"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gift or Curse?

Well, I must take it easy for six weeks, so says the doctor.

"Does he know you have five children?" says my dad.

"Thanksgiving and Christmas!" say I.

"The things people do to get out of work!" says my husband (kidding, I hope!)

What will I do with this busy time of year, foot up, monitoring pain? (If it hurts it's in the wrong position, and NOT healing) As you've probably heard, there is little to be done for a broken toe. It's taped up to the next one, and that does help the pain.

Toes are important. They can literally run your life.

I'm considering becoming a dictator.

Or maybe I'll hole up and read.

At any rate, school will go on, dogs will be cared for, people will be fed, bathrooms cleaned, and LAUNDRY will be tackled.

And we'll enjoy a lovely time of year. Maybe I can see this as a gift. It is a choice I have!

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