"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


In high school I was part of a most interesting Bible study group that met once a week in a neighboring town from ours. One of the leaders was a young law student, a relatively young believer in Christ.

The thing about him was that he was entirely "on fire" for the Lord. He had great Bible studies and we all grew in our faith.

It's always so wonderful when an old friend stays fired for the Lord.

I have too many friends that seem to have lost their first love and replaced it with tasting alcoholic beverages. I have nothing against alcohol (except that it makes people drunk), but when I hear you say nothing about Christ, and see you drinking or giving a running list or record of your daily or weekly choice of beverage I begin to wonder.

That's another topic. Sorry.

Back to my friend: he has remained faithful to the Lord, and he actively fights for the faith in the courtroom with the Alliance Defense Fund.

Yesterday we had a reunion, as he was participating in a panel discussion on marriage here in our state. Ed and I attended with my parents. Our state has a constitutional amendment on the ballot. Vote Yes if marriage should be between one man and one woman. (No other forms---two men, two women, bigamy, polygamy, pedophilia, bestiality, etc.)

On the panel, besides my friend, were several Canadians, other lawyers and a Swede named Ake Green.

Each spoke of human rights violations directly attributed to the passing of same-sex marriage laws in their countries.

I could hardly believe what I was hearing! I am stunned by the fines levied, the jobs lost, the slander and the court cases all relating to this issue.

This isn't a "marriage" debate after all! It's a free speech debate! Biblical beliefs are silenced.

This panel discussion will be available to view soon on the Minnesota Catholic Conference web site. I am not Catholic, but this organization sponsored this event at the University of Saint Thomas Law School.

All I can say is that I am shocked at the fast decline in human rights since a vocal minority took the reins of this particular issue in several countries.

Ake Green is a Pentecostal pastor in Sweden who chose to preach the Word of God, straight out of Scripture, regarding marriage.He was tried and convicted of hate speech and sentenced to jail by the Swedish supreme court. Only a European Union injunction saved him from serving time, but he remains condemned by the Swedish court.

What a story.

Believers, are we ready for this?

Pray for my friend, as he fights this unwelcome fight. Pray for our state, that we will preserve the definition of marriage, and that our free speech will never be taken away.

What would our founding fathers think? "Turning in their graves," surely.

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