"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Monday, February 8, 2021


I just purchased a "domain" on the internet, so I'll be moving there, soon. I'll keep this Google blogger as long as possible, but I thought that with all the internet censorship I'd be proactive. 

I'll be at corgihollows.org or corgihollows.com

As time permits I'll try to move all of my own posts (not links) over there. It will take time, that which I don't have right now. 

I am going through life crisis on so many levels right now it's hard to know if I'm coming or going. 

My only steadfast foundation is CHRIST ALONE.

The Christ of Scripture. 

As we battle the cultural war on Truth it helps to have sound doctrine. 

Since so many people I know do not believe the Word of God is inerrant, or inspired, or flawless---(in its original, for sure) it pays to have a strong standing on this point. 

I believe God's Word, and I believe God describes Himself in His Word. That there is any dispute about that in some people proves that idolatry is still a problem and following/believing in Christ is a real challenge for them. 

 AS you have picked up before, I must continually confess my sin of despising intellectuals over and over. Some people just think they are SO SMART! Having been married to a bona fide genius for 30 years I can see straight through those who wish to appear intelligent. I know intelligence, even if I'm not. I know what it is to be despised by the intellectual elite. I must caution against despising, myself. It is a downward spiral. 

And God uses the foolish and weak things, not the smart and strong things, to get His point across. 

Rather I be foolish and weak (or deemed so by the intelligensia) than intellectual.

As we see a fire inspector from Oklahoma finding the Ark of the Covenant, a pillow maker from Minnesota exposing the fraud of the century about the elections----I am delighted in seeing God's hand in using foolishness and weakness in His ultimate scheme. (History is FULL of these kinds of stories!)

God is getting His will done (has already!) and He's using the most unlikely people.

I love underdog stories! They are the best plot lines, the best endings. 

God writes the best stories. 

I have to go and take the truck into the dealer for a check up on the four-wheel drive. Then I have to read my textbooks and come up with a discussion post for my class. I am subbing these weeks for a music teacher who has Covid 19. He's not feeling well, but said he's not getting worse, so that is a good thing. 

His partner had it last week, and now he has it. Pray for him. Pray for his salvation. He's living a lifestyle that isn't pleasing to God. 

What if he takes a turn for the worse, and dies? I hope not. 

As I am working through the loss of friends, family, and all sorts of betrayal I have been reminded everyday that God is always good. Ultimately Satan has stolen from God, not me, and God is the one who has the power to punish evil in both the spirit world and the one we see. I need only rest in Him. 

I've always given everything to God, so God takes care of what is His. 

That means EVERYTHING----friends, family, house, cars, all of it. 

He has my life. 

There is no other way to live.  


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