"Only one life, 'twill soon be past
Only what's done for Christ will last."

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

I have a sweet Corgi snoozing at my feet. The Lab is under the table, waiting for Daddy to come home. She worships him.

They are so different, and yet they are both dogs.

I sometimes think that about people.

I've had a few sad days seeing people I know come out on the other side of the fence on DOMA from me.

You really can't sit on the fence. There's no compromise. You are either in or you are out---yet we are all human, and nice humans, too.

As someone who has learned many life lessons through the people I've loved and watched, as well as my own experience, I do have a unique and legitimate way of seeing.

I've seen my brother struggle with infidelity (his wife's). I saw her father die of AIDS----one of, if not the very first AIDS case in the US----in 1983. I remember. They didn't know what it was then.

I saw homosexuality's grip on her family, and I saw the destruction. Human destruction.

I speak from the sidelines, but I saw how all of that rotted our family.  Not just hers. It severed it forever. The scars are still red, and I feel the pain despite the forgiveness.

It was back then when I determined to take the strait and narrow road----to enter by the strait gate. It became clear to me that happiness only lies within the spirit, joy comes from pleasing the Father, living in His will, and cultivating fruit.

How did I know that path? The Holy Bible. I read it, over and over. I didn't let one particular teacher or brand of Christianity take over---I gleaned. I thought of all the Christians in the world given a gospel of John, and living for Jesus from then on! The Word is enough. It directs, it guides, it's relevant, it is truth. It's all we need. Yes, that's true---Genesis through Revelation.

Has it been a bed of roses? Certainly not. This life is so brief, and the suffering has its ultimate purpose.

Nothing is worth eternal hell for. Nothing.

Thankful that God has seemingly endless mercy. He only asks that we trust in Him. He asks that we believe.
He supplies the power to live for Him, and yes, it will be different from the rest of the world. You will be on the other side of the fence from MOST.

The way is narrow. The broad road leads to destruction.

Get on the narrow, and learn it is worth everything. Let God fight the cultural and spiritual battles. Let Him be your bulwark, your mainstay.

My joy is in the Lord. He is my EVERYTHING.


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