"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take Heart

I have overcome the world. Jesus encourages us in difficult days.

I know as well as anyone how hard it can be to face the bleak dark days of December, but I take special joy in celebrating Christ's birth.  I hope you can find time to prepare for Christmas. It marks our passing to remember holy days each year. Traditions are built that will hold memories of scent and sight beyond our own lifetimes. There is a holy permanence in holding the rituals of family customs. I hope you can pass on your own traditions to the generation that follows you.

Most importantly, the faith that gives us hope.

I hope to write more about some of our own family traditions, those of my husband's family and my own, which we have incorporated to pass on to our five children. For now, it's off to a busy day's work!
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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pud's Pecan Pie

Years ago, when my husband and I lived in Louisiana, whenever we would drive across the miles of southern landscape I'd see pecan tree groves. By the time I got home I was always hungry for pecan pie!

 I met a dear friend there, who was a southern belle gourmet if ever you could ask for one! (Ala Paula Dean)

I got several memorable recipes from her. She always shared!

This is her luscious pecan pie:

1 cup corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar
2 beaten eggs
3 Tbsp. flour
3 Tbsp. melted butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped pecans

Pour into pie shell. Bake at 350° for 50 minutes.

Enjoy with whipped cream!

James 3: 17-18

But the wisdom that comes from heaven
is first of all pure.

It is also peace loving,
gentle at all times,
and willing to yield to others.

It is full of mercy and good deeds.

It shows no partiality and is always sincere.

And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace
and reap a harvest of goodness.

What a beautiful word for this Thanksgiving holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gift or Curse?

Well, I must take it easy for six weeks, so says the doctor.

"Does he know you have five children?" says my dad.

"Thanksgiving and Christmas!" say I.

"The things people do to get out of work!" says my husband (kidding, I hope!)

What will I do with this busy time of year, foot up, monitoring pain? (If it hurts it's in the wrong position, and NOT healing) As you've probably heard, there is little to be done for a broken toe. It's taped up to the next one, and that does help the pain.

Toes are important. They can literally run your life.

I'm considering becoming a dictator.

Or maybe I'll hole up and read.

At any rate, school will go on, dogs will be cared for, people will be fed, bathrooms cleaned, and LAUNDRY will be tackled.

And we'll enjoy a lovely time of year. Maybe I can see this as a gift. It is a choice I have!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Corgi Doings

This is unusual. The weather has been mild and dry, but today we had a good snow. Misty is reluctant to go outside for any reason whatsoever! Dogs tend to have this problem on the first snow, then they love it!

It's a weekend of activity with grandparents visiting, a concert, and extra activity. Unfortunately on Tuesday I broke my little toe, and it HURTS. I thought it would be better by tonight. It's worse. Guess I'll be visiting my favorite doctor soon!

Tomorrow the chorale sings its fall concert finale. I'll post video as it is made available.

Lots of ingredients are filling the kitchen for the fall feast days ahead. Misty posts herself nearby to catch the crumbs.

Feeling an overwhelming sense of gratefulness for God's goodness. I'm still stretching my feelings into relief out of the sense of doom and gloom that characterized our past year. What a lovely feeling.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tonight's Thought

This story is old, but I thought I'd chime in. Creationism versus Evolutionism will never go away. It will always be here, as long as humans live on this earth, (or anywhere else in the the universe.) We have different worlds---one spiritually enlightened, one physically bound. Even God says that the things of the spirit are of the spirit, the flesh of the flesh. The Bible says God holds all men accountable for what they believe. One who does not believe in god will be held accountable for that, and vice-avers. The Bible says that God is evident in Creation. If you believe in God you will be overwhelmed by His creation, the wonder, the design, the infinite science of it. If you don't believe in God you must come up with a viable explanation for why you are here. Most people are born with conscience. It isn't easy to explain, but when you go against it, you start to think of ways to avoid incrimination or judgement. Therein lies the pursuit to eliminate God. God is real to those of the spirit. (Jesus says "be born again---of the spirit) not real at all to those of the psyche and mind. When you stop fighting your own moral battles and allow God to reconcile with you, you will never be more sure of the total picture. Creationists are seekers, just like evolutionists. They come from different hypothesis, and seek to "prove" their own theory. So much fruitless discussion over such different arguments! Both sides consider physical evidence but see such divergent cause! Really it is fascinating.
Evolution was an idea held by Darwin (though not original with him) He wrote "The Origin of the Species." Even Darwin, our main protagonist for evolution, said that if the cell were to be found to be complex, he'd have trouble with his own theory. There you go, Creationists; molecular biology, DNA, cell research--- Utterly complex. Don't fight evolution. Darwin has been disproven! Pursue pure science, not theory. Delight in the design you find. Evolutionists, try to be slightly open-minded to the possibility of a spiritual world that you may not have experienced yet. Look at the structure of the stars photographed by the Hubble and just try to imagine a God so powerful that He made each one. Just try.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Same Story, New Witness

Dying Man's Message

This takes 8 minutes to watch. I find these stories to be more and more common! My wonderful mentor, Hazel, told me her story years ago, and I have been blessed to re-tell it many times. Here is another man's testimony. Heed his warning, if you have never believed and received Jesus as your savior. It's not too late!


We are in the middle of three Northern Lights Chorale concerts. Last Thursday we sang for a club of retired musicians, Saturday we had our joint concert with a fantastic high school choir, and next Sunday is our "fall finale." I am busy with keeping healthy, keeping up the house, (driving cello), school, and practicing extra.

One of my dearest friends is having a difficult week. Her mother-in-law passed on Sunday evening, and she is fighting two exhausting illnesses at once! Pray for her. Oh, and she has 10 children. I'm headed over there today with a little encouragement (I hope).

I'm still wondering what is missing in my own life periodically, and I realize it's that dark cloud that was over my head all last year! How freeing. Still getting used to it!

How I wish that we all could have a lighter outlook. I now know the discouragement of waiting.

Thankful that our hope is in the Lord.

I heard a phrase on Sunday that I posted on facebook, and will post here too. It's clever and though provoking. I'll leave you with this until I can get back to blogging!

Does your god conform to your behavior or does your behavior conform to your god?

Monday, November 7, 2011


I made my husband eggs and toast this morning and off he went to work. :)

It's early still and school is humming along (we already did science, social studies, literature) They are working on math right now, soon to get to spelling, handwriting, and grammar.

I leave shortly for my monthly book club. The book to be discussed is "The Other Wes Moore," by Wes Moore.

It was okay. More depressing than else.

I have been inundated with information over the past week. Aside from the relief we experienced knowing my husband would again be working, family life went on with a buzz.

My youngest son and I attended a 32-hour seminar which teaches basic principles for character building and spiritual growth. I have attended this seminar countless times over my life since I was 12 years old, but every time I go it hits me in a new way, a new emphasis. Certainly it speaks to my current circumstance.

There is a wonderful section on fear and worry. I need to be reminded of how to deal with anxiety constantly. Really. I am a slow learner. I let fear creep into my heart all the time. One of my biggest fears is for my dear friends and family who don't see Christ alone as their hope. They tend to live a life that shows no spiritual fruit, no enduring faith in what all the Bible teaches. They are in bondage to flesh, living without repentance. My heart aches for them! Thankful that I am not judge, but grieving their spiritual loss. But I should be giving my assumed rights up to the Lord, and giving Him my expectations and trust. I should face my worries head on, dealing with them as they enter my head! It is a hard lesson for me. For anyone?

As we all know, our hope is in the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. He cares for us. Even unto death.

Last night we attended a prophecy event. If you like prophecy, which I always have, this would have been fun for you. Nothing new to us Bible readers, but fascinating developments within the church itself: as it says in Jude, Timothy, Revelation, and Jesus' messages in the gospel, there will be WOLVES among the SHEEP in the last days.

Well, who are they? They are certainly there. God's word is true. We've been in the last days since the time of Christ.

Discerning hearts and spirits that have been born again can rely on the Holy Spirit for truth regarding those wolves. Measure the teaching of anyone you hear against Holy Scripture.  Read the Word. It is our hope, our source of spiritual knowledge. It is alive and comforting, helpful and directive.

Remember what Scripture says about the world uniting in the last days? There are those who hunger after power. The spirit of anti-Christ is alive and well throughout the world, wishing to draw economies, religion, and philosophies to a grand oneness.  That is simply straight out of Revelation.

Ask yourself if you have been deceived in to believing unity is what God really wants. It isn't. Christ came to divide. He brings not peace but a sword. He is either the only truth or a massive lie. You cannot sit on the fence.

Christ saves. He gives salvation freely out of His great love for us. Get in the fold!

In the sky the constellation of the Big Dipper has wonderful significance for our last days. It is situated in the sign of Cancer, the crab. Most civilizations have known it as Ursa Major, or the big bear. In ancient zodiacs it was the Sheepfold. It is a beautiful picture of how Christ Jesus is gathering His own "sheep," saving them from the judgement of damnation to come. Every time I look up at the Big Dipper I see a symbol of my hope in Christ.

Jesus saves. He is ready to "take us," as he took Enoch. Blessed hope.

Don't put your trust in any church, creed, or religion. Only in Christ alone. Certainly watch your philosophy, that it is pure from the influence of WOLVES in sheep's clothing.

Learning of different "wolves" at the meeting last night, of their philosophies which are even only slightly askew (and therefore more deceptive) gives me hope that we will see Christ soon.

If you want more information email me. Fascinating stuff!  I am overflowing!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Margaret's Touch

Today "Corgi Hollows" takes on a new look and sound. I hope it doesn't irritate, but rather inspire!  Hope you like it.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I've had a long lesson in grace this week.


[greys] Example Sentences Origin


[greys] Show IPA noun, verb, graced, grac·ing.
elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action: We watched her skate with effortless grace across the ice. attractiveness, charm, gracefulness, comeliness, ease, lissomeness, fluidity. stiffness, ugliness, awkwardness, clumsiness; klutziness.
a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment: He lacked the manly graces.
favor or goodwill. kindness, kindliness, love, benignity; condescension.
a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior: It was only through the dean's grace that I wasn't expelled from school. forgiveness, charity, mercifulness. animosity, enmity, disfavor.
mercy; clemency; pardon: He was saved by an act of grace from the governor. lenity, leniency, reprieve. harshness.
verb (used with object)
to lend or add grace to; adorn: Many fine paintings graced the rooms of the house. embellish, beautify, deck, decorate, ornament; enhance, honor. disfigure, desecrate, demean.
15.to favor or honor: to grace an occasion with one's presence. glorify, elevate, exalt. disrespect, dishonor.

The book definition is incomplete. I have seen an overwhelming sense of God's presence and love, and I feel this is His grace.
No, it's not relief, which I also feel, but a sense of His care for me, for my family, for the ones that love Him.
We all knew that God provides in His time. He does. He did.

Many things to celebrate this week:  wedding anniversaries, birthdays, a new job, healthy bodies, connections with the people who matter most to us.

My third son has been gifted an opportunity to play a Bach fugue on a pipe organ tomorrow. He is ecstatic. I hope the experience doesn't disappoint! Expectations are very high.

I am aware that God has mercy, grace, and love for us. Expectations of His power never disappoint.

I hope this encourages you.