, daily, and it feeds my soul and my mind. 

It shores up my fortress in the Holy Spirit, protects me, and strengthens me. 

This election and its subsequent consequences (evidence of fraud) is a time of definition for all of us. Whose side are you on? 

Whom do you serve? 

These questions are vitally and spiritually significant. I strongly support individual liberty and conservative values. I detest state control. Living in "blue" Minnesota has marked me for life, being a student and involved in the arts community I am constantly exposed to liberals and I see the smug self righteousness that characterizes them. It's revealing and very off-putting. I become more conservative the older I get. 

You do know that liberals have their own standards of right and wrong? God's standards are wrong---to a liberal. Liberals know better than God. That is why conservatives are deplored.

I hope that election fraud is exposed. I hope that the world powers do not seize our American freedoms. I hope that corruption is rooted out, treasonous acts exposed, justice served.

IF you are innocent you have nothing to fear. 

If you are guilty you should be punished. Justice is like that. Justice WILL come, if not in this life, eternally. For the sake of many here on earth I pray that justice comes now. ALL corruption will be punished by God. Everything that is hidden will be exposed. 

I pray for the souls of those who believe that they are "good to go" by doing good works (in their eyes) and all set to meet Jesus. 

Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, friend. 

That's Corgi Hollows, dear reader who is new to this blog. Find Jesus and join me. Thanks for your time.

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