"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Hype and Hysteria

It's easy to get a little hysterical over the hype leading up to a presidential election.

Today we all must remember to breathe deeply, and trust the Lord.

I would like to point out an interesting development.

Yesterday the news was that the Pope prayed in Arabic, and that Obama wears a ring that is inscribed 'there is no god but allah.' Perhaps this is just extremist hype, but one wonders after having watched the Walter Veith video I posted here a few months back. 

Draw your own conclusions, but I think we are well on track to a one-world religion, and the god won't be Yahweh, but Baal, the god of this world.

Talking to my lawyer friend the other day he brought up "end-times" enthusiasts disparagingly. He thinks they concede defeat too quickly! I can understand his frustration, since he is a warrior battling right now, and no good soldier gives up hope until the Commander orders "cease fire!"

I find it sad that even within the Bible Prophecy community there is new evidence of back-biting and sniping, now regarding messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn. Oh, well, it's to be expected.

I've replaced my "Marriage" signs over and over again. They keep disappearing. It's a crime, I know, to steal yard signs, and I have the right to report this, but I'm just quietly replacing them. The Lord has always provided new ones, but I have a hand-made one to put out there if the current ones disappear.

I guess if you want same-sex marriage, stealing is a minor offense.

Reading the Sermon on the Mount again. We memorized it as a family a few years back, but I needed to review.

Jesus wants us to do righteous things. He wants us to obey Him. This stands today, as much as any day. Can I encourage you to keep on doing what is right, while looking up?

"Christ is coming soon. Christ is coming soon."--------F. Melius Christiensen

(from a song we will be singing at our upcoming concert "Lost in the Night")

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